Characteristics of Technical Communication Style

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Characteristics of Technical Communication Style – 01

The theory of Jerome Borowick on technical writing has five (5) hallmarks, to wit: objective,
clear, concise, and convincing. He believed that these hallmark must be accomplished when the
style is descriptive and qualitative. Paul M. Zall, in his book titled “Elements of Technical
Report Writing,” discussed the different characteristics of well-written technical works. He
named these properties as the ABC’s of technical writing.
A technical work is considered accurate when it presents facts that are completely true. For
instance, misplaced decimal point of your grades could make years of labor worthless; a
misstated fact could create misinformation. One error in calculation, one illogical statement can
make the whole report doubtful. That is why every statement must undergo copy-editing or
proofreading to check accuracy of statements, texts, numbers, and figures. A technical work
must also avoid frequent use of expressions for hedging such as may, perhaps, maybe, seem,
apparently, among others.

In order to come up with error-free written works, you have to demonstrate a strong “attention-
to-detail” skill. This skill refers to the ability to achieve accuracy and thoroughness when
accomplishing a certain task. For example, during your internship, your supervisor assigned
you to write a report but you submitted your work with a lot of mistakes. Read and re-read your
work before submitting so that your work will completely devoid of errors. Check mistakes on
spelling, grammar and punctuation.
In technical communication, technical papers must be short or brief. It also makes use of concise
expressions. A good technical writer should begin with his/her main points and then show why it
is sound. Emphasizing the highlights of your work, cutting out irrelevant comments as well as
immaterializing excursions and meaningless statements are highly recommended and observed.

Brevity is considered as the striking feature of any written communication. This feature can be
achieved by avoiding wordiness and repetition; thus, writing enables you to arrive quickly of
what you want to convey in a clear and understandable manner.
Below listed are the ways on how to achieve brevity in writing.

        a. Using key words to hold attention

This method helps the reader to skim for better information.
Example: My account balance got deducted because of activation Spotify. I did not request for
the subscription. (18 words)
Correct: Unauthorized subscription of Spotify caused balanced deduction in my account. (11
b. Stating important information first
Readers get convinced when they have the reason first.
Apply this idea in writing:
Bring ‘because’ part to the front; delete because; add ‘so’ to the
last sentence
Example: We need more classrooms because the University’s enrolment is increasing.
Correct: The University’s enrolment is increasing. So, we need more classrooms.
c. Delete over-polite phrases
Example: With due regards, we would like to state that the schedule of examination has been
Correct: The schedule of examination has been cancelled.

d. Delete repetitions
We remove repetition through:
1. Using umbrella terms (mobiles, laptops, iPads = electronic devices)
Example: All examinees are instructed to bring their receipt of examination fee and identification
card on the day of board examination. They would not be allowed to enter the testing rooms if
they do not have receipt of examination fee and identification card.
 Correct: All examinees are instructed to bring their receipt of examination fee and identification
card on the day of board examination. They would not be allowed to enter the testing rooms if
they do not have these documents
2. Using pronouns to replace nouns
Example: The SHS principal has called a meeting at 2:00 pm. The venue is SHS
principal’s meeting room.
Correct: The SHS principal has called a meeting at 2:00 pm. The venue is in her meeting room.
3. Using abbreviations for technical terms when used twice in statements.
Example: The Dean of Student Affairs and Services said that the Electronic Voting
Machines were bugged. However, bugging an Electronic Voting Machines is highly technical
and costly.
Correct: The Dean of Student Affairs and Services said that the Electronic Voting
Machines were bugged. However, bugging an EVM is highly technical and costly.
e. Cross out Redundancies
Example: Please meet me at 3 pm in the afternoon.
Correct: Please meet me at 3 pm.
f. Cut out lengthy phrases
Example: The Office of the Dean of the Student Affairs and Services is in close proximity to the
Good Shepherd Chapel.
Correct: The Office of the Dean of the Student Affairs and Services is near  the Good Shepherd
   List of lengthy phrases and their corrections:
1. due to the fact that – because
2. In accordance with – according to
3. With regard to – regarding
Coherence refers to the logical togetherness of the material. Sentences, paragraphs and groups of
paragraph hold together by means of appropriate transitional devices. Coherence is an essential
quality of a good written technical work. Without cohesion, the reader will not understand the
main points that you are trying to make. It also hampers readability.
Cohesion necessarily precedes coherence. Cohesion is achieved when sentences are connected at
the sentence level, whereas coherence is achieved when ideas are connected.

Coherence also means as “clarity of expression.” Using simple transitions such as in addition,
additionally, furthermore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, by the same token, at the same
time, in other words, etc. is one of the strategies in ensuring coherence in technical writing.
Other strategies are: 1) write sentences that flow by varying the lengths and structures, the use
of correct punctuation, and broadening your word choices; 2) Repeat your keywords but be
careful of excessive repetition; 3) Repeat sentence structures, which is used as a rhetorical
technique rather than cohesion to highlight parallelism between sentences; and 4) Start every
sentence or paragraph with information that hints at the content of the next sentence
As a writer or speaker, you have to display a sense of certainty of the things you write and tell.
You must not use “perhaps” and “maybe’s” and other forms of needless hedging and qualifying
since you know more about your subject. If you are hundred sure, say it; if you are not, then go
back and analyze where the problem lies and correct it.
In technical communication, as a writer or speaker, you need formality with respect to words and
the way words are used. It refers to the quality of being honored, esteemed and worthy by using
straightforward expression as well as with simplified, summarized and well-organized
Grammatical constructions should be complete. Pronouns like “which” and “that” should be
For example: The CHED Commissioner informs students that classes in higher education
institutions will commence on September 15, 2020 and not The CHED Commissioner informs
students classes in higher education institutions will commence on September 15, 2020.
Contractions like don’t, can’t, won’t, didn’t and others be avoided.
Stressing major points is major role of a technical writer. You should tell your readers what is
important and lead him from point to point by using a straightforward style, plenty of guideposts
and transitional aids.
Facility is making the report easy to read. For facility, report writing should observe pacing,
sequence, arrangement and continuity.
Pacing – refers to the presentation of technical and unfamiliar information in small segments, explained,
defined or illustrated before more of such information is presented.
Sequence- leads the reader from the familiar to unfamiliar, from simple to complex, from whole to parts.
Arrangement – emphasizes and balances important parts to show their proper relationship and
Continuity – shows the relation of one part to another, clearly stated, illustrated and emphasized.

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