Trends - Mapping Social Networks

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1. Gathering of Data
-In addition to making a more informed strategic decision, organizations
use social network mapping to gather knowledge about different
organizations or even from peers.
2. Applications
-Social network mapping can assist organizations, individuals and even
nations in gathering data, product releases that enable user adoption
through influencers within an organization as well as online, and many
other applications.
3. Predicting
It is possible to assess the effectiveness of a program or initiative from the
balanced or unbalanced interaction with social networks. Similarly, by
determining the sign of the relations between various points on the path, a
more optimal path to allow success can also be calculated to increase the
chances of success for a strategy.


1. The authenticity of unbalanced networks' actors 
It could be questionable to gather information from actors in unbalanced
nodes so it might be difficult for a researcher to distinguish information
from authentic data.
2. Complicated
The mapping of social networks is difficult and involves an experienced
researcher to study and analyze.
3. Security
Any unauthorized individuals can access the data via protected

Make a Brief explanation:

A process used to understand and analyze the existence of social interactions

between individuals and organizations is Social Network Mapping. ... A map of the
social network helps in understanding the actors who have the most influence over the
network's other actors and also a network is simply a number of points connected by
links   generally, the nodes are people in social network analysis and the connections
are any social connection between them.

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