Foundation School Assignment 1

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1. Questions:
Write and submit 2 definite steps you will implement to make your class more effective.
1. Ensuring that student participate in Assignments, Term papers and IT
2. Allow for question and answer sessions after each major discussions.

2. Questions:
What is your compelling goal for your Foundation School Class, as explained during the
training? A definite success standard you wish to be known for as a Foundation School Teacher?
My Compelling goal for my Foundation School Class is to ensure that every student that have
sat in my class goes on to become a better teacher and onward to a cell leader.
3. Question:
What physical adjustment can you make to your Classroom space to create a more conducive
learning environment for your students?
1. Ensuring that my sitting arrangement is such that student will not be distracted by
happenings out the environment.
2. Making sure the classroom space is well lite during the evening classes, so students can
feel more comfortable learning in it.

4. Question:
Why are you a Foundation School Teacher?
1. To bring Men into accurate knowledge of the truth
Just like the scripture says, “[God's] will is that all sorts of men should be saved and
come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4), it shows the desire if the
Father who not only wants all sorts of men saved but that they too should come to the
accurate knowledge of Truth.
There is no other way this can be made to happen in Christianity without the place of a
foundation teacher. As one of my reasons for being a Foundation School teacher is to
ensure that all men as they are saved come to the accurate knowledge of truth.

2. To help prepare believers for the work of the ministry

When men come into the faith, they don’t come trained for the work for the work of the
ministry. And I have been taught that an untrained workforce cannot produce a
required level of result.

So, in line with the injunctions of the scriptures, where the Bible says, “…to equip the
saints for works of ministry and to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in
the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God, as we mature to the full measure of
the stature of Christ.”

This can only be made possible in the cause of teaching students of the Foundation
school. And this is another reason why I am a foundation school teacher, to equip the
saints of the work of the ministry.

3. To facilitate growth amongst believers resulting in increased grace

For one to growth, they need to be fed. And the scripture has given me an
understanding that babies grow in the faith only by feeding on the word of God.

This is another reason for my being a Foundation School Teacher, to feed believers with
the word so they can grow unto maturity, being that they are new in the faith. Hebrew
5:12-14 says, “In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone
to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not
solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the
teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use
have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” I fill this gap as a foundation
school teacher.

Name: Bro. Eyoh Daniel

Church: CE Eket

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