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Putting the Page Together

1. Position the completed play pad on the page as in photo A and place a pin at the top (left) end. Find the
placement for the yellow ribbon and pin as in photo A. The ribbon extends 1 ½” beyond the play pad.
2. Fold the fusible backing paper in half as in photo B. Place it on the play pad and mark the center of the sides
with pins. The beaded cord will be positioned here.
3. String the beads onto the elastic cord. Place the cord around the play pad with the beads underneath, and
knot the cord on the top. Don’t make the cord circle too tight. Photo B. Trim the cord ends and move the cord
so the knot is centered under the pad and the beads are on the top.


4. Fold the pad back to expose the cord-photo C. (I removed the pad to show the stitching in photo D. Leave
your pad in place.) Sew the cord to the page with a zigzag stitch for 4”- Photo D. Also sew the ribbon end.


page 22
5. Add more pins to the edges of the play pad. Sew along the previous stitching line on the pad from just
above the cord, around the bottom, to just above the opposite cord, MOVING the cords aside to not sew over
them. The cord in photo E has been shoved aside to show this stitching. The rattle and teddy bear are placed
to show the opening at the top of the play pad. They can be stored in this play pad pocket.

page 23
Naked Baby!

Naked baby needs some clothes! This page shows his wardrobe. A onesie and a bunny hat are stored in the
lower pocket. Open the doors to see a sleeper clothes-pinned to a ribbon clothes rod.
Materials Needed
10” x 11 ½” white felt page* 2 buttons for the onesies
9” x 10” background fabric blue craft thread for the bunny ears
felt: 5” x 7 ½” aqua; 7 ½” x 8” lighter pink 1 magnetic snap
felt scraps: darker pink for the nose; peach; darker (4) ½” buttons
aqua; (2) 1” clothespins
white; lighter lavender; lighter yellow 8” yellow- ¼” wide- for the clothesline

*Preparing the Page

1. If you are using fusible fleece to back the pages, prepare a
white felt page with fleece as described on p. 6.
2. Sew the background fabric to the left side of the white
felt page, with the margins equal on the top, bottom and
left sides.

page 24
Preparing the Pieces
1. Make the bunny nose double-layered (See p. 4). On the back side sew the “male” part of a magnetic snap.

2. Sew the bunny heads to the two closet doors. Sew the “cheeks.” Sew the left side of the nose to the left
door (between the X’s.) Use the snap to find the placement for the “female” part and sew it on the right door.

3. Make the dresser drawer double-layered. Sew the vertical line at the center. Center and sew the buttons.

page 25
Preparing the Clothes
1. Sew a 3/8” x 1 ¾” strip of SOFT Velcro to fabric scraps that match the onesies. Turn the scraps over so the
Velcro is underneath the scrap. Place the onesie over the Velcro stitching so that the Velcro will be ¼” below
the top edge of the onesie. Sew close to the outside edges of the onesie and add the top-stitching lines. Add
the buttons. Cut the felt backings to match the fronts.

2. For the sleeper: sew the same size SOFT Velcro strip to a matching scrap of felt. Turn the scrap over and sew
the sleeper/top-stitching lines. Sew the stars as shown below. Cut the scrap to match the sleeper. Turn the
sleeper wrong side up and trim the star along the edge of the sleeper.

3. Place the hat pieces together, matching the edges. Sew the curved edges, leaving the bottom open. Tie
double-blows around the ears, pulling the thread to gather the ears.

page 26
Putting the Page Together
1. Center the large dresser piece and the 2 doors on the page as in photo B. Pin the outside edges of the
dresser. Remove the doors and sew the dresser piece. Also sew the vertical line at the center. Photo A.
2. Pin the double-layered drawer piece, matching the edges. Photo B. Sew the sides and bottom edges over
the previous stitching, leaving the top open to form a pocket. NOTE: don’t sew over the vertical line on the
drawer. Leaving it unsewn will provide more space in the drawer.

3. To find the placement for the ribbon clothesline: place the sleeper just above the dresser as in photo C.
Attach the clothespins to the shoulders. Try out the placement of the ribbon and test it by placing the doors
over the sleeper. You want to make sure that the clothespins don’t show above the doors. When you have the
placement right, fold the ends of the ribbon under and pin the ends as in photo A. Make sure the ribbon is
taut and that the ends will be hidden by the door seams. Sew the ends of the ribbons.
4. Replace the doors and sew the side edges as in photo B.
5. Center and sew the buttons to the large dresser piece. Place the clothes in the wardrobe.

page 27
Sleepy Baby!

Here is baby’s cradle. The footboard forms a pocket for baby and her favorite bunny softie.
The cradle is sewn to STIFF felt and is attached using a button technique so it will rock back and forth.
The blanket and bunny are stored in the footboard pocket.
Materials Needed
10” x 11 ½” white felt page* (white) STIFF felt: 8” x 9 ½” to back the cradle
9” x 10” background fabric felt scraps: lighter lavender; lighter pink; white
7 ¼” square of flannel cut with pinking shears for ¾” or 7/8” button with 4 holes
the blanket embellishment for the pillow (like a flower
3” x 5” fabric for the pillow + felt to back it applique- see page 30.
felt: 1 ½” sheets of lighter yellow for the cradle

*Preparing the Page

1. If you are using fusible fleece to back the pages, prepare a
white felt page with fleece as described on p. 6.
2. Sew the background fabric to the right side of the white
felt page, with the margins equal on the top, bottom and
right sides.
page 28
Preparing the Pieces
1. Cut the flannel for the blanket with pinking shears to measure 7 ¼” square. Place baby on the blanket and
fold up the bottom point. Fold in the sides as shown below.
2. Make the bunny as you did for the teddy bear on page 21.

3. Trace the pillow onto your fusible adhesive. Cut around it & fuse it to the back of your pillow fabric. Cut the
pillow on the traced lines; remove the backing paper. Fuse the pillow to felt. Cut the felt to match the pillow.
4. Make the footboard double layered. Sew the heart 7/8” from the lower edge. Cut the backing felt to match.

Preparing the Cradle

1. Place the 3 cradle pieces
on the paper template and
pin the pieces together.
Carefully transfer the whole
unit to a piece of STIFF felt.
Pin the headboard and
rocker to the STIFF felt. Keep
the footboard pinned to the
2. Lift the footboard and sew
the rocker.

page 29
3. Pin the footboard to the rocker and fold it back to expose the
headboard. Sew the headboard. Center the pillow on the
headboard, ½” below the “V”. Attach the pillow with an
embellishment. Photo A.
4. Place the blanketed baby and bunny behind the footboard.
Nudge in the top corners to provide a nice fit. Photo B. The
headboard in the model measures 6” across as in photo C.
Remove the baby and bunny and sew the sides and lower edge of
the footboard between the pins, leaving the top open to form a
A pocket.

5. Cut the STIFF felt to match the edges of the
6. Center and sew a button to the back of the
footboard through the bottom 2 holes through
the headboard/STIFF felt only.

7. Center the cradle on the page and pin the rocker. Attach the cradle by folding it forward to expose the
button. Sew through the top 2 holes of the button through all layers. See the completed cradle page on page
28. Almost done!
page 30
The Tab Closure
The Tab will be sewn into the seam when the Cradle page is sewn to the Back Cover.

Materials Needed
3” x 6” pink fabric
3” x 6” blue bib fabric for the lining
3” x 6” scrap of fusible fleece OR felt
1 ½” “HARD velcro

1. Fuse the fleece to the back of the pink fabric. Place it on your work surface fabric side up. Cover with the
blue lining fabric, right side down. Photo A.
2. Sew the tab with a ¼” seam, leaving the straight edge open for turning. Clip the curve, trim the seam. Pic B.


3. Turn the tab right side out. Use the eraser end of a pencil to push out the seams and round the end. Press.
Sew a ¼” seam around the edge.
4. On the blue lining side, center and sew a 1 ½” piece of HARD Velcro to the tab through all layers, ¼” from
the rounded end as shown in photo C.

Putting it All Together!
1. Lay out the pages in order. Remove all loose items. Pin anything that would be in the way of a ¼” seam.
2. Make 4 sets with the first page listed below on the top of each set, wrong sides together:

cover/hungry baby messy baby/clean baby crying baby/naked baby sleepy baby/ back cover (yellow felt)

3. Making sure that the large margins are backed to each other, pin each set together on all 4 sides. TIP: if
your pages are backed with fusible fleece, place the pins through the fleece layers to avoid dents in the seams.
OR use Wonder Clips instead of pins as shown below.
Note: Center and pin the tab between the cradle page and the yellow felt back cover as in photo A below,
with 4 “extending.

4. Sew each set together ¼” around the edges AND close to the edges of the fabric adjacent to the large
margin as shown below. The holes will be punched in the large margins.

5. Trim the edges of each set to match.

6. Mark small holes in the large margins, 2” from the top and bottom edges of each set, and 1/2” from the
outer edges as shown above. Punch or cut the holes. You could also use a needle to make the holes by
piercing and stretching the felt.
7. Stack the pages together and use (2) 21” of ruffled elastic tied through each set of holes as in photo B. TIP:
Experiment with the tightness of the elastic by opening the book pages to see if the pages lie flat. When the
tension is correct, tie a square knot in the elastic (right over left, left over right) and tie a bow. Hand-tack the
bow knots to secure them. Congratulations! Your book is done! I hope you love it as much as I love mine!

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