Ch25 Gauss Law HW Solns - AP2

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» — Sofutions — j Name Homework Ch 25. Gauss’ Law Lesson 1: Electric Flux LL. Aupward vertical electric field of magnitude 2.00 x 10* N/C exists above the Earth's surface on a day when a thunderstorm is brewing, A car with a rectangular size of 6.00 m by 3.00 m is traveling along a i sloping downward at 10.0". Determine the electric flux through the bottom ofthe car. IES AM, me BE &,2E-AA = (a0 bl (78 mt) 0s 10° Fak, at Eg be ! = [4955 Le 2, "Consider a closed triangular box resting within a Rorizontal electric field of magnitude E = 7.80 x J0* N/C as shown in Figure P24.4. Calculate the electric flux through (2) the septal eco uray, (0) fhe slanted surface, and (0) the entire surface of the box. (2) ~ 2, ae ime (b) 42,34 yy m> (2) 6 n A E ®, [= g i Be = (78x10 YI 3 005/60" =: = A840 aplm? ne ES —_ (6) a Be = (TEX Y.3 2) OS 6F Wed - = + Lito Mam? e L=.Am 3. A cone with base radius K and height iis located on a horizontal table. A horizontal uniform field penetrates the cone, as shown in Figure below. Determine the electric flax that enters the left-hand s¥ ofthecone. By = ERA The enoss sectional! area of Hee cone 16 He Shaded tangle above which ts Siena = RA : eee Anaean: Lesson 2: Gauss’s Law and Flux 4, ‘The electric field everywhere on the surface of a thin spherical shell of radius 0.750 m is measure! ‘be $90. N/C and points radially tovvard the center of the sphere. (a) What is the net charge within the sphere’s surface? (b) What can you conclude about the nature and distribution of the charge inside i Spheial hell? (a)=55.6C Cb) Negative & Spherically Symmetrti Go see ~E(ytk?) - hes gene =~ (S90) YONI (BERN *) b.) Nejatwe since E- frets pomts radially mod and Sprertved!7 Symmetric sca E pones radially ly. ently ) I 5. (a) A point charge q is located a distance d from an infinite plane. Determine the electric flux through ‘the plane due to the point charge. (b) What If? A point charge q is located a very small distance from the center of a very large square on the line perpendicular to the square and going through its center. Determine the approximate electric flux through the square due to the point charge. (c) Explain why the aporers to papi (a and (b) are identical (a) Wee (6) the. atx &.) AN the fieid lines on the right a hand side (bin ar Fb ws fe ha, 50 a Ge: Ete = a xh) plane a b.) Very close = 06 close fr analysis Very lavge = 0 large for analysis ® Close* means front fice edges Can not be “seen 60 large Means Same Haing C.) Both above are epuivatend 42 a.) 6. A point charge of 12.0 uC is placed at the center ofa spherical shell of radius 22.0 cm, What is the total electric flux through (a) the surface of the shell and (b) any hemispherical surface of the shell? (c) Do the results depend on the radius? Explain. (2.)456 MN> M*/C (L)618 EN«m/c (¢) No eae a E-hdA = ke oP AKIO =| Pavia i Es RBS KIO! co ¢ t 5.) ge LG = L(L56x0) =[6t1 ame Hemesphore 2 em Zh c ¢.) No, Sinte Fay IS & precuet wantity of E-feld and Area. The E-field chops off as 1 and the ares grows silane <7 Pp B a7 fap (lume) Volume. 17. In the air over a particular region at an altitude of 500 m above the ground the electric field is 120 N/C dirécted downward. At 600 m above the ground the electric field is 100 N/C downward. What is the P average volume charge density in the layer of air between these, sre levations? Ist pasit in 55 LITX10-™* C3, Positive yc ve ALN Fe afeahA)= Boe = LAMCOM) ton pe eB ES pais Flax oT) otal ~SE-/00 £/2: = PA(t00) a f & 4 tao wb (p= bee Messxio? ) g 190 7070 7 CLL ee? =|r 774100 & | ond + since net flux 1s outward 8, The line ag in Figure below isa diagonal of a cube. A point charge qis located on the extension of line 2g, very close to vertex a of the cube. Determine the electric flux through each of the sides of the cube which meetatthe pointe. = Jag g, ' ¢ Ue 500 m= Heel oe Theve’ 1s zero net tlux Hough the cube SMCc no ore 7 The 3 sides poyether =£4 of Hy total Slicl angle of @ sphere around 9 (if fou Want fo fe) Sutrdund q ye need fe Cubes d Gg; . ‘a tgh 8 z) all 3 pee ae FEF Hvesht 3 | 6& Side Lesson 3: Application of Gauss’s Law - Spherical Geometry | An insulating solid sphere of radius « has a uniform voluime charge density and cartes a total positive charge Q..A spherical gaussian surface of radius r, which skares a common center with the insulating sphere, is inflated starting from r= 0. (a) Using Gauss’ Law find an expression for the electric ‘lux passing through the surface of the gaussian sphere as 2 function of r for r a. (c) Plot the flux versus. (4) Q rf 3 b)Q a ée Uniform Volume Density Q =. fee x Vv 7 Q = pene. fre ar Lesson 3: Application of Gauss’s Law - Spherical Geometry Q . fee Vio Ven 10. .A solid sphere of radius 40.0 cm has a total positive charge of 26.0 uC uniformly distributed throughout its volume. Using Gauss’ Law calculate the magnitude of the electric field (a) em, (b) 10.0 cm, (6 40.0 cm, and (4) 60.0 cm from the center of the sphere. (@,) 0 (6) 365 EN/c (e.Jide MN/c Lisette! (d) 619 RN a) 4B: AJA = fene ; « €e fe so atrzo 4 tr fp Am 3 4 2 -by7 ,)3 ¥ C hb) bE cad A = ECy*= 26400 C1) 2b ars If £9510" (4) > jn oe E = 565x005 nic | 6 2 MoxI0 LO) = “a C)AR TR Fea 2ene ae ee l EUm(d)? = ee [e=nnxo'e| [Ea cannes 44, A solid copper sphere of radius 15.0 em carsies a charge of 40.01nC. Using Gauss’ Law find the c ‘electric field (a) 12.0 cm, (b) 17.0 cm, and (c) 75.0 cm from the center of the sphere. (d) What If? How would your answers change if the sphere werehollow? (4) 0 (6)/.2y xiot ate (C) 639 Nie a.) Solid Copper means ajl 9 on surtece : fE-Ada = flere fe Since Reine = O Mstcle af? Eo, Sphere” E20 b.) Eliminr. 7x0 FC 3 [Es parxot & eerie, EESKIO ce : i) (75) = xO c.) E (ar) (75) Fg! Z a) Answer would rot change siace alt § stl! on Sur face, 12. Assolid insulating sphere of radius « carries a net positive charge 3, uniformly distributed throughout its volume: Concentric with this sphere is a conducting spherical shell with inner radius b and outer radius c, and having a net charge ~Q,, as shown in Figure below. (a) Construct a spherical gaussian surface of radius r> cand find the net charge enclosed by this surface. (b) What is the direction of the eleciric field at r> c? (c) Find the electric field atr> c. (d) Find the electric field in the region with radius 7 where ¢> >. (@) Construct a spherical gaussian surface of radius r, where c>r> 6b, and find the net charge enclosed by this surface. (f) Construct a spherical gaussian surface of radius r, where b> r> a, and find the net charge enclosed by this surface. (g) Find the electric field in the xegion b> r> a. (h) Construct a spherical gaussian surface of radius r< a, and find an expression for the net charge enclosed by this surface, asa function of r. Note that the charge inside this surface is less than 32. (i) Find the electric field in the region r c has fenre = 130 -@ =[420 5.) Since jor enclosed + + [Es a) 2.) PE. ada = Jere Etter) 2120/6, 3) gE fdA = phe (20) E (arr?) = (Balle fire. pe GF) Ez J.) Eso fr bxrec Since the Shel, dittatics) hh) 3. zs fe [, 3Qr? | condecten a Kr er az (33) 7 ¢.) EG) = =2or 7 ae j) See @) 30 make fore = 0 on £) Por surface pest outsicle k) Quter= +20 A) of rea ene = + FQ pi ia" 29 33, A sphere of radius R surrounds a point charge Q , located at its center. (a) Using Gauss’ Law show that the electric fx through a circular cap ofhalf-angle 8 is 0, =2-(.-cos6) dAz (Rdo)(Rsinadp) ana aes : ‘What is the flux for (b) 6 = 90° and (¢) @.= 180°? 05 0° = Getban = fenc Es 523 otal =R [i dp bf snede bud A= are? i esse] Shades A= 27k? (1 -o. as se) Potted = Be (Ga) tote | = Q 27? (/- C050) 6 IR Bereses= 2 (i-c . at ~ Cosge" {8 Whin O= 40° §, =8( esse) 2 When @ =/¥0° B;, = FU coset) =f Coulomb m3 M.A spherically symmetric charge distribution has a charge density given by p= a/r, where ais constant, Using Gauss’ Law find the electric field as a fumction of r. (Suggestion: The charge within a sphere of radius R is equal tothe integral of pV, where extends from Oto R Toevaluate the integral, note thatthe volume element dVfor a pherial shell ofzadiu rand thickness dr sequal todrostr) = 2 coso° a7 ~“m_ 7 E (4irr4) = wart & et eet < : at dys yitr? dr = (dv). {Gs (6 (it ror , joe 2 00 | 2 cy ee = 2£@ar+ Lesson 4: Application of Gauss’s Law - Cylindrical Geometry 15. A cylindrical shell of radius 7.00 cm and length 240 cm has its charge uniformly distributed on its ‘curved surface, The magnitude of the electric field at a point 19.0 cm radially outward from its axis (measured from the midpoint of the shell) is 36.0KN/C, Using Gauss’ Law find (a) the net charge on the shell and (b) the electric field at a point 4.00 cm from the axis, measured radially outward from the midpoint ofthe shell. (2) 973 nC (8) 0 eee ae eres eae pe; fda = fee ‘Qr v &e : eee erie Cos? and no end cop cont bution E (2Trl) = gene Eo tone = E (AIL Eo = BOK 10? (AT )(19)(2.4) 8.95 x10" (b.) At r=4om there is no fore 50 E=0 2 46, A.uniformly charged, straight filament 7.00 min length has a total positive charge of 2.00 uC. An. uncharged cardboard cylinder 2.00 cm in length and 10.0 cm in radius surrounds the filament at its center, with the filament as the axis ofthe cylinder. Using reasonable approximations, find (a) the electric field at the surface of the cylinder and (b) the total electric flux through the cylinder (@)5/,4 BN/C r 2xio~e Aa 22x10°e (6) 646 N-m*fe a LeTm ™ -7 Aa 2.86X10 £ 10m b of fens Ad it e pin little L (b.) Be = fees AL a)ye Add = fe cae €o aI _ 2 56K0" (02) Bisxio™ E arr) = Ak FEO arer é -7 7 RB CKO J a[Ty xin Ee ee era) [evxate | [neem] fee £26 mside cylnder 17, A long, straight wire is surrounded by a hollow metal cylinder whose axis coincides with that of the wire, The wire has a charge per unit lerigth of A, and the cylinder has a net charge per unit length of 22. From this information, use Gauss's law to find (a) the charge per unit length on the inner and outer surfaces of the cylinder and (b) the electric field outside the cylinder, a distance r from the axis. (4a)-A and #3a (6) 5A fares. gy Ant = tar on cylin der +3) a.) E=0 inside of oo Fy > fox = 6 and sigs mast = -J Conservation of charge gives ery on outer Shell fy make Areata ean on cylinder + 3Arge = puaes 5) §E + Hdl = Jone (3A rer enctoced Eo Eatre) = 2390 €o Fez 3A ATG Lesson 5: Application of Gauss's Law - Planar Geometry 18. A nonconducting wall carries a uniform charge density of 8.60 j:C/cm?. What is the electric field 7.00 cm in front of the wall? Does your result change as the distance from the wall is varied? 4, 86 X07 W/C. Lope . x18 Goorm) _ age ace om” pe m= m2 rw Ae End Caps soa — fen gE fda = ° Resuit an not : E(2Acp) = ZA Sierarce 7" Eo eran ges * const 3 Pose Mme |e aera 420 . Etge 2(8.55K10") na! 19. A square plate of copper with 50.0-cm sides has no net charge and is placed in a region of uniform clectric field of 80.0 kN/C directed perpendicularly to the plate. Find (a) the charge density of each face of the plate and (b) the total charge on each face. (@) 70§ AC/m? (6) /779C 2 Planes of charge : ao E ty tates ag single sheet which 1s Ex, EA /hisae" fone = EAE = §0x03 (8.854064) = 7.06K 15" (55) =[rosx i's, =[h77x10"C m 20. A point charge Q is located on the axis of a disk of radius R at a distance b from the plane of the disk. Using Gauss’ Law show that if one fourth of the electric flux from the charge passes through the disk, then R= V3 b. E.-Q +15,-9 fer 6 4 46 Epomt = ral Q, wf s=|Per® Er = ( E dA ws = Uke oe & 2 Cra lens B,= Wiféo Bays WN In Genera | notte ey, dA = rdrdp Ni oo JA ee dA = aT i MM plane ee ob Ob (Wer rs)’ “lare) ve i Sek. € nd oe futde Yes ~h us (b+r*) = 20h fir e de 2 ar = ej -6 c] 7 z(rdr) a ie O, = ohne (eRe) st when B= 7 Protas » 7 1 2 2) %2 oo oe d 2b= (67+ R?) (Bente fh? = b?4-R* [R= 86] 21. A slab of insulating material (infinite in two of its three dimensions) has a uniform positive charge density p. An edge view of the slab is shown in Figure below. (a) Show that the magnitude of the electric field a distance x from its center and inside the slab is E = px/es. (0) What If? Suppose an electron of charge ~e and mass mtecan move freely within the slab. Itis released from rest at a distance x from the ‘center, Show that the clectron exhibits simple harmonic motion with a frequency ho Shet! Ea) = pak) of K - ee [E= eon 207 : = -kxemd% Fz-kx= a b.) Fema = GF Jz A coslot+d) is a $0lny i neg 52 force pulls fe X20 F=- (7S hye K yee 7B met op B tere: 18 Z the fom fe “kx HE 22. A 10.0-g piece of Styrofoam carries a net charge of -0.700 jC and floats above the center ofa large horizontal sheet of plastic that has a uniform charge density on its surface. What is the charge per unit area on the plastic sheet? — 2, 18 4C/m ae pe Ove Gg (2G) — (01) (9-8) (2) 8.85 x10 ) f CTX 10-6) 2 -2.48x0 oc nm

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