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Chapter 4

Vib ti

EME2056 1
Vib i

Springs Free Free

Stiffness undamped damped

Forced Forced Base

undamped damped excitation ζ<1 δ

Measure- ζ=1
EME2056 2
• Vibration
Vib i - continuous
i cyclic
li motion
i off a
structure or a component.

• Some unpleasant effects due to vibrations:

– Cyclic forces are very damaging to materials.
– Even modest levels of vibration can cause
extreme discomfort.
– Vibrations generally lead to a loss of precision
in controlling machinery.

EME2056 3
Stiffness of springs
• Case 1: Springs in Parallel

W = k1δ st + k2δ st = keqδ st

keq = k1 + k2

For n springs
Figure 4.27: Springs in Parallel keq = k1 + k2 + ... + kn

EME2056 26
Stiffness of springs
δ eq = δ1 + δ 2
• Case 2: Springs in Series W = k1δ1 = k2δ 2 = keqδ st
keqδ st keqδ st
δ1 = ,δ2 =
k1 k2
keqδ stt keqδ stt
+ = δ eq
k1 k2
1 1 1
= +
keq k1 k2
For n springs
p g
1 1 1 1
= + + ... +
Figure 4.28: Springs in Series keqq k1 k2 kn
EME2056 27
Stiffness of springs
Example 4.1: Find the equivalent spring stiffness
for the system shown in Figure (a).

EME2056 28
Stiffness of springs
g ((b))

Figure (c)

Figure (d)

E i l t spring
Equivalent i stiffness
EME2056 29
SDOF System
• SDOF - Single Degree-of-Freedom

Figure 4.29: A SDOF System

EME2056 30
SDOF System
• Equation of motion
Newton s second law

second order,
g ,
ordinary differential equation
EME2056 31
Free Undamped SDOF System

• Free vibration –
Motion of the system established by y an initial
disturbance (i.e. initial conditions).
da ped –
Oscillatory motion will continue forever with a
constant amplitude.

EME2056 Figure 4.30: Free Undamped SDOF System 32

Free Undamped SDOF System

• Equation of motion
with initial conditions,
x(t = 0) = x0
mx + kx
k =0
x (t = 0) = v0

• Angular natural frequency

ωn = Independent on damping

• Hence,

x + ω n2 x = 0

EME2056 33
Free Undamped SDOF System

• Solution
x = A sin ω n t + B cos ω n t
x = Aω n cos ω n t − Bω n sin ω n t
x = − Aω n2 sin ω n t − Bω n2 cos ω n t

• Incorporating I.C,
x 0 = A( 0 ) + B(1)

v0 = Aωn (1) − Bωn (0) v0

x= sin ωn t + x0 cos ωn t
A= B = x0
EME2056 34
Free Undamped SDOF System

• Introducing Ao and φo by letting

= Ao sin φo and xo = Ao cos φo

• Amplitude

⎛ v ⎞ ω 2 2
x + v 2
Ao = xo2 + ⎜⎜ o = n o o

⎝ ωn ⎠ ωn

EME2056 35
Free Undamped SDOF System

• Phase angle
φo = tan
t −1


x= sin ωn t + x0 cos ωn t
= ( Ao sin φo ) sin ωn t + ( Ao cos φo ) cos ωn t
x = A0 cos(ωn t − φo )

EME2056 36
Free Undamped SDOF System

• Natural period
2π m
τ= = 2π
ωn k

• Natural frequency
11 k
fn = =
τ 2π m

EME2056 37
Free Undamped SDOF System

• Displacement plot

Figure 4.31: Displacement plot of an undamped system

EME2056 38
Free Undamped SDOF System

Example 4.2:
Determine the approximate stiffness of the system
y (spring)
by modeling the vehicle wheel, tire and suspension as,
single degree freedom spring mass system. The mass of
h l tire
ti andd suspension
i is
i 250 kg
k and d it
its angular
natural frequency is 10 rad/s.


EME2056 39
Free Undamped SDOF System

Example 4.3:
Determine the natural frequency and the maximum amplitude of the
response if the spring mass system is deflected by 10 mm,
mm and
having zero initial velocity. Given m = 5 kg, k = 860 N/m.

k 860
ωn = = = 13.2
13 2rad / s
m 5
y, f n =
Natural frequency,
q = 2.1Hz

ωn2 xo2 + vo2
Amplitude, A0 = = 10mm
EME2056 40
Free Undamped SDOF System

• Assumption
A i off zero damping
d i is
i typically
i ll
not accurate.
• In reality, there almost always exists some
resistance in vibratoryy systems.
• This resistance will damp the vibration
and dissipate energy.
• The oscillatory motion caused by the
i iti l di
initial disturbance
t b will
ill eventually
t ll b be
reduced to zero.
EME2056 41
Free Undamped SDOF System

k( ∆ + x )
Unstretched Static
position ∆ equilibrium
m m position
x m

x x

Figure 4.32: A vertical undamped system

EME2056 42
Free Undamped SDOF System
At the static equilibrium position,
k∆ = W ; where W = mg

When displaced from the static equilibrium position by a

distance x, summing the forces acting on the mass gives,
∑ F = −k( ∆ + x ) + W + ( −mx) = 0
But W = k∆ , ∑ F = mx + kx = 0
∴ The orientation of the system does not affect the equation
of motion.
EME2056 43
Free Undamped SDOF System

Example 4.4: Derive the equation of motion

p g
of a spring-mass system
y arranged
g on an
inclined plane.

EME2056 44
Free Undamped SDOF System

Static equilibrium



mg sin θ = (k1 + k2 )δ st

EME2056 45
Free Undamped SDOF System

Equation of motion
+ ) x


mx = −(k1 + k2 )(δ st + x) + mg sin θ

but (k1 + k2 )δ st = mg sin θ
∴ mx = −(k1 + k2 ) x − mg sin θ + mg sin θ
mx + (k1 + k2 ) x = 0
EME2056 46
Free Damped SDOF System
• viscous damping - damping force
p p to the mass's velocity
• denoted graphically by a dashpot

Figure 4.33: Free Damped SDOF System

EME2056 47
Free Damped SDOF System
• Equation of motion
mx + cx + kx = 0
• General solution
x =A
Ae st x = A s e st x = A s 2 e st

• Substituting yields
ms 2 + cs + k = 0
c ⎛ c ⎞ k
s 1, 2 =− ± ⎜ ⎟ −
s2 +
c k
s+ =0
2m ⎝ 2 m ⎠ m
m m

EME2056 48
Free Damped SDOF System
• Solution
x = x1 + x2
= c1e + c2 e
s1t s2t

⎛ c 2 ⎞ ⎛ c 2 ⎞
⎜− ⎛ c ⎞ k ⎜− ⎛ c ⎞ k
⎜⎜ 2 m + ⎜⎝ 2 m ⎠ − m ⎟⎟ t ⎜⎜ 2 m − ⎜⎝ 2 m ⎠ − m ⎟⎟ t
= c1e ⎝ ⎠
+ c2 e ⎝ ⎠

EME2056 49
Free Damped SDOF System
• when
⎧ k
⎪< m ⇒ exponentt is
i imaginary
i i − underdapme
d d d
⎛ c ⎞ ⎪ k
⎜ ⎨= ⇒ exponent
p is zero − critically
y damped
⎝ 2m ⎠ ⎪ m
⎪ k
⎪> m ⇒ exponent is real − overdamped

• Critical damping,
cc = 2 m = 2mω n = 2 km
EME2056 50
Free Damped SDOF System
• Damping ratio
c c c
ζ = = =
cc 2mω n 2 km

• Roots become
c ⎛ c ⎞ k
s1, 2 =− ± ⎜ − = −ζζω n ± ωn ζ 2 − 1
2m ⎝ 2m ⎠ m

• Solution becomes
⎛⎜ −ζ + ζ 2 −1 ⎞⎟ω t ⎛⎜ −ζ − ζ 2 −1 ⎞⎟ω t
x = c1e ⎝ ⎠ n
+ c2 e ⎝ ⎠ n

EME2056 51
Free Damped SDOF System
• Case 1: Underdamped (ζ< 1)
⎛⎜ −ζ + j 1−ζ 2 ⎞ω t ⎛⎜ −ζ − j 1−ζ 2 ⎞ω t
x = c1e ⎝ ⎠ n
+ c2 e ⎝ ⎠ n

−ζω n t ⎛ ⎛⎜ jω 1−ζ 2 ⎞ t ⎛⎜ − jω 1−ζ 2 ⎞ t ⎞

=e ⎜⎜ c1e + c2 e ⎟⎟
n n
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

⎝ ⎠
=e −ζω n t
( jω d t
c1e + c2 e − jω d t
ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 ⇒ Damped
D d natural
t l frequency
EME2056 52
Free Damped SDOF System
x = e −ζω nt c1e jωd t + c2 e − jωd t )
= e −ζω nt [c1 (cos ωd t + j sin ωd t ) + c2 (cos ωd t − j sin ωd t )]
= e −ζω nt [(c1 + c2 ) cos ωd t + j (c1 − c2 ) sin ωd t ]
= e −ζω nt [d1 cos ωd t + d 2 sin ωd t ]

• Incorporating I.C’s

x((tt = 0) = x0
x (t = 0) = v0
EME2056 53
Free Damped SDOF System
• Hence
−ζω n t ⎡ vo + ζω n xo ⎤
x=e ⎢ xo cos ωd t + sin ωd t ⎥
⎣ ωd ⎦
Exponentially decay

Periodic motion

• Introducing
d d φo by
Ao and b lletting

vo + ζω n xo
= Ao sin φo and xo = Ao cos φo
EME2056 54
Free Damped SDOF System
• Alternatively
x = e −ζω nt [Ao cos φo cos ωd t + Ao sin φo sin ωd t ]
= Ao e −ζω nt cos(ωd t − φo )
Exponentially decay Periodic motion

⎛ v + ζω n xo ⎞
(vo + ζω n xo )2 + ( xoωd ) 2
Ao = ⎜⎜ o ⎟ + xo 2 = ⇒ Amplitude
⎝ ωd ⎠ ωd
⎛ vo + ζω n xo ⎞
φo = tan ⎜⎜
⎟ ⇒ Phase angle
⎝ ωd xo ⎠
EME2056 55
Free Damped SDOF System

Figure 4.34: Displacement plot of an underdamped system

EME2056 56
Free Damped SDOF System
• Case 2: Critically damped (ζ= 1)

−ω n t
x = (c1 + c2t )e Refer “2nd order ODE”
for more detail

• Incorporating I.C’s yields

x = [xo + (vo + ωn xo )t ]e −ω n t

EME2056 57
Free Damped SDOF System

Figure 4.35: Displacement plot of a critically damped system

EME2056 58
Free Damped SDOF System
• Case 3: Overdamped (ζ > 1)

⎛⎜ −ζω +ω ζ 2 −1 ⎞⎟ t ⎛⎜ −ζω −ω ζ 2 −1 ⎞⎟ t
x = c1e + c2 e
n n n n
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

• Incorporating I.C’s

x(t = 0) = x0
x (t = 0) = v0

EME2056 59
Free Damped SDOF System

xoωn ζ + ζ − 1 + vo
) e
⎛⎜ −ζ + ζ 2 −1 ⎞ω t
⎝ ⎠ n
2ωn ζ − 12

− xoωn ζ − ζ − 1 − vo2
) e
⎛⎜ −ζ − ζ 2 −1 ⎞ω t
⎝ ⎠ n

2ωn ζ − 12

EME2056 60
Free Damped SDOF System

Figure 4.36: Displacement plot of an overdamped system

EME2056 61
Free Damped SDOF System
Example 4.5:
Determine the damping ratio of the spring mass system if the mass is
5kkg, the
h spring
i constant isi 860 N/
N/m and d the
h ddamping
i rate off spring
is measured to be 0.11 kg/s. Also determine whether system is
over/under or critically damped.


cc = 2 km = 13.11kg / s
ratio ζ =
Damping ratio, = 0.0084 < 1 ⇒ underdampe d

EME2056 62
Logarithmic Decrement
• Decrement rate of the amplitude of a free-
damped vibration.
• Defined as the natural logarithm of the ratio of
y two successive amplitudes
p ((one cycle).
y )
• For an underdamped system

x1 Ao e −ζωnt1 cos(ωd t1 − ϕo )
x1 Ao e −ζωnt2 cos(ωd t2 − ϕo )

EME2056 63
Logarithmic Decrement

• But
B t2 = t1 + τ d , where τ d =

x1 Ao e −ζωnt1 cos(ωd t1 − ϕo )
∴ =
x2 Ao e −ζωn (t1 +τ d ) cos(2π + ωd t1 − ϕo )
Ao e −ζωnt1 cos(ωd t1 − ϕo )
Ao e −ζωn (t1 +τ d ) cos(ωd t1 − ϕo )
e −ζζωnt1
= −ζωn ( t1 +τ d )
= eζωnτ d
EME2056 64
Logarithmic Decrement
• Logarithmic decrement
x1 2π 2πζ 2π c
δ = ln = ζωnτ d = ζωn = = ⋅
x2 1 − ζ ωn
1− ζ 2 ωd 2 m
ζ =
(2π ) 2 + δ 2

δ  2πζ if ζ  1

EME2056 65
Logarithmic Decrement
x1 x1 x2 x3 xm
Considering = ...
xm +1 x2 x3 x4 xm +1
where m is an integer

xj ζωnτ d x1
Since =e ⇒ = e(ζωnτ d ) m = e mζωnτ d
x j +1 xm +1
1 ⎛ x1 ⎞
∴δ = ln ⎜ ⎟
m ⎝ xm +1 ⎠

EME2056 66
Logarithmic Decrement
Example 4.6:
A spring-mass-damper
p g p system
y consists of a
mass, m = 50 kg and a spring of stiffness,
k = 5000 N/m.
N/m Find the following:
i. Critical damping constant, cc,
ii D
ii.Damped d natural
t l frequency
f when
h d
coefficient c = cc/2, and
iii.Logarithmic decrement, δ.

EME2056 67
Logarithmic Decrement
Solution: (i) cc = 2 km = 1000 N .s / m
(ii) ωn = = 10rad / s
ζ = = 0.5
ωd = ωn 1 − ζ 2 = 8.66rad / s
(iii) δ = = 3.63
1− ζ 2

EME2056 68
Undamped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• When ( ) ≠ 0,
Wh f (t) 0
• Two p
parts solution:
– complimentary solution (free vibration)
– particular solution (forcing function)
• Harmonic - at most a sine and cosine at
the same frequency,
frequency can be expressed by
• to find
fi d the
h particular
i l solution
l i -
Undetermined Coefficients
EME2056 69
Undamped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation

Figure 4.37: A harmonically excited undamped system

EME2056 70
Undamped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• Equation of motion
mx + kx = F0 cos ωt
x + ω x =
n cos ωt
• Particular solution
x p = X cos ωt
x p = −ωX ssin ωt

xp = −ω 2 X cos ωt
EME2056 71
Undamped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• Substituting into the equation of motion yields
− ω X cos ωt + ωn X cos ωt = cos ωt
2 2

(ωn − ω ) X cos ωt = cos ωt
2 2

m(ωn − ω 2 )

∴ xp = cos ωt ω ≠ ωn
m (ωn − ω )
2 2
EME2056 72
Undamped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• Total solution
x = A sin ωnt + B cos ωnt + cos ωt
m ωn2 − ω 2 )
• Incorporating I.Cs
I Cs [ x(t = 0) = x0 , x (t = 0) = v0 ]
x0 = B + and v0 = Aωn
m(ωn − ω )
2 2

⎛ F0 ⎞ v0 F0

x = x0 − cos ωnt + sin ωnt + cos ωt

⎝ (
m ωn − ω ⎠
2 2 ⎟) ωn m ωn − ω
2 2
( )
EME2056 73
Undamped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
Example 4.7:
Compute the response of a spring
mass system
subjected to a harmonic cosine force of
magnitude 23 N, N driving frequency of twice
the angular natural frequency and intial
conditions given by x0 = 0 m and v0 = 0.2
0 2 m/s.
The mass of the system is 10 kg and the
spring stiffness is 1000 N/m.

EME2056 74
Undamped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
1000 N / m
ωn = = 10rad
d /s
ω = 2ωn = 20rad / s
v0 0.2m / s
= = 0.02m
ωn 10rad / s
F0 23 −3
= = −7 . 9667 × 10 m
m(ωn − ω ) 10(10 − 20 )
2 2 2 2

x(t ) = 0.02 sin 10t + 7.9667 ×10 −3 (cos10t − cos 20t )m

EME2056 75
Damped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• Equation of motion
mx + cx + kx = F0 cos ωt
• Solution
x p = X cos((ωt − φ )
Phase shift due to damping force

x p = −ωX sin(ωt − φ )
xp = −ω 2 X cos(ωt − φ )

EME2056 76
Damped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• Substituting yields
X [( k − m ω 2 ) cos(( ω t − φ ) − cω sin(( ω t − φ )] = FO cos ω t

• Trigonometric properties
cos(ωt − φ ) = cos ωt cos φ + sin ωt sin φ
sin(ωt − φ ) = sin ωt cos φ − cos ωt sin φ

• Rearranging yields
X [(k − mω 2 ) cos φ + cω sin φ ] = FO
X [(k − mω 2 ) sin φ − cω cos φ ] = 0
EME2056 77
Damped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• Solution gives
F0 F0 / m
X= =
(k − mω 2 ) 2 + (cω ) 2 (ωn2 − ω 2 ) 2 + (2ζω nω ) 2

⎛ cω ⎞ F0 cos((ωt − φ )
φ = tan ⎜
xp =
2 ⎟
⎝ k − mω ⎠ (k − mω 2 ) 2 + c 2ω 2
• Totall solution
F0 cos((ωt − φ )
Ae st +
(k − mω 2 ) 2 + c 2ω 2
A l i will
Analysis ill depend
d d on whether
h th it is
i underdamped,
d d d
EME2056 critically damped or overdamped. 78
Damped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• With the following relations

k c
ωn = , ζ = , cc = 2mωn
m cc

cω c ccω ω
= = 2ζ
k cc k ωn

r= = frequency
q y ratio
EME2056 79
Damped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
• The non-dimensional expressions
X 1 1
= =
(1 − r 2 ) 2 + (2ζr ) 2
k ⎡ ⎛ ω ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ω ⎞⎤ 2

⎢1 − ⎜⎜ ⎥ + ⎢2ζ ⎜⎜ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ n ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎝ n ⎠⎦ ω

⎛ω ⎞
2ζ ⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ ωn ⎠ 2ζr −1
φ = tan −1
= tan
1− r
2 2
⎛ω ⎞
1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ ωn ⎠
EME2056 80
Damped Systems under
Harmonic Excitation
Example 4.8:
Consider a simple spring-mass system with
ωn = 132 rad/s and ζ = 0.0085, calculate the value of the
steady-state response if ω = 132 rad/s and the system is
bj t d to
t a harmonic
h i cosine
i fforce with
ith magnitude,
it d
F0/m = 10 N/kg.
F0 / m
x p (t ) = X =
Solution: (ωn2 − ω 2 ) 2 + (2ζω nω ) 2
(132 2 − 132 2 ) 2 + [2(0.0085)(132)(132)]2
= 0.034m
EME2056 81
Base Excitation
x mx

k ( x − y ) c ( x − y )

Figure 4.38: Base excitation

EME2056 82
Base Excitation
• Equation of motion
mx + c( x − y ) + k ( x − y ) = 0

• Let base displacement

y = Y sin ω t
• Thus

mx + cx + kx k + cy = cωY cos ωt + kY sin

k = ky i ωt

EME2056 83
Base Excitation
• Rearranging yields

x + 2ζω
ζ n x + ωn2 x = 2ζω
ζ nωbY cos ωbt + ωn2Y sin
i ωb t

• Two particular solutions

x p = X cos(ωbt − θ1 )

x p = X sin(ωbt − θ1 )
( 2)

EME2056 84
Base Excitation
• Solution
2ζζω nωbY
x (1)
p = cos((ωbt − θ1 )
(ωn2 − ωb2 ) 2 + (2ζω nωb ) 2

2ζω nω b
θ1 = tan −1

ω n2 − ωb2

x (p2 ) = sin(ωbt − θ1 )
(ω − ω ) + (2ζζω nωb )
2 2

EME2056 85
Base Excitation
• Total solution
x p = x (p1) + x (p2)

⎡ ω + (2ζωb )
2 2

x p = ωnY ⎢ 2 n
cos(ωbt − θ1 − θ 2 )
⎣ (ωn − ωb ) + ((2ζζωnωb ) ⎦
2 2

θ 2 = tan −1

2ζω b

EME2056 86
Base Excitation
• Magnitude,
⎡ ω + (2ζωb )

X = ωnY ⎢ 2 n
⎣ nω − ωb
2 2
) + (2
( ζω
ζ ω
n b ) ⎦
⎡ 1 + (2ζ r ) 2

=Y ⎢ 2⎥
⎣ (1 − r ) + (2ζ r ) ⎦
2 2

X ⎡ 1 + (2ζ r ) 2

=⎢ 2⎥
Y ⎣ (1 − r ) + (2ζ r ) ⎦
2 2

EME2056 87
Base Excitation
• Force transmitted to the mass

F = c( x − y ) + k ( x − y )
= − mx
⎡ ω + (2ζωb )

= mω ωnY ⎢ 2
2 n
cos(ωbt − θ1 − θ 2 )
⎣ (ωn − ω ) + (2ζωnωb ) ⎦
b 2 2

= FT cos(ωbt − θ1 − θ 2 )

EME2056 88
Base Excitation
1/ 2
⎡ 1 + (2ζr ) ⎤ 2
FT = kYr ⎢ 2
⎣ (1 − r ) + (2ζr ) ⎦
2 2

1/ 2
FT 2⎡ 1 + (2ζr ) ⎤ 2
=r ⎢ 2⎥
⎣ (1 − r ) + (2ζr ) ⎦
2 2

Force transmissibility

EME2056 89
Base Excitation
l 4.9:
A car traveling on a road is depicted below, where the road is modeled
as sinusoidal in cross section providing a base motion displacement
of y(t) = (0.01 m) sin ωbt. The car is moving with a velocity of 20
km/h. Determine the effect of speed on the amplitude of
displacement of the automobile
automobile, assuming the equivalent stiffness as
4x105 N/m, damping as 20x103 N.s/m and mass as 1007 kg.


EME2056 6m 90
Base Excitation
s 6
Period,τ = = = 1.08s
v 20 ×1000 / 3600
2π 2π
Base motion frequency, ωb = = = 5.82rad / s
τ 1.08
4 ×105 N / m
Angular natural frequency,ωn = = 19.93rad / s
1007 kg
ωb 5.818
Frequency ration, r = = = 0.292
ωn 19.93
c 20000 N .s / m
Damping ratio, ζ = = = 0.498
2 km 2 (4 × 10 N / m)(1007 kg )

EME2056 91
Base Excitation
1/ 2
⎡ 1 + (2ζr ) 2

Car deflection, X = Y ⎢ 2⎥
⎣ (1 − r 2 2
) + ( 2ζ r ) ⎦
1/ 2
⎡ 1 + (2 × 0.498 × 0.292) 2

= 0.01m ⎢ 2⎥
⎣ (1 − 0. 292 2 2
) + ( 2 × 0. 498 × 0 .292 ) ⎦
= 0.0108m

• 1 cm bump in the road is transmitted into a 1.1 cm bump

experienced by the chassis and subsequently transmitted
to the occupants.

EME2056 92
Base Excitation
l 4.10:
4 10
A large rotating machine causes the floor of a
factory to oscillate sinusoidally. A punch press is
to be mounted on the same floor. The
di l
displacement t off th
the fl
floor att th
the point
i t where
h th
punch press is to be mounted is measured to be
1 sin ωbt (cm).
y(t) = 00.1 (cm) Calculate the maximum
force transmitted to the punch press at
resonance if the machine is mounted on a rubber
fitting of stiffness as 40,000 N/m, damping as
900 N.s/m and mass as 3000 kg. g
EME2056 93
Base Excitation
At resonance, r = 1
c 900
ζ = = = 0.04
2 km
k 2 (40000)(3000)
Given Y = 0.001m
Maximum transmitted force,
1/ 2
⎡ 1 + (2ζrr)) 2

FT = kYr ⎢2
⎣ (1 − r 2 2
) + ( 2ζ r ) ⎦
1/ 2
⎡1 + (2 × 0.04) ⎤ 2
= (40000)(0.001) ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣ (2 × 0.04) ⎦
EME2056 = 501.6 N 94
Transient Vibrations
• Transient – nonperiodic


¾Impulse – sudden application of a short-
duration force.
¾Identical to free response to certain I.C.

EME2056 95
Transient Vibrations

⎧0 t ≤τ −ε
⎪ Fˆ
F (t ) = ⎨ τ −ε < t <τ +ε
⎪ 2ε
⎩0 t ≥τ +ε

ε = small positive number

Figure 4.39: Impulse force

EME2056 96
Transient Vibrations
• Impulse
τ +ε
I (ε ) = ∫τ εF (t )dt

= ∫ F (t )dt

= 2ε

= Fˆ [N.s]
[N ]

EME2056 97
Transient Vibrations
• Consider that at τ = 0,an impulse force

Fˆ = F∆t = mv0 − 0 = mv0

• Indicating
g the I.Cs are

x 0 = 0, v 0 =

EME2056 98
Transient Vibrations
• For
F underdamped
d d d systems,
−ζω n t ⎛ v0 + ζω n x0 ⎞
x(t ) = e ⎜⎜ x0 cos ωd t + i ωd t ⎟
⎝ ωd ⎠
• Substituting I.Cs yield
Fe −ζω nt

x(t ) = sin ωd t = Fˆh(t )
1 −ζω nt Impulsive
where h(t ) = e sin ωd t response
mωd function
EME2056 99
Transient Vibrations
• If impulse is applied any t = τ

1 −ζω n ( t −τ ) Impulsive
h(t − τ ) = e i ωd (t − τ )
sin t >τ response
mωd function

h(t − τ ) = 0 0 < t <τ

EME2056 100
Transient Vibrations

Figure 4.40: Arbitrary excitation force

EME2056 101
Transient Vibrations
• Response of the impulse at t = ti
∆x(t i ) = F (t i )h(t − t i )∆t

• Total response
p after j intervals
x(t j ) = ∑ F (t i )h(t − t i )∆t
i =1

• With limit ∆t → 0,
x(t ) = ∫ F (τ )h(t − τ )dτ Convolution integral

EME2056 102
Transient Vibrations
• Substituting the term h (t - τ)

1 −ζω nt t

ζω nτ
x(t ) = e [F (τ ) e sin ωd (t − τ )]dτ
mωd 0

EME2056 103
Transient Vibrations
Examplel 4.11:
Calculate the impulse response function for a critically
damped d system.

S l ti

The change in the velocity from an impulse is v0 = ,
while x0 = 0. So for a critically damped system m
0 So,
x(t ) = v0te −ωnt
Fˆ −ωnt
x(t ) = te
EME2056 104
Vibration Measurements

Figure 44.41:
41 Basic vibration
ibration measurement ssystem

EME2056 105
Vibration pickup
• Mechanical ((vibration)) – electrical ((signal)
g )

a) Velocity pickups
• Output signal ∝ Vibrating velocity
• Measure voltage at maximum velocity
• Device has low natural frequencies

EME2056 106
Vibration pickup
• Can be stud-mounted or held magnetically
g and bulky
• Large y

Figure 4.42: Two Transducer Mounting Technique

(a) Stud
ou t Pickup;
c up; (b) Magnetically
ag et ca y Held
e d Velocity
e oc ty Pickup
c up

EME2056 107
Vibration pickup
b) Accelerometers
• Output signal ∝ Vibrating acceleration
• Good sensitivity characteristics
• Wider frequency range
• Small and light

EME2056 108
Vibration pickup

g 4.43: Mounting
g Technique
q for Eliminating
g Selected Measurement Errors

EME2056 109
• Amplifies vibration pickup signals

• As isolation device between transducer

d processing
i and d display
di l equipment

EME2056 110
Processing and Display Equipment
• Analyzing spectrum and displaying
q y data.

Figure 4.44: A typical data acquisition setup

EME2056 111

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