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Conditions for Equilibrium

First Condition

The first condition of equilibrium is that the net force in all directions must be zero.

Key Points

 There are two conditions that must be met for an object to be in equilibrium.
 The first condition is that the net force on the object must be zero for the object to
be in equilibrium.
 If net force is zero, then net force along any direction is zero.

Key Terms

 force: A physical quantity that denotes ability to push, pull, twist or accelerate a
body which is measured in a unit dimensioned in mass × distance/time² (ML/T²):
SI: newton (N); CGS: dyne (dyn)
 torque: A rotational or twisting effect of a force; (SI unit newton-meter or Nm;
imperial unit foot-pound or ft-lb)
 translation: Motion of a body on a linear path, without deformation or rotation,
i.e. such that every part of the body moves at the same speed and in the same
direction; also (in physics), the linear motion of a body considered independently
of its rotation.

First Condition of Equilibrium

For an object to be in equilibrium, it must be experiencing no acceleration. This means

that both the net force and the net torque on the object must be zero. Here we will
discuss the first condition, that of zero net force.

In the form of an equation, this first condition is:


In order to achieve this conditon, the forces acting along each axis of motion must sum
to zero. For example, the net external forces along the typical x– and y-axes are zero.
This is written as
net Fx=0net Fx=0 and net Fy=0net Fy=0.

The condition Fnet=0Fnet=0 must be true for both static equilibrium, where the object’s
velocity is zero, and dynamic equilibrium, where the object is moving at a constant

Below, the motionless person is in static equilibrium. The forces acting on him add up to
zero. Both forces are vertical in this case.

Person in Static Equilibrium: This motionless person is in static equilibrium.

Below, the car is in dynamic equilibrium because it is moving at constant velocity. There
are horizontal and vertical forces, but the net external force in any direction is zero. The
applied force between the tires and the road is balanced by air friction, and the weight of
the car is supported by the normal forces, here shown to be equal for all four tires.
A Car in Dynamic Equilibrium: This car is in dynamic equilibrium because it is moving at constant velocity.
The forces in all directions are balanced.

Second Condition

The second condition of static equilibrium says that the net torque acting on the object
must be zero.

Identify the second

Key Points

 The second condition necessary to achieve equilibrium involves avoiding

accelerated rotation.
 A rotating body or system can be in equilibrium if its rate of rotation is constant
and remains unchanged by the forces acting on it.
 The magnitude of torque about a axis of rotation is defined to be τ=rFsinθ.

Key Terms

 torque: A rotational or twisting effect of a force; (SI unit newton-meter or Nm;

imperial unit foot-pound or ft-lb)
 equilibrium: The state of a body at rest or in uniform motion, the resultant of all
forces on which is zero.

A child’s seesaw, shown in, is an example of static equilibrium. An object in static

equilibrium is one that has no acceleration in any direction. While there might be motion,
such motion is constant.
Two children on a seesaw: The system is in static equilibrium, showing no acceleration in any direction.

If a given object is in static equilibrium, both the net force and the net torque on the
object must be zero. Let’s break this down:

Net Force Must Be Zero

The net force acting on the object must be zero. Therefore all forces balance in each
direction. For example, a car moving along a highway at a constant speed is in
equilibrium, as it is not accelerating in any forward or vertical direction. Mathematically,
this is stated as Fnet = ma = 0.

Net Torque Must Be Zero

The second condition necessary to achieve equilibrium involves avoiding accelerated

rotation (maintaining a constant angular velocity ). A rotating body or system can be in
equilibrium if its rate of rotation is constant and remains unchanged by the forces acting
on it.
Introduction to forces and free body diagrams review

Review the key concepts and skills for forces, including how to draw free body

Key terms

Term Meaning
A push or pull on an object, usually has symbol FFF. Has SI units of
Newtons (\text NNstart text, N, end text) or \dfrac{\text {kg m}}{\text
s^2}s2kg mstart fraction, start text, k, g, space, m, end text, divided by,
Force start text, s, end text, squared, end fraction.
Contact A force that requires contact between objects. Examples are tension,
force normal force, and friction.
range A force that does not need contact between objects to exist. One
force example is the gravitational force (weight).
A diagram showing the forces acting on the object. The object is
Free body represented by a dot with forces are drawn as arrows pointing away
diagram from the dot. Sometimes called force diagrams.

Types of forces

Force (symbol) type Description
Weight (F_gFgF, start Force from gravity acting on an object with
subscript, g, end Long mass. Sometimes called force of gravity.
subscript or WWW) range Pulls towards the Earth (down) always.
Force of something pulling on an object.
Tension (F_TFTF, start Can be caused by a string, rope, chain,
subscript, T, end cord, cable, or wire.Pulls along the direction
subscript or TTT) Contact of the rope on the object.
Normal force (F_NFNF, start Force between two objects when they
subscript, N, end touch. Pushes perpendicularly to the
subscript or NNN) Contact object’s surface.
Friction (F_fFfF, start Force resisting sliding between surfaces.
subscript, f, end Pushes parallel to the contact surface and in
subscript or fff) Contact the opposite direction of sliding.

How to make a free body diagram

1. Start by identifying the contact forces. Let's look for what the object is touching
by outlining the object (see Figure 1 below). Draw a dot where something
touches the outline; where there is a dot, there must be at least one contact
force. Draw the force vectors at the contact points to represent how they push or
pull on the object (including correct direction).

Figure 1. Contact force identification for a block of cheese resting on a ramp.

2. After we have identified the contact forces, draw a dot to represent the
object we are interested in (see Figure 2 below). We only want to find the forces
acting on our object and not forces the object exerts on other objects.
3. Draw a coordinate system and label the positive directions. If the object is on
an incline, then align the axes with the incline. 

[How do I align the axes with the incline?]

4. Draw the contact forces on the dot with an arrow pointing away from the dot.
Make sure the arrow lengths are relatively proportional to each other. Label all
5. Draw and label our long range forces. This will usually be weight unless there is
electric charge or magnetism involved.
6. Draw and label your acceleration vector off to the side of the dot -- not
touching the dot. If there is no acceleration, then write a=0a=0a, equals, 0.


Here is an example of a free body diagram for a block of cheese resting on a table (see
figure 2 below). Gravity pulls down on the cheese’s mass with weight (WWW) and the
table pushes up on the cheese with a normal force (NNN). Since there are no ropes and
the cheese is not trying to slide, there is no tension or friction.
Figure 2. The free body diagram for a block of cheese resting on a table has normal
force N up, weight W down, and no acceleration.

Common mistakes and misconceptions

1. Sometimes people draw the forces of the object acting on other things. We
only want to draw the forces pushing or pulling on our object. Only focus on what
is happening to the object of interest.
2. Sometimes people forget the directions of the different types of
forces. Weight is always down, friction is always parallel to the the contact
surface, normal force is always perpendicular to the contact surface, and tension
only pulls.

Free Body Diagrams, Tutorials with Examples and Explanations

What is a Free Body Diagram?

The free body diagram helps you understand and solve static and dynamic problem
involving forces. It is a diagram including all forces acting on a given object without the
other object in the system. You need to first understand all the forces acting on the
object and then represent these force by arrows in the direction of the force to be drawn.

Examples of Free Body Diagrams with Detailed Explanations

Example 1 : A book on a table

In this example, there are two forces acting on a book at rest on a table:
1) The weight W exerted by the earth on the book
2) The normal force N exerted by the table on the


Example 2 : A suspended block

In this example, there are two forces acting on the suspended block at rest:
1) The weight W exerted by the earth on the block
2) The tension force T exerted by the string (or rope) on the block.
Example 3 : A block on a floor with an acting force Fa to pull the block

In this example, the block is being pulled and therefore a force of friction acts on the
block. So there are four forces acting on the block.
1) The weight W exerted by the earth on the block
2) The normal force N exerted by floor on the block.
3) The acting force Fa to pull the block.
4) The force of friction Ff exerted by floor on the block in the direction opposite the
motion due to Fa. 

Example 4 : A falling object

In this example, there is only one force action on the falling object.
1) The weight W exerted by the earth on the falling object.

Example 5 : An box on an incline plane (with no frictions)

In this example, we assume that the inclined plane is frictionless; two forces act on the
1) The weight W exerted by the earth on the box.
2) The normal force N exerted by the inclined plane on the box. N is normal to the

inclined plane. 

Example 6 : An box on an incline plane with an acting force and friction


In this example, a force Fa pulls the box upward and frictions are not negligible. Four
forces act on the box:
1) The weight W exerted by the earth on the box.
2) The normal force N exerted by the inclined plane on the box. N is normal to the
inclined plane.
3) The acting force Fa.
4) The force of friction Fs exerted by the inclined plane on the box in the direction
opposite the motion due to Fa.
Example 7 : A block suspended to the ceiling using three strings

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A) free body diagram for the block; two forces (lower part of figure below)
1) The weight W exerted by the earth on the box.
2) The tension force T '3 exerted by the string on the block.
B) free body diagram of point P; three forces (upper part of figure below)
1) Tension T1
2) Tension T2
3) Tension T3
Example 8 : A system with two blocks, an inclined plane and a pulley
A) free body diagram for block m1 (left of figure below)
1) The weight W1 exerted by the earth on the box.
2) The normal force N
3) The force of friction Fk
4) The tension force T exerted by the string on the block m 1.
B) free body diagram of block m2 (right of figure below)
1) The weight of the block W2
2) Tension T

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