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Name: Mary Joice Fayelaine C.


12-STEM 1

A. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the answer.

1. When you look at an unknown cell under the microscope, you noticed the presence of a
cell wall and membrane-bound organelles. You conclude that the cell is a/an______.
a. Animal cell
b. Bacteria cell
c. Plant cell
d. Virus
2. The chlorophyll is found in the _____ of a plant cell.
a. Cristae
b. Cytoplasm
c. Stroma
d. Thylakoid membrane
3. Melanin in the skin is a protein produced by cells called melanocytes. You would expect
melanocytes to have higher than usual number of________.
a. Golgi apparatus
b. Lysosomes
c. Ribosomes
d. Vesicles
4. Your heart muscle cells beat in a coordinated fashion every minute. The cell junctions
that best facilitate this are_______.
a. Adhesion junctions
b. Extracellular matrix
c. Gap junctions
d. Tight junctions
5. Which microscope will you use to examine living cells lining your respiratory tract to
determine if the cilia are effective in driving the dirt and mucus away from the lungs?
a. Light microscope to observe whole living cells
b. Confocal microscope to observe whole cells without slicing them
c. Scanning electron microscope to reveal structures on cell surfaces
d. Transmission electron microscope to reveal a very high magnification
6. Which of the following cell structures is exclusively related to prokaryotic cells?
a. Chromosomes
b. Nucleoid
c. Nucleus
d. Ribosomes
7. The endomembrane system include all the following cell structures except______.
a. Endoplasmic reticulum
b. Golgi apparatus
c. Peroxisome
d. Vesicle
8. The cell present in sebaceous gland that produce oil for your hair contain a lot of_____.
a. Lysosome
b. Central vacuole
c. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
9. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The organelle involved in the detoxification of alcohol
a. Lysosome
b. Ribosome
c. Peroxisome
d. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
10. Research on infertility in men with reduced sperm motility may be associated with
exposure to environmental factors such as______.
a. Genetically-modified food
b. Overexposure to ultraviolet rays
c. Carcinogenic substances in street foods
d. Hormone-like chemicals in the environment.
B. Critical Thinking. Answer the following items. Use additional sheets of paper if necessary.
1. Explain if the statement is correct or incorrect: Plants have chloroplasts and animals
have mitochondria.
The statement is incorrect because both animal and plant cell have mitochondria but
some how only the plant cell has the chloroplast.
2. Explain why a lysosome cannot be destroyed even if it stores powerful digestive
enzymes known as lysozymes.
Lysosome cannot be destroyed even if it stores powerful digestive enzymes known as
lysozymes because they have the ability to protect themselves from their own enzymes
and they can also defend a cell from invading bacteria and viruses.

Essential Questions

3. Why is it important to understand and appreciate the biologists’ contribution to your

knowledge about cells?
It is important to understand and appreciate the biologists’ contribution to our
knowledge about cell because without them we can’t understand how all living things
live and we need to appreciate their efforts on developing new vaccines, more effective
medicines, plants with improved qualities and and through increased knowledge that
we’ve learned from them.

4. How do microscopes differ in their functions and capabilities in appreciating minute life
Microscope has able to show us the life form in a way no other device can do. By using it
we will be able to see the real creature which would be otherwise be available only in
pictures or illustration.
5. How useful is the cell type in classifying organisms?
It is important because if you don’t have a cell type no one will distinguish your gender
because a cell type is used to distinguish between morphologically or phenotypically
distinct cell forms within a species. Cell are able to be the same genotype but different
cell type due to the differential regulation of the genes the contain.
6. How do cell parts harmoniously function to keep the cell alive?
They transport nutrients and water into and out of the cell. Genetic materials are also
belong synthesized to maintain a whole cell work properly.
7. How do different cells in the body keep you alive?
Cell that do the same job contains together to form body tissues, such as muscle, skin,
or bone tissue. Groups of different types of cell make up the organs on our body, such as
your heart, liver or lungs all systems in our body are like members of a team whose job
is to keep us alive.

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