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Exploring Biomass Pyramids Progress Report

Name: Santiago Alexander Perez

Progress Report
Exploring Biomass Pyramids
Field Study I
Study site selected: Becket

Biomass pyramid hypothesis: Square pyramid

Biomass pyramid hypothesis explanation:
I choose the option B because in the river I have the two species

Algae scraped: 0.19 g

Pool's estimated total algal biomass: 9.85 g

Estimated biomass of catfish: 0.98 g

Estimated number of adult catfish: 20

Observed number of adult catfish: 14

Observed biomass of adult catfish: 1.4 g
Observed biomass pyramid: Inverted pyramid
Observed biomass pyramid explanation:
An inverted biomass ecosystem represent that the primary producers make up less
biomass than the primary consumers.
As it is inverted pyramids of number, the inverted biomas is due to the lack of
consumers which are eated.

Biomass pyramid over time: Conventional pyramid

Biomass pyramid over time explanation: It is lower because they are more algae that
are the consumers so the energy flw must be lower.

Field Study II
Open canopy hypothesis: Algal standing crop is inversely proportional to percent open
Algal standing crop hypothesis: Same

Bat Rocks estimated algal biomass: 0.02 g

Cess estimated algal biomass: 0.02 g Published Fall of 2017

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Exploring Biomass Pyramids Progress Report

Did this match your prediction: Yes

Light availability hypothesis explanation:

The producer couldnt make any better for consmers because there is no light.
Bat Rocks observed number of adult catfish: 174
Cess observed number of adult catfish: 82
Light result explanation:
It is higher the number of Catfish in the Bat Rocks because they have some bigger
shelter for their life as the rocks. Published Fall of 2017

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