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Practicing quiz (Safety rules, Labs 1,2,3)

1. The best shoes for lab days are:

a. open-toed       
b. sandals      
c. Stilletto high-heels       
d. closed-toes

2. If glassware breaks, use _________ to pick it up.

a. your fingers   
b. broom, dustpan or  tongs     
c. toothbrush   
d. gloved hands
3. When it is right to taste the chemicals?
a. Never
b. When the chemical is not hazardous
c. When you use a clean beaker
d. When you are thirsty

4. What is important to remember while you are using heat?

a. Do not heat closed containers.

b. Point the mouth of the container away from yourself and classmates.
c. Always use clamps to hold the container.
d. All of the above
5. What is the metric unit for volume?
a. liter
b. meter
c. gram
d. Kelvin
6. What is the density (g/mL) of a sample of mineral oil if 250 mL has a mass of
0.23 kg?
a. 0.0092 g/mL
b. 0.92 g/mL
c. 5.8 g/mL
d. 10.9 g/mL
e. 57.5 g/mL
Note: The mass of the sample is 0.23kg, which is equal 230g
1kg=1000g 0.23 kg x 1000=230g
230 g /250ml= 0.92 g/ml
7. The boiling temperature of ethanol 78.37 °C is equal _________.
a. 173.07 F
b. 25.76 F
c. 78 F
d. 0 F

Note: °F = 9/5(°C) + 32

8. What is a hypothesis?
a. the same thing as an unproven theory
b. a tentative explanation that can be tested and is falsifiable
c. a fact based on qualitative data that is testable
d. a fact based on quantitative data that is falsifiable
9. The part of Bunsen burner that regulates the amount of air entering the burner
through the air-holes is called _____________.
a. Barrel
b. Collar
c. Air-hole
d. Gas valve
10.If the air-hole of Bunsen burner is open the flame will be
a. Yellow, luminous, cool
b. Blue, non-luminous, hot
c. Yellow, sootless
d. Blue, sooty
True or False

1. When studying a chemical it is important to touch, taste, and smell it so that you
know a lot about it.
a. True
b. False
2. Accuracy is a measure of how closely individual measurements agree with one
another, while Precision refers to how closely individual measurements agree
with the correct, or “true,” value.
a. True
b. False
3. Independent variable is a variable that changes unrelated to other factors, but
dependent variable is a variable that changes depending on some other factors
and we are trying to find out
a. True
b. False

Open response questions

1. Give the statement of the Law of Constant Composition. _______________

____ The law of constant composition is a chemistry law which
states samples of a pure compound always contain the same elements
in the same mass proportion.  ________________________________
2. What is the difference between mass and weight? _____________________
___  mass is the actual amount of material contained in a body and is
measured in kg, gm, etc. Whereas weight is the force exerted by the
gravity on that object mg.__________________________________.
3. Describe the procedure how you can measure the volume of the following
object? ___________________________________
_The volume can be measured by water
displacement method. Fill the graduated cylinder till
10ml, put the object in water and again check the
volume of water. The difference between 10ml and
the volume of water with object will be the volume of

4. What type of graphs would you choose to present the following data? Explain
your answer and draw the graph. _____________________________________
___For this data it is preferable to use bar chart as we will need to compare
different sport categories in term of male and female athletes. Line graph is not
preferable as it is not continuous data and we do not need to see trends over

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