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Profit and Loss

M&K Resto and Cafe

For the month ended 31 December 2020
DEC 2020

Trading Income
Fees Earned 91,929.28
Other Revenue 1,847.58
Sales 8,065.94
Sales Account 765,066.97
Total Trading Income 866,909.77

Cost of Sales
Cost of Good Sold 529,241.08
Total Cost of Sales 529,241.08

Gross Profit 337,668.69

Operating Expenses
Advertising 7,809.47
Advertising Expense 7,669.64
Bank Fees 15.00
Consulting & Accounting 29.00
Depreciation 362.50
Depreciation Expense - Office Equip. 26.17
DepreciationExpense - Vehicle 992.62
Driver Salaries Expense 33,300.00
Entertainment 1,549.65
Fuel Expense 820.00
General Expenses 175.10
Light, Power, Heating 125.50
Maintenance Supplies Expense (162,600.00)
Miscellaneous Administrative Expense 10,930.00
Motor Vehicle Expenses 517.18
Office Expenses 128.07
Office Salaries Expense 21,200.00
Printing & Stationery 72.70
Rent 2,182.44
Rent Expense 2,500.00
Repairs and Maintenance 64.20
Telephone & Internet 43.25
Travel - National 11.09
Total Operating Expenses (72,076.42)

Net Profit 409,745.11

Profit and Loss M&K Resto and Cafe

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