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表格 A 栏中词汇或表达方式在同学们的作文中经常出现,B 栏为可替代它们的近义词或更


常用的表达 更为得分的表述方式

1. The fact is that….. The reality is that ……..
2. joy Happiness/ delight/enjoyment
3. sadness Sorrow/grief
Hazard/peril (后面这个词语气很强,危险程度非同一
4. danger
Schooling (指学校教育,家庭教育则用 upbringing 和
5. education
6. car automobile
7. Famous people celebrities
8. Human beings
human race
9. wealth Fortune(s)
10. rich Wealthy/affluent
11. skilled Adept/adroit
12. Understanding of Grasp of/ command of
13. choice Option
14. Is a must for Is a prerequisite for (是什么的先决条件)
15. The internet The information highway
16. honesty Integrity
17. Strong belief Faith (in)
18. aim Intention
19. worries Anxieties
20. influence Impact/repercussion/implication
21. Many different kinds of A variety of…/a wide array of…/ a wide range of…
Wrong ideas held by many
22. misconception
23. part component
24. A system for particular purpose A mechanism for
25. Bad students Unruly students/disruptive students
26. Bad behavior Unethical behavior/immoral behavior
27. difference Distinction
28. person Individual
29. A world language A universal language
30. friends Companions
31. Self-respect Self-esteem and dignity
32. criminal Convict
33. Self-control Self-discipline
34. A person who benefits from A beneficiary of sth.
35. Narrow minds Insular minds
36. The way to do sth. The approach to doing sth.
37. hobby Pastime/diversion
38. failure Setback
39. importance Signification
40. labor Manual labor
41. Pressure from other students Peer pressure
Problems or diseases that exist
42. Persistent problems/chronic diseases
for a long time
43. Do not exercise often A sedentary lifestyle
44. difficulty Hindrance/impediment/hurdles
45. The lack of knowledge Ignorance
46. Harm Adverse effect
47. harmful Detrimental
48. Be harmful to Pose a threat to
49. Bad luck Misfortune
50. trouble Adversity/dilemma/predicament/hardship
51. crime Offence/criminal act
52. Shortage (of) Scarcity ((of)/dearth of
53. The only one An exception
54. Serious crime Felony
55. Be good for Be beneficial (to)
56. Worrying Disturbing
57. Very popular Prevalent/ubiquitous
58. deep Profound(wisdom/truths/understanding/impact/thoughts)
59. strong Powerful/mighty
60. weak Vulnerable
61. many Numerous
62. complicated Intricate
63. selfish Self-centered/materialistic
64. suitable Fitting
65. lonely Isolated/alienated
66. Is better than Is superior to
67. Not as good as Is inferior to
68. Be the same Be identical/be uniform
69. boring Monotonous/repetitive
70. useless Redundant
71. famous Renowned
72. positive Desirable/encouraging
73. Can be used Be available
74. Hard to understand Bewildering/baffling/confusing
75. (laws/rules/people)not strict Lenient
77. Good for the environment Eco-friendly
78. Doubt sth. Be skeptical about sth.
79. fair Justified
80. unfair Unwarranted/unjustifiable
81. huge Enormous/massive/vast/colossal
82. Have many different abilities Be versatile/ be well-rounded
83. Be familiar with Be well-acquainted with
84 ugly Unsightly
85. The present The current…/the existing…
86. outdated Antiquated/obsolete
87. Spend a lot of money Lead an extravagant life
88. open Enlightened/progressive
89. important Significant/essential/vital
90. Be qualified for Be eligible for
91. disappointing frustrating
92. cruel Inhumane/merciless
93. fat Overweight/obese
94. Having wrong opinions Skewed/biased
95. enough Adequate/sufficient/abundant
96. Too much Excessive
97. Very little minimal
98. Cause bad effects Counterproductive
99. urgent pressing

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