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α2‐Antagonist compounds and lipid mobilization: evidence for a lipid

mobilizing effect of oral yohimbine in healthy male volunteers

Article  in  European Journal of Clinical Investigation · December 1988

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.1988.tb01272.x · Source: PubMed


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6 authors, including:

Jean Galitzky Mohammed Taouis

French Institute of Health and Medical Research Université Paris-Sud 11


Max Lafontan
French Institute of Health and Medical Research


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European Journal of Clinical Investigation (1 988) 18, 587-594

a2-Antagonist compounds and lipid mobilization:

evidence for a lipid mobilizing effect of oral
yohimbine in healthy male volunteers
INSERM U-317, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie Clinique et Medicale & Institut de Physiologie, Universitir
Paul Sabatier and *Laboratoire de Physiologie, H6pital Purpan, Toulouse, France

Received 19 April 1988 and in revised form 4 July 1988

Abstract. Investigations were carried out to analyse the Keywords. Human adipocytes, lipolysis, a2-receptors,
interactions of a2-antagonists (yohimbine, idazoxan, al-antagonists, yohimbine, idazoxan, free fatty acids,
SK & F-86,466) with human fat cell a2-adrenoceptors. lipid mobilization, insulin release, physical exercise, p-
All the a2-antagonists enhanced the lipolytic potencies blocking agents, propranolol.
of epinephrine with an order of potency: yohimbi-
ne > idazoxan > SK & F-86,466; the same order was
also found in 3H-yohimbine competition studies on
human fat cell membranes. The most potent agent, Human fat cells possess both a2- and P-adrenergic
yohimbine, was administered orally in humans to receptors mediating opposing effects on adenylate
define the conditions of appearance and the time- cyclase activity, CAMPproduction and lipolysis [I -41.
course of a putative lipid-mobilizing action. Oral The balance between these adrenoceptors appears to
yohimbine administration (0.2 mg kg- ') elevated be essential in the control of the final lipolytic response
plasma glycerol and non-esterified fatty acids in fasting initiated by catecholamines in human adipocytes. The
healthy subjects without significant action on heart number of a*-adrenoceptors is higher and more sus-
rate or blood pressure during the time-course of the ceptible to variation than that of P-adrenoceptors in
experiment. The lipid-mobilizing action of yohimbine human fat cells. Alpha2-adrenoceptors are predomin-
was reinforced during physical exercise, completely ant in the adipocytes of subcutaneous fat deposits; this
suppressed after a meal and partially blocked by is related to decreased catecholamine-induced fat
administration of propranolol (0.5 mg kg-'; 60 min mobilization, which can be responsible for an
before yohimbine). Plasma norepinephrine concentra- enhanced tendency to accumulate fat in these regions
tions were increased (40-50%) after oral yohimbine [3,41.
administration. The rise in plasma catecholamine For the moment, the physiological relevance of the
concentration elicited by yohimbine was not modified in-uitro studies performed on isolated adipocytes from
by propranolol treatment. The lipid-mobilizing effect various deposits is not clearly understood. Theoreti-
of yohimbine could be attributable to: (i) the increase cally, since blockade of a2-sitespromotes an increased
in synaptic norepinephrine with a resultant increment lipolytic activity in fat cells, the post-junctional a2-
in lipolysis by fi-adrenergic agonism; (ii) a decrease in adrenoceptors of the fat cell may represent a novel
a2-adrenoceptor stimulation of human fat cell a2- locus for pharmacological intervention for the en-
adrenoceptors; (iii) a blockade of presynaptic a2- hancement of lipid mobilization during fasting or
adrenoceptors. The use of highly selective a2-antago- caloric restriction.
nists will allow investigations into a2-adrenoceptors, In the recent years there has been an interest in the
which may represent a novel locus for pharmacologi- promotion of lipid mobilization and of energy expen-
cal intervention in lipid-mobilization strategies. It is diture for the treatment of obesity; various investiga-
questioned whether az-antagonists would be useful in tions have been carried out in rodent species while
treatment or catecholamine-refractoriness and obes- clinical approaches have been very limited [5,6]. The
ity. pharmacological strategy was mainly based upon the
utilization of fi-agonist compounds considered to act
rather specifically on the white and brown adipocytes
Abbreviations: KRBA: Krebs Ringer bicarbonate albumin
buffer; FFA: non-esterified fatty acids.
of the rodents [7-lo]. Alpha2-antagonist administra-
tion could also represent an attractive lipid-mobilizing
Correspondence: Dr Michel Berlan, INSERM U-3 17, Labora-
toire de Pharmacologie Medicale et Clinique, 37 Allkes J. Guesde, alternative, since it is expected that the compounds will
31073 Toulouse Cedex. France. activate sympathetic tone through central and local
588 J. GALTTZKY et al.

effects on noradrenergic neurotransmission and pro- method of Rodbell [ 131, by collagenase digestion of
mote a blockade of the post-junctional az-adrenocep- adipose fragments in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate
tors, identified as being important in adipocytes of buffer containing albumin (3.5 g 100; ml -') (KRBA)
subcutaneous fat deposits [3,4]. This aspect requires a and glucose (6 mmol 1-I) at pH 7.4 and 37°C under a
more complete exploration, the first step being pro- 95% 0 2 / 5 % COZgas phase. At the end of incubation,
posed in the present paper. the fat cells were filtered through a silk screen and
Two recent attempts to include yohimbine (az- washed three times with KRBA buffer to eliminate
antagonists) in a weight-reducing regimen have been collagenase.
made. For one group [I 11, yohimbine administration
(18 mg day-': delivered 3 times each day) associated
Lipolysis measurements
with a mild hypocaloric diet (1000 kcal day-') for 8
weeks was without any impact on weight loss; more- Isolated fat cells obtained after collagenase treatment
over, blood pressure, heart rate and standard lipid were incubated in 1 ml KRBA (pH 7.4) containing
parameters were unchanged. The other group [I21 glucose (6 mmol I-'), at 37°C under gas phase (95%
demonstrated that yohimbine application (1 5 mg 0 2 / 5 % COZ)with gentle shaking (60 cycles min-I) in a
day-I for 7 weeks) associated with a diet of 400 kcal water-bath, as previously described [2,3]. Pharmacolo-
day-' during the slimming treatment increased weight gical agents at suitable dilutions were added to the cell
loss and had an impact on exercise-induced energy suspension just before the beginning of the assay in 10-
expenditure without other side-effects. These investi- pl portions to obtain the desired final concentration.
gations led to conflicting results, moreover, the endo- After 90 min of incubation, the polyethylene tubes
crine-metabolic impact of yohimbine has not been were placed in an ice bath and 200-p1 aliquots of
investigated in details. infranatant were removed for enzymatic determina-
The purpose of the present studies was to: (i) select tion of glycerol released in the incubation medium,
an a*-antagonist from among older and recently which was taken as the index of fat-cell lipolyses. Total
discovered compounds on the basis of their impact on lipid was evaluated gravimetrically after extraction.
the human adipocyte (yohimbine was seen to be the Ascorbic acid (0.1 mmol I-') was included in the
most efficient); (ii) define the early metabolic and incubation medium in order to prevent catecholamine
endocrinological impact of yohimbine administration degradation.
on normal-weight subjects with special attention for
their nutritional status (fasting or after a standardized
Clinical pro tocoIs
meal); (iii) clarify the contribution of yohimbine
administration to lipid mobilization under physiologi- Informed consent was obtained from 14 normal
cal activation of orthosympathetic activity promoted healthy male volunteers and the experimental protocol
by a calibrated exercising period; (iv) dissociate the was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Hospi-
contribution of the noradrenergic activation (and its p- tal. All the volunteers (age 30 k 6, weight 72 k 3 kg;
adrenergic-driven effect on lipolysis) from a presynap- body mass index 23 f0.5 kg m2; means fSEM) had a
tic effect on nerve terminals or postsynaptic action on normal medical status, with normal glucose tolerance
fat cell az-adrenoceptors. and were taking no medications. They had no family
history of diabetes or any other endocrinological
disorder. All the subjects were consuming their usual
Patients and methods normal diet (2200-2400 kcal day-!) before the experi-
ments and had a stable weight for at least 1 month
Isolation of human adipocytes
before the beginning of the study.
Abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue samples were The experimental procedures used throughout the
obtained from premenauposal women (25-40 years of experiments are summarized in Fig. 1. All the experi-
age) undergoing elective surgical lipectomy. Although ments began at 08-30 h after an overnight fast. An
having a mean body mass index (ratio:weight(kg)/ indwelling teflon catheter was placed in the antecubital
height(m2)) of 25.8 f 1.5 (mean k SEM, n = 6), the vein and a blood sample was always taken at zero time.
patients were otherwise healthy and none had any The first experimental protocol was fixed to define
identified metabolic or endocrinological disorders. the impact of yohimbine intake on plasma concentra-
Subjects were fasted overnight before tissue removal; tions of non-esterified fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol in
general anaesthesia was induced by an association of subjects after an overnight fast or 1 h after ingestion of
penthotal, droleptan and fentanyl. The patients did a standard balanced French breakfast (400 kcal, 60%
not receive drugs active on the autonomic nervous of kcal originating from carbohydrates). The patients
system or modifying catecholamine levels. After surgi- were their own controls, each experiment was separ-
cal excision, the adipose tissue was quickly transported ated by at least a week. The yohimbine dose (0.2 mg
to the laboratory in cold sterile physiological saline kg-') used throughout the present studies was
(NaCI 0.9%; Hepes 5 mmol I-'; 6 mmol 1-' glucose, selected, after preliminary assays with lower (0.05 mg
pH 7.4) and used within 15-20 min of removal. kg-I) or higher (0.5 mg kg-I) doses, for its substantial
Isolated adipocytes were obtained, according to the metabolic effects and the absence of noticeable side-

bine administration. In the second group of experi-

ments, the patients were submitted to the standardized
Yo h imbine period of exercise (without yohimbine) with collection
0.2 mg kg-' of blood as in protocol 1 (Fig. 1). The last group of
I experiments (protocol 2) corresponds to the associ-
ation of both previously described protocols, i.e.
1 t ' ' ' Time ( m i d yohimbine intake and exercise (Fig. 1).
-60 0 45 60 75 90 105 In the final protocol, 40 mg of propranolol (B-
I Blood sampling antagonist) were given per 0s 60 rnin before yohimbine
ingestion. Blood samples were collected as previously
described in the other experimental situations (proto-
Yohimbine col 3, Fig. I).
0.2 m g kg-'
Blood glucose and insulin were determined with a
glucose oxidase technique and a radioimmunoassay
1 1 (commercial radioimmunoassay kit, Institut Pasteur,
0 45 60 75 90 105
' Time(min) Paris), respectively. Plasma non-esterified fatty acids
were determined by a titrimetric method after extrac-
Blood sampling tion using the method of Dole & Meinertz [ 141. Plasma
glycerol was evaluated by an enzymatic procedure [ 151.
For norepinephrine determination, blood was col-
Yohlmbine lected on lithium heparine with 10 mM sodium metabi-
0.2 m g kg-' sulphite and centrifuged for 10 rnin at 10 000 g at 0°C;
Pro pronolol
40 mg

1 I
t ' ' Time(mrn1
the plasma was stored at - 80°C. Norepinephrine was
selectively isolated from the plasma sample by adsorp-
tion on activated alumina, then eluted with 0.1 ml I-'
-60 0 45 60 7 5 90 105
perchloric acid. Dihydrobenzylamine was used as
Blood sampling
internal standard to monitor recovery from the extrac-
tion step. Norepinephrine was assayed by high pres-
Figure 1. Diagram of the experimental protocols. All the protocols sure liquid chromatography using electrochemical
began at 08.30 h. The exercise was performed on an ergometric (amperometric) detection (Waters HPLC system) as
bicycle at 60% of maximal aerobic capacity (VOz max) defined previously described [16]. All samples for each indi-
according to the following formula taking in account the resting
heart rate (HR). "A) VOz max is calculated as function of the heart vidual were analysed at the same time.
rate reserve; 60% VOz max is defined according to the calculation:
[HR]+[(220-age of subject)-HR] x60/100 [33].
Bovine serum albumin, fraction V, yohimbine hydro-
chloride, epinephrine bitartrate and ascorbic acid were
effects on heart rate and blood pressure. Yohimbine purchased from Sigma Chemical Company (St Louis,
pills were given orally with 50 ml water, immediately MO, U.S.A.). The following drugs, were kindly
after blood collection. A placebo was given instead of donated: yohimbine chlorhydrate@ pills by Labora-
yohimbine in control experiments. Another blood toires Houde (Paris, France), propranolol tablets
sample was taken 45 rnin after yohimbine ingestion (Avlocardyl@ by ICI Pharma (Enghien les Bains,
and every 15 rnin thereafter, as shown in Fig. 1. In fed France), idazoxan HCI by Drs J. Doxey and M.
patients, time 0 was taken 60 min after ingestion of the Stillings, Reckitt and Colman (Kingston upon Hull,
meal, then yohimbine was orally administered as U.K.), SK & F-86,466 by Dr J. P. Hieble from Smith
described for fasting patients (Fig 1). Heart rate and Kline and French Company (Swedeland, PA, U.S.A.).
blood pressure were determined just before every Enzymes for glycerol assay came from Boehringer
blood collection. Mannheim (Mannheim, FRG). All other chemicals
The second experimental protocol was established and organic solvents were of reagent grade.
to define the impact of yohimbine ingestion at rest and
during a calibrated period of physical exercise (30 rnin
at 60% of maximal aerobic capacity on an ergometric Results
bicycle). Plasma concentrations of FFA, glycerol,
glucose, norepinephrine and insulin were assayed. Comparative study of az-antagonist potencies on human
fat cells
Eight fasting subjects were tested in three different
situations, each experiment was separated by at least a The first purpose of our study was to define the
week; the order in which each patient participated in potencies of yohimbine and of two recently developed
the different experimental groups was randomly a2-antagonists on human fat cell cr2-adrenoceptors.
defined. In the first group of experiments, correspond- Several chemical families of compounds having selec-
ing to protocol 1, fasting subjects rested after yohim- tive activity at a2-adrenoceptors have been described.
590 J. GALITZKY et al.

on fat cell membranes after labelling of the a*-siteswith

3H-yohimbine (not shown).
Yohimbine was found to be the most potent com-
pound at human fat cell az-adrenoceptors. Yohimbine
was selected for the in-uivo investigations for this
action and since it has been also demonstrated to
increase the release of norepinephrine from both
peripheral and central noradrenergic neurons in var-
ious conditions [17].

Metabolic efects of oral yohimbine in fasted and fed

suhjec ts
During fasting, definition of the increment of free fatty
acids and glycerol concentrations in the circulation can
give a reasonable evaluation of lipid mobilization. In
the present experiments our attention was mainly
focused on the early metabolic events following
yohimbine ingestion with the purpose of defining the
time-course of their appearance.
As expected, after an overnight period of fasting,
plasma FFA concentrations were significantly
(P<O.OI) higher than those found in fed subjects
(423f43 vs. 240k20 pmol I-', n=6). In the fasting
state, oral yohimbine (0.2 mg kg-I) was followed, 45
r 9 8 7 6 5 I min later, by a significant ( P c 0 . 0 5 ) increment of
r- plasma FFA concentrations; the effect was sustained
0 over the period of time explored (Fig. 3 ) . Plasma
- 0 glycerol concentrations followed a parallel increment
Ei Log (antagonist) (rnol L-') z (not shown). In the experiments with placebo there was
no noticeable action of placebo ingestion; plasma FFA
Figure 2. Enhancement of epinephrine-induced lipolysis by various
a*-adrenergic antagonist compounds in isolated human fat cells. Fat concentrations did not significantly differ from those
cells were isolated as described in the Patients and methods section, measured at 0 time. In the fed state, when yohimbine
and were incubated in KRBA buffer with M epinephrine and was given orally 60 min after a standardized meal,
increasing concentrations of yohimbine ( 0 ) . idazoxan (H)and there was no effect of yohimbine on plasma FFA or
SK&F-86,466 (A).Values are meanskSEM (bars) of five different
glycerol levels. In this situation, plasma insulin levels

They include rauwolfia alkaloids such as yohimbine Yohimbine

[I 71, imidazolines such as idazoxan (RX-78 I , 094) [ 181 (0-2 mg k g - I ) ** **
and 3-benzazepines such as SK & F-86,466 [19].
The definition of their relative potencies was based
on the determination of their ability to enhance the
lipolytic effect of epinephrine on isolated human
subcutaneous fat cells. All three compounds used were
able to promote an increment of epinephrine-induced
lipolysis. At the higher concentrations (10 pmol I-')
they were equipotent and the iipolytic efficiency of 1
pmol I-' epinephrine (associated with the a2-antago-
nists) approached that obtained with 0.1 pmol I-'
isoproterenol (Fig. 2). The dose-response curves
revealed the following order of potency: yohim- 45 60 75 90 105
bine > idazoxan > SK & F-86,466; their computerized Time (min)
analysis using DOSEFIT program [20] gave the following Figure 3. Effect of orally administered yohimbine on plasma non-
ECso values of 1 5 1 +_ 55,460 +_ 90 and 1260+_ 400 nmol esterified FFA concentrations in six resting subjects after a n
1 F ' (mean fSEM; n = 5), respectively; the ECso value ) or 1 h after a calibrated meal (Q), as described in
for yohimbine was significantly (P-=0.02) lower than the Patients and methods section and protocol (Fig. I). Data are
means k SEM of six experiments. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.02; signifi-
those found for the two other compounds. The same cantly different from control values (time O),according to Student's
order of potency was also found in competition studies paired t-test.

were significantly ( P < 0.01) increased (72 f 8 pU ml-’ administration alone, exercise alone and yohimbine
vs. 1 8 k 4 pU ml-’ after the overnight fast). The administration associated with exercise on plasma
nutritional status (and the resulting plasma insulin concentrations of FFA, glycerol, glucose, norepineph-
concentrations) is of major importance for the incre- rine and insulin.
ment of plasma FFA and glycerol levels after oral As shown in Fig. 4a, yohimbine administration to
yohimbine. Thus, all the following experiments were subjects at rest promoted an increment of plasma
carried out after an overnight fast in order to explore concentrations of FFA and glycerol. Plasma glucose
the importance and mechanisms of the effects of levels as well as plasma insulin concentrations were
yohimbine. unaffected in these conditions. The heart rate and
sitting systolic blood pressure were unchanged (Table
1). Plasma norepinephrine concentrations were mea-
Metabolic and endocrinological responses to oral sured 75 min after beginning the experiment; they were
yohimbine-eflect of exercise higher than in control patients (Table 2). The yohim-
Another set of experiments was carried out on eight bine dose administered in the present investigation did
subjects in order to test the impact of yohimbine not result in noticeable autonomic symptoms.
When the same patients were subjected to a period
of physical exercise over 30 min, as described in
protocol 2, there was a significant ( P < 0.02) increase in

I50 (a)
plasma glycerol concentrations, while plasma FFA
levels were unchanged. Plasma concentrations of
glucose remained stable during the experiment while
** 8
** plasma insulin levels were significantly (P< 0.01) de-
creased at the end of the exercise period (Fig. 4b).
Norepinephrine levels were increased as expected; they
reached the levels obtained with yohimbine alone
J 45 60 75 90 105 (Table 2).
2001 (b)

Table 1. Influence of yohimbine administration (0.2 mg kg-

per 0s) on systolic blood (SBP), diastolic blood pressure
(DBP) and heart rate (HR) in seven volunteer patients after
-8 100.
an overnight fast and at rest


o-+ 45
Time after yohimbine (min)

45 75 I I0
SBP (mmHg) 122f3.9 125k5.5 121k5.5 125+6

r- \,

DBP (mmHg) 73.6f2.9 73.1 k 3 . 6 71.4k3.3 78.8k5.2
H R (permin) 71.7+3.7 68.2k3.5 70.5k5.6 63.5k2.7

Results are means fSEM.

I . I

Table 2. Variation in plasma norepinephrine concentrations in eight

subjects in the different experimental conditions defined in Fig I .

Experimental conditions ’
(pg ml- plasma k SEM)

At rest (time 0 ) 302k15

* Exercise 421 +20*
Time(min1 Yohimbine alone (0.2 mg kg-’) 471 +87*
Exercisefyohimbine (0.2 mg kg-I) 559*67**
Figure 4. Variation of plasma concentrations of FFA (El), glycerol At rest-propranolol alone (0.5 mg kg-l) 283 k 30
(m), glucose (0)and immunoreactive insulin (IRI: (8)in eight fasting Yohimbine+propranolol (0.5 mg kg-’) 675+83**
male volunteers in three different experimental conditions: (a) at
rest, after oral administration of yohimbine (0.2 mg ml-I) a t time 0
~~~ ~

(protocol 1); (b) before, during and after a period of exercise Plasma norepinephrine concentrations were assayed by HPLC
(protocol 2, without yohimbine); (c) when yohimbine administration (see Patients and methods section) after an overnight fast at rest in
and exercise are associated. Values are meanfSEM of eight sitting position (time 0) and 75 min after the beginning of the
different experiments. Percentage variation was calculated from the experiments. Propranolol was administered 60 min before blood
parameters defined at time 0. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.02; significantly sampling (Table 1).
different from corresponding control values taken at 0 time accord- * P<0.05, ** P i 0.02; significantly different from control values at
ing to Student’s paired r-test. 0 time according to Student’s paired t-test.
592 J. GALITZKY et 01.

The last set of experiments was based on the after propranolol treatment, there was still a signifi-
association of oral yohimbine administration with the cant (P<O.O5) residual increment of plasma FFA
30-min period of physical exercise. Under these condi- levels (20%))but 80% of the initial increment was lost
tions there was a significant increase of exercise- (Fig. 5) after yohimbine administration. The yohim-
induced plasma glycerol. Plasma FFA concentrations bine-dependent increment of plasma norepinephrine
were increased ( P < 0.0 1) mainly after cessation of concentrations was still observed after propranolol
exercise; the time-course FFA concentrations revealed pretreatment (Table 2). However, there was no modifi-
the additive effect of yohimbine on exercise-induced cation of heart rate (61 f 5; n = 6), a result that assesses
metabolic events. The decline in plasma insulin con- the efficiency of p-adrenoceptor blockade promoted by
centrations was not modified by oral yohimbine propranolol.
administration while the highest plasma norepineph-
rine concentration was observed on association of
both treatments (Table 2). Plasma glucose concentra-
tions were unchanged under our working conditions. The purpose of the present studies was to determine
whether @*-antagonist administration in normal
humans results in enhanced lipid mobilization, and to
EfSect of oral yohimbine under p-blockade determine the conditions of expression of this effect as
A dose of propranolol (0.5 mg kg-'), known to well as the mechanisms involved in its origin.
promote a clear P-adrenoceptor-blockade in humans, There are few studies investigating the application of
was administered 60 min before yohimbine ingestion yohimbine as an az-adrenergic antagonist in man,
in order to suppress the P-adrenergic effects promoted although the drug has been used for a long time, before
by the increment of plasma norepinephrine levels its az-adrenergic potencies were known, for the phar-
observed after yohimbine. Beta-blockade was assessed macological treatment of impotence [ 17,211. Adminis-
by evaluation of the heart rate (73 k 4 vs. 60 f4; 30 min tration of higher doses of yohimbine i.v. (0.5 mg kg-')
after propranolol administration); it remained stable were seen to raise blood pressure and heart rate in man
over the experimental period. Moreover, propranalol and various species, while lower oral doses (5 mg
alone had no effect on plasma norepinephrine levels patient- I ) were used in patients with autonomic failure
(Table 2). [17,22]. The paucity of pharmacokinetic data at the
One hour after the administration of propranolol, time we set up our experimental schedule directed us
plasma FFA concentrations were 301 f21 vs. 379 f39 towards the oral route for the administration of the
pmol I-' before its administration ( P < 0.05). The drug with the idea of looking for an oral dose of
changes of plasma FFA concentrations promoted by yohimbine having a minor impact on heart rate and
yohimbine administration were considerably reduced blood pressure over the experimental period. In the
patients selected for this study we found that the oral
dose of 0.2 mg kg-' had a very limited impact on both
parameters (Table 1; no significant changes in mean
values of heart rate and blood pressure). This result is
consistent with previous results obtained in human
** ** subjects with equivalent doses of yohimbine [23].
I ** I
Increments in systolic blood pressure greater than
those observed in the present study have been reported
after intravenous administration of higher doses [24].
The plasma FFA and glycerol concentrations were
* taken as indices of lipid mobilization. Since total
energy intake and composition of daily food play an
important role in the regulation of metabolite avail-
ability, the first set of experiments was devoted to the
evaluation of the impact of oral yohimbine administra-
tion on the two lipolytic indices in patients fasted
overnight and also 1 h after ingestion of a calibrated
meal after the overnight fast.
45 60 75 90 105 Yohimbine administration promoted lipid mobili-
Time ( m i n ) zation in fasting subjects, as shown in Fig 3, while the
Figure 5. Effect of oral yohimbine administration on plasma FFA
effect was completely blunted 1 h after the meal. Thus,
concentrations under P-blockade. Variation (expressed on a percent- under a situation of substrate utilization, the lipid
age basis) of plasma FFA concentrations after orally administered mobilization is favoured by yohimbine intake. On the
yohimbine (0.2 mg kgg') without (B) or after p-adrenoceptor contrary, in the postprandial situation, the lipid-
blockade (a) by 0.5 mg ml-' propranolol given 60 min before mobilizing effect is completely blocked; insulin is
yohimbine. Values are means k SEM of eight different experiments.
* P i 0.05, ** P i 0.02; significantlydifferent from control values (at probably responsible for the lack of postprandial
rest) according to Student's paired r-test. effects of yohimbine. If we refer to the recent results

obtained with 1x2-antagonists,a*-adrenergic blockade activation of the sympathetic nervous system from the
increases glucose-potentiated insulin secretion in man fat-cell 1x2-adrenoceptor antagonizing effect of the
[25-281, a situation that strongly reinforces inhibition drug. For this purpose, the last set of experiments was
of lipid mobilization. However, differences in the carried out under p-blockade with propranolol. Under
yohimbine absorption and distribution during fasting j3-blockade, assessed by the stable lowered heart rate
and fed states cannot be rejected; this aspect requires before or after yohimbine administration, there was
further studies that are considered to be out off the still a residual lipid-mobilizing effect of yohimbine
scope of the present paper. Our data focus attention on administration (20% of the effect observed with
the major importance of the period of administration yohimbine alone) (Fig. 5) with equivalent increments
of yohimbine for the facilitation of its lipid-mobilizing of norepinephrine levels (Table 2). Although the major
efficiency. The failure of its effect previously reported part of the action of yohimbine could be attributed to a
in a slimming diet [ l l ] can be the result of an sympathetic activation, the experiments under b-
inappropriate schedule of administration, while the blockade suggest that all the effects of yohimbine could
positive results obtained by another group can be not completely be explained by the effects on the level
explained by the fact that it was associated with a very of noradrenaline. The residual lipid mobilization
low caloric intake (400 kcal day-’) probably leading to observed under b-blockade may be attributable to the
a rather poor insulin-secreting efficiency [12]. This blockade of fat-cell a*-adrenoceptors.
aspect needs further experimental support and opens In spite of the potential value of yohimbine as a
some clinical perspectives. direct and indirect lipid-mobilizing compound, further
The second set of experiments, summarized in Fig. investigations are needed to assess the pharmacokine-
4, clearly demonstrates that yohimbine had no impact tic and pharmacodynamic behaviour of yohimbine.
on insulin release in the fasting state (Fig. 4a) while During completion of the present investigations, a
keeping its lipid-mobilizing action. Moreover, yohim- paper has reported the kinetic disposition of yohim-
bine was seen to enhance the lipid-mobilizing effect of a bine in young male subjects following a single oral dose
standard period of physical activity (Fig. 4c). Since it of 10 mg of yohimbine in conditions similar to ours
has been demonstrated that the fractional extraction of [32]. It is noticeable that the compound is absorbed
glycerol does not increase with elevated arterial con- very rapidly and eliminated from the plasma with an
centrations, and also since it does not serve as a elimination half-life of 0.60 0.26 h [32]. The rapid fall
significant glyconeogenic substrate, the use of plasma of plasma levels of yohimbine is not due to urinary
glycerol response during exercise, as an index of excretion of the drug or to its sequestration by red
lipolytic activity, should be preferred to the FFA blood cells; a pharmacodynamic study based on the
response [29]. During this period plasma concentra- evaluation of metabolic impact would probably be
tions of glycerol increased, while the absence of an valuable in further approaches to extend pharmacoki-
increase in plasma FFA levels (Fig. 4b) can be netic data.
interpreted as being linked to a concomitant utilization The lipid-mobilizing strategies based on cc2-antago-
of mobilized FFA by the exercising muscles. The nist utilization would be compared with the thera-
results depicted in Fig. 4c support this idea since peutic lipolytic strategies based on the use of b-agonist
plasma FFA levels increased significantly after the end compounds [7-lo], which exhibit some limitations and
of physical activity. Moreover, the data also demon- still require extended explorations in humans. If we
strate that the effects of yohimbine are additive or refer to a recent paper that appeared during comple-
synergistic with those of exercise (Fig.4~).It is notice- tion of the present work [6], it is clear that the acute
able that the well-known hypoinsulinaemia, observed administration of a new p-adrenoceptor agonist
during physical exercise, was not modified by yohim- (Ro16-8714), which is rather poorly selective, in
bine administration. healthy male volunteers promotes lipid mobilization
Concerning the interpretation of the lipid mobiliza- and an increase in the rate of energy expenditure.
tion induced by yohimbine, the increase of plasma However, among its major limitations, Ro16-8714
norepinephrine concentrations strongly suggests that administration produced substantial tachycardia.
lipid mobilization is consecutive to an increase in In summary, we have shown that oral yohimbine
synaptic cleft norepinephrine concentrations after administration promoted lipid mobilization in fasting
yohimbine [30], as also seen during physical exercise subjects without noticeable action on heart rate and
[31] (Table 2). The associated of both experimental blood pressure. The lipid-mobilizing action is rein-
situations leads to a higher activation of the sympathe- forced during physical exercise and completely sup-
tic nervous system and to a concomitant increment of pressed after a meal. Concerning the mechanisms of
lipid mobilization (Fig. 4c). action, the lipid mobilizing effect of yohimbine is
A better understanding of the lipid-mobilizing attributable to: (i) an increase in synaptic norepineph-
mechanism requires a dissociation of orthosympathe- rine with a resultant increment of lipolysis by p-
tic activation from the effects of a putative blockade of adrenergic agonism within the fat deposits; (ii) a
post-junctional fat-cell a*-adrenoceptors. An experi- decrease in chronic excessive 1x2-adrenoceptorstimula-
ment was made to dissociate the involvement of the b- tion of human fat-cell a*-adrenoceptors; (iii) a block-
adrenergic receptor-mediated lipolytic effects linked to ade of presynaptic Ixz-adrenoceptors.
594 J. GALITZKY et of.

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