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Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

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Desertification risk analysis and assessment in Northern Nigeria T

a b,⁎ c
Oloukoi Joseph , Adagbasa Efosa Gbenga , Dasat Gloria Langyit
Department of Cartography, African Regional Institute for Geospatial Information Science and Technology (AFRIGIST), Nigeria
Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, African Regional Institute for Geospatial Information Science and Technology (AFRIGIST), Off Road 1, Obafemi
Awolowo University Campus, P. M. B. 5545 Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria
Department of Cartography; African Regional Institute for Geospatial Information Science and Technology (AFRIGIST), Nigeria


Keywords: Changes in climatic conditions and human activities have led to increase in surface temperature, potential
Desertification evapotranspiration and decrease in rainfall, thereby increasing desertification risk in the study area. Data used
Climatic variations included Landsat images and meteorological data (1984–2015). Land use land cover change (LULCC) was es-
Land surface temperature timated using maximum likelihood supervised classification. Land surface temperature (LST) was computed
from thermal bands while desertification risk index was calculated using meteorological data from 5 weather
Environmental degradation
stations and Normalized Differential Index (NDVI) values. The results from the LULCC revealed a significant
Land use
Remote sensing reductions in rangeland by 13,418 Km2; while water body and rock out-crop were also affected by 1255 Km2 and
2592 Km2 respectively. The result also showed built-up and barren land with increase estimated at 5755 Km2 and
2016 11,512 Km2 respectively. LST increased by 2.8 °C from 1984 to 1999 and 2.7 °C from 1999 to 2014 with
values at 43.8 °C in 1984, 46.6 °C in 1999 and 49.3 °C in 2015. A similar trend was observed from climatic data
obtained while reduction in amount of rainfall was recorded over the years. Desertification Risk Index (DRI) was
used to identify areas at risk with notable increase in 2014 encroaching south-ward. Desertification risk between
1984 and 1999 recorded the least threat with 1.32 and 8.53 as the lowest and highest risk rate while in 2014 it
increased with the highest at 9.1 and the least value of 1.97. The results of the study show that desertification in
Bauchi State is evident due to the rapid changes in climatic conditions and anthropogenic activities.

1. Introduction This implies that, desertification whether exacerbated by the dete-

rioration in the condition of topsoil, particularly in the drylands, is a
Desertification is an environmental problem occurring in dry lands with consequence of temperature variations, rainfall, soil humidity and
its effects experienced across the globe (Liu et al., 2014). Desertification is a human actions (Du et al., 2016; D’Odorico et al., 2013). This results in
form of land degradation (Escadafal et al., 2015) in arid, semi-arid and dry enormous loss or damage to natural resources and consequently leads to
sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic varia- decrease in the value of soil, water, flora and fauna resources in the
tions and human activities (UNCCD, 2011). Anthropogenic activities such society (Gao et al., 2016).
as deforestation can alter climatic conditions thereby affecting surface In Nigeria, the situation is not different from the global trend as
temperature, solar radiation immersion, evaporation rates leading to de- there is a general consensus that desertification is by far the most
sertification (Javed et al., 2008). United Nations’ report stated that, more pressing environmental problem in the dry-land parts of the country.
than one billion people across the globe were affected by drought and Three major zones exist within the northern region of the country
desertification (UNCCD, 2004). About 30 million km2 (19 percent) of the which are; arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid while moist sub-humid
land surface are vulnerable to desertification or are threatened by it (Nahal, and humid zones are found within the southern region (UNDP, 2007). It
1987). It has been estimated that 12 million hectares of land are trans- has been estimated that between 50% and 75% of Bauchi, Borno,
formed into new man-made deserts every year (UNCCD, 2011) and one Gombe, Jigawa, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, Yobe, and Zamfara
quarter of the world's agricultural land has been extremely degraded (FAO, States in Nigeria are being affected by desertification (Kabara, 2013).
2011). However, the problem of desertification is not only confined to arid The visible sign of this phenomenon is the gradual shift in vegeta-
or semi-arid regions in the world, as its impact is experienced in virtually tion from grasses, bushes and occasional trees, to grass and bushes, and
all facets of life worldwide (Wang et al., 2016; Dragan et al., 2005). in the final stages, expansive areas of desert-like sand (National

Corresponding author at: Department of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, African Regional Institute for Geospatial Information Science and Technology (AFRIGIST), Nigeria.
E-mail addresses:, (O. Joseph),, (A.E. Gbenga), (D.G. Langyit).
Received 11 March 2017; Received in revised form 8 February 2018; Accepted 25 April 2018
Available online 02 May 2018
2352-9385/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 1. The study area, Bauchi State.

Strategic Action Plan, NSAP, 2012). Sand dunes increased by approxi- affects biodiversity, education, health, social and economic activities
mately 17% from 820 km2 to 4830 km2 between the period of amongst others (Akbari et al., 2016), call for holistic approach to
1976–1978 and 1993–1995 (Federal Ministry of Environment, 2008). monitoring, mitigation and prevention. Consequently, in order to
Furthermore, over grazing and over-exploitation of marginal lands have combat desertification, continuous monitoring is crucial. The use of
temperature variation, changes in rainfall pattern, population pressure remote sensing technology to monitor desertification has enormous
resulting in over grazing and over-exploitation of marginal lands have potentials to survey ground condition over a large area (Grainger, 1990;
aggravated desertification in these frontline states (National Strategic and UNCCD, 2013).
Action Plan, NSAP, 2012). Entire villages and major access roads have The aim of this study is to assess the risk of desertification in
been buried under sand dunes in the extreme northern parts of Katsina, Northern Nigeria especially in Bauchi State towards effective preven-
Sokoto, Jigawa, Borno, and Yobe States (Nwafor, 2006). Nonetheless, tion, mitigation and /or reversal of encroachment. The objectives are to
the overall consequence of the increasing rate of desertification is es- analyze selected indicators of desertification such as vegetation cover,
timated to be progressing at a rate of about 0.6 km per year (Nwafor, rainfall and temperature; and provide a Desertification Risk Index (DRI)
2006). Desertification has already affected about 50% and 75% of land of the study area.
within the frontline states (Kabara, 2013), which amounts to about 43%
of the total land in Nigeria with an estimated population of over 50 1.1. The study area
million (Olasupo, 2013). Similarly, Odioghor (2010) stated that thou-
sands of hectares of land mass were lost to desert conditions that were Bauchi State lies between latitude 9°30' and 12°30' North and
less arable for agriculture every year. As a consequence, the eleven longitudes 8°45' and 11°00'
Northern states are losing an estimated $5.1 billion every year through East. The State is bordered by Kano, Jigawa and Yobe States to the
the negative effects of desertification. Furthermore, Nwafor (2006) north, Plateau and Taraba States to the south, Kaduna State to the west
stated that, Nigeria has lost about 351,000 ha of landmass to desert while Gombe State is at the north eastern boundary (Fig. 1). The study
encroachment and this trend has currently been estimated to be ad- area comprises of 20 Local Government Areas with total land mass of
vancing southwards at a rate of about 600 m per year. about 48,329 km2 which is estimated to account for 7% of land mass in
However, it has been difficult to estimate how fast desertification is Nigeria (NPC, 1991).
advancing in Nigeria (National Strategic Action Plan, NSAP, 2012). This Temperatures in Bauchi State are generally high with mean daily
is because various state governments, until recently, had not seen de- maximum temperatures ranging from 29.2 °C in July and August to
sertification as a problem requiring high priority attention (Olasupo, 37.6 °C in March and April. Similarly, daily evaporation in the state
2013) and this, has therefore resulted in poor monitoring of the de- ranges from 2.4 mm in July and August to about 15.7 mm in March, the
gradation rate of arid and semi-arid areas of the country (UNCCD, months of January and April being the period of greatest evaporation
2013). On the other hand, scientists noted that desertification is not (Nwankwo and Agboeze, 2013). The rainy season months are March to
moving along a linear front but occurs in patches, which expand in October, with humidity ranges of about 37–68% and rainfall amounts
various directions and at rates that vary considerably (Oladipo, 1993). to about 0.0 mm in December and January to about 343 mm in July
Therefore, the multi-dimensional implication of desertification as it with annual rainfall ranging between 700 mm in the north to 1300 mm

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

in the south (Nwankwo and Agboeze, 2013). Bauchi State lies at an 3. Methods
altitude of about 600 m above sea level, being part of the central Ni-
geria highlands and Jos Plateau complex. It spans within two distinct 3.1. Analysis of the Land Surface Temperature (LST)
vegetation zones, namely, the Guinea Savannah in the southern part
and the Sudan Savannah in the northern part that are generally char- The temperature recorded at the margin between the earth surface
acterized by undifferentiated (mixed) woodlands, particularly mixed and the immediate atmosphere is Land Surface Temperature (LST)
acacia. The state is drained by several river systems. The dominant one (Valiente et al., 2014). LST has been found to be an important element
is Gongola River which originates from the Jos Plateau, southwest of in monitoring drought, desertification and other environmental pro-
Bauchi State. The western and northern parts of the state are drained by blems (Adebayo and Zemba, 2003; Anejionu et al., 2013; and
the Rivers Bunga and Jama'are systems that constitute part of the River Ifatimehin et al., 2010).
Yobe system. Within the northeastern part of the state is the Dingaya LST can be calculated using different Land Use Land Cover (LU/LC)
(Dingaiye) River system. Similarly, the extreme northern part of the classes. The basis for using LU/LC in LST calculation is that climatic
state is a considerable stretch of the Katagum River system. Thus, the conditions around urbanized settlement is affected by the changes in
State has considerable surface drainage systems that could be harnessed LU/LC and anthropogenic activities (Javed et al., 2008). In this ap-
for development purposes with much emphasis on prevention and mi- proach, the land surface emissivity must be taken into consideration
tigation of ecological problems like desertification. because retrieval of LST from multispectral sensors data requires an
Bauchi State has a population of 4,676,465 inhabitants which ac- accurate measurement of emissivity values of the surface (Mallick et al.,
counts for 3.34% of Nigeria's total population in 2006 with population 2008, Caselles et al., 1995).
density of 72 per sq. Km and Bauchi the capital is the most populated
estimated at 493, 810 inhabitants (National Population Commission,
3.2. LST extraction
2006). The study area over the years has experienced about 42%
growth in population from 3,295,337 (National Population Commis-
The images for this study were re-sampled using the Nearest
sion, 1991) with crude density of 57.3 per sq. Km compared to esti-
Neighbor algorithm. The thermal band 6 of 1984 and 1999 which is
mates obtained from 2006 census. Thus, as population increases more
acquired at 60 m resolution, thermal bands 10 of 2014 acquired at
threat is posed to the environment.
100 m resolution, are useful in providing more accurate surface tem-
The major occupation in Bauchi State is farming employing tradi-
peratures. The images were re-sampled to a resolution of 30 m. Idrisi
tional methods and implements. About 90% of the population engage in
Selva software was used to carry out the data processing.
rained agriculture, irrigation and mix farming (Udo, 1970).
The following steps were taken to obtain Land surface temperature
information from Landsat products using Idrisi Selva software:
Conversion of Digital Numbers DNs to top of the atmosphere (TOA)
2. Materials and methods
radiance values, Conversion of TOA radiance values to TOA brightness
temperature in Kelvin, land cover classification of the study area, re-
The methodological approach is based on the use of satellite images
classification of the land cover classification to emissivity values, con-
combined with meteorological and field information. Desertification
version from TOA brightness temperature in Kelvin to Land surface
Risk Index was determined to depict vulnerability of Bauchi State to
temperature and conversion of degrees Kelvin into degrees Celsius.
desertification and its extent between 1984 and 2014.
(Appendix A).
Transects were made from South - North and West-East to observe
variation in temperature in relation to change in LULC types. Data from
2.1. Characteristics of data
NIMET weather stations were obtained and used for verification of
results for the period under consideration. Hereafter, data from Bauchi,
Secondary data were also utilized for this study with primary
Jos, Kaduna, Gombe and Kano weather stations of 1984 – 2014 were
sources from field observations and GPS measurements. Landsat sa-
interpolated using Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) due to the limited
tellite images of Bauchi State were acquired for 1984, 1999 and 2014
number of weather stations and low RMSE value of about 0.00051
obtained during the dry season from United States Geological Survey
compared to other methods of interpolation like kriging and thin-plate
(USGS) Earth Explorer platform. Similarly, digital elevation data was
obtained from the USGS. In addition, rainfall and temperature data
were acquired from Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET).
Summary of data used and their characteristics are highlighted in 3.3. Analysis of the vegetation cover
Table 1.
Vegetation cover is an important and sensitive indicator of de-
sertification in arid and semiarid regions and can be used to study these
processes (Purevdorj, 1998).

Table 1
Data sources and their characteristics.
S/N Data type Spatial resolution / Scale Date of

1. Landsat TM (WRS-2, Path 186–188 60 m for band 6 January 1984

Row 051–053)
2. Landsat ETM+ (WRS-2, Path 186 60 m for band 6 February 1999
− 188, Row 051–053)
3. Landsat OLI – TIRS (WRS-2, Path 100 m for band 10 January 2014
186–188, Row 051–053)
4. Rainfall and Temperature N/A 1984–2014
5. Administrative Map of Nigeria 1: 300,000 2005
6. GPS measurement 3 m accuracy February 2015

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 2. Sample points randomly selected for validating vegetation cover and temperature.

Fensham and Holman (1999) stated that NDVI being a guide in Subsequently, IDW spatial interpolation technique was applied to
evaluating vegetation was the ratio between the maximum absorption derive temperature and precipitation maps with values obtained from
of radiation in the red (R) spectral band against the maximum reflection six meteorological stations. However, due to the fact that the Inverse
of radiation in the near infrared (NIR) spectral band. However, several Distance Weighted method of interpolation used put into consideration
authors had recommended the adoption of Soil Adjusted Vegetation distance, Sokoto weather station was omitted since estimated values are
Index (SAVI) for sparsely vegetated areas such as drylands (Huete, more influenced by nearby points than those farther away and more
1988; Terrill, 1994). But for this study, the Normalized Difference Ve- accurate result is obtained using fewer control points (Kang-tsung,
getation index (NDVI) approach was used as it provides a simple so- 2012; Zimmerman, 1999).
lution to the estimation of vegetation cover (Hurcom and Harrison,
1998; Eastman, 2009). (Appendix B)
3.5. Validation and accuracy assessment

3.4. Determination of the desertification risk index In reality, there is simply not enough time, energy or equipment
suitable to measure every single item within a population or sampling
Desertification risk analysis of the study area was achieved through frame. Thus, sampling of sites is very important. In this study, a re-
the adoption of the Desertification Risk Index used by Dragan et al. connaissance survey was conducted in February 2015 to identify the
(2005). various land use/land cover classes and vegetation distribution present
The DRI is based on the assumption that desertification risk is in the study area.
highest in areas with high temperatures, low precipitation, low NDVI Primarily a numbered gridded plan of the study area to be sampled
and when the rainfall is not spread equally over the year (Appendix C). was laid over the study area map achieved using Data Reviewer of
Furthermore, DRI was derived through several procedures ArcMap 10.1. Subsequently, a computer generated random number
(Appendix C). Pielou's evenness index J’ (P) was an adoption of table was used to select which grid to sample (Fig. 2).
Shannon evenness index but in this context rainfall was used rather Meteorological measurements consisting of temperature and rainfall
than species of vegetation. It ranges between 0 and 1, with 1 re- measurements recorded for the last 30 years obtained from five weather
presenting a situation in which all the average monthly precipitations stations (NIMET) were utilized for validation of temperature distribu-
are equally abundant (maximum evenness) which was implemented tion across the study area. Data were plotted using the Inverse Distance
with continuous spatial data such as NDVI from low resolution satellite Weighted interpolation method due to low Root Means Square (RMS)
imagery. However, in implementing DRI, all other parameters involved error and trend noted from remotely sensed data.
must be available in a spatial context as quantitative map layers. Thus, Results for DRI ranging from 1 to 10 were then classified into four
DRI was best suited to operate within a GIS environment where map qualitative classes of desertification risk ranging from very low to very
layers can be easily combined through the spatial analyst tool. high.

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 3. Land Use Land Cover types.

temperature values obtained from NIMET between 1984 and 2014,

while an increase experienced in 2014 to mean maximum temperature
of 35.5 °C (Table 2).
Land Surface Temperatures of the study area were recorded with
variation across different LULC types (Figs. 6 and 7). Observations re-
vealed that LST had increased over the years with variations across
different LULC types. Higher temperatures were recorded for barren
land and built-up areas while rock out-crop witnessed lower tempera-
Fig. 4. LULC dynamics between 1984 and 2014. The cross section profiles gradually changes with increase in dis-
tance across LULC types. The result obtained showed that high surface
temperature values were recorded for built-up areas and barren land
However, the DRI values obtained could not be verified using
while a decrease is observed as cross section gradually changes to rock
Desertification Prone Areas (DPA) as utilized by Dragan et al. (2005)
out-crop, waterbody or vegetated areas. This obviously shows that the
due to unavailability of DPA maps for Nigeria.
presence of vegetation helps in regulating surface temperature of an
Rather it was compared with the aridity and moisture indices
(Appendix D).
Consequently, over the years under consideration, a considerable
increase in temperature was observed. This is not different with in-
4. Results and discussion
creasing temperature noted globally and confirmed by temperature
surveys (Water Civilization International Centre, WCIC, 2012). Global
4.1. Land use land cover change
warming is eminent everywhere (UNDP, 2007) as depicted in the study
of Lake Chad disappearance due to rising temperature of the ground
The classified land use maps (Fig. 3) revealed that barren land and
and atmosphere and has led to increase in desertification (Miller and
built-up areas had increased tremendously by 11, 512.38 km2 and
Spoolman, 2009; Water Civilization International Centre, WCIC, 2012).
5755.12 km2 respectively, while vegetation had immensely decreased
Thus, the situation is the same in Nigeria as general increase in
of 13, 418.97 km2. Water body and rock out-crop also recorded de-
temperature is being experienced in every part (Odjugo, 2010; Olusina
crease from about 1350 Km2 and 6200 Km2 to 100 Km2 and 3600 Km2
and Odumade, 2012) as was reported in this study. IPCC (2007) noted
that this increase in temperature may not be leveled on climate or
Therefore, built-up, rock out-crop and range land witnessed higher
meteorological conditions only, rather the role played by human ac-
magnitude of change between 1999 and 2014 while barren land and
tivities that have brought about increase in greenhouse gases.
water experienced higher magnitude of change between 1984 and 1999
Subsequently, human activities have great influence on the tem-
(Fig. 4).
perature of the environment and changes in LULC types which results in
LST dynamics (Zhang et al., 2016). Likewise, as a result of expansion of
4.2. Land surface temperatures
built-up areas over time, green spaces are lost thereby higher tem-
peratures are experienced within the built-up areas. Correspondingly,
It was observed that highest surface temperature were at 43.8 °C,
IPCC (2007) buttressed the point that agricultural practices, soil use
46.6 °C and 49.3 °C for 1984, 1999 and 2014 respectively (Fig. 5). The
and deforestation account for 13.5–18.2% of greenhouse gases emitted
highest temperature value was recorded in 2014.
respectively. Even though most human activities may be small, the
Similarly, it was observed that the lowest land surface temperature
contributory factors to greenhouse gases are harmful.
values recorded were 18.3 °C, 14.3 °C and 10.4 °C in 1984, 1999 and
Also, considering the relevance of vegetation which serves as earth's
2014 respectively with similar trend when compared to mean air

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

cooler in controlling rising temperatures, loss of this part of the eco- Table 2
system poses increase in desertification threat. Summary of LST between 1984 and 2014.
Therefore, since vegetation cools the land by shading soil from di- Year LST (°C) Air temperature (°C)
rect sun rays, releasing water vapor into air through transpiration and
finally through photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is removed (Miller and Max Min Max Min
Spoolman, 2009). This suggests that temperature is reduced in vege-
1984 43.82 18.33 32.1 15.3
tated areas compared to non- vegetated areas. 1999 46.67 14.27 32.4 22.1
2014 49.37 10.43 35.5 23.2
4.3. Analysis of the vegetation cover

Considering the relevance of vegetation cover in assessment of de- Built-up & Barren land

sertification, it is pertinent that this biological indicator is given the Built-up

required attention. Thus, in this study the Normalized Difference Built-up & Barren land Built-up Rock
Vegetation Index (NDVI) was carried out alongside reconnaissance
Rock Rock &
survey to verify the values obtained (Fig. 8). Vegetation Vegetation

It was observed that NDVI values were higher in 1984 with a mean Vegetation Vegetation

value of 0.072 (ranging between –0.46 and 0.51). Areas along river Water Bodies
Vegetation & Water Bodies
channels were noted to have higher NDVI values than other LULC types.
Year 1999 recorded lower values with a mean value of −0.249 (ran- Fig. 6. LST Variation across various LULC Types on West – East transect.
ging between −0.27 and 0.27).
The mean NDVI values from 1984 to 2014 were between 0.072 to
−0.27 (ranging from −0.47 to 0.51) with 2014 recording the least Built-up & Barren land Built-up & Barren land Built-up

maximum value of 0.22 while 1984 had the highest value at 0.51. Rock
Anyamba and Tucker (2005) suggested that values less than 0.1 will be Rock
considered as desert, between 0.1 and 0.2 as semi-desert while areas Vegetation Vegetation
with 0.2 – 0.4 as shrub and grassland, and finally pixels with more than Water Bodies
& Rock
0.5 will be assumed having forest land cover. Likewise, Hellden and Vegetation & Water Bodies

Tottrup (2008) classified regions that had a long-term mean monthly

NDVI value between 0.1 and 0.5 as subject to desertification. Fig. 7. LST Variation across various LULC Types on South - North transect.
Therefore, the relationship among vegetation density, soil moisture
and surface temperature coupled with the role of these parameters in
the desertification have shown that they are strongly related and can 2014 revealed that the southern part of Bauchi had experienced sig-
explain the dynamics of desertification (Anyamba and Tucker, 2005). nificant decrease as the extent of areas with low temperature and high
Equally, vegetation cover is indeed one of the most visible sign of amount of rainfall to about 1200 mm were within the zone. At the
desertification. Decrease vegetation cover and variation in the species northern part were high temperature values of above 34 °C and 36 °C
composition are sensitive indicators of desertification as observed witnessed low amount of rainfall to below 800 mm between 1984 and
during field survey where sparsely distributed mango, neem, eu- 2014.
calyptus, date palm and cacti were predominantly noticed with vast Between 1984 and 2014, Kano station recorded annual mean rain-
coverage of dried grassland. fall of 447.1 mm and 418 mm; Kaduna station recorded 484.9 mm and
The variation in temperature and rainfall (Fig. 9) between 1984 and 454.2 mm; Gombe station recorded 377.5 mm and 394.9 mm; and Jos

1984 1999

Fig. 5. Land Surface Temperature distribution for 1984, 1999 and 2014.

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 8. NDVI distribution for the study area.

recorded 1215.8 mm and 1432.4 mm. Hence, results obtained for precipitation are very sensitive to soil moisture content as a reduction
Bauchi State were influenced by various rainfall and temperature values in either of the parameters or both leads to increase in desertification
of surrounding weather stations. risk.
Variation in rainfall connotes IPCC (2007) opinion that areas within
dry lands may experience changing rainfall patterns, intense increase
4.4. Analysis of the aridity and moisture indices
temperature that could result to loss of soil moisture. Likewise,
Bounova and Krishnamurti (1993) discovered that temperature and
Kano station recorded the lowest aridity index at 0.29 with

Fig. 9. Mean annual rainfall between 1984 and 2014.

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 10. Aridity Index and Moisture Index of Bauchi State.

corresponding record for moisture content at −70.66% while Kaduna Thus, in general, and especially in semi-arid regions, strong correlations
station recorded 0.72 and −28.35 for aridity and moisture indices re- between precipitation and NDVI can be found. Therefore, NDVI can be
spectively. Moisture index for Bauchi State recorded −56.5% and used as an indicator for vegetation status and its response to pre-
−35.0% as minimum and maximum moisture content after interpola- cipitation variability (Barbosa et al., 2013) with emphasis on the spe-
tion was carried out. Higher aridity and moisture indices reflected cies composition of vegetation cover (Enete et al., 2012).
wetter areas (Fig. 10). Similarly, the aridity index revealed that Bauchi Hence, the role of vegetation in evapotranspiration (Ifatimehin
State lies within 2 distinct zones of Semi-arid and Dry sub-humid with et al., 2010) which explains reduction in temperature over vegetated
below 700–1200 mm rainfall per year and aridity index less than 0.5 areas is crucial. Thus, the overall cooling effect to the environment is
and 0.5–0.65 respectively (Thornthwaite and Mather, 1962) as in reduced due to depletion of vegetation quality thereby allowing in-
Fig. 10. Therefore, compounding effects on soil and vegetation quality crease in surface temperature (Benabderrahmane and Chenchouni,
(Benabderrahmane and Chenchouni, 2010) could be experienced. 2010; Ifatimehin et al., 2010; Enete et al., 2012).
Aridity Index allows definition of water availability (deficiency and Hence, desertification will advance, in a certain landscape, when
excess) within a specific period. It is a determinant of ecosystem the soil is not able to provide the plants with rooting space and/or
characteristics affecting soil health capacity (Miller and Spoolman, water and nutrients (Kosmas et al., 2013). Water retention capabilities
2009). Likewise, moisture index is centered on the amount of water and of vegetation species are necessary for their survival amidst harsh cli-
wilting point (Hunt et al., 2008). The amount of moisture in the soil at a matic conditions. However, their root depth and height, even though
given period influences the distribution and growth pattern of vegeta- plays principal role in desertification risk assessment, could not be as-
tion, soil microbial activity, soil erosion, wind erosion, nutrient move- certained in the course of this study.
ments and other soil properties. Thus, field survey revealed that the level of vegetation density could
Furthermore, Land becomes irreversibly desertified when the root- decrease the level of temperature. Areas with more dense vegetation
able soil depth is not able to sustain a certain minimum vegetation such as Yankari game reserve and riparian vegetated areas felt much
cover as such soil moisture can be used to monitor water availability for cooler. However, due to the sparse distribution of these trees and ve-
plant growth (Kosmas et al., 2013) especially within dry lands. So, getation generally with narrow leaves, moderately high temperature
improvement in rainfall and temperature would increase soil moisture were witnessed especially in built-up areas and barren land.
content thereby causing increase in vegetation cover which would in-
fluence mitigation of desertification (Adakayi, 2012). 4.6. Desertification Risk Index (DRI)

4.5. Analysis of the relationship between vegetation cover and temperature Desertification risk between 1984 and 1999 recorded the least
threat with 1.32 and 8.53 as the lowest and highest risk index while in
The relationship between land surface temperature and vegetation 2014 it increased with values between 1.97 and 9.1 (Fig. 12).
cover was verified using regression analysis in this study. It was ob- Values recorded for DRI were further categorized into low, mod-
served that land surface temperature and vegetation had a negative erate, high and very high to depict severity of desertification in the
relationship (Yue et al., 2007) with correlation coefficient ‘r’ at study area (Fig. 13).
−0.462417 (Fig. 11). Similarly, the coefficient of determination was Severity of desertification over the years has intensified. There is no
21.38%. This implies that the presence of vegetation can strongly de- doubt that there exists increase in desertification risk especially to areas
termine or predict land surface temperature to 21.38% if other factors that had low risk (southern Bauchi). It is of concern that areas as at
remain constant. Notwithstanding, other variables such as rainfall, soil 1999 with low risk were seen to have deteriorated to high risk or very
quality, socio-economic factors could play vital roles (Akinola, 2014). high risk. Therefore, large spatial extent is currently at very high risk of

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 11. Relationship between change in LST and Vegetation (NDVI).

experiencing this excruciating ecological problem. This could be as- soil moisture content thereby causing increase in vegetation cover
cribed to variation in temperature and rainfall which are vital compo- (Adakayi, 2012) as observed in 1999 where areas with vegetation
nents of DRI and decrease in vegetation across the State over the years. especially riparian vegetation witnessed low risk.
Therefore, improvement in rainfall and temperature could increase Consequently, with the northern parts showing higher risk as a

Fig. 12. DRI distribution between 1984 and 2014.

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 13. Severity of desertification risk in Bauchi State.

result of high temperature and low rainfall which expresses conditions vegetation and other features. This increase is as a result of anthro-
assumed in computing DRI (Dragan et al., 2005), these conditions pogenic activities due to changes and transformation of vegetated
certainly are not favourable for vegetation growth (Adakayi, 2012) due surfaces to impervious surfaces. LST depicted increase over the years.
to fluctuations in climatic parameters that have influenced the rate of Expansion of built-up areas influences trend observed in temperature
desertification (UNCCD, 2011). and reduction in rainfall. NDVI was applied in analyzing vegetation
quality which revealed that areas along river channels had higher NDVI
5. Conclusion values which corresponded with thicker vegetation observed during
field survey. LST and NDVI dynamics were related to rainfall, aridity
This paper demonstrates the resourcefulness of remote sensing and and moisture content of the area to have better understanding of de-
GIS as a means of analyzing desertification risk in a large area such as sertification within climate change context. The DRI analysis revealed
Bauchi State in Northern Nigeria. Landsat TM, ETM+ and OLI-TIRS that Desertification risk between 1984 and 1999 recorded the least
were utilized in the assessment of desertification dynamics with focus threat while in 2014 the desertification risk showed an increase.
on Land Surface Temperature (LST), Vegetation cover and In conclusion a dire need for resilience of desertification in Bauchi
Desertification Risk Index (DRI). Over the years, there have been and northern Nigeria is crucial as its excruciating effects cannot be
significant modifications in LULC types with rangeland experiencing over-emphasized. Hence, more comprehensive assessment needs to be
the most drastic change. The result also reflected that built-up and conducted and priority given to most vulnerable parts.
barren land witnessed substantial increase at the detriment of

Appendix A. Derivation of Land Surface Temperature (LST)

Step One: Convert Digital Numbers DNs to top of the atmosphere (TOA) radiance values.
The various Landsat products have different formula and radiometric rescaling coefficients for conversion from raw DN values to TOA as briefly
described below.
Landsat 8 OLI and TIRS band data can be converted to TOA spectral radiance using the radiance rescaling factors provided in the metadata file:
For (Landsat TM and ETM+)
For Landsat OLI-TIRS
Lλ = MLQcal + AL) (A1)

Lλ= Top of Atmosphere (TOA) spectral Radiance (Watt/m2 *scrad*µm)

LMAXλ = Spectral Radiance scaled to QCALMAX in watts/ m2 *ster* µm = 1.238
LMINλ = Spectral Radiance that is scaled to QCALMIN in watts/ m2 *ster* µm = 15.303

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82

QCALMAX = maximum quantized calibrated pixel value (corresponding to LMAXλ) in DN = 255

QCALMIN=minimum quantized calibrated pixel value (corresponding to LMINλ) in
DN= 1 ML = Band specific multiplicative rescaling factor = 0.0003342
Qcal = Quantized and calibrated standard product pixel values (DN)
AL = Band specific additive rescaling factor = 0.1

Step two: Convert TOA radiance values to TOA brightness temperature in Kelvin.
TM, ETM+ and TIRS band data can be converted from spectral radiance to brightness temperature using the thermal constants provided in the
metadata file:
T = K2 /ln ((K1 /Lλ)) + 1) (A2)

T = At-satellite brightness temperature (K)

Lλ = TOA spectral radiance (Watts/(m2 * srad * μm))
K1 =Band-specific thermal conversion constant from the metadata
(K1_CONSTANT_BAND_x, where x is the band number, band 6 for TM and ETM+, 10 or 11for OLI_TRIS)
K2 = Band-specific thermal conversion constant from the metadata K2_CONSTANT_BAND_x, where x is the band number, band 6 for TM and
ETM+ , 10 or 11for TRIS)

Step three: Land cover classification of the study area

Using Anderson classification scheme the study area was classified into five land use land cover classes listed below: water body, barren land,
range land, built up, rock outcrop
Step four Reclassification of the land cover classification to emissivity values
Weng et al. (2004) referenced temperature as black body, therefore it is necessary to correct for emissivity corresponding to each LULC type. Each
of the LULC categories was assigned an emissivity value by reference to the emissivity classification scheme by Snyder et al. (1998). Emissivity values
for various land cover types are presented in the table below
Emissivity values for various land cover types

Source: Snyder et al. (1998).

Land surface Emissivity ԑ

Soil 0.928
Vegetation 0.982
Built-up 0.942
Water 0.98
Concrete 0.937

Step five Conversions from TOA brightness temperature in Kelvin to Land surface temperature:
Land surface temperatures (LST) can be calculated using the emissivity values as follows (Artis and Carnahan, 1982):
LST = TB /(1+(λ x TB /ρ) lnε) (A3)

λ = wavelength of emitted radiance (for which the peak response and the average of the limiting wavelengths (λ = 11.5 A.m.) (Markham &
Barker, 1985) will be used),
ρ = h × c/σ (1.438 ×10−2 m K), σ = Boltzmann constant (1.38 ×10 23 J/K), h = Planck's constant (6.626 ×10–34 J s), and c = velocity of light
(2.998 ×108 m/s).
ԑ = Emissivity
The values of λ = wavelength for thermal bands of Landsat are provided in the metadata file.

Appendix B. Determination of NDVI

NIR + RED (B1)
Thus, the Red and Near Infrared bands were used in measuring NDVI of the study area. Bands 3 and 4 of Landsat TM and ETM+ were obtained
while bands 4 and 5 of Landsat OLI were utilized. NDVI were calculated using Eq. (B1).

Appendix C. Derivation of DRI

The DRI is calculated using the following formula:

[P × J ′ (P ) × NDVI ] (C1)

O. Joseph et al. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 11 (2018) 70–82


T = t/tmax (t = average annual temperature; tmax= average maximum temperature);

P = p/pmax (p = average precipitation value; pmax = average maximum precipitation);
J’ (P) = Pielou's Evenness Index (Pielou, 1969); and
NDVI= Normalized Difference Vegetation Index of the driest period (NDVI).
Climatic data obtained from NIMET for Bauchi, Gombe, Jos, Kaduna and Kano weather stations for 1984–2014 were utilized and Inverse Distance
Weight (IDW) spatial interpolation technique was applied to derive temperature and precipitation maps.
The Pielou's evenness index was computed which is an adoption of Shannon evenness index (Pielou, 1969) using the formula in Eq. (C2).
− ∑i = 1 Pi × Ln (Pi)
J′ =
Ln (S ) (C2)

Pi = Proportion of rainfall
S = average monthly precipitation over 12 months and
Ln (S) = the log of 12 months

Subsequently, in order to obtain proportion of rainfall Eq. (C3) was used for monthly precipitation.
Pi =
N (C3)

Ni = Rainfall per month (mm)

N = Rainfall per Annum (mm)

Appendix D. Aridity INDEX

Aridity index was computed as stipulated by FAO climate estimator (2000) as:
AI =

MI = (AI – 1)*100

AI = Aridity index
Δ = Mean value
P = Precipitation
PET= Potential Evapotranspiration
Moisture Index

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