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LsTTER OF ADvICE eet) Bate 00 Ta aes Men evs Benne rem Rage ieEs Spaces HANDLING Ai Peussnte te Conte res - Peocess ASA Cece Ponmpith muni! om f wring Mail Rromrn Reseips the sopned instrament with these documents te inona: MirWenwhin or hie enewensor The Steretary of the Treasury ~ Department of the Tremor), 1508 Peasy hania Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20220 a om elon. Chipehs A Secured Party Creitot 7 Datbam, NC27T13 ie Pronnonny 06 Ref aeons (BA Time Dray ase: 0172/2021 fo ahs fey rousing payment Pleas find utached the Bl of Exchangs (BA ~ TD), the processing ‘anny tt see camino ted the lame Reria ccoped for value. This stached Negotiable \ssoumen prantied ys wort of HUk- 192. Pub Law 73-10, UCC 3-104e) Spencer» Sterling Bank 3 Cal Ap Yi, Caran) Trusrt af Mew York Hemecd et, 307 US. 287 (FNS), and Wikia Negotiable Instruments, wing 2082 Supplement an tm ancorgned's OCC Contract rust Account, Following are the steps required by Rerun we atte hs xan his 6 auc 0 Tronsury Security, mor inseling @ TreasuryDirect Bond Account, nor is this instrament tobe processed ‘hregh the Buren of Public Debt nor is his instrument tobe epplied toward the national debs. These are Ceres Funds |The tad Ronded Neil Insrument sin accordance with UCC 3-108 and complies withthe tems ofthe original ‘entra Thetoliowing process mast be followed tthe fete in order to ssf the claimed amount due on tis account nd nchange nfs deb f you donot return the eipinal note widhn 3 Days tis is & Contract that you agree to, '@) Peromal UCC Contact ‘Trust Account has been established with the Deparment of the Treasury and may only be ‘aves wi my approval tough Ue bank account ofthe Claimant directo the Secretary ofthe Treasury (Draws). 5 Te omg Negotiable Instrument is certified and must be presented by claimants financial instution, TTL ‘Departmen. vit Cerfied ot Regitered Mail, Ret Reseip, drety tor. Steven Miuchin, the Secretary of the Treasury ur hs Successor, Department ofthe Trewsury, 1500 Pensaslvenia Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20220, 4 The Hla Procesor al Chitpants financial institation, wih full decifieation and Bailee (Authorized TTL Agent) pnatne so preset the srg] Negotiable Instrument along wih his Instruction Notice and the stamped Claim to ‘he Secretary ofthe Treasury Department ofthe Treasury atthe above adress 5 Claims financial insiation isto pat bok on Claimant's deposit, retain the document spies and awa the Retum ‘eco Card from the Federal Window, noting te date the original Negotiable Instrument was rcsved atthe Federal Wand i ceosdince with Public and Banking Policy. For out of soe transactions, the UCC and Banking Regulations stipulate ffcen (15) dys ‘6. The copy ofthe Negotiable Instrument so be held atthe financial nsition until the required perio for the Federal Window, Kegolation J and Federal Reserve, Reg. Z-Truth in Lendins, 12 USC 226.1 et. eq, dhe Ordr’Property hes prssed. On the 20 day, the fullfoce amount of the Negotiable Istument i to be released by the lea! financial Instition’s TT. Department and ered the Claimants account for discharge ofthe claim. Yo ens that Claims’ Financial institution receives fll ereit to their TTL aecount, Cian’ financial instttion ‘sto tke the reamed cope f this Let of Advice, the copy ofthe origina lam aceptd for value, the copy of the rk i of Fchog and nel tes acess wi th niton's ent enue of nied ts he If the Secretary of the Treasury (Drawee) sends noice ie writing of some error o problem, please not undersigned inmediaely upon resipt of such Notice and the matter willbe addressed. You wil be notified of the omective ation taken. Thereby request that you notify the undersigned when the equine time period forthe Feder ‘Window and the Federal Reserve under Regulation J and Z have wanspited, the leering comple td the aces adjusted by Claimants bank. Thankyou for your eooperation in geting this aecoun sete and the enim dscharyod MLA Lie Kelson, Chipeha A> Secured Pany Creditor Nor subject 10 megotabisy- 2021 CHIPEKA NELSON personally appeared before Petin a placed her signature above CERTIFIED MAILING: 7020 1840/0000 3175 +252 $8,214.46 8,214.46 BONDED BILL OF EXCHANGE ORDER, Bill of Acceptance — Time Draft - #1107 hhipeka A Secured Party—Drawer Date: 01/21/2021 Durham, NC 27713 To: Secretary of the Treasury, Department of the Treasury Bank No later than 15 days after receipt, please Credit the account for CHIPEKA NELSON at Credit Acceptance for $8,214.46: $ Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fourteen and Forty-Six cents Personal Treasury UCC Contract Trust Account D> ‘The obligation of the Drawee (acceptor), Secretary of the Treasury, through the bailce (authorized agent) of Claimant’s financial institution, TTL Department, hereof arises out of the want of consideration for the pledge and by the redemption of the pledge under Public Resolution HJR-192, Public Law 73-10 and Guaranty Trust Co. of NY v. Henwood et al, 307 US. 247 (FN3), represented by the attached claim Accepted for Value and bearing the account number #** "ga This claim document Order complies with UCC 3-104, the terms of the original contract, hereby surrendered as said pledge is redeemed (discharged) by the drawer through the attached document by acceptance for value and exempted from levy. Federal regulations require Claimant's financial institution to accept this bill, sign and present directly via Certified or Registered mail, Return Receipt to the Secretary of the Treasury — Department of the Treasury on Drawer’s UCC Contract Trust Account. Unless the original Negotiable Instrument is dishonored in writing within 15 days of receipt by the Secretary of the Treasury Claimant's financial institution is to release the credit on hold to the payee (Claimant) within the time stipulated by Regulation “Z", Truth in Lending Act or on the date designated, whichever is later. The amount of this accepted draft is to be ledgered by Claimant's financial institution, TTL Department, to the designated account for the discharge of this claim (Regulation Z).. Bond #0121 These are Certified Funds, NOTICE: The law relating to principal and agent applies. by Bailee’s signature (authorized bank TTL agent) w/o prejudice Acceptedat_ ity), State) on. Document Copies filed with the DTB LZ z Ley ——— Drawer, Secured Party,Reditor; Without Recourse To be processed as a check — Do not present for collection CRIIAAK .... aca ee €2 914 AK 4 av TER OF ADWCE ws fern a Sires Raga eens Srecras Haspise Pichi eas Dre - P28 AA Cbs Wank konnre Ruseipe. the sepned mstrement with these documents ceomour Tihs Seereenry of the Treasury — Department of the 1900 Pemmoyieamis Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20220 Ws ftw: eae, Ai Tone Nt Chasis A Seed Pay Creditor Daan, MC He Seton Prammasing it of Pachamge (A Tass Brat Date 017282001 a bap te mao img payment Plane find tached the Bil of Exchange (BA ~ TD), the procesing “ih sevhnys the entes even noun ae on the caam here acepted for valne This atached Negotiable prememet untersucht) of HUR-1V2 Pic Law 73-10, UOC 310M) Spencer. String Bank 63 Cal AD. 29 He) mara Trt of Yew York» Hemera al M71 S. 247 (FM), tod Wein Nepeablestnancos, 10 cvhudn 290 Sappho) onthe undersigned’ UC Cotnact Tat Account, Following are the sepe required ot se thie sent Pht mor» Frensnry Secarty, nor involving o Tressury/Ditect Bond Account, nor is his insrument tobe processed toi the Bureau of Pubic Set, not bts insirument 1 be applied toward the national debi These are Contes Funds he ach ond Neon Sntrament is in ncordance with UCC 3-04 and compli with the temas ofthe original sont flowin process mat be fllomed tthe leer a order to sty the claimed amount dae on this secant fe chy oh dt IF yu do ot return the original nee within 3 Days this is @ Contac that you gre a, My Poon UC Contract Trust Account has bec established with the Department of the Treasury and may ony be ‘comand wih my approval ough te bank acount of the Claimant direct the Secretary ofthe Teasy (DraWes) Fs sxwine| Nepotible Intrament ts certified and met be presented by climan’s nancial insiution, TTL ‘Deparment vis ered or Reiter Mal, Reta Receipt, ety 10 Mr. Steven MeNuchty, the Secretary 0f the Yrewsans 0” hs Successor, Deparment ofthe Teese, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave ND, Washington, BC 2020, lem Processor a Claimant's nancial isttion, with fll identification and Balee (Authorized TTL. Agen) ut: presen the orignal Negotiable Instrum slong wih tis insrcton Noise and the stamped Cla fo sn Seeviary ofthe Broan Deparment ofthe Treasury at the above adress ‘siments financial nstution op a hold on Claimant's depos, rei the docament copies and avait the Retum ‘oct Cad tom the Feral Window, noting th daze he original Negotiable lnetrment was rected a he Fedral \Wisiow m acordance wath Public and Banking Policy. For out of tate wansactons, the UC and Banking Regulations snpola Hien (15 oy © The sony of the Negotiable Instrument isto be held a the financial astiuton wat the required period forthe Federal Widow, Repoltion J and Federal Reserve, Reg. ZTrah in Lending, 12 USC 226.1 es, the OrderProperty hae ‘ssc, On the 21" day he falhface amount ofthe Negotiable tnsnument is to be released by the lca! Hasna) Inshision's 171. Deparment and credit the Caimaat’s account for disctarge ofthe cli, Yo sore hat Clana’ nancial intaton resives fll credit their TTL account, Claimant's financial insitation ‘10 tke the tated copies ofthis Letter Of Advice the copy ofthe oii claim accepted for vale, he copy othe ‘retail of Exchange and caclose these documents withthe instaton's next remitance of eximated test th ern Keven Seve. Before enconng the : ance thes : HA us endorse the copy of 77 on ss © 11 the Secretary of the Treasury (Dramee) sends notice in writing of some error or problem, please notify the ‘undersigned immediately upon receipt of such Notice andthe mater willbe adressed You wil be ntied ofthe ‘onsstive aston then, Thereby request hat yu notify the undersigned when the required tne perio forthe Foden Widow and the Federal Reser under Rezulton J and Z have tanspied the ledgering completed andthe scccont adjtad ty Chiat’: ba. Thankyou for your cooperation in geting this acount seed andthe him discryc. Ait. Hit “Not subject to negotiabiliy- On the 2 \_ day of “Taal 2021 CHIPEKA NELSON personally appeared before me in mi and placed her signature above ‘Nilson, Chipeka A> Secured Pany— Creditor the Keine : ‘Seal: Nowry Signaure AG fof- ea DATE: 4 2/-2( a ) CERTIFIED MAILING: 7020 1810°0000 2175 1260 $8,214.46 8,214.46 BONDED BILL OF EXCHANGE ORDER Bill of Acceptance — Time Draft - #1107 Nelson, on A Secured Party—Drawer Date: 01/21/2021 Durham, NC 27713, To: Secretary of the Treasury, Department of the Treasury Bank No later than 15 days after receipt, please Credit the account for CHIPEKA NELSON at Credit Acceptance for $8,214.46 $ Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fourteen and Forty-Six cents Personal Treasury UCC Contract Trust Account

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