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Catalog of Human Population

About people born: April 10th Leap Year = April 11th Common Years

The given person can be compared to the biblical Buridan’s donkey,

who was placed precisely midway between two identical bales of hay, and
because he could not choose one over the other to satisfy his hunger,
ended up dying right between them.  This lady finds herself in the skin of
the above mentioned animal her entire life.  Moreover, this person is not so
much a victim of any circumstance in her life that assumes a painful choice;
rather she creates these circumstances herself on regular basis.  For
example, having met one man and having married him, she will get another
one for herself to “complete the set.”  It seems that she is doing everything
possible to create a situation where she will be torn between them, go in
circles around them, or do the three way round dances together, since she
will make sure that all participants are acquainted personally.  Actually, this
woman is inclined to create dual situations around herself her whole life, for
no other purpose than to be the hypotenuse that connects both of these
angles. This is precisely why someone or something singular is not capable
of satisfying this woman by definition. Under these circumstances there is
no possibility of a painful choice and she won’t have anybody to connect
among themselves. Being a wonderful schemer and plotter, this lady
literally pushes together foreheads of people which she wishes to connect.
This will occur in every case where two men are involved, and in all other
situations. And always, it will seem to her that this happens as though
unintentionally. Actually, this is simply her secret desire. And that means,
she can not act in any other way.  At work, with relatives, friends, girlfriends
and business partners, she constantly “flushes down” information to them
about each other. The information is not pleasant. Therefore, the ending is
always the same.
Since this lady secretly, but with enthusiasm continuously organizes
equivalent polarity, selecting her subjects in the form of two equal and
equally important (in terms of necessity, quality, favoritism, desire) values,
in addition to a uniform tandem "husband-lover", her life will always have a
lot of other pairs. For example, she will create a dilemma of “an apartment
in the city and a suburb residence", especially to ask to herself questions,
to answer them, and most importantly, to have room for long and painful
back and forths from one to another: “What should I fix and upgrade first?
Where to buy new furniture first? Where to spend weekends?” This person
can get two cars just to puzzle herself every morning, day, evening and
night: “Which car should I take right now?  Which car should I take to a car
wash first?  Which car needs new tires first, and which one can wait?” This
lady will start to duplicate her clothes in order to create a possibility for
herself "to jump" from one outfit to another before leaving the house.
Having bought two practically identical dresses, she begins hours of
deliberations: “What should I wear today this or that?  That or this?” Similar
things, which to a detached outsider will seem like torture, for the given
individual are not torturous at all.  It’s a normal, typical situation, which is a
must for the release of her passions.  It just so happens that availability of
multiple options is an excuse to choose and connect, which evokes
improbable heat and its outlet in this particular person.  Eventually, this
leads to a condition of pleasant void, satisfaction and humongous pleasure.
          This lady is an eternal victim of a continuous fatigue, uncontrollable
desires which literally fill up her gaze. Since all this occurs with regular
consistency, she usually has no idea what exactly is going on.  This
individual simply feels that she wants this and that to the same degree. The
only thing she is capable of fixating in her consciousness is a strong
demand “I want!” In this sense she resembles a boiling, whistling kettle,
which silently boils first and then begins to whistle and at some point starts
to jump, splashing water all around as if it’s about to fly up like a rocket.
Same here - this lady painfully chooses, doubts herself for some time, tries
to make a decision about something, keeps going through various options
but the boiling point becomes critical and the toggle-switch goes off: “That’s
it, I can’t take it any more!”
           In such condition she is ready for takeoff, to do whatever it takes to
satisfy her need to immediately eat something, meet up with someone, take
several actions. And it is no longer important to her what it is, with whom
and what for. For example, she dreams of rearranging the furniture in the
room for a very long time, but for whatever reason, this doesn’t get further
than just dreams, besides she can’t figure out where to put the wardrobe -
closer to a window, or the door.  She passes her time torturing herself:
“What’s better? What’s more proper?”  But the boiling point of this intent (or
desires) comes about, and in an instant she forgets all other business and
promptly runs to do the rearrangement because it’s “drop dead” important
to do right now. And it doesn’t matter where the wardrobe ends up as a
result - at the door or by the window. Because when her desires begin to,
as they say, “pour out of her ears,” this person is not capable to control
herself or calmly reason.  She is capable of rushing, running, flying, only to
get something done immediately.  In this condition the given person is
capable of anything: generating new interesting ideas, thoughts, opinions.
There is a prominent feature - all decisions made by the given individual,
are made as though "to practice," similar to a rough sketch, rectilinear,
comme ci, comme ça. Similar negligence is shown in her everyday life,
affairs and projects. But this is connected exclusively with her hastiness,
with her propensity to act impulsively, in a hurry, because this lady is not
capable of operating in any other way in general. Her immediate family,
close friends, acquaintances, that is, people who know her well are still
The principle of duality can be considered a foundation for the given
person.  She is like a sun in the zenith or a sun in a decline -there is no
middle.  This lady’s life is similar to a coin.  “Paradise” is written on one side
and "Hell" on the other. And when this coin is tossed, very rarely does it
rise on the edge. Therefore, this is a person of extremes, a person who
does not know the middle, the existence of a third option is never assumed.
Even her transition from one condition to another condition, from one
situation to another situation is paramount. First, she tries to turn a
heavenly situation in to the sensation of being in hell. Meanwhile, she may
say that she transforms the infernal sufferings through their highest notes in
to a feeling of heavenly pleasure. She herself does not know, when “the
coin will turn over” - an edge very thin and transition is hardly noticeable. In
the same way, this lady does not notice at all how she transforms from a
timid, helpless and shy masochist, whom everyone literally kicks with their
legs. With the same pleasure with which she bore humiliations, she will
scoff at others - torture, mock and fool.  All of a sudden, she stops to mock
and all her contempt, insults and sneers turns against itself. And then once
again starts to mock people, to humiliate, offend and this cycle lasts
indefinitely. These transitions are not at all responses to her mockery of
herself.  It’s not a rebuttal or a revenge.  It’s simply her natural need to exist
from time to time on each of the two poles...

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