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Asslamu Alikum 

I would like to thank you first for this investment. May Allah grants you
All with his tawfeeq to memorize the Whole holy Quran in these
two months. Ameen

Here is some steps I would you to read First:

Your Map to achieve your Goals is as the following:
After you finish the 7th section which is about your Evaluation
use the following map:

First Do Quantum Reading 8 times for the whole Quran. 

Then Take rest one Day.
The next Day start the 2nd technique which is the Scan Reading.
The scan Reading Must be done at least 7 times. Each time it may
Take 6 hours. To do 7 times Scan Reading for the whole holy Quran,
you need 42 hours. 
If you have 5 hours daily to do the scan reading that means you will
need 9 days to finish the 7 scan reading exercises. PLEASE do not
move to the following sections until you finish all the quantum and
Scan reading exercises.
Your training map is:
1 or 2 days for Quantum Reading.
9-15 days for Scan Reading.
in Initial Memorization lecture 59 asks you to determined your new
ability for memorizing one page. When you Find this number
(minutes) then you can multiply it by the number of your Quran's'
pages. If you do that You are knowing how much time do you need
to memorize INITIALLY the whole holy Quran. Based in this
number you will do 3 times Initial Memorization exercises. It may
take ten days or more. Do them First and then move to the last
Technique which is the Deep memorization.

By the way when you finish your first evaluation (section # 7)

and second evaluation (section # 52 ) please send your
evaluation to this
email:  Make sure
your to put you name in the address with the number of
evaluation either first one or second on. for example >>>>
Basheer second evaluation )
Thanks and Jazakum Allah Khair

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