Finger Length Ratios (2D - 4D) in Anthropoids Implicate Reduced Prenatal Androgens in Social Bonding - Nelson - 2009 - American Journal of Physical Anthropology - Wiley Online Library

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Finger Length Ratios (2D:4D) in Anthropoids Implicate

Reduced Prenatal Androgens in Social Bonding
Emma Nelson1* and Susanne Shultz2,3
School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GS, United Kingdom
Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX2 6PN, United Kingdom
School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZB, United Kingdom

KEY WORDS pair-bonded; testosterone; intrasexual competition; primates

ABSTRACT The second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) more pronounced markers of PAE (lower 2D:4D) than
has been proposed as a biomarker reflecting prenatal pair-bonded species. Our results accord with those
androgen effects (PAE), such that individuals with found in humans: 2D:4D is lower in polygynous species
lower ratios have experienced higher PAE than those and higher (lower PAE) in pair-bonded species. Old
with higher ratios. 2D:4D has been correlated with a World monkeys have low, and relatively invariant
number of sex-linked traits in humans such as aggres- 2D:4D (high PAE), which is coupled with high levels of
sion, promiscuity, and competitiveness. In addition, intrasexual competition. This contrasts with higher and
polygynous societies reportedly have lower 2D:4D more variable ratios in both great apes and New World
(higher PAE) than more monogamous populations. This monkeys. In addition, both male and female ratios
evidence suggests that PAE may be implicated in the decrease with increasing levels of intrasexual competi-
development of sexually selected behaviors in humans. tion. Human ratios are intermediate between pair-
To place 2D:4D research into a broader context, we test bonded and more promiscuous hominoids. We propose
the relationship between digit ratios and behavior that PAE may be involved in promoting species charac-
across nonhuman anthropoids; polygynous species, with teristic social behavior in anthropoids. Am J Phys
higher levels of intrasexual competition, should have Anthropol 141:395–405, 2010. V 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

A substantial body of research is built upon the 2006). Additionally, 2D:4D has been shown to be moder-
hypothesis that second-to-fourth digit length ratio (2D:4D) ately to highly heritable between generations (see Vora-
negatively correlates with prenatal androgen effects cek and Dressler, 2009). Although the physiological
(PAE), more specifically low 2D:4D is associated with high interplay between genetic and gestational effects (see
prenatal testosterone (Manning, 2002; 2008). 2D:4D has below) is not completely understood, it has been pro-
been shown to negatively correlate with indirect measures posed that 2D:4D can be used as a proxy for early andro-
of PAE across numerous studies (see Manning et al., 2007 gen exposure and can be informative about the develop-
for overviews). For example, low 2D:4D (high PAE) in ment of androgenic-programmed traits (Manning, 2002).
infants is associated with high levels of amniotic testoster- In light of this, a wide ranging literature has devel-
one (Lutchmaya et al., 2004). Females exposed to high oped that links 2D:4D to behavioral traits in humans
androgens in utero, such as those with congenital adrenal (Voracek and Loibl, 2009). Low 2D:4D, which potentially
hyperplasia and polycystic ovary syndrome have more indicates high levels of androgen exposure during devel-
masculinized (low) 2D:4D ratios, compared to healthy con- opment and masculinization, has been linked in both
trols (Brown et al., 2002; Ötken et al., 2002; but see Buck sexes to increased intrasexual competition (Hönekopp
et al., 2003; Cattrall et al., 2005). Females with a male co- et al., 2005a), mate seeking (Clark, 2004; Hönekopp
twin have lower 2D:4D ratios than females with a same- et al., 2005b), and higher levels of aggression (Bailey
sex co-twin that is suggestive of intrauterine hormonal and Hurd, 2004; Benderlioglu and Nelson, 2004). In
(androgen) transfer between siblings (van Anders et al., males, lower 2D:4D has been associated with higher
2006; but see Medland et al., 2008). dominance (Neave et al., 2003; Manning and Fink,
The mechanism proposed to underpin these associa-
tions is androgen sensitivity in the homeobox (HOX)
gene cluster (Manning et al., 1998). The posterior HOXa Grant sponsors: University of Liverpool Research Fund, British
Academy Centenary Research Project.
and HOXd genes organize the development of the termi-
nal limb-bud (digits) and parts of the reproductive sys-
*Correspondence to: Emma Nelson, School of Archaeology, Clas-
tem (including the gonads, penile bone and penis) sics and Egyptology, Hartley Building, Brownlow Street, University
(Kondo et al., 1997; Zákány et al., 1997; Montavon et al., of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GS, United Kingdom.
2008). The fourth digit (ring finger) appears to be partic- E-mail:
ularly sensitive to PAE such that individuals exposed to
high PAE have longer ring fingers relative to their index Received 29 January 2009; accepted 7 July 2009
fingers (McIntyre et al., 2005; 2006). Although there is
substantial overlap, 2D:4D tends to be lower in males DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21157
than females (McFadden and Shubel, 2002) with differ- Published online 27 October 2009 in Wiley InterScience
ences evident from 9 weeks of development (Malas et al., (

C 2009

2008), status-seeking (Millet and Dewitte, 2008), physi- females, as is found in polygynous systems, could lead to
cal strength (Fink et al., 2006), and behaviors that selection for high PAE (Manning et al., 2004b; Manning,
attract mates (Roney and Maestripieri, 2004). PAE is 2008). High circulating androgens promote male compet-
negatively associated with reproductive success in males, itive behavior (Klein, 2000) and mechanisms facilitating
but positively associated with fitness in females (Man- dominance and aggression may be most adaptive in pop-
ning and Fink, 2008). Low male 2D:4D has been linked ulations where males experience strong competition for
to a higher number of sexual partners in males (Höne- access to females (Grey, 2003). In addition, in species
kopp et al., 2005b), although this was unsupported by an that experience high competition for resources (mates
earlier study (Rahman et al., 2005). Similarly, higher and food), exposure to high prenatal androgens may also
sperm quality and plasma testosterone has been linked be important in supporting female social hierarchies
with lower 2D:4D in some studies (Manning et al., (Ostner et al., 2003; Dloniak et al., 2006).
1998), but is not supported by others (e.g. Neave et al., On the basis of the associations between 2D:4D and
2003; Benderlioglu and Nelson, 2004; Bang et al., 2005). sex-linked traits, Fink et al. (2006) proposed that
In contrast to traits linked with low 2D:4D (high PAE), variation in human 2D:4D should be viewed within a
high ratios (low PAE) have been implicated in the devel- framework of sexual selection theory. Demonstrating
opment of prosocial behaviors and sensitivity in children relationships between 2D:4D and levels of sexual compe-
(Williams et al., 2003; Fink et al., 2007). Although intra- tition in other species would extend this conclusion.
population trends tend to be in the predicted direction HOX genes are strongly conserved within and between
(low 2D:4D 5 more masculine traits), correlations are taxonomic groups (Zákány et al., 1997), associations
generally weak and some studies have been difficult to between 2D:4D and traits organized by PAE should
replicate (Putz et al., 2004). However, these issues may, therefore be common in pentadactyl organisms (Man-
in-part, be associated with methodological inconsisten- ning, 2002). Although 2D:4D has been studied in a num-
cies (see Manning and Fink, 2008) and sampling differ- ber of diverse vertebrate species (see Lombardo and
ences (i.e. variation in genetic and maternal effects Thorpe, 2008 for an overview), there have been no com-
within and between samples). prehensive cross-species studies of the relationship
Prenatal androgens organize the brain and body tis- between 2D:4D and sexually selected behaviors. Most
sues at a cellular level according to sex-specific patterns nonhuman studies have concentrated on demonstrating
(Collaer and Hines, 1995; Cooke et al., 1998; Fitch and intraspecific sex differences in 2D:4D or bone derived
Bimonte, 2002). They are crucial to sexing the male phe- ratio (McFadden and Bracht, 2005) but these have not
notype, but also play a role in female development always been in the expected directions, that is, males do
(Herman et al., 2000). Studies observing individual dif- not always have lower 2D:4D ratios than females (see
ferences in social behavior after manipulation of prena- Roney et al., 2004; Rubolini et al., 2006).
tal androgens in female rhesus macaques suggest that A few studies have looked at sexually selected physical
high levels of PAE may be implicated in programming traits within species, but these have yielded conflicting
some masculinized behaviors such as foot-clasp mount- results. For example, hind-limb 2D:4D is negatively
ing and rough-and-tumble play, although these were related to tail length in barn swallows (Dreiss et al.,
dependent on dosage and timing of the treatment (Goy 2007), but positively related to visible badge size in male
et al., 1988; Wallen, 1996). Expression of sex-linked house sparrows (Navarro et al., 2007), although both are
social behaviors (whether manipulated by hormone sexually selected characters. In mice, aggression is sig-
treatments or not), however, were also influenced by nificantly related to 2D:4D but in the opposite direction
social learning and context (Wallen, 1996; 2005). In to humans (2D:4D was positively related to aggression
humans, studies correlating the development of social in the mice) (Bailey et al., 2005). However, a recent
behaviors with prenatal testosterone (PT), assayed from study in which rats were administered androgens during
amniotic fluid, also suggest that PAE may influence neu- pregnancy, showed that the 2D:4D ratios of their adult
ral pathways implicated in social development (Knick- offspring (males and females) were more masculinized
meyer and Baron-Cohen, 2006). Lower levels of amniotic (lower) than controls (Talaroviı̂cová et al., 2008). In addi-
fluid PT were associated with higher sociality scores in tion, sex-linked activity patterns became more masculi-
the sample of infants (i.e. higher frequency of eye con- nized in the females compared to controls. A cross-taxa
tact, higher scores in assessments of parent–child rela- study in two distantly related lizard species showed that
tionship quality), while higher levels of PT were linked sexual dimorphism in 2D:4D differed between the taxa
to lower sociality scores. Although females had higher (Rubolini et al., 2006). In primates lower 2D:4D ratios in
sociality scores than males, children of both sexes chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) compared to bonobos (Pan
exposed to high PT had lower scores for social relation- paniscus) are hypothesized to be associated with the
ship quality and higher scores for restricted interests more competitive social behavior of chimpanzees com-
(Knickmeyer et al., 2005). It is proposed that sex-differ- pared to the more tolerant social-style observed in bono-
ences in bonding-style are a product of adaptations to bos (McIntyre et al., 2009).
differences in reproductive investment between males Comparisons between human 2D:4D studies and those
and females (Knickmeyer and Baron-Cohen, 2006). of distantly related species may be of little value other
Relationships between 2D:4D and sexual selection than to show discordance and the complexity of the
have been shown at the population-level (Manning et al., issue. Comparisons between closely related species, how-
2000; 2003a; 2004a) and demonstrate that within ethnic ever, should be more informative and allow for more
groups male and female ratios are highly correlated, but meaningful comparisons with the main body of 2D:4D
between populations the ratios of males and females in research. Anthropoid primates are the most obvious test
some groups appear more masculinized than the ratios case to look for systematic variation in 2D:4D across dif-
of other groups. Manning (2008) proposed that popula- ferent social systems because they are closely related to
tion differences may be linked to marriage systems and humans (within the same suborder) and will have more
levels of polygyny. High competition between males for similar biological profiles than distantly related taxa.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Social behavior in this group has also been well studied human mating behavior (Harcourt et al., 1981), we
and it relatively easily to categorize (Dixson, 1998). would expect human 2D:4D to be positioned between the
Here we test the concept that digit ratio is linked to ratios of pair-bonded and nonpaired taxa within the
sexual selection by investigating how 2D:4D varies Hominidae.
according to social systems within and between anthro-
poid super families. Assuming that PAE are associated
with differences in strength of sexual selection in MATERIALS AND METHODS
anthropoids, we predict that 2D:4D will be lower (higher
PAE) in males than females. As 2D:4D is highly corre-
lated between males and females in human populations, Length measurements from the index (2D) and ringer
we predict that species’ mean ratios will be associated (4D) fingers were obtained for both hands from 1,085
with levels of sexual competition. Lower 2D:4D (higher anaesthetized, mature, captive primates from 37 anthro-
PAE) will be associated with more promiscuous (nonpair- poid species sampled from 60 zoos and primate research
bonded) social systems, while higher 2D:4D (lower PAE) centers (Table 1). The staff in the separate institutions
will be linked to lower levels of sexual selection (pair- collected measurements. Although this method is not
bonded systems), after controlling for possible functional ideal, it was the only way to ensure large sample sizes
confounds such as substrate and phylogenetic effects. We and a broad range of species. Thirty-four species of a
also predict that 2D:4D will be lower in both females total of 37 species were sampled from multiple institu-
and males that experience high levels of intrasexual tions (Table 1). There were no systematic biases in spe-
competition. On the basis of broad classifications of cies 2D:4D across institutions (see below).

TABLE 1. Sample variables

n F M F M
Species n 5 37 Origina F M 2D:4D SD 2D:4D SD Subb SSc Compd Compe
Hylobates lar 3 2 4 1.067 0.01 1.064 0.01 A PB 1 1
Nomascus leucogenys 2 2 2 1.020 0.05 1.008 0.04 A PB 1 1
Hylobates pileatus 1 1 1 1.113 0.00 1.068 0.00 A PB 1 1
Symphalangus syndactylus 7 7 7 1.051 0.04 1.021 0.09 A PB 1 1
Gorilla gorilla 16 39 22 0.907 0.04 0.928 0.06 A/T NPB 2 3
Pan paniscus 4 12 13 0.930 0.03 0.924 0.03 A/T NPB 2 2
Pan troglodytes 17 149 104 0.917 0.06 0.898 0.05 A/T NPB 2 2
Pongo pygmaeus 10 18 8 0.889 0.05 0.869 0.04 A NPB 2 3
Cercopithecus aethiops 3 10 12 0.829 0.04 0.824 0.05 A/T NPB 4 4
Cercopithecus diana 3 2 2 0.899 0.06 0.884 0.07 A NPB 3 3
Cercopithecus lhoesti 2 3 1 0.886 0.03 0.853 0.00 A/T NPB 3 3
Cercopithecus mona 2 2 2 0.893 0.08 0.841 0.07 A/T NPB 3 3
Cercopithecus neglectus 4 4 10 0.854 0.04 0.821 0.05 A/T NPB 3 3
Colobus guereza 13 18 6 0.790 0.06 0.781 0.05 A NPB 3 3
Macaca fascicularis 1 9 6 0.832 0.03 0.839 0.03 A/T NPB 4 4
Macaca fuscata 2 9 8 0.822 0.03 0.850 0.04 A/T NPB 4 4
Macaca mulatta 5 242 53 0.822 0.04 0.813 0.04 A/T NPB 4 4
Macaca nigra 2 2 1 0.820 0.02 0.848 0.00 A/T NPB 4 4
Mandrillus leucophaeus 2 4 4 0.820 0.08 0.875 0.05 A/T NPB 4 4
Mandrillus sphinx 8 17 11 0.856 0.03 0.823 0.03 A/T NPB 4 4
Papio hamadryas 5 15 11 0.862 0.04 0.854 0.04 T NPB 2 4
Presbytis melalophos 2 3 1 0.758 0.03 0.799 0.00 A NPB 3 3
Trachypithecus francoisi 5 8 4 0.791 0.03 0.776 0.04 A NPB 3 3
Trachypithecus obscura 3 5 2 0.792 0.02 0.798 0.03 A NPB 3 3
Alouatta caraya 7 12 10 0.897 0.03 0.914 0.03 A NPB 2 4
Ateles geoffroyi 5 4 1 0.913 0.04 0.902 0.00 A NPB 2 2
Callicebus donacophilus 2 3 2 0.852 0.02 0.845 0.01 A PB 1 1
Callicebus moloch 1 12 20 0.858 0.02 0.852 0.04 A PB 1 1
Callithrix geoffroyi 3 8 4 0.903 0.05 0.950 0.06 A PB 1 1
Callithrix jacchus 4 33 43 0.928 0.06 0.912 0.08 A PB 1 1
Leontopithecus chrysomelas 2 4 3 0.994 0.04 0.984 0.03 A PB 1 2
Leontopithecus rosalia 4 5 5 0.981 0.03 0.989 0.02 A PB 1 2
Pithecia pithecia 2 1 5 0.756 0.00 0.740 0.04 A NPB 2 2
Saimiri sciureus 6 9 3 0.902 0.03 0.893 0.03 A NPB 4 3
Saguinus imperator 3 5 3 0.993 0.03 1.012 0.01 A PB 1 2
Saguinus midas 4 4 6 1.007 0.04 1.013 0.02 A PB 1 2
Saguinus oedipus 2 1 1 1.007 0.00 1.029 0.00 A PB 1 2
Total individuals 5 1085 684 401
Number of institutions contributing to species sample.
Substrate; A, arboreal; A/T, arboreal/terrestrial; T, terrestrial.
Social system; PB, pair-bonded; NPB, nonpair-bonded.
Female competition; 1, pair-bonded; 2, dispersed-egalitarian; 3, resident-egalitarian; 4, resident-nepotistic.
Male competition; 1, low frequency-low intensity; 2, high frequency-low intensity; 3, low frequency, high intensity; 4, high fre-
quency-high intensity.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology


2D:4D measurements 1. Categories of intra-male competition are based on

competition intensity and competition frequency
Institutions were provided with an identical set of (Levels 1–4) (Plavcan and van Schaik, 1997) (Table 1).
detailed instructions and images highlighting anatomical Low frequency-low intensity competition is classified
landmarks. Measurement procedure followed that used as Level 1, Level 2 is high frequency-low intensity
for humans (Manning, 2002; Manning et al., 2007); competition, Level 3 is low frequency-high intensity
lengths were measured to the nearest millimeter along competition, and Level 4 is high frequency-high inten-
the midline of the digit from the proximal crease at the sity competition. Level 1 is primarily associated with
base of the digit to the fingertip with calipers or a ruler. socially monogamous species. It is noteworthy that,
Digits were held extended throughout, but not main- based on new evidence, Plavcan and van Schaik
tained in adduction. Repeated measurements were (1997) altered the classification status of Leontopithe-
requested and both sets of measurements were taken by cus sp. and Saguinus sp. from Level 1 to Level 2
the same observer. However, obtaining two sets of meas- (see Plavcan and van Schaik, 1997). The competition
urements was not always possible due to time and safety level of these species therefore differs from other
constraints placed on handling a sedated primate. In the socially monogamous primate genera. Level 2 is pri-
absence of repeated measurements single values were marily associated with male-bonded groups (male
used. An individual’s 2D:4D was calculated by dividing philopatry) (e.g. Pan sp.; Ateles sp.). Level 3 is mostly
the length of 2D by length of 4D. Individual mean associated with harem social systems and seasonally
2D:4D values were based upon values of repeated digit mating multimale species, while multimale and multi-
measurements from the left and right hands, all species female species, such as Macaca sp. and Mandrillus
values (and analyses) are based upon mean 2D:4D sp, are placed into Level 4 alongside high-intensity
ratios. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used species.
to assess repeatability of mean 2D:4D (average-score 2. Levels of intra-female competition are based on
ICC’s with absolute-agreement definition; see Voracek female dispersal and social relationships (Sterck
et al., 2007). et al., 1997) (Table 1). We also included a category for
Data collection was ethically approved by the School of pair-bonded species (not included in Sterck et al.,
Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology’s Ethics Commit- 1997). The pair-bonded category (Level 1) includes
tee, University of Liverpool, UK and by the ethical species in which both sexes disperse and primarily
bodies of all the zoos and primate facilities that agreed lived in a heterosexual pairs (e.g. Hylobatids) or a
to contribute data. socially monogamous group (e.g. the Callitrichids).
Level 2 includes species in which females disperse
Social variables and social relationships are classed as egalitarian
(e.g. Homindae, Ateles sp.). Level 3 includes species in
Social system. Categories were based upon recognized
which females are philopatric and social relationships
classifications of social system taken from Plavcan
are classed as egalitarian (e.g. the Colobines and most
(2004). Species were defined as either pair-bonded
Cercopithecus sp.). In Level 4, females are generally
or non pair-bonded (Table 1). Missing data or revised
philopatric, but social relationships are more competi-
social systems were added for Hylobates sp. (Fuentes,
tive and often nepotistic (e.g. Macaca sp).
1999), Cercopithecus diana (Byrne et al., 1983), Trachy-
pithecus francoisi (Anderson et al., 2004) Callicebus Other variables. To check for possible influences of
donacophilus (Fuentes, 1999); Pithecia pithecia (Nor- body size on 2D:4D, we regressed mean species 2D:4D
conk, 2006); Callithrix geoffroyi, (Anderson et al., 2004); on mean species body weight (Smith and Jungers, 1997;
Leontopithecus chrysomelas (De Vleeschouwer et al., Lindenfors and Tullberg, 1998), while controlling for
2000), and Saguinus imperator (Baker and Woods, phylogenetic effects using PGLS methods (see Statistical
1991). We placed all species in which males usually bond methods). As hand morphology is also associated to
with one female into the pair-bonded group. We also substrate use (Jouffroy et al., 1993; Richmond, 2007),
placed polyandrous species in this category as the pri- we incorporated substrate use (terrestrial, terrestrial/
mary bond is between reproductive partners and has arboreal, and arboreal) as a factor in all analyses (Table 1).
evolved as an extension of a monogamous social system Substrate was taken from Plavcan and van Schaik
(van Schaik and Kappeler, 2003). Males in species that (1992).
generally mate with multiple females were placed in the For human 2D:4D ratios, we used published means
non pair-bonded (promiscuous) category. Pair-bonding is taken from self-measured finger lengths from a large
virtually absent in Old World monkeys; there were no sample from varying ethnic backgrounds (Manning
pair bonded Cercopithecoidea in our data set. et al., 2007).
Competition levels. We used two published methods of Statistical methods
assessing levels of intrasexual competition: intra-male
competition (Plavcan and van Schaik, 1997) and intra- The data were normally distributed (Kolmogorov–
female competition (Sterck et al., 1997). Missing data for Smirnov tests). Sample sizes for species were highly
intra-male competition were estimated from references variable, but there was no evidence of heteroskedasticity
mentioned earlier. For intra-female competition, missing in the data, so the analyses were not weighted. Sex
data (i.e. data not included in Sterck et al., 1997) were differences were evaluated by comparing individual
added for Pongo pygmaeus (Goossens et al., 2006), measurements within species. Associations between pair-
Mandrillus sphinx (Charpentier et al., 2005), Mandrillus bonding, competition measures, and 2D:4D were eval-
leucophaeus (Hadidan and Bernstein, 1979), Presbytis uated using species means.
melalophos, Trachypithecus francoisi, Trachypithecus Phylogenetic trees were constructed using evolution-
obscura (Sterck, 1999), Alouatta caraya (Jones, 1982), ary relationships from published sources (Purvis, 1995;
and Pithecia pithecia (Norconk, 2006). Opazo et al., 2006). Relationships were analyzed using

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

TABLE 2. Comparisons of 2D:4D between taxonomic families
Nonphylogenetic analysis PGLS analysis
Super family Family N F P df F P df k
Hominoidea Hylobatidae-Hominidae 8 52.36 \0.001 7 20.85 0.006 5 0
Cercopithecoidea Cercopithicidae-Colobinae 16 29.99 \0.001 15 28.29 \0.001 12 0
Ceboidea Atelidae-Cebidae 10 3.18 0.112 9 0.57 0.466 8 1
Atelidae-Pitheciidae 5 5.77 0.096 4 1.26 0.344 3 1
Cebidae-Pitheiciidae 11 20.48 0.001 10 2.62 0.140 9 1

TABLE 3. Analysis of 2D:4D and social system

Nonphylogenetic analysis PGLS analysis
Species mean 2D:4D Group N F P df F P df k
Pair-bonded vs. nonpair-bonded species All species 37 32.47 \0.001 33 19.40 \0.001 33 1
Hominoidea 8 33.36 0.002 5 20.85 0.006 5 0
Ceboidea 13 4.05 0.069 11 14.81 0.003 11 0.984

both nonphylogenetic tests (ANOVA or GLM) and Phylo-

genetic Generalized Least Squares (PGLS) analysis
(Grafen, 1989). PGLS analysis was executed in ‘R’ (Ihaka
and Gentleman, 1996) using Analysis of Phylogenetics
and Evolution (APE) package (Paradis et al., 2004) with
code provided by R.P. Duncan. We used Pagel’s k to esti-
mate the degree of phylogenetic autocorrelation within
models (Grafen, 1989). Values stated in the text are
PGLS unless otherwise stated. Significance was set to
P \ 0.05 and two-tailed tests were used (unless other-
wise stated).
Repeatability estimates. Five hundred sixty-two of our
sample had repeat measurements, 441 of these were
obtained using a ruler and 121 with calipers. Intraclass
correlation coefficients (ICC) for left-hand 2D:4D
ruler measurements ICC’s 5 0.884, F440,440 5 16.218,
P \ 0.001, caliper measurement ICC’s 5 0.910, F120,120
5 21.190, P \ 0.001. For right-hand 2D:4D ruler meas- Fig. 1. Differences in mean 2D:4D between pair-bonded and
urements ICC’s 5 0.859, F440,440 5 13.168, P \ 0.001, nonpair-bonded taxa within super families. Open symbols repre-
caliper measurement ICC’s 5 0.918, F120,120 5 23.320, sent females and black symbols males. Stars represent human
P \ 0.001. Ruler measurements had lower ICC values values for comparison. Bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
than caliper derived values; however, ICC’s for both
techniques are high (Voracek et al., 2007) and therefore
indicate that it is valid to use data derived both of these
methods in the same analysis. High measurement con-
cordance overall may be attributable to minimal lag 2D:4D and large scale phylogenetic differences
times between repeated measurements. However, due to
safety and staffing constraints when dealing with anaes- 2D:4D varied across super families (F2,36 5 11.33,
thetized animals, this could not be avoided. Large P \ 0.001). The 2D:4D ratios of Cercopithecoidea were
sample size should serve to ameliorate these effects. We significantly lower than the Hominoidea (F1,23 5 41.45,
conclude that 2D:4D measurements reflect real differen- P \ 0.001) and Ceboidea (F1,28 5 21.51, P \ 0.001).
ces between individuals and this, in turn, will reflect Although, 2D:4D ratios of Ceboidea were lower than
between-species differences. Hominoidea, the difference is not significant (F1,20 5
2.45, P 5 0.13). Families within the Hominoidea and the
Comparisons in measurements for species across Cercopithecoidea, but not Ceboidae, significantly differed
institutions. To check for systematic bias in measure- in their 2D:4D ratios (Table 2).
ments within the sample across institutions, we com-
pared 2D:4D ratios within species measured at different 2D:4D and social system
zoos and facilities (Table 1). Only one species (Pithecia
pithecia) of 37 exhibited significant differences in meas- Across the whole sample, with and without controlling
urements between institutions (n 5 2 institutions) (F1,4 for phylogeny, pair-bonded taxa had higher 2D:4D ratios
5 51.212, P 5 0.002). When measurements for each spe- (lower PAE) than nonpair-bonded taxa (Table 3; Fig. 1).
cies were compared across institutions, only 19 of 563 Within super families (Hominoidea and Ceboidea), pair-
pair-wise comparisons (3.37%) showed significantly bonded species had significantly higher 2D:4D ratios
different ratio values across institutions. This would than nonpair-bonded species (Table 3).
suggest that the occurrence of systematic bias in the The 2D:4D ratios of pair-bonded Hominoidea were
measurement of 2D:4D across institutions is unlikely. higher than Ceboidea species (F1,11 5 7.34, P 5 0.02)

American Journal of Physical Anthropology


(see Fig. 1). Nonpair-bonded Ceboidea did not differ from high level of female competition also have high levels of
those of nonpair-bonded Hominoidea or Cercopithecoidea male competition. 2D:4D was significantly associated
(Ceboidea-Hominoidea, F1,5 5 0.045, P 5 0.84; Ceboidea- with intramale competition estimates using nonphyloge-
Cercopithecoidea, F1,16 5 0.34, P 5 0.57). 2D:4D ratios netic tests; lower 2D:4D ratios (higher PAE) were associ-
of the Cercopithecoidea (nonpair-bonded) were less vari- ated with higher levels of competition, while higher
able and were significantly lower than nonpair-bonded 2D:4D ratios (lower PAE) were associated with lower lev-
Hominoidea (F1,16 5 44.31, P \ 0.001) (see Fig. 1). els of competition (Table 4; Fig. 3). Because of high levels
Thus, 2D:4D was higher in pair-bonded than nonpair- of phylogenetic autocorrelation (lambda values presented
bonded anthropoids. The 2D:4D ratios of pair-bonded in Table 4), this association was not robust to phyloge-
and nonpair-bonded New World monkey and apes did netic analysis (PGLS analysis). However, if socially
not differ. Cercopithecines had lower 2D:4D than non- monogamous Saguinus sp. and Leontopithecus sp.
pair-bonded apes, but not significantly lower than non- (Goldizen, 2003) (level 2; high frequency-low intensity)
pair-bonded species within Ceboidea. are reclassified as level 1 (low frequency-low intensity),
Ape species (Hominoidae) had significantly different the category to which they were originally assigned
mean 2D:4D ratios (F1,7 5 53.19, P \ 0.001. In pairwise (Plavcan and van Schaik, 1997), the association is robust
comparisons, pair-bonded gibbon species (Hylobatidae) to phylogenetic control (species 2D:4D; F3,31 5 7.66,
had significantly higher 2D:4D ratios than the nonpair- P \ 0.001).
bonded great apes (Hominidae) (P \ 0.001). Within the 2D:4D and intra-female competition levels were
Hominidae, the ratios of Pongo pygmaeus were signifi- strongly associated, even after controlling for a strong
cantly lower than ratios of African ape species (Homi- phylogenetic signal (Table 4). Lower 2D:4D ratios
ninae) (P \ 0.05) (see Fig. 2). Ratios of the Homininae (higher PAE) were associated with higher levels of intra-
did not significantly differ from each other. We trans- female competition and female philopatry, and higher
posed human 2D:4D ratios (Manning et al., 2007) onto 2D:4D ratios (lower PAE) were significantly associated
2D:4D patterns within the Hominoidea. As predicted, with lower levels of competition and heterosexual or
human 2D:4D ratios fell between the ratios of paired female dispersal (Table 4; Fig. 3).
and nonpair-bonded taxa (Figs. 1 and 2) and were signif-
icantly different from both (humans versus nonpair-
bonded apes, t 5 6.75, P \ 0.001; humans versus pair-
bonded apes, t 5 6.69, P \ 0.001). 2D:4D and sex differences

2D:4D and intrasexual competition Male and female 2D:4D ratios were significantly corre-
lated across the whole sample (r2 5 0.90, P \ 0.001,
Male and female competitive regimes were highly df 5 36). Controlling for species differences we found a
associated (Likelihood ratio 5 61.83, P \0.001, n 5 37). near significant difference in sex across the dataset (spe-
Thus, pair-bonded species tended to have low levels of cies: F36,1047 5 53.76, P \ 0.001; sex: F1,1047 5 3.48, P 5
both male and female competition, whereas species with 0.06).
Males in nonpair-bonded species had significantly
lower 2D:4D ratios than females (males 0.845 6 0.003
s.e., females 0.852 6 0.003 s.e., species: F23,817 5 23.82,
P \ 0.001; sex: F1,817 5 5.13, P 5 0.02). There was no
sex difference, however, in pair-bonded species (males
0.971 6 0.008 s.e., females 0.973 6 0.008 s.e., species:
F13,174 5 21.84, P \ 0.001; sex: F1,174 5 0.04, P 5 0.85).
Within the Hominoids there were significant differences
in mean 2D:4D ratios between males and females (spe-
cies: F7,375 5 32.95, P \ 0.001; sex: F1,375 5 4.41, P 5
0.04); however, there were no significant sex differences
in other super families (Cercopithecoidea and Ceboidea).
Significant sex differences in 2D:4D ratios at the spe-
cies level were detectable only in competition Level 2 for
both males and females (high frequency-low intensity;
species: F3,316 5 24.49, P \ 0.001; sex: F3,316 5 6.62,
P 5 0.01; dispersed-egalitarian; species: F3,415 5 13.39,
P \ 0.001; sex: F3,415 5 3.74, P 5 0.05). Within this level
females had significantly lower 2D:4D ratios than males.
Fig. 2. Mean 2D:4D across hominoids. Star represents Sex differences in the other categories (in both male and
human values for comparison. Bars represent 95% confidence female competition classifications systems) were non-
intervals. significant.

TABLE 4. 2D:4D and intrasexual competition

Nonphylogenetic analysis PGLS analysis
Model F P df F P df k
Inter-male competition Species 2D:4D 3.37 0.032 36 1.30 0.292 31 1
Male 2D:4D 3.37 0.032 36 0.99 0.409 31 1
Inter-female competition Species 2D:4D 10.94 \0.001 36 7.88 0.001 31 1
Female 2D:4D 9.36 \0.001 36 6.12 0.002 31 0.98

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

TABLE 5. Mean 2D:4D and species weight for substrate
Substrate Super family n R2 F P df
Arboreal Hominoidea 5 0.925 12.41 0.08 4
Cercopithecoidea 5 0.913 10.54 0.09 4
Ceboidea 13 0.16 0.96 0.42 12
Arboreal- Hominoidea 3 0.003 1.17 0.28 2
Terrestrial Cercopithecoidea 10 0.021 0.08 0.929 9

systems in hominoid (ape) and platyrrhine (New World

monkey) species are highly variable, with pair-bonding,
cooperative breeding, male and female philopatry char-
acteristic of different species in these lineages. This vari-
ation necessitates differences in physiological pathways
that support different social systems within taxonomic
groups. In contrast, Old World monkeys (Cercopithe-
coids) have low, and relatively invariant 2D:4D ratios
(high PAE), which are coupled with relatively invariant
social grouping patterns and high levels of intra-sexual
competition (Di Fiore and Rendall, 1994). We, therefore,
Fig. 3. Male mean 2D:4D and intra-male competition levels consider it probable that female philopatry in Old World
and female mean 2D:4D and intra-female competition levels. monkeys is a specialized response to a competitive eco-
Bars represent standard errors.
logical niche rather than a conserved ancestral trait.
Conversely, variability in social systems and 2D:4D in
Substrate and body size extant New World monkeys and apes leads us to believe
that social systems of early primates likely showed simi-
There was no significant relationship between mean lar flexibility.
2D:4D and species body weight across the whole sample In primates, the mechanisms by which steroid hor-
(regression of species body weight against species 2D:4D; mones affect development patterns, and especially that
r2 5 0.06 df 5 36, F1,36 5 2.216, P 5 0.15) (Table 5). Sig- of the brain, are not well understood. Androgens have
nificant relationships were also absent between these vari- been shown to affect brain differentiation across a wide
ables when looking across substrates and super families. number of non-primate vertebrate species (Cooke et al.,
1998; Fitch and Bimonte, 2002). However, in primates
DISCUSSION we do not know whether it is androgens, estrogens, or
the aromatization of testosterone into estradiol which
We provide the first study of variation in 2D:4D across has the primary role in sex differentiation. Additionally,
a taxonomic group and show that the relationship circulating gestational androgens can originate from the
between 2D:4D and sexual selection in anthropoid pri- gonads and from the adrenal glands, and can either be
mates accords with that proposed for humans (Manning, maternally or fetally derived (Rabinovici and Jaffe, 1990;
2008); 2D:4D is lower (higher PAE) in polygynous species Mesanio and Jaffe, 1997). If maternally generated hor-
and species with high intra-sexual competition and mones are key, there is the opportunity for maternal
2D:4D is higher (lower PAE) in pair-bonded species and effects to play an additional role. Especially in species
species with low levels of intra-sexual competition. In with female kin-bonded dominance rank hierarchies (e.g.
humans low 2D:4D (high PAE) has been linked with Macaca), maternal dominance may impact on fetal expo-
intra-sexual competition (Hönekopp et al., 2005a), prom- sure to androgens (see Dloniak et al., 2006; Nelson
iscuity (Clark, 2004; Hönekopp et al., 2005b), aggression et al., in review).
(Bailey and Hurd, 2004; Benderlioglu and Nelson, 2004), In addition to variability in circulating levels of andro-
and perceived dominance (Neave et al., 2003; Manning gens, PAE may also be the result of intrinsic differences
and Fink, 2008). High 2D:4D has been associated with in androgen sensitivity (Manning et al., 2003b).
sensitivity and prosocial behavior (Williams et al., 2003; Increased tri-nucleotide (CAG) repeats in the androgen
Fink et al., 2007). We believe our results are therefore receptor (AR) gene leads to reduced androgen sensitivity;
consistent with prenatal androgens in non-human pri- extreme numbers of repeats are associated the androgen
mates potentially promoting the development of competi- insensitivity syndrome (Chamberlain et al., 1994). In
tive and aggressive behaviors, which can ultimately be humans, low 2D:4D and aggressive behavior is associ-
manifested in increased intrasexual competition, polygy- ated with low CAG repeat numbers (Rajender et al.,
nous social systems and dominance hierarchies (see 2008). Longer tri-nucleotide repeats in the AR gene in
Dloniak et al., 2006). Conversely, low PAE may be impor- the Hominoidea have led to reduced AR sensitivity in
tant in potentiating behaviors linked to pair-bonds and comparison with Old World monkeys (Choong et al.,
cooperative breeding (i.e. coordination and tolerance) 1998; Hong et al., 2006). Thus, the polymorphic expan-
(Shultz and Dunbar, 2007; Dunbar, in press). sion of the AR gene in the Hominid clade provides a
Analysis of 2D:4D at higher taxonomic levels also genetic vehicle facilitating male-bonded cooperative
point towards qualitative differences between behavioral sociality found in apes and humans. Of all primates the
and competitive regimes across primate lineages. The AR gene is the most polymorphic and the least sensitive
consistent relationship between 2D:4D and social sys- in humans (Andrés et al., 2004). Unfortunately, knowl-
tems both across and within taxonomic groups suggests edge of the structure and variation in the AR gene is
that PAE may provide a mechanistic explanation for the limited in Old World monkeys and no data is available
development of species-specific social behavior. Social for New World primates.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology


Over all sampled species, there was a trend for males social behavior is, by definition, manifested through
to have lower ratios than females. However, these sex interactions between individuals and thus cannot occur
effects were not consistent over all species. Nonpair- in utero. Rather we suggest that 2D:4D may inform us
bonded species (i.e. those with higher levels of male– about how variation in PAE, including AR gene morphol-
male competition) had significantly lower male than ogy, differentially programs the brain and body tissues
female 2D:4D ratios, whereas there was no difference and how physiological foundations for social development
between sexes in pair bonded species. This is consistent vary between related taxa. Exploring the relationship
with our predictions and the assumption that male–male between sex steroid receptor sensitivity and behaviors
competition may be a key factor driving PAE. More chal- across vertebrates may uncover an ontogenetic basis for
lenging was that the pattern was not consistent over all affiliative and competitive social behavior and augment
taxonomic groups; male apes had lower ratios than our understanding of mechanisms underpinning social
females but in other groups the difference was nonsigni- bonding (Walum et al., 2008).
ficant. One potential explanation is that the genes re- Finally, our results are the first to show human 2D:4D
sponsible for androgen sensitivity are sexually antago- in evolutionary context. Human 2D:4D ratios are
nistic, such that strong selection on male reproductive couched within the Hominoidea positioned, as predicted,
characteristics can have knock on effects on females. between pair-bonded Hylobatidae (gibbons) and the pro-
These effects have been shown to occur in promiscuous miscuous Hominidae (great apes) (Figs. 1 and 2). This
species where reproductive skew between males and result fits with evidence from comparative analysis of
females is high (Rice, 2000; also see Manning et al., variation in relative testis size and sperm competition
2000). However, a more parsimonious explanation may within primate social systems (Harcourt et al., 1981;
be that the androgenic mechanisms associated with com- Anderson and Dixson, 2002) and supports links between
petitive regimes of both males and females are strongly PAE and 2D:4D. It is interesting to speculate if
associated, such that both males and females experience evolutionary shifts in PAE within the African apes, and
either high or low levels of intrasexual competition. The associated changes in the AR gene, have contributed to
only competition category where there was some discrep- the behavioral flexibility of apes, and ultimately of
ancy between male and female competition strength was humans.
in the level two, which is also where there were sex dif-
Although it is clear that we do not fully understand ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the mechanisms by which PAE is manifested (i.e. We thank all the zoos and primate facilities world-wide
whether the androgens are maternally or fetally derived, who contributed data to this study; Antwerp, Apenheul
how sensitive they are to environmental effects, and how Primate Park, Atlanta, Banham and Suffolk Wildlife
important underlying genetic variation is in determining Parks, Blackpool, Bristol, Busch Gardens, Chester, Chey-
sensitivity), the key issue is that there is substantial evi- enne Mountain, Cleveland Metro Parks, Colchester, Cots-
dence that links androgen and estrogens to sexual differ- wolds, Columbus, Cricket St.Thomas Wildlife Park,
entiation of the brain during gestation (Cooke et al., Dakota, Dallas, Drusillas Park, Dudley, Edinburgh, Fota
1998). Therefore, assuming that 2D:4D is at some level a Eire Wildlife Park, Fresno, Great Vancouver, Hagenbeck,
proxy for PAE then these results suggest that early Hogle, Johannesburg, Kansas City, Knoxville, Lincoln,
androgen exposure may be implicated in priming behav- Louisville, Marwell Wildlife Park, Melbourne, Milwaukee,
iors associated with sexual competition in adulthood. The Monkey Sanctuary, North Carolina, Oregon, Paing-
Additionally, circulating androgens (and other hormones) ton, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Regents Park, San Francisco,
clearly play a role throughout an individual’s life, not Taronga Western Plains, Toledo, Topeka, Toronto, Twy-
just prenatally. Thus although not conclusive, the consis- cross, Wellington, Welsh Mountain, Whipsnade Wildlife
tency and strength of the associations we have docu- Park, and Santa Fe Community College Teaching Zoo.
mented here are certainly provocative and consistent Also National Primate Research Centres; California, New
with the existing 2D:4D framework. England, Oregon, Southwest, Wisconsin, Elaine Videan
A caveat must also be made about variation in hand (Primate Foundation of Arizona). Josie Harder (University
morphology within and between taxonomic groups. It of Massachusetts), James Roney (University of California
could be argued that some differences in interspecific Santa Barbara), Adrienne Zihlman and Carol Underwood
2D:4D may be attributable to locomotor adaptations to (University of California Santa Cruz) and Joke Van Laere
substrate use or phylogenetic inertia (Jouffroy et al., and Phil Howard and Andrew Kitchener of the National
1993; Richmond, 2007). Additionally, some elements of Museums of Scotland. We also thank Martin Voracek,
primate hand anatomy may be associated with HOX- Kobe Millet and two anonymous reviewers for providing
gene pleiotropy between anatomical structures (Kondo suggestions that improved the manuscript.
et al., 1997; Zákány et al., 1997). Our analyses controlled
for phylogeny and substrate use (arboreality and terres-
triality) to try to remove functional and evolutionary
influences on hand morphology, yet relationships LITERATURE CITED
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