Research Part I

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

The Special Program in the Arts is a program implemented by the Department of

Education in the year 2000 (Leocario, 2015). Special Program in the Arts is divided into six

components; Music, Visual Arts, Theater Arts, Media Arts, Creative Writing and Dance. The

program is offered to Grade 7 students covering a range of artforms and disciplines. The vision

of the Special Program in the Arts is to create young artists with aesthetic potentials that will

contribute in preserving the Filipino culture and heritage (Department of Education in Enclosure

No. 140 DepEd Memorandum No. 335, series of 2004). The lack of facilities and equipment can

affects the SPA students' participation in Special Program in the Arts class. This study is

anchored on the claim of Mahan and Gill (1972) stating that insufficient resources such as

equipment and facilities can lead to lack of energy and discouragement among teachers and

students engaged in a particular subject.

According to Limon (2016) one crucial variable that directly affect the students'

performance and achievement is the adequacy or lack of school facilities that aid in the

reinforcement of knowledge and skills. Based on the research of the Department of Education

(1999), public schools struggle when it comes to the availability of appropriate, useful and

quality of school facilities resulting to students' low participation in class. When it comes to

available resources, the Special Program in the Arts of the public secondary school studied, is

way behind the facilities and equipment expected of the program (Sebastian 2012). Cay (1966)
further cited that provision of professional resources motivates teachers to improve themselves as

well as their teaching practices.

The related literatures above only stated that the lack of facilities and equipment can affect

students' participation in their class and did not clearly stated the effects. May it mentioned some

effects but it does not catch our interest, for there are many effects and those are kind of common

effects. So the researchers must study more about the effects of the lack of facilities and

equipment to SPA students' participation in SPA class that has not yet been mentioned,

discovered, explored and stated.

The purpose of this research study is to identify what are the effects of the lack of facilities

and equipment to Special Program in the Arts students and teachers. This research study can be

done through surveying, interviewing and giving question are to the Grade 7 students who chose

to enter Special Program in the Arts subject

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this research study is to know the effects of the lack of facilities and

equipment to SPA students' participation in SPA class. Specifically it seeks to answer the

following questions:

1. What are effects of the inadequacy of facilities and equipment to Special Program in the

Arts students?

2. What are the effects of the inadequacy of facilities and equipment to Special Program in

the Arts teachers?

Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this research study is to determine what are the effects the lack of

facilities and equipment to Special Program in the Arts students and teachers. The respondents

this research are mainly the Grade 7 students who chose to take Special Program in the Arts .

This research will be conducted in the year 2020 at the Bato School of Fisheries.

Significance of the study

The research results will serve as the basis in identifying the effects of the lack of

facilities and equipment in the Special Program in the Arts subject. The result of this study will

provide recommendations for the school administration to make an action regarding the lack of

facilities and equipment in Special Program in the Arts subject. It may help the school

administration in finding a way to improve the subject's association and improve the learning

experience of the students (Grade 7) who are enrolled in the said program. The teachers also will

also be a beneficiary; they became more inspired and energized if they have a complete facilities

and equipment in the respective Special Program in the Arts subject.



The shortage of equipment and facilities can affect the quality of teaching and leanings;

quality diminishes when the facilities required for imparting and learning are inadequate or at

times not available. Olaitan (1996) remarked that the condition under which vocational education

imparted is poor. Most secondary schools and tertiary institutions lack equipment for training,

lack workshop or workshop facilities, have ill equipped laboratories and libraries. Vocational

technical education is a type of education that prepares it's recipients for the world of work and

so the student are supposed to be exposed to a work environment which will enable them to fit
and outside the school environment. Heyneman's (1980), also stated that research in developed

and developing countries has lead him to the conclusion that students in developing countries

perform much below those of developed countries because of inadequate and poor school

facilities. Another is Akhihiero (2011), he stated that there is no proper education or we can even

say that no effective education will take place where there are no provision of school facilities

for effective teaching and learning. A considerable number of variables that operate in the

teaching learning process in invariably affect the education performance and achievement of

student. One crucial variable that directly impacts is the quality of learning acquisition among

learners is the adequacy or lack of school facilities that aid in the reinforcement of knowledge

and skills. Based on research findings of the Department of Education (1999), public schools

struggle when it comes to the availability of appropriate, useful and quality school facilities on

teaching and learning. The same claim was asserted by Cay (1966), citing that the provision of

professional resources encourages teachers to improve themselves and their teaching practices.

Sebastian (2012) on his research about the Special Program in the Arts in Region 2 already stated

the importance of support system that are provided to the schools. He emphasized that there is a

need to conduct monitoring and assessment of the program particularly in the attainment of

objectives, teacher competence, methodology, learning resources, venue, and education process

in order to assess progress and provide intervention when necessary. Mahan and Gill (1972)

pointed out that nonexistence of facilities and equipment can discourage teacher and result to

their lack of energy.

Conceptual Framework

Lack of facilities and Equipment

(Mahan and Gill 1972)
Lack of Energy and Discouragement

Students and Teachers

The framework shows that the inadequacy of facilities and equipment leads to the lack of

energy and discouragement to students and teachers because if the inadequacy of facilities and

equipment is present in a certain subject the student and teachers cannot work well and

understand the lesson in the particular subject.

Chapter III

Research Design

This study utilizes exploratory case study design. This design involves the exploration of

the effects of the inadequacy of facilities and equipment. The utilization of this design is

appropriate to this research study because the goal is to determine and explore the effects of the

inadequacy of facilities and equipment in the newly implemented program which is the Special

Program in the Arts (SPA).

Research Respondents and Sampling Procedure

The target respondents of this study are the Grade 7 Special Program in the Arts (SPA)

students and also the teachers of Bato School of Fisheries (BSF) who will be included in the

identification of the effects of the Inadequacy of facilities and equipment. The 89 members of the

population in Special Program in the Arts will be randomly selected and be given a

questionnaire. There are 5 components of SPA present in Bato School of Fisheries with this 10

students are randomly selected in every component.

Research Instrument

The teacher respondents will answer 6-item questionnaire by shading the circles that

containing the choices that are related or according to their choice. The checklist developed by

Schneider (2002) and adopted by the researchers. The research instrument will also include to

answer the socio-demographic profile including their name (optional), age, sex and the

component of Special Program in the Arts that they had teached. The teacher will also answer

the questions in the interview questionnaire, the interview questionnaire contains 5 item

The student respondents will answer the 1-25 item questionnaire by shading the Yes or No

choices that are according to their choice. The questionnaire is developed by Sabbit (2019) and

adopted by the researchers. The research instrument will also include to answer the socio-

demographic profile including their name (optional), age, sex, and the component of Special

Program in the Arts that they had taken.

Data Collection Procedure

In this study the researcher sent a letter of request to the principal of Bato School of

Fisheries for the permission and approval of the study. One, the request had been approved the

researcher started the conduction of the study to respondents. The respondents which are mainly

the Grade 7 students and teachers of Special Program in the Arts subject are instructed on how to

fill up the questionnaire its purpose and object. The researcher guided the respondents in

answering the questions so that the questionnaires accomplished without problem in interpreting

the data. After the questionnaire had been answered the results collected in this study will help to

analyze the effects of the Inadequacy of facilities and equipment to Special Program in the Arts

students and teachers.

Data Analysis Procedure

This study utilizes the use of descriptive data analysis that includes the

computation of mean and percentage as a tool used in identifying the effects of the

Inadequacy of facilities and equipment to students and teachers of Special Program in the

Chapter IV


The table above shows that the Special Program in the Arts Dance students answers the

item number 1, 2 ,5, 6, 7, 8 ,9 ,15, 17, 18,19 ,21,and 22 is addressed in Dance component in

Special Program in the Arts and it has result of 50% satisfied and 50% not satisfied on the

facilities and equipment in the components that the students taken. Item number 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 14,

18, 19, 22, and 25 is addressed in Music components in Special Program in the Arts and it results

that most of the students are 63.55% satisfied of the equipment that already has, but 36.45% of

the respondents are answered opposite to others who is satisfied. In item number 5, 6, 9, 13, 16,

18, 19, and 23 is addressed in Visual component in Special Program in the Arts and it has a

result of 59% that most of the students are somewhat satisfied on available equipment on the

component and 41% are not satisfied. In item number 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 20 is

addressed in Theater arts component in Special Program in the Arts and it has a result of 49%

students are satisfied on available equipment as some of the respondents answered Yes but 51%

students answers No . In item 5, 6, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, and 24 is addressed in mixed Media in

Special Program in the Arts and it has a result of 56% of the students who are satisfied but 41%

of students answers No or not satisfied.

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