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‘Skill 37: Electrical Work/Energy and Potential Difference 104, What ithe work done moving of charge trough potential diference of 6V? WN onfuc =a4 105. Whats the work done in moving 3 electrons through a potential liference of4V? find hs nergy noth joules andes $ 2Be = HG KOM NFR. d= gy BeftN)- Bet 7 " oO eS 11207) = [aa o"®S 106, Convert 3.5 x 10 joules to electron-volts, B SATS, IM. 29 john [roe 107, 410" joules of work are done in moving 2 charge of2x 10° coulomts, {Since work had to be done to move the charge, what form of enerey is Increasing? _eleehicu.\ ove 1. How much electrical potentials gnerated during his process? Veuye tao) . Uh = RROD asin cai 108. 0.05 kilogram object with a charge of2 x 10° coulombs is positioned in an electric field 0 that thas an electrical potential of 15 volis. The charged body i released so that it sree to ‘a. How much kinetic energy wil the object gain aterit is elensed? maces, KEAN = Ng =Qentorio) 2 axto8) Gant ASN b. What maximum velocity wil this object each? Kear BATS =H N 2 AO ~ Skill 37 - Work/Electrical Energy and Potential Difference Base your answers to questions 109 and 110 on the diagram below which represents two charged spheres, X and Y. ee 3.0m @ 2 $ > @ +10 x10°S coulomb: +10x10°S coulomb 4 109. Moving the two spheres toward each other would cause their electrical potential energy to A) decrease (©) remain the same Ee equines woek fo mou 110, Ifa unit positive charge moves directly from point 2 to will |) decrease, only B) incest, only (©) decease them inreasé) D) increas then desrease raqpice = merease ¥ f aicrcal Qed is (Me a grouiradvorad Mele e Palloss Skill 37 - Work/Electrical Energy and Potential Difference 111, Base your answer to te fallowing question on the diagram below which represents a system (SStssting of wo charged metal spheres with ual radi Se +2.0x10°C -80510°C Compared othe eletisal patent ene of the system ata separation of 12 mer the letra Potential energy ofthe system at a cparaton of 6 mneters is “ Poot Ave = Ney _112. What is the total amount of work required to mave (proton rough apottal difference of 100, vals? A) 160x105 6 160x 1-D © too 101 Dyes 1087 ellen 4 tae {gone vo QB 7y00N aye 113, Which eletcal unit is guilt oon ule? ‘A) voltpermeter —B) ampereevolt ©) voltpereoulomd 6) clonal we@n / uate 2 aN ‘alent 114, A potential difference of 10.0 volts exists between ‘vo points, A and B, within an electric field. What is the magnitude of charge that requites 2.0 * Joule of work to move it from A to B? A) 5.01026 ©) 50x10 Nelo 4 Woe x0) 115. 1F1.0 joule of work is required to move 1.0 coulomb of charge beeen tvo point in an elect ield, the potential difference between the ‘0 points is B) 16x 10-9V Cy 90%109V DY 63x 108'V w 117. A 12-volt automobile battery has 8.4 * 103 coulombs of electric charge. The amount of clectticl energy stored inthe battery is approximately QEOT> aay O10*102F Dy 14 «1037 NaN org, pBane iota) wo? 7 = 00.8 «\073, yee Skill 37 - Work/Eleetrical Energy and Potential Difference * TR, How much work is dane in moving 5.0 eoulombs of charge against a potential difference of 12 vols? A) 243 B) 123. © 30.D) 60°F w=? BBC Seta 119, The graph below shows the relationship between the work done ona charged body inn elece field and tenet charge on the body. w yey 5 Bene ‘Charge — ‘What does the slope of this graph represent? Ame (GB) potential diference > © force D) electric field intensity 120. If15 joules of work is required to move 3.0, coulambs of charge between two points, the potential difference between these two points is Ayasy ©) 30V 121, The work needed to move a 10-oulomb charge ‘between to charged plats is 500 joules. The voltage between the lates 1) Sols 3B) 0.02 vot © Sovak) ——_D) 5,000 vos \ee ON 122, An electrical potential of one joule per coulomb is equal to (a A) one coulomb © one ohm 1B) one ampere rane elt) 123, The work required to move a charge of 3.0 coulombs through a poteatial difference of equal (o 12 voltsis A) 0.25 joule B) 9 joules © joule ——D) 4.0 joules Be aq vr i Wer 124. 120.0 joules of work is needed to move 5.0 coulombs of electrical charge through a ereuit, the voltage is 1) 100 volts B) 25 vols ©) 0.25 volt D) FO volts? co Wwea0d ‘ Veuy “ 5 125. takes 15 joules of wok to tring 3.0 coulombs of postive chug rm infinity pa point Wha she Slecticpottal at ths point nan cece He? aasy @s0v) © o20v Dov 126. The work required to move 2 coulombs of charge through a potential difference of S volts is 1d B) 27 ©) 284 D) sor qe Skill 37 - Work/Eléetrical Energy and Potential Difference 127. The electronvolt is @ unit of - Bec gh=y c Se Wes ©) electric field strength 1D) clecitc potential difference 128 We etl ve te gn agen Secale? A) ancleceon moved ough pt Site ooo 5) ame pre wih cag of 10» 104°C povel ough ena Siaene f20 ©) ances moved dee poeta maeow (B scat ape vita cpa 101096 (© Saved death spots aarcer ofesy) wo 2g - ¢ “129, If. 1S-volt cll sto be completely zeckarged, each clectton mas be supplied witha minimum energy of Oisy Cy 95x 108 ev NAABY a ele or virto"e, Bist D) 95x 1087 U9 =X 2 LSet 130, An electron i accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 200. volts. The work done tthe eleczon ie A) ROO 10-86 B) 3,20 10-7eV ©) 320.6 ) 200.6> wen (ygfa0oM) aco 131, How much eneray is required to move 3.2 = 10-1" coulomb of charge through a potential difference ofS volts? B) 20 D) 20ev ose OM 20 gy uch be ge danetae Uses) «oe 192, Amal patcle witha charge of 1 elementary charges is acelerated by a potential difference of 1.0 106 volts. The energy acquired by the particle B) 16x 10-P ev D) 32x 10-PiseV dred Wwdaeyied > 133, An alpha particle with a charge of 12 elementary ‘charges is accelerated in a vacuum through a potential difference of 10,000. vols. what isthe energy acquired by the particle? A) 3.210" eV B) 20eV © 20,000.eV —_D) 40,000. ev Wa BN oand -aqna Mt 134, What isthe maximum amount of kinetic energy that may be gained by a proton accelerated through potential difference of 30 volts? B) 10eV D) 100eV en! 135 An nay of 36ers ieee canoe 4) 1.60% 10-4685 218 10-9) ©) 6.25 x 1O-J D) 6.63 x LO (BG, Lael Bs ataso' £2.19 1 0 i HMRI

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