Checklist For Prequalification As A Building Construction Contractor

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Checklist for Prequalification as a Building Construction Contractor -

Treasury Prequalification Scheme

Note: this checklist applies only in relation to the Tasmanian Government’s Scheme
administered by Treasury. It does not apply in relation to prequalification under the National
Prequalification System for Non-residential Building (the NPS).

 Yes/No/NA Item Description / Further information

Company information Provide background information on your
Financial information Prove your company’s financial viability.
Quality assurance You may need to demonstrate that you
have a quality assurance system in place.
Organisation and Provide information on your company’s
resources resources, location and management
Employees Include information on your company’s
professional team.
Experience and Include details of projects from the last
performance five years that are relevant, especially
government project experience.
Statutory obligations All contractors wishing to do work for
the Government must comply with all
statutory obligations, including:
1. Occupational health and safety
You are required to submit evidence
that you are committed to health and
safety management systems and that
you comply with the Work Health
and Safety Act 2012.
2. Long service leave
You must register with TasBuild
Limited and comply with the
Construction Industry (Long Service)
Act 1997.
Referees Provide contact details for three referees
that can comment on each category for
which registration is being sought.

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