Amdm Budget Project

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Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019

1a. Career & Entry-Level Position

Select a job that you believe you would like to do when you finish their education. You must provide a job description.
How much education do you expect to have before you get your first full time job? For what company would you like
to work? You are required to research educational requirements/training and determine the entry level salary from a
reputable source, and to complete an application for the position you choose. Entry level jobs must be the lowest
paying position leading to a desired career. For example, if you want to be a teacher, you might start out as a
substitute or paraprofessional.
US Dept of Labor—BLS—Occupational Outlook Handbook:
US Dept. of Labor--BLS—What interests you?:
US Dept. of Labor--BLS’s Career Guide to Industries: Majors & Career Central:

Entry-Level Position: Career Choice:

Salary: Min- Min-

Median- Median-

Max- Max-

Job Description,
Duties, &




Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019
1b. Application for Employment
We are an Equal Please print or type. The
Opportunity Employer and application must be fully
Position: is committed to excellence completed to be
through diversity. considered. Please
complete each section,
Company: even if you attach a

Personal Information

Address City State Zip


Phone Number Mobile Number Email Address


Are You A U.S. Citizen? Have You Ever Been Convicted Of A Felony?
Yes ☐   ☐
Yes ☐   ☐

If Selected For Employment Are You Willing To Submit to a Pre-Employment Drug Screening Test?
Yes ☐   ☐

Position You Are Applying For Available Start Date Desired Pay

Employment Desired

  Full Time ☐
  Part Time ☐

Shift Availability
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday



School Name Location Years Attended Degree Received Major



Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019

Name Title Company Phone




Employment History
Employer (1) Job Title Dates Employed

Work Phone Starting Pay Rate Ending Pay Rate


Address City State Zip


Employer (2) Job Title Dates Employed


Work Phone Starting Pay Rate Ending Pay Rate


Address City State Zip


Employer (3) Job Title Dates Employed


Work Phone Starting Pay Rate Ending Pay Rate


Address City State Zip


Signature Disclaimer
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview
may result in my release.

Name (Please Print) Signature



Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019

1c. Net Pay Calculations & Check Stub

You will compute the amount of federal taxes, state taxes and FICA taxes to be subtracted from the gross pay to arrive
at the net pay (see the “Computation Chart). You will also be expected to investigate to find out if the job will provide
health insurance and/or life insurance as a benefit or if they will have to pay for these from their own paycheck.

Computation Chart
● Social Security tax is 6.2% of monthly earnings and Medicare tax is 1.45% of monthly earnings.
● Federal Taxes- claiming one- over $30,000 annual=11%, under $29,999=9%, and under $20,000=5% for this project.
● Federal Taxes-claiming zero-over $30,000 annual=13%, under $29,999=10%, and under $20,000=6% for this project
● State Taxes-over $30,000 annual=4%, under $29,999=3%, under $20,000=2%

Computing Monthly Net Income

Monthly Gross Income
....................................................................................................................... $_____________
Social Security
Amount............................................................................ $_____________
Amount............................................................................ $_____________
Tax.................................................................................... $_____________
Tax.................................................................................... $_____________
Monthly Net Income
.......................................................................................... $_____________

Explore each of the following. Is it provided? Will you need it? If so, how much will it cost? If not, why?

Health Insurance?

Life Insurance?


Other Benefits?

Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019
2a. Bank-
You will choose a bank to deposit their salary/wages. Tell why you have chosen this particular bank, and indicate
which services you will use at the bank. Also, if you plan on attending college you will, most likely, have to pay back
student loans. Speak with your parents and estimate what you think you will be asked to pay for these loans. If this
number cannot be determined, then find the national average for student loans and set up a payment plan in your

● Include information on a checking account, online banking services, a savings account, an ATM card, and
credit cards.
● List fees for services, interest rates, overdraft protection, and limits on accounts.
● Estimate student loan amount or national average and set up a payment plan in budget. (If technical training or
postsecondary education is required for your career.)

2b. Savings-
Students should consider how much money they will set aside per month for savings. Students should realize that they
cannot possibly allow for every single expense before they happen. Unexpected expenses could come in the form of
car repairs, medical care, or sudden travel. In order to prepare for these future costs (which are a certainty) one should
put aside money in a savings account that can be easily accessed.

1. Make a plan to save a portion of your monthly paycheck. What type of savings plan would you use? Where
will the account be?

2. Suppose you receive $1500 from family and friends for graduation. You decide to be smart with your money
and invest it in a savings account.
Part A:
1. Go to and click on Savings, select Local under type, and select MMA/Savings Account,
then click NEXT.
2. Choose Atlanta Georgia as the place where you’d like to invest, and then select MMA and Savings Account.
Click Find Rates.
3. Select the institution you’d like to invest with.
4. Note the name of the institution, interest rate, and compound period. All of this information should be
included in your report and the presentation.
Part B:
Create the TVM solver table. You choose how long you want to invest your
money – as long as it is AT LEAST 5 years to make your investment worthwhile.
Identify all pertinent variables for your TVM solver. Write a few paragraphs about
how much money you will have at the end of your investment. Explain why you
would or would not choose this investment again and what might give you a better
return on your investment. Also explain what other options are available to you in
order to earn additional money.

Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019
Students will investigate the purchase of a vehicle. They should look into buying or leasing a vehicle. Factors to be
considered in buying a vehicle would be the current interest rates on car loans, the cost of a certain vehicle, the
reliability of a used vs. new vehicle, taxes on the vehicle purchased, and the impact of the monthly payment on their
budget. Additionally, the student should determine the tax/tag/title fees associated with their vehicle and include that
in their budget.

Considering your take-home pay in the salary exploration part of this project, choose a reasonable car to purchase.
Suppose you also have $1000 saved to use as a down payment. Since you probably do not have well-established
credit, you will assume a low credit score and use the average interest rate of 15.24%. Show your work, including the
TVM table. Be sure to include the reference to where you found the car (internet, newspaper, etc.) You must include
the actual ad in your report. Choose the car first, then calculate how much your monthly payment will be if you
finance it for 48 months, 60 months, and for 72 months.

Write at least one paragraph explaining how you used your calculations and other information to make a decision.

*NOTE: The student will assume that they have no vehicle when they leave school. This may not happen in
someone’s actual experience; but for the purposes of this project, everyone must purchase a vehicle.

Students will need to secure insurance on the vehicle they purchased. Since your vehicle is financed, you are required
to have full coverage insurance.
1. Go to the website click
on "start over" then put in your vehicle make, model, and choose Georgia... Click add car, and it will show you the
average cost of vehicle insurance in Georgia.
2. Since you are a young adult, you will pay more than this number. If you are a male, multiply the number by 1.54. If you
are a female, multiple the number by 1.28. We will use the result as your yearly cost of insurance for your project,
assuming that you are a decent driver with no tickets or accidents.

ALSO students will need to secure renters insurance for properties in their apartment in case something happens.

● Summary of insurance costs for the type of vehicle purchased, and adjusted for statistical age and gender
● Summary of expected rental insurance costs.


Gasoline consumption is a required expense for most individuals so related expenses must be considered. In addition
to considering how much gas will be used, the student should determine which gas station will be used and why. In
addition to gas consumption, the student will include estimated maintenance costs associated with their particular
vehicle. Remember to consider factors such as age, type, or model of the car when determining the monthly amount to
set aside.

● List approximately how many miles will be driven per week/month. When considering how far to drive to work,
refer to the location of the company desired and the location of living arrangements.. Also, consider visits to the
grocery store, visits to friends/relatives, entertainment, etc.
● List how many miles per gallon your car averages.
● List estimated maintenance costs and a brief explanation.
Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019

Students will find adequate housing by renting an apartment or other housing. You may share an apartment with
another person. You cannot be living rent free with family or friends.

● List what services/benefits are included in the rent, the location of the apartment, and other information
necessary for housing.
● How do you intend to furnish your home? Explore furniture costs. You cannot sit/eat/sleep in the floor.
● Screenshot or copy of rental advertisement.
● If sharing an apartment with another student, you must give their name.

Students will explore realistic costs of living on one’s own. Research costs of expenses, ask your
A. UTILITIES- List utilities that the student will be responsible for that are not including in the housing
arrangement. These may include, but are not limited to, cable, online services, electricity, trash, water,
telephone and others.
B. FOOD and CLOTHING- The student will be expected to spend at least $160/month on food. Consider
where your grocery shopping will be done and why. What strategies will you use to make your dollar go
further? Also, the student will describe the type of clothing that will be required for their chosen profession.
They should also estimate a monthly clothing cost.
C. ENTERTAINMENT/MISCELLANEOUS- Students should determine what they will do for entertainment
and other related expenses and how much it may cost them per month. Explain why activities/hobbies are
important and why you chose to spend money on them as opposed to other activities. Are they wise
financially? Are you saving for big purchases? Again, what strategies will you use to make your dollar go

● List the company, the monthly costs and particulars including services included and other necessary information.

Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019
The student will be expected to develop a personal budget that integrates all of the above activities. The student will
learn about setting up a personal budget in class, so they may use those skills learned and they may use some
Additional Resources provided below. The budget should be placed at the back of the booklet, and IT MUST

EXTRA CREDIT (possibility of 10 extra points – select one)

1. The student may think of at least 3 financial goals they would like to achieve in the future and set up a
time-frame for achieving them. Goals will vary by individual, but could be related to education, purchasing a
house, car, or some other large expense, or possibly an amount to have once.
2. The student may research the concept of a credit score and how to improve it. Be sure to include the impact a
credit score has on individual interest rates.
3. The student will choose one of the websites from below and write a site review. The review must be at least 3
paragraphs. Remember to include how this website could assist you in future financial decisions.
4. The student may explore investment opportunities. Suppose you would like to have $1,000,000 when you
reach retirement age. You decide how old you want to be when you retire. Research various investment
opportunities. Create a TVM solver table for three different scenarios.

1. You begin investing at age 18

2. You begin investing at age 30
3. You begin investing at age 40

Use the same FV for each of $1,000,000 and use the interest rate you found in your research. You will need to
change N based on each situation. Decide, based on your research, whether you will make monthly or yearly
payments. Solve for the amount of the payment for each of the three situations.

Additional Resources
*Listed below there are a few websites that may provide some general financial help in setting up a budget and tips for
saving money, etc.*

Reader’s Digest Living (Money)
Dave Ramsey
Crown Financial Ministries
Money Central (from
The Clark Howard Show
Personal Budgeting Tips

Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019
Monthly Budget Report Sheet
1. Income
Monthly Gross Income
....................................................................................................................... $_____________
Social Security
Amount............................................................................ $_____________
Amount............................................................................ $_____________
Tax.................................................................................... $_____________
Tax.................................................................................... $_____________
Monthly Net Income
.......................................................................................... $_____________

2. Monthly Expenditures

Savings Deposits.............................................................. $______________

Monthly Payment on Student Loan(s) ………………… $______________
Vehicle Cost Per Month……………………………....... $______________
Monthly Vehicle Insurance Payment…………………... $______________
Monthly Gasoline/Maintenance Costs............................. $______________
Rent…………………………………………………....... $______________
Monthly Renters Insurance Cost...................................... $______________
Monthly Phone/Cell Phone Cost...................................... $______________
Utilities Monthly Cost (total from below)........................ $______________
Monthly food/clothing costs............................................. $______________
(minimum $160 for food + clothing)
Entertainment Costs......................................................... $______________
Contributions/Monthly Donations................................... $______________

Monthly Net (bring home) Income.................................. $______________

Total Monthly Expenditures............................................ $______________

Monthly Surplus or Deficit.....................................+ or - $______________

Name _____________________________________ Date ___________ Period_____ AMDM - 2018-2019

Grading Rubric for AMDM Budget Project

Basic Format Requirements
______Title Page that lists the student’s name, class, class period, school year, and date completed.
______Each activity in the project is to be completed on a separate sheet of paper and then put into a
booklet or document to be turned in to the teacher for evaluation.
_____/5 ______Table of Contents
______ Resources cited

1. JOB ● Describe your choice of a career and its entry level position
● Complete an application for the entry level position

2. INCOME ● Create a sample pay stub by calculating monthly net pay for the starting wage at the entry level position..


3. BANK ● Include information on a checking account, online banking services, a savings account, an ATM card, and
credit cards
● List fees for services, interest rates, overdraft protection, and limits on accounts
_____/10 ● Estimate student loan amount or national average and set up a payment plan in the budget.

4. SAVINGS ● Identify the current interest rate on a personal savings account at your bank or whether your employer has a
company pension plan or contributes to an IRA for you.
● Students must allow for both types of savings accounts in their budgets and discuss their financial goals
_____/5 related to these categories. (see requirements below)

5. TRANSPORTATION ● Completed sample loan application from a car dealership/financial institution

_____/10 ● Information on current interest rates for car loans

6. INSURANCE ● Name of the insurance company, coverage listed on the vehicle, and the monthly cost of the policy.
● Obtain the same information above for renter’s insurance

7.GAS ● List approximately how many miles will be driven per week. When considering how far to drive to work,
CONSUMPTION refer to the location of the company desired and the location of living arrangement. Also, consider visits to
the grocery store, visits to friends/relatives, entertainment, etc.
_____/5 ● List how many miles per gallon your car averages and how much will be spent on gas per month.
● List estimated maintenance costs and a brief explanation.

8. HOUSING ● List what services/benefits are included in the rent, the location of the apartment, and other information
necessary for housing
_____/10 ● If sharing an apartment with another senior, you must give their name.

9. EXPENSES ● List the company, the monthly costs, services provided by the company, and other necessary information.
● All expenses covered (Utilities, Food, Entertainment)
_____/10 ● Research at least three resources that give tips for saving money on day-to-day expenses and discuss the

10. BUDGET ● Create a complete budget sheet that includes each activity.



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