Mock Trial Script

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Frustrated Murder
People vs. Benedito

Hyacinth Santilices – Prosecution Counsel
Efren Fagtanac – Prosecution Counsel
Jedamica Mae Delos Santos – Complainant
Jim Dorozan – Boyfriend of the Complainant (Prosecution Witness)
Dr. Dingle – Expert Witness
Ronilo Subaan – Defense Counsel
Rabino – Defense Counsel
Marielle Benedito - Accused
Dr. Cherie Naomi Garcia – Expert Witness
Phoelvie Tulio – Officemate of Complainant (Defense Witness)
Gillian Torlao – Judge
Ma. Fatima Lim – Court Clerk
Jay-r Berida – Court Stenographer
Aquino, Mark - Narrator
Narrator: Greetings Everyone! My name is Mark Aquino, the narrator of this group. We are happy that all of us gathered here. We
would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who take part of our Mock trial especially to our Professor, Mr. Antonio Torres
who taught us what we need to learn in case we testify in the near future, to other professors who are present today, for giving us
additional knowledge on the related subjects and for supporting us. Lastly to our classmates and casts who made this Mock trial
possible. Before we start I would like to introduce our casts….

Narrator: Today, we are presenting our case: CRIMINAL CASE NO. 24689 PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES V. MARIELLE BENEDITO.
This is the short storyline, Ms. Marielle and Ms. Jedamica are bestfriends and they were living in a same apartment. Ms. Benedito (the
accused) is madly inlove with Jim Dorozan which is Ms. Delos Santos’ fiancée. Because of that Ms. Marielle developed extreme jealousy
towards Ms. Jedamica which made her wanting to kill her by poisoning. You will witness how both parties defend their stand and see
what will be the verdict. Is it conviction or acquittal? On the first part, of our mock trial shows the Arraignment and Plea of the


Clerk of Court: This honorable court of the Regional Trial Court Branch 413 with the Honorable Judge Gee Dela Rosa is now in session.
All rise. Let’s pray. Father, we lay before you our anxieties and concerns about this court case. You know our journey to this place, the
struggles, the heartache and the difficulties. Please cover every aspect of the hearing, from the judgement of the judge and jury, to the
details revealed in this session. Holy Spirit please presence yourself with us as we testify. Come calm our troubled hearts and minds
with your eternal peace and help us to remember that your hand is upon us. Thank you that you will lead us through this hard time
into a new season of hope and rest. We pray all this in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and King. Amen.

Judge: Court is now in session. Call the cases.

Clerk of Court: For arraignment, Criminal Case No. 52319 People of the Philippines v. Mhankhurz and Jaggu for the crime of CHILD
trafficking. Appearance for prosecution and the defense counsel.

Prosecution Attorney: Your honor, I am Atty. Alunsina Porteza (and Atty. Raul Mahuyokhuyokan) appearing as a prosecutor under the
direct control and supervision of the public prosecutor.

Judge: Is the accused around?

Clerk of Court: Yes, your honor. Please approach the bench.

Judge: Do you have a lawyer or do you want the court to appoint a lawyer?

Defendant: I do not have a lawyer.

Judge: Atty. Kyla Mondragon and Atty. Klarence Dalisay will be appointed as the lawyer for the accused.

Atty. Kyla Mondragon and Atty. Klarence Dalisay: Yes, your honor.
Judge: Arraign the accused.

Clerk of court: Criminal Case No. 52319, People of the Philippines V. (names of suspects)
On September 30, 2018, Mr. Mhankruz Singh and Ms. Jaggu Habibi illegally adopted two kids who are said a beggar in streets of Apalit.
The victims which are Ms. Clara and Ms. Mara accused the Indian Citizens that they were being abused by them as the time goes by.
The victims (Mara and Clara) disclosed that they were being locked inside the house. After an informer confirmed this, there was a raid
occurred on October 4, 2019, directly in the house of the said Suspects and get arrested by the policemen given authority by the court.

Judge: Do you understand the crime charged against you?

Accused: No, your honor.


Clerk of Court: What is your plea?

Accused: Not guilty, your honor.

Clerk of Court: The accused pleaded not guilty your honor.

Judge: Let it be on the record that the accused pleaded not guilty for the crime of frustrated murder. The information was read to him
in English, a language known and understood by the accused. Also, Atty. Subaan the defense counsel of the accused assisted him in
this arraignment.

Atty. Santilices: Your honor, we would like to set the case for trial on October 19, 2017.

Judge: Are you amenable with the schedule defense counsel?

Defense Counsel: Yes your honor.

Judge: Ok set the trial of the case on October 19, 2017. We only have one case for today?

Court Stenographer: Yes, your honor.

Judge: In today’s trial, the arraignment of Benedito in Criminal Case No. 24689 is conducted. The information is read to him in English
a language known and understood by him. Defense counsel Atty. Ronilo Subaan and Atty. Rabino assisted the accused. The accused
pleaded not guilty for the crime charged against her.

No objections both for prosecution and defense, the case is set for trial on October 19, 2017. Notify the parties thereto. So ordered.

Kasus Pidana No. 43215, Rakyat Filipina V. (nama-nama tersangka)

Pada 30 September 2018, Bpk. Mhankruz Singh dan Nn. Jaggu Habibi secara ilegal mengadopsi dua anak yang dikatakan seorang
pengemis di jalan-jalan Apalit. Para korban yang bernama Clara dan Ms. Mara menuduh Warga India bahwa mereka dilecehkan oleh
mereka seiring berjalannya waktu. Para korban (Mara dan Clara) mengungkapkan bahwa mereka dikunci di dalam rumah. Setelah
seorang informan mengkonfirmasi hal ini, terjadi penggerebekan pada 4 Oktober 2019, langsung di rumah Tersangka dan ditangkap
oleh polisi yang diberi wewenang oleh pengadilan.

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