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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr.

Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Module Syllabus
Mechanics of Solids
Module 5

Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose

Department of Civil Engineering
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Torsion Torsion
Torsional Moment (Internal Torque) Torsional Moment Diagram
• Torsional Moment at a section of a structural The diagram in which the ordinate represent torsional moment
member is the internal resistive force developed the abscissa represent the position of the section is called
at that section to resist twisting of the section. Torsional Moment Diagram (TMD).
• It is mathematically calculated by taking the
algebraic sum of the torsional couples (external
torques) either to the right or left of the section.

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Coulomb’s Theory of Torsion Coulomb’s Theory of Torsion

Assumptions: Coulomb’s Torsion Equation
1. The material is linearly elastic, homogenous
and isotropic γ max Hooke’s Law τ max
r τ = Gγ r
2. The shaft is uniform circular throughout the O
γ max O
τ max
c c
length. r r dA

3. The twist (torsional deformation) is very small c c

c : radius of shaft
4. All radii remain straight before and after twist. Charles Augustine r : radial distance
5. Cross section remain plane before and after Coulomb
the twist. Shear strain variation Shear stress variation
Consider a stress element of small area dA, at a radial distance of r.
Shear stress within the element= τ max
Shear force in the element= τ max dA
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Coulomb’s Theory of Torsion Coulomb’s Theory of Torsion

r 2 r Tr
Moment of Shear force in element w.r.t O = τ max dA r = τ max dA Shear stress within the element at radial distance r, τ = τ max =
c c τ T c J
= ...(1)
τ max dA = τ max
r2 r J
Moment of Shear force of whole shaft w.r.t O = ∫A c c ∫ A
r 2 dA Length of Arc AB = rθ
Length of Arc AB = γ l = l
Moment of Shear force of whole shaft w.r.t O = Torsional moment G
τ max Equating both rθ = l
c ∫ A
r 2 dA
τ Gθ
= ...(2)
But ∫A
r 2 dA = J (polar moment of inertia) r l
T τ Gθ
Torsional Capacity T=
τ max π Combining (1) and (2) = =
J Solid shafts J= D4 J r l θ is in radians
(Max. Torque transmitted) c 32

Hollow shafts J=
(D4 − d 4 )
180 = π rad.
τ max = 32
J 9
1 = rad. 10
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Coulomb’s Theory of Torsion Design of Circular Shafts

GJ Torsional Rigidity Strength Design (If allowable shear stress is given)
Solid shafts τ allow
J /c Torsional (polar) sectional moment T= J
T /θ Torsional Stiffness τ π  π
T = allow  Dreq 4  = τ allow Dreq

Dreq 2  32  16
Hollow shafts
τ allow  π  D 4 − dreq 4
T= Dreq 4 − d req 4  = π τ allow req
( )
Dreq 2  32  16 Dreq
To design hollow shaft, question may have
1. Either the external or internal diameter given, we need to find the
other one.
2. Relationship between the external and internal diameter will be
given, we need to find both.
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Design of Circular Shafts Power Transmission in Shaft

Serviceability Design (If allowable twist is given) Shafts are the medium to transmit power from the engine to
Solid shafts the wheels.
T= J Power transmitted is the work done unit time (unit watt [W])
Gθ allow  π 4
Work done by the shaft = Tθ
T=  Dreq 
l  32  Power transmitted P = Tθ / t ⇒ P = T ω ω → angular velocity
Hollow shafts
Gθallow  π  P = 2π fT ω = 2π f
l  32
 ( )
Dreq 4 − dreq 4 
 f → frequency of rotation (Hz or / sec)
2π nT
Note: P=
If the shaft is to be designed for both the criteria, find the required 60
diameters from both the formula and take the maximum. n → frequency of rotation ( / minute) or r.p.m.
P → power (W)
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T → Torsional moment (Nm)
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Example 1 Example 2
A solid shaft of 150 mm diameter is used to transmit torque. A hollow shaft of external diameter 120 mm transmits 300 kW
Find the maximum torque transmitted by the shaft if the power at 200 r.p.m. Determine the maximum internal diameter
maximum shear stress induced to the shaft is 45 MPa. if the maximum stress in the shaft is not to exceed 60 N/mm2 .
D = 150 mm D = 120 mm P = 300 kW = 300 ×103 W
n = 200 r.p.m. τ allow = 60 N / mm 2
τ max = 45 N / mm 2
τ max τ max π π 2π nT 60 P 60 × 300 ×10 3

Max. torque transmitted, T = J = D4 = τ max D 3 P= ⇒T = = = 14323.9 Nm

c D / 2 32 16 60 2π n 2π × 200
π π Dreq 4 − d req 4 1204 − d req 4
= 45 ×1503 = 29820586 Nmm T= τ allow π
16 16 Dreq ⇒ 14323.9 ×103 = × 60 ×
16 120
= 29.82 kNm 106 Nmm = 1 kNm
d req = 88.5 mm

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Example 3 Example 3 (Cont’d)

A solid circular shaft transmits 75 kW power at 200 r.p.m. 2. Serviceability Design
Calculate the shaft diameter, if the twist in the shaft is not to
Gθallow  π 4
exceed 1˚ in 2 m length of shaft, and shear stress is limited to T=  Dreq 
l  32 
50 N/mm2. Take G = 1 × 105 N/mm2 .
P = 75 ×103 W n = 200 r.p.m. θ allow = 1 = 1× π rad. L = 2000 mm π
1×105 × 180 π 4
180 3580.98 ×103 =  Dreq 
τ allow = 50 N / mm 2 G = 1×105 N / mm2 2000  32 

60 P 60 × 75 ×10
2π nT Dreq = 80.4 mm
P= ⇒T = = = 3580.98 Nm = 3580.98 ×103 Nmm
60 2π n 2π × 200
71.3 mm
1. Strength Design Dreq = max  = 80.4 mm
80.4 mm
π π
T= τ allow Dreq3 ⇒ 3580.98 ×103 = × 60 × Dreq 3
16 16
Dreq = 71.3 mm

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Strain Energy in Torsion

T 2L
 τ max J 
 c  L τ max L

U=   = J
2GJ 2c 2G

τ max 2 L
U= J
2c 2 G

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

2D (plane) stress state Stresses on Oblique/Inclined sections

Point at which stress is

measured/ accounted

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Stresses on inclined sections (Cont’d) Stresses on inclined sections (Cont’d)

Why we consider the stresses on inclined planes? Why we consider the stresses on inclined planes?
Reason 1: Many often, failure is observed in inclined directions. Reason 2: Sometimes, structural members are made up of components
joined on an inclined plane. Design of joint is of crucial importance

Failure of a beam Inclined joint in wooden tie

Failure of a pier Soil slope failure

Failure of a masonry wall Inclined joint in steel structure Inclined joint in bow-string arch
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Stress on Inclined section (Cont’d) Stress on Inclined section (Cont’d)

Re sultant stress = σ x ' 2 + τ x ' y ' 2

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Stresses on inclined sections (Cont’d) Stresses on inclined sections (Cont’d)

(inclined section with left higher than right)
σy σy
(Inclined section with left
θ → +ve lower than right)
τ xy τ xy θ → −ve
θ always measured from
τ x' y' σ x' vertical θ always measured from
σ x' τ x' y' vertical
σx σx σx
σx θ
θ θ

τ xy τ xy
σy σy
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Stress transformation Example 4

Finding stresses in another coordinate system if the stresses are given. The direct stresses at a point in the strained material are 120
N/mm2 compressive and 80 N/mm2 tensile as shown in figure.
There is no shear stress. Find the normal and tangential
stresses on the plane AC. Also find the resultant stress on AC.

This is stress on oblique section Case 2

σ x = 80 N/mm 2 σ y = −120 N/mm 2
σx +σ y σx −σ y
σ x' = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ τ xy = 0 θ = −60o
2 2
σx +σy σ x −σ y σ x +σ y σ x −σ y 80 − 120 80 + 120
σ y' = − cos 2θ − τ xy sin 2θ σ x' = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ = + cos ( −2 × 60) = -70 N / mm 2
2 2 2 2
2 2
σ x −σ y 80 + 120
sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ = − 2 sin(−2 × 60) = 86.6 N / mm
σ x −σ y τ x'y' =−
τ x' y ' = − sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ 2
σ resultant = σ x ' 2 + τ x ' y '2 = (−70) + 86.6 = 111.35 N / mm 2
2 2
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Example 4 (Cont’d) Principal Planes

• The planes (directions) on which the normal stresses are
maximum and minimum are called principal normal planes
(Principal planes)
• Normal stresses on the principal planes are known as principal
86.6 N / mm 2 • Shear stresses will be zero on the principal planes
• Two principal planes are mutually perpendicular
70 N / mm 2 σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
σ x' = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
To find the direction of maximum/minimum normal stress:
dσ x ' σ −σ y
=− x 2sin 2θ + 2τ xy cos 2θ = 0
dθ 2
2τ xy
tan 2θ p =
σ x −σ y
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Principal Planes (Cont’d) Principal Planes (Cont’d)

τ xy  σx −σ y 
sin 2θ p =   2
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y σ x +σ y
 2 
 σ x −σ y 
τ xy σ −σ y 
 + τ xy σ y' = − cos 2θ p − τ xy sin 2θ p
cos 2θ p =  = −  x  + τ xy
2 2
 σx −σ y   2 
 + τ xy 2 2
 σ x −σ y 
2 2  2 
2  + τ xy
  
 2  2θ p
maximum values of normal stress: σx −σy
Combining both the normal stress and calling them directions “1” and “2”:
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y 2
σ x' = + cos 2θ p + τ xy sin 2θ p
2 2 σx +σ y
 σ −σ y 
σ x −σ y   σ x −σ y 
σ 1,2 = ±  x  + τ xy

  + τ xy 2 2  2 
σ x +σ y
σ x −σ y  2  + τ xy
τ xy σ x + σ y  2 
= +
2 2 σx −σ y 
σ x −σ y 
2 2
σ 1 → M a j o r P r in c ip a l S tr e s s
σ x −σ y 
 + τ xy  + τ xy
2 2
   + τ xy
 σ 2 → M i n o r P r in c ip a l S tr e s s
 2   2   2 
Note: Major principal stress is the maximum value and minor principal stress
σ x +σ y σ −σ y  is the minumum value. For example if the values obtained from above
= +  x  + τ xy

2  2  equation are 10 MPa and -30 MPa, the second one will be major principal
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Principal Planes (Cont’d) Principal Planes (Cont’d)

Shear stresses will be zero on the principal planes (Proof)
2τ xy  σ x −σ y 

tan θ p =   + τ xy
τ xy
σ x −σ y  2 

τ xy  σx −σ y  2θ p
sin 2θ p =  
2  2  σx −σy
 σx −σ y  cos 2θ p =
 + τ xy
  σx −σ y 
2 2
 2   + τ xy

 2 

σ x −σ y
τ x' y' = − sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ
 σ x −σ y 
  Why are principal planes important?
σ x −σ y τ xy  2 
2 2
+ τ xy
=0 Brittle materials normally fail along either of the principal planes. So by finding
 σ x −σ y   σ x −σ y 
 + τ xy  + τ xy
2 2
  principal planes and directions, we can predict the failure stress and failure
 2   2 
direction of brittle materials.

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Principal Shear Planes Principal Shear Planes (Cont’d)

• The planes (directions) on which shear stresses are maximum  σ x −σ y 
  τ xy 2
are called principal shear planes  2  cos 2θ p =  σ x −σ y  σ x −σ y
sin 2θ s = − 2   + τ xy

2  σx −σ y   2 
• Shear stresses on the principal shear planes are known as σ x −σ y    + τ xy
2 2
 + τ xy
  2 
 2 
principal shear stresses. 2θ s

+ 2
• The normal stresses exist on the principal shear planes and is maximum shear stress: τ xy

equal to avg = σ x −σ y
τ x ' y ' = τ max = − sin 2θ s + τ xy cos 2θ s
• Two principal shear planes are mutually perpendicular  σ x −σ y 
σ x −σ y   τ xy
• Principal shear planes are 45˚ inclined to principal planes. =  2  + τ xy
2  σ x −σ y 
 σ x −σ y 
σ x −σ y
 + τ xy  + τ xy
2 2
τ x'y' = − sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ  
2  2   2 
To find the direction of maximum shear stress:
σ x −σ y 2
σ1 − σ 2
dτ x ' y ' σ x −σ y tan 2θs = −  σ x −σ y  τ max =
=− 2 cos 2θ − 2τ xy sin 2θ = 0 τ max =   + τ xy
dθ 2 2τ xy 2
 2 
Principal shear planes are at 45˚ inclined to principal planes
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Principal Shear Planes (Cont’d) Principal Shear Planes (Cont’d)

Normal stress along principal shear planes:
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y
σ x' = + cos 2θ s + τ xy sin 2θ s
2 2
σ x −σ y 
σ x +σ y σ x −σ y τ xy  
= + − τ xy  2 
2 2 σ x −σ y 
σ x −σ y 

 + τ xy  + τ xy
2 2
 
 2   2 

σ x +σ y σ x +σ y
= +0 = = σ avg
2 2

σx +σ y Why are principal shear planes important?

σ avg = Ductile materials normally fail along the principal shear planes. So by finding
2 principal shear planes and directions, we can predict the failure stress and failure
direction of ductile materials.

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Importance of Principal Planes and Principal Shear planes Importance of Principal Planes and Principal Shear planes

Content Beyond Syllabus Content Beyond Syllabus

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Example 5 Example 5 (Cont’d)

The state of stress in two-dimensionally stressed body at a
point is as shown in Figure. Determine the principal planes,  σ x −σ y   −100 + 75 
2 = 51.54 N / mm 2
τ max =   + τ xy
=   + (−50)
principal stresses, maximum shear stress and their planes  2   2 
σ x = −100 N/mm 2 σ y = −75 N/mm 2 τ xy = −50 N/mm 2
θ s1 = 37.98 + 45 = 82.98o θ s 2 = 127.98 + 45 = 172.98o
2τ xy2( −50)
tan 2θ p = =
σ x − σ y −100 + 75
 2(−50) 
2θ p = tan −1   = 75.964
 −100 + 75 
θ p1 = 37.98o θ p 2 = 90 + 37.98 = 127.98o
σ x +σ y  σ x −σ y  −100 − 75  −100 + 75 
σ 1,2 = ±   + τ xy =
±   + (−50)
2  2  2  2 

σ1 = -139.04 N / mm 2 σ 2 = -35.96 N / mm 2
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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Mohr’s Circle of Stress Mohr’s Circle of Stress (Cont’d)

Stress transformation equations: This circle represent the combination of σ x ' and τ x ' y ' . The
σ x' =
σx +σ y
σx −σ y
cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ ...(1) abscissa of a point on the circle is τ x ' y ' and ordinate is σ x ' .
2 2
So this circle is known as Mohr’s Circle of Stress.
σ x −σ y
τ x'y' = − sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ ...(2)
Squaring and adding (1) and (2) and simplifying
2 2
 σx +σ y   σx −σ y 
σ x' −  +τ x ' y ' =   + τ xy
2 2
Christian Otto Mohr
 2   2 
σ x +σ y
This can be written in more compact form as a=

(σ x ' − a )
+τ x ' y ' = r
2 2  σ x −σ y 
r2 =   +τ xy

 2 
This is in the form of a familiar equation of circle:
( x − a)
+ y2 = r 2 Radius = r; centre at (+a,0)
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Mohr’s Circle of Stress (Cont’d) Mohr’s Circle of Stress (Cont’d)

Important points to ponder: Construction Procedure:
1. The largest possible normal stress is σ1 ; the smallest is σ 2 . 1. Draw the normal stress (σ) axis rightward
positive and shear stress (τ) axis downward
No shear stress exist together with both these stresses and positive.
are the principal stresses. 2. Plot point “Ac” corresponding to positive x-
2. The largest shear stress τ max is numerically equal to the plane with coordinates (σx, τxy). [normal
radius of the circle tensile stress positive and shear stress
upward positive]
 σ x −σ y 
σ −σ 2
2 = 1
r=   + τ xy 2
3. Plot pint “Bc” corresponding to positive y-
 2  plane with coordinates (σy, -τxy). [sign of
shear stress is opposite to that of “Ac”]
3. If σ1 = σ 2 , Mohr’s circle degenerates into a point, and no
4. Join Ac and Bc with straight line, mark the
shear stress at all develop.
point at wich the line meets the σ – axis as
4. If σ x + σ y = 0 or σ x = −σ y , centre of the Mohr’s circle “C”
coincides with the origin and state of pure shear exist. 5. With either “AcC” or “BcC” as radius and “C”
as centre, draw the circle.
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Mohr’s Circle of Stress (Cont’d) Mohr’s Circle of Stress (Cont’d)

Stress transformation Procedure Determination of Principal and Principal shear stresses
Note: All the angles are measured 1. The points at which Mohr’s circle
anticlockwise positive and marked twice meets the σ – axis are the principal
on the Mohr’s circle. stresses σ1 and σ2.
2. Angle between AcC and σ – axis is 2θp.
1. Draw line A’cC at an angle of 2θ from 3. Top most and bottom most point on
AcC. Point A’c corresponds to positive the Mohr’s circle corresponds to the
x’ plane. principal shear planes. Principal shear
2. Extend A’cC to point B’c stress is the value of τmax.
corresponding to positive y’ plane. Corresponding normal stress is
3. Find the coordinates of A’c and B’c , obtained as the σ- value corresponding
from which the values of σx’, σy’, τx’y’ is to the same point.
obtained. 4. Angle between AcC and “τmax C” is 2θs.

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Example 6 Example 6(Cont’d)

Using Mohr’s stress circle method, (a) Find the stresses on the σx +σ y
3 +1  3 −1 
 σ −σ y 
inclined plane. (b) find the principal stresses and principal shear σ1,2 = ±  x  + τ xy
2 = ±   +3

2  2  2  2 
First we will solve the problem using stress σ 1 = 5.16 N / mm 2 σ 2 = −1.16 N / mm 2
transformation equations:
2τ xy 2× 3
This is stress on oblique section Case 1 tan 2θ p = = θ p1 = 35.78
σx −σy 3 −1
σ x = 3 N/mm 2 σ y = 1 N/mm2
τ xy = 3 N/mm 2 θ = 22.5o  σ x −σ y 
τ max =   + τ xy
= 3.16 N / mm 2
σx +σ y σ x −σ y 3 +1 3 −1  2 
σ x' = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ = + cos (2 × 22.5) + 3sin(2 × 22.5)
2 2 2 2
= 4.83 N / mm 2
σ x −σ y 3 −1 σx +σ y
τ x'y' = − sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ =− sin(2 × 22.5) + 3cos(2 × 22.5) = 1.41 N / mm 2 σ avg = = 2 N / mm 2
2 2 2

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Example 6 (Cont’d)
Bc (1,-3)

B 'c −2


1 2 3 4 5 σ (N/mm 2 )
1 45
A 'c

Ac (3,3)
τ (N/mm 2 ) 53 54
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Theory of Columns Theory of Columns

A member with prominently compressive load is known as
strut. Normally strut is a term used for compression members Long Column and Short Column
in a truss. Strut can be horizontal, vertical or inclined. Short Column:
A vertical compressive member is commonly referred to as • Fail in crushing (brittle) or compression yielding
Column. (ductile)
Small wooden, steel or rock column is known as Post • Slenderness ratio is less.
The column that support a big structure like bridge is known as • Capacity of column depend on the area of cross
Pier section alone and independent of the length.
Long Column (Slender Column):
Strut in a truss system Column • Fail in buckling
• Slenderness ratio is more.
• Capacity of column depend on the area of cross
section and the length.
Pier Post 55 56
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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Combined Bending and Compression Combined Bending and Compression

e : eccentricity
Applicable for short columns sustaining structures subjected to
wind loads and earthquake loads. M = Pe
Columns supporting heavy industrial cranes are also subjected Direct Stress =
to combined bending and compression.
Bending Stress = y
Applying principle of superposition:
Total stress = y
Maximum stress σ max = + ymax
Maximum stress σ min = − ymax
If the maximum bending stress is more than direct stress,
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 57 the minimum stress
St. Joseph’s go negative
College (tensile)
of Engineering .
and Technology Palai 58

Example 7 Example 7 (Cont’d)

A rectangular column of width 200 mm and of thickness 150 (a) At an eccentricity of 10 mm, determine the maximum
mm carries a point load of 240 kN. and minimum stresses on the section
(a) At an eccentricity of 10 mm, determine the maximum and P = 240 × 103 N
minimum stresses on the section M = Pe = 240 × 103 × 10 = 240 × 104 Nmm

(b) If the minimum stress is given zero (without any tension), A = 150 × 200 = 30000 mm 2
find the eccentricity of the point load. Calculate the 150 × 2003
I= = 100 × 106 mm 4
corresponding maximum stress 12
(c) If the eccentricity is 50 mm, find the maximum and ymax = 100 mm
minimum stresses on the section.
σ max = + y max = 10.4 N / mm 2

σ min = − y max = 5.6 N / mm 2
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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Example 7 (Cont’d) Example 7 (Cont’d)

(b) If the minimum stress is given zero, find the
eccentricity of the point load and corresponding (c) If the eccentricity is 50 mm, find the maximum and
maximum stress. minimum stresses on the section.
P = 240 × 103 N A = 150 × 200 = 30000 mm P = 240 × 103 N
150 × 200 3
ymax = 100 mm M = Pe = 240 × 103 × 50 = 12 × 106 Nmm
I= = 100 × 106 mm 4
12 A = 150 × 200 = 30000 mm 2
M = 240 × 10 × e = ?
150 × 2003
I= = 100 × 106 mm 4
P M 12
σ min = − ymax = 0 ymax = 100 mm
240 × 103 M
− × 100 = 0 ⇒ M = 8 × 106 P M
30000 100 ×10 6 σ max = + y max = 20 N / mm2
8 ×106 = 240 × 103 e ⇒ e = 33.33 mm A I
3 6
P M 240 × 10 8 × 10 σ min =
− y max = −4 N / mm 2
σ min = − ymax = − × 100 = 16 N / mm 2
A I 30000 100 × 106 A I
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 61 St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 62

Kern of a Section Kern of a Section

Masonry and concrete are strong in compression and weak in Kern of Circular Section
tension, i.e., the tensile strength is very less. P M P Pe d P 8Pe
σ min = − ymax = − = − P 8 Pe P  8e 
= 1 − 
Masonry columns we never prefer tensile stress. A I A π d4 2 A π d 2 d = A − Ad A d 
So for rectangular section: 64 4
P Pe b P 6 Pe P  6e 
σ min = − = − = 1 −  for no tension σ min ≥ 0
A db3 2 A Ab A b 
12 P  8e  d
for no tension σ min ≥ 0 1 −  ≥ 0 ⇒e≤
A d  8
P  6e  b
1 −  ≥ 0 ⇒e≤ Kern of Rectangular Section
A b  6
Similarly if eccentricity of load is expected in the other direction e ≤
That is, the stress will be always compressive if the load is applied within Kern of the circular section is the shaded area of diameter d/4. If the
the shaded rhombus area with dimensions b/3 and d/3 of rectangular load is applied anywhere in this area, the stress in the column is always
section. This region is known as Kern, Kernel or core of the section compressive. (Middle quarter rule of circular section)
St. Joseph’s College third rule ofand
of Engineering rectangular
Palai 63 St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 64

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Buckling of Slender Columns Buckling of Slender Columns (Cont’d)

Three types of Equilibria

Stable Equilibrium: With a small perturbation (disturbance), the ball

go back to its original position Stable Equilibrium Neutral Equilibrium Unstable Equilibrium
(not buckling) (just about to buckle) (buckling)
Neutral Equilibrium: With a small perturbation, the ball go to another
P < Pcr P = Pcr P > Pcr
position and will never go back to original position
Unstable Equilibrium: With a small perturbation, the ball remains to In columns, perturbation (disturbance) mainly occur because of:
loose the position and attains newer positions. 1. Initial imperfection (column not made straight)
2. Nonhomogeniety of material
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 65 3. Lateral loads College of Engineering and Technology Palai
St. Joseph’s 66

Buckling of Slender Columns (Cont’d) Buckling of Slender Columns (Cont’d)

• The load at which the column enters to neutral Slenderness ratio
equilibrium (just about to buckle) is called Buckling This defines the slenderness of the column.
load, Crippling load or critical load (Pcr) Slenderness ratio is the ratio of effective length to the
• With load less than buckling load, the column is in least radius of gyration.
stable equilibrium (do not buckle)
• With load greater than bukling load, the column is in λ=
unstable equilibrium (buckle)
I min
• Buckling load depends on: k = rmin =
–Length of the column
Note: Conceptually, the least moment of inertia (Imin) is the minor principal moment of
–Area of cross section (moment of inertia) inertia of the section.
–Material property (Modulus of elasticity)
St. Joseph’s conditions
College of Engineering and Technology Palai 67 St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 68

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Euler’s Theory of Buckling Standard Cases of Euler Columns (Cont’d)

Assumptions 1. Both ends hinged
1. The material of the column is homogenous,
isotropic and perfectly elastic
2. The compressive load on the column is axial only
(without any eccentricity)
3. The column is free from initial imperfections. π 2 EI
Pcr =
4. The weight of the column is neglected l2
5. The cross-section of the column is uniform
throughout its length.
6. The axial shortening of column is negligible
7. The yield stress is much higher than the buckling
stress. (the column fail only by buckling)
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Standard Cases of Euler Columns (Cont’d) Standard Cases of Euler Columns (Cont’d)
2. One end fixed, other end free 3. Both ends fixed

π 2 EI
Pcr = 4π 2 EI
4l 2 Pcr =

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Standard Cases of Euler Columns (Cont’d) Standard Cases of Euler Columns (Cont’d)
4. One end fixed, other hinged Equivalent Length (Effective Length)
Effective length of a column is the length of equivalent
both end hinged column having same buckling load as
that of the column.

4.49 2 EI
⇒ Pcr = 2π 2 EI
l 2 ⇒ Pcr ≈ l

π 2 EI π 2 EI π 2 EI 4π 2 EI 2π 2 EI
Pcr = 2 2
le l2 4l l 2
le l l
l 2l
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 73 2
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Standard Cases of Euler Columns (Cont’d) Euler Buckling Stress

For Euler Columns
π 2 EI π 2 E Ak 2 π 2E A π 2E A
Pcr = 2 = = =
le le 2 ( le k )2 λ2

π2 E
buckling stress σ cr =

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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Example 8 Limitations of Euler’s Theory

A simply supported beam of I section as shown deflects 12 mm when 1. If slenderness ratio of a column is low, the buckling stress will be high. But for
subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 50 kN/m length. Determine the any column the buckling stress cannot be more than the crushing stress (yield
safe load if the beam is used as a column with both ends fixed. Use Euler’s stress in compression). For slenderness ratio less than a limit, Euler’s formula
formula with a factor of safety 5. E = 205 GPa. give buckling stress higher than the compressive yield stress.
for example, limiting case
 240 × 403  40 × 8003 σ cr = 250 MPa 5
E = 2.1× 10 MPa
I x = 2 ×  + 240 × 40 × 4202  + = 5.096 × 109 mm 4 y
12 12 π2E π E ≈ 90
  σ cr = λ=
 40 × 2403  800 × 403 λ2 σ cr
I y = 2 ×   + = 96.43 × 106 mm 4 σ cr
Euler’s formula not
 12  12 so mild steel columns with slenderness valid for this (dashed)
As a beam x ratio lesser than 90 (practically
5 wl 4 5 50l 4 possible), Euler’s formula give 250 MPa
δ= ⇒ 12 × 10−3 = ⇒ l = 11.8 m
384 EI x 384 205000 × 5.096 × 109 × 10−9 erroneous result. [Euler’s formula is
valid for long columns only in which the
As a column
slenderness ratio is larger than a certain
π 2 EI y π 2 × 205000 × 96.43 × 106 × 10 −9 = 5604.82 kN 90 λ
Pcr = = value for a particular material. ]
le 2
(11.8 2 )2

5604.82 kN
Safe load =
5 Palai = 1120.96 kN 77 78
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Limitations of Euler’s Theory (Cont’d) Rankine’s Theory of Columns

2. It does not take into account the “local buckling effects”. • To rectify the limitations of Euler’s formulation,
Rankine and Gordon proposed an ‘Empirical’
• This formula is valid for very short to very long
1 1 1
= +
Pr Pc Pe
William John Rankine
Pr : Rankine’s failure load σ y A for ductile
Pc : Failure compressive load 
 σ u A for brittle
Pe : Euler’s buckling load σr
Euler’s formula
• For short columns, Pe is very large (infinity). 250 MPa
Therefore 1/Pe is small (zero). So, Pr = Pc.
• For long columns, Pe is very small. Rankine-Gordon formula
Therefore 1/Pe is large. So, Pr = Pe. λ
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CET201 Mechanics of Solids | Fr. Dr. Bennet Kuriakose Module 5

Rankine’s Theory of Columns (Cont’d) Example 9

1 1 1 σc A The external and internal diameter of a hollow cast iron column
= + Pr =
Pr Pc Pe σ Al 2 are 5 cm and 4 cm respectively. If the length of this column is 3
1 + 2c e 2
π EAk m and both ends are fixed, determine the crippling load using
1 Pe + Pc
= Rankine’s formula. Take values of σc = 550 N/mm2, Rankines
Pr Pc Pe σc A
Pr = 2 constant, a = 1/1600.
l  π π
Pr = e c
Pe + Pc
1 + a e 
k A=
( )
502 − 402 = 706.86 mm 2 I=
(50 4
− 404 = 181132.45 mm 4

σc I min 181132.45
Pc Rankine’s constant a= k= = = 16 mm
= π2 E A 706.86
1 + Pc Pe 3000
l = 3000 mm le = =1500 mm (both end fixed)
σc A
= σc A 550 × 706.86
σ Al 2 Pr = = = 367.3 ×103 N = 367.3 kN
1 + c2 e l 
1  1500 
π EI 1+a  e  1+  
k 1600  16 

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 81 St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology Palai 82

Example 10
A hollow cylindrical cast iron column is 4 m long with both ends
fixed. Determine the minimum diameter of the column if it has to
carry a safe load of 250 kN with a factor of safety of 5. Take the
internal diameter as 0.8 times the external diameter. Take σc =
550 N/mm2, Rankine’s constant, a = 1/1600.
(D 2
− ( 0.8 D )
) = 0.283 D 2
(D 4
− ( 0.8 D )
) = 0.029 D 4

0.029 D 4
k= = 0.1D
l = 4000 mm 4000
le = =2000 mm (both end fixed)
σc = =110 N/mm 2 Pr = 250000 N
110 × 0.283 D 2
250000 = 2 ⇒ D = 136.3 mm
1  2000 
1+   d = 0.8D = 109 mm
1600  0.1D  83 84
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