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Problem Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Planning Nursing Interventions Rationale/ EVALUATION

Date List (objectives-long Justifications
(cues & & short term)
(according evidences/
to priority) objective

2/6/21 Physiologic Subjective: Anxiety related to Short term: Independent: Goal met
need: love ‘Nabalaka ko change in health
and sako status and After 8 hours Assess for the presence The context in which Short term:
belongingn sitwasyon situational crisis as of continuous of culture-bound anxiety anxiety is experienced,
ess karon labaw manifested by nursing states. its meaning, and After 8 hours of
na sa akong expressed concerns interventions, responses to it are continuous
sakit” due to change in the client will nursing
culturally mediated.
lifestyle. verbalize interventions, the
awareness of
Example: Mild, Client verbalize
feelings of moderate and severe awareness of
Definition: anxiety. anxiety. feelings of
Objective: Vague uneasy anxiety.
feeling of
-Restlessness discomfort or dread Assess physical reactions Anxiety also plays a role
-Pale accompanied by an to anxiety. in somatoform disorders,
autonomic or which are characterized
unknown to the by physical symptoms
individuals. such as pain, nausea,
weakness, or dizziness
that have no apparent
physical cause.

Use presence, touch Being supportive and

(with permission), approachable promotes
verbalization, and communication.

demeanor to remind
patients that they are not
alone and to encourage
expression or
clarification of needs,
concerns, unknowns, and

Allow patient to talk Talking about anxiety-

about anxious feelings producing situations and
and examine anxiety- anxious feeling can help
provoking situations if the patient perceive the
they are identifiable. situation realistically and
recognize factors leading
to the anxious feelings.

Assist the patient in Discovering new coping

developing new anxiety- methods provides the
reducing skills (e.g., patient with a variety of
relaxation, deep ways to manage anxiety.
breathing, positive
visualization, and
reassuring self-

If the situational response Anxiety is a normal

is rational, use empathy response to actual or
to encourage patient to perceived danger.
interpret the anxiety
symptoms as normal.


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