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Agrarian Law Section 24 of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform

Law provides that all cases involving the

and Social Legislation cancellation of CLOAs, and other titles issued under
FINALS REVIEWER any agrarian reform program are within the
exclusive and original jurisdiction of the Secretary
(Atty. Ungos III) of the Department of Agrarian Reform.
I. Krusterly Rock Corporation is a domestic
corporation registered with the Securities
Several farmers claim that they have resided
and Exchange Commission (SEC). Is
in an area in Bataan for a number of years
Krusterly Rock Corporation allowed to
doing farming activities and from which
engage in the recruitment and placement of
they derive their income for their daily
overseas workers? Briefly explain your
sustenance. They contend that under the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, they
are considered as beneficiaries who are A. Krusterly Rock Corporation cannot engage in
automatically granted with lands in the said recruitment and placement of overseas workers.
area. Is the contention of the farmers
correct? Briefly Explain your answer. RA 8042 provides that illegal recruitment of
migrant workers is committed when a person who
No, the farmers are not automatically granted is not licensed or authorized to recruit workers,
rights to the land despite the fact that they have engages in recruitment activities. This contemplates
resided for a number of years. It was provided a license from the Department of Labor apart from
under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law registration with the SEC. Furthermore, RA 8042
that before one can be considered as a beneficiary, requires compulsory insurance coverage for agency-
There must first be an established tenurial hired migrant workers.
The facts do not provide that Krusterly Rock
Corporation has acquired said license, or the
compulsory insurance coverage for agency-hired
In the case at hand, no tenurial relationship exist,
migrant workers. If it engages in recruitment and
thus the farmers cannot claim that they are
placement activities, it would be committing illegal
Hence, Krusterly Rock Corporation cannot engage
Stan, a registered owner of two adjoining in recruitment and placement of overseas workers.
lots, filed a complaint before the Provincial
When does the recruitment of workers
Agrarian Reform Adjudication (PARAD) for
become an act of economic sabotage?
cancellation of the Certificate of Land
Ownership Award (CLOA) issued to Renlee. B. RA 8042 provides that the illegal recruitment of
workers become an act of economic sabotage when
His grounds are that the Secretary of the
committed by a syndicate or in large scale.
Department of Agrarian Reform
erroneously granted the CLOA to Renlee, There is syndicated illegal recruitment if it is
that he is the lawful owner and possessor of carried out by a group of three (3) or more
the subject lots, and that said lots are persons conspiring or confederating with
exempt from the coverage of the one another. There is large scale illegal
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. recruitment when committed against 3 or more
Does PARAD have jurisdiction over the persons individually or as a group.
case? Briefly Explain.
No, PARAD has no jurisdiction over the case

Celis, Gagajena, Obispo, Valerio
Tyrone and Tywin, both Overseas Filipino V.
Workers, filed a complaint for illegal
Margarae is an unwed mother with 3
dismissal, non-payment of salaries and
children from different fathers. In 2010, she
overtime pay, refund of transportation
became a member of the Social Security
expenses, damages, and attorney’s fees
System (SSS). That same year, she suffered
against Highguard, Inc. and their foreign
a miscarriage of a baby out of wedlock from
employer Kingsgarden, Ltd.
the father of her child. She wants to claim
The Labor Arbiter rendered a decision in maternity benefits under the SSS Act. Is she
favor of Tyrone and Tywin and ordered entitled to claim?
Highguard, Inc. and Kingsgarden, Ltd. to
Yes, Margarae is entitled to claim maternity
jointly and severally pay them their unpaid
benefits. Female Social Security System (SSS)
salaries, overtime pay, and transportation
members, married or unmarried, who give birth or
expenses. Neither party appealed the Labor
suffer abortion or miscarriage are entitled to
Arbiter’s decision.
maternity leave benefits, provided that the
Later on, during execution proceedings, conditions are met.
Tyrone and Tywin filed a motion praying
The conditions for entitlement to maternity leave
that Olayna, a corporate officer of
are: (1) payment of at least three monthly
Highguard, Inc., be impleaded as a
contributions in the 12-month period immediately
judgment debtor in the case. The Labor
preceding the semester of her childbirth, abortion
Arbiter granted said motion because under
or miscarriage; and (2) notice to employer about
Section 10 RA No. 8042 or the Migrant
the pregnancy and probable date of childbirth. This
Workers and Overseas Filipino Act of 1995,
can be availed of only for the first four deliveries or
corporate officers may be held jointly and
severally liable with the placement agency
for the judgment award. Was the Labor VI.
Arbiter correct in allowing Olayna to be
impleaded in the case? Briefly explain your Mizandrea was employed by Yoonkay
answer. University (YU) to cook for the members of
a religious order who teach and live inside
The labor arbiter is incorrect in allowing Olayna the campus. While performing her assigned
to be impleaded in the case. task, Mizandrea accidentally burned herself.
Because of the extent of her injuries, she
In the case of Fernandez v. Newfield, the court
went on medical leave. Meanwhile, YU
ruled that “in labor cases, the Court has held
engaged a replacement cook. Mizandrea
corporate directors and officers solidarily liable
filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, but
with the corporation for the termination of
her employer YU contended that Mizandrea
employment of employees done with malice or in
was a mere domestic househelp, not a
bad faith.” Bad faith does not connote bad
regular employee. Is YU’s contention
judgment or negligence, but rather an ill will which
correct? Briefly explain your answer.
partakes of the nature of fraud.
No, YU’s contention is not correct. Mizandrea is
The facts do not provide that Tyrone and Tywin
not a domestic worker but YU’s regular employee.
were dismissed due to the bad faith of Olayna or
other corporate directors. Hence, the labor arbiter A domestic worker is a person engaged in domestic
is incorrect for holding her personally liable for the work within an employment relationship. Domestic
liability of her company to Tyrone and Tywin. work refers to work performed in or for a household
or households. A household refers to the immediate
members of the family or the occupants of the
Celis, Gagajena, Obispo, Valerio
house that are directly provided services by the paternity leave is seven days with full pay is only
domestic worker. available for the first four (4) deliveries or
miscarriage of the legitimate spouse with whom he
In this case, while it is true that Mizandrea’s work is cohabiting. Paternity leave benefit, if unused, is
as a cook is similar to the work of a domestic not convertible to cash.
worker, still, she could not be classified as a
domestic worker because she was not working for a
family but for the members of a religious order.
Since she is not performing a domestic work, she is
not a domestic worker, but YU’s regular employee.

Sergio lived alone in a house with a garden.
One day, he noticed that the plants in his
garden needed trimming. He remembered
that Anya, a fourteen (14) year old out-of-
school youth, had mentioned to him that she
was looking for work. He contacted Anya
who then attended to Sergio’s garden. Is
Anya’s employment allowed under such
circumstances? Briefly explain your answer.
No, the employment of Anya is not allowed under
the Domestic Workers Act as the minimum age for
employment of domestic workers is fifteen (15)
years old..
It is said to be unlawful to employ any person below
fifteen (15) years old. As defined in RA 10361,
domestic workers or kasambahay is a person
engaged to work for a household within an
employment relationship. Examples are: general
house help, nursemaid, cook, “gardener”, or
laundry person. Although the work of Anya is in
line with the said act she cannot be employed as she
is only fourteen years old which is under the
minimum age of fifteen years old. Employment of
anyone below the age limit is considered a criminal
offense under such act.

Since she was stressed in caring for her four
(4) growing children, Sercei suffered a
miscarriage late in her pregnancy and had
to undergo an operation. What can Jimmy,
her husband, claim as benefits under the
circumstances? Briefly explain your answer.
Jimmy cannot claim any benefits as the benefits
of paternity leave act in which the duration of
Celis, Gagajena, Obispo, Valerio

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