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ARCODE PLC Module Guide

1. PLC Program:

The program consists of at most 64 lines of assignment


All program lines are executed every 0.01 seconds. Execution

starts at line-1 and ends at line-64.

Every program line is in the following format:


(NOT_1): If we want to invert OPERAND1, we may use this by

checking its checkbox.

(NOT-2): If we want to invert OPERAND2, we may use this by

checking its checkbox.

Every program line is a logical operation having 2 operands and

the result of the operation (either 0 or 1) is written into the
result field.

OPERAND1 and OPERAND2 fields may have the following values:

0 : Logical 0 constant

1 : Logical 1 constant

in1...in16 : Input-1...16

mem1...mem16: Memory bit-1...16

to1...to8 : Timer-1...8 output

RESULT field may have the following values:

----- : No operation

out1...out16: Output-1...16

mem1...mem16: Memory bit-1...16

OPERATOR field may have the following values:

&& : Returns 1 if both of the OPERANDs are 1 (AND)

// : Returns 1 if any of the OPERANDs are 1 (OR)

== : Returns 1 if OPERAND1 and OPERAND2 are equal (XNOR)

!= : Returns 0 if OPERAND1 and OPERAND2 are equal (XOR)

!& : Returns 0 if both of the OPERANDs are 1 (NAND)

!/ : Returns 0 if any of the OPERANDs are 1 (NOR)

2. PLC Timer Settings:

PLC module contains 8 timers. Every timer has 1 input and 1


Timers are used to On-delay and/or Off-delay signals. On-delay

and Off-delay times may be adjusted independently.

Below is a time-chart explaining the operation of On-delay and


3. PLC Inputs:

PLC module can get its 16 available inputs from two sources.

a. PLC inputs may be connected internally to ARCODE

programmable output functions by using the "PLC Inputs" group of PLC
module. So that, for example, the Car Light output function of
ARCODE may be used as an input to the PLC module.

b. In ARCODE programmable input functions settings:

Function “500.1:(PLCI1) PLC Input-1” to “500.16:(PLCI16) PLC


Using this method, PLC inputs may be gathered from any of the
programmable inputs of devices connected to the CANbus.
Note: If a PLC input is set to more than one physical input,
its value will be the logical OR of all input signals.

4. PLC Outputs:

The 16 available PLC outputs may be sent to any physical

programmable output by using the programmable output functions of

Function “500.1:(PLCO1) PLC Output-1” to “500.16:(PLCO16) PLC


Using this method, PLC outputs may be sent to any programmable

outputs of devices connected to CANbus.

Note: A PLC output may be sent to many outputs at the same


Note: If PLC inputs and outputs are connected to devices other than
ARCODE mainboard, slight delays may occur due to CANbus
communication. So they should not be used in this way for safety
critical purposes.


1. Logically AND'ing 3 inputs:

01: mem1 <= in1 && in2

02: out1 <= in3 && mem1

2. Flip-Flop with Enable Input:

Block diagram:


01: ti1 <= to1 == 0

02: out1 <= to1 && in1

5. Transfer PLC program file to ARCODE:

PLC program file(SLOTx.apf -> x:1,…,99), that has been created

with Arcode Parameter Editor, should be copied to arcode/plc folder
of SD card. This file is sent to ARCODE memory by entering ”Transfer
PLC program from SD card to ARCODE” which is the submenu of “SD Card
Operations” of AREM.

PLC Module of Arcode Parameter Editor

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