Chapter #4 Mcqs

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Chapter #4

1. Input or output devices that are connected to computer are called ______________.
A. Input/Output Subsystem
B. Peripheral Devices
C. Interfaces
D. Interrupt

2. How many types of modes of I/O Data Transfer?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

3. Keyboard and Mouse Comes under?

A. Input peripherals
B. Output peripherals
C. Input-Output peripherals
D. None of the above

4. The method which offers higher speeds of I/O transfers is ___________

A. Interrupts
B. Memory mapping
C. Program-controlled I/O

5. In memory-mapped I/O ____________

A. The I/O devices have a separate address space
B. The I/O devices and the memory share the same address space
C. A part of the memory is specifically set aside for the I/O operation
D. The memory and I/O devices have an associated address space

6. The ________ circuit is basically used to extend the processor BUS to connect devices.
A. Router
B. Router
C. Bridge
D. None of the above

7. The ISA is an architectural standard developed by ______.

B. AT&T Labs
C. Microsoft
D. Oracle

8. The SCSI BUS is used to connect the video devices to a processor by providing a ______________.
A. Single Bus
D. parallel BUS.

9. Which of the following is true about DMA?

A. DMA is an approach of performing data transfers in bulk between memory and the external device without the
intervention of the processor.
B. The DMA controller acts as a processor for DMA transfers and overlooks the entire process.
C. The DMA controller has 3 registers.
D. All of the above

10. The registers of the controller are ______

A. 16 bit
B. 32 bit
C. 64 bit
D. 128 bit

True false...
Q#1) PC is a Memory loction ___F

Q#2) Internal governed by data bus width____ T

Q#3) External a block which is much lesser than a word_____ larger

Q#4) Memory is organized into units of data called records___ T

Q#5) in Sequential Start at the beginning and read through in order___ T

Q#6) Access time is variable it depends on location of data and previous location___ T

Q#7) Sequential Involves a shared read-write mechanism__________ Direct

Q#8) Direct Individual blocks or records have a unique address based on physical location___ T

Q#9) in Random location in memory has a unique, physically wired-in addressing mechanism___ t

Q#10) Any location can be selected at random and directly addressed and accessed____ T

Q#11) Associative Data is located by a comparison with contents of a portion of the store_____ t

Q#12) Internal or Main memory May include one or more levels of cache___ T

Q#13) Time between presenting the address and getting the valid data____ t

Q#14) ime may be required for the memory to “recover” before next access___ t

Q#15) RAM technology is divided into three technologies____-two

Q#16) DRAM Made with cells that store data as charge on capacitors_____ T
Q#17) SRAM Digital device that uses the same logic elements used in the processor

Q#18) A 16Mbit chip can be organized as 1M of 16bit words

Q#19) A bit per chip system has 16 lots of 1Mbit chip with bit 1 of each word in chip 1 and so on

Q#20) SDRAM can only send data once per clock____ t

Shorts Question
Q#1) write the Memory Characteristics?

Q#2) write down the memory location?

Q#3) Write down the capasity of memory?

Q#4) What is internal unit of transfer?

Q#5) What is external unit of transfer?

Q#6) What is Addressable unit of transfer?

Q#7) Types of unit traansfer unts?

Q#8) how many Acess method?

Q#9) What is Sequential acess memory?

Q#10) What is Direct acess memory?

Q#11)What is Randomacess memory?

Q#12) What is Associative acess memory?

Q#13)What is memory hierarchy?

Q#14) Types of Memory Hierachy?

Q#15) What is physical types of memory?

Q#16) what is physical Characteristics?

Q#17) Write down about Semiconductor Memory?

Q#18) Differ b/t DRAM?

Q#19) Differ b/t SRAM?

Q#20) Types of ROM?

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