Phase 2 - NOTE Lyst9529

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Dear Students,

Please note that ESI & Finance related current affairs are relevant for
Phase 2 as well as Phase 1 of the examination of RBI Gr B. However,
difference would be in the depth of questions – in Phase 1 questions
are not from detailing of the news (facts, figures, background,
relevance etc)
Below mentioned is the priority order of the things to be covered for
Phase 1 which will also be relevant for ESI paper in Phase 2 of the
examination -
1. Monthly current affairs (6 to 8 MONTHS before examination
month, latest three months coverage is most important)
2. Reports & Indices (6 MONTHS before the examination)
3. Latest Union Budget & Economic Survey
4. SchemesTap monthwise (6 MONTHS before the examination)
5. Govt schemes Part 1 (since it covers latest schemes from past 3
6. Govt releases like New Education Policy (NEP), Latest National
Family Health Survey (NHFS), Periodic Labour Force Survey,
Atmanirbhar bharat highlights etc.
7. Latest RBI Annual report
8. Census, SECC 2011
9. Govt Schemes Part 2 & 3 (covering old schemes related to the
Finance Current Affairs
1. RBI monthly circulars & notifications – released in past 1 year,
latest 6 months are most important here

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2. Finance monthly current affairs - (6 to 8 MONTHS before
examination month, latest three months coverage is most
3. RBI evergreen notification

Wish you All the Best!

Team EduTap

2|P a g e W WW. E D U T AP . CO . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

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