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Background concentrations of gold in different rock types

Article  in  Applied Earth Science IMM Transactions section B · December 2011

DOI: 10.1179/1743275811Y.0000000021


43 1,294

1 author:

Iain Pitcairn
Stockholm University


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Background concentrations of gold in different
rock types
I. K. Pitcairn*
The abundance of gold in crustal rocks is an important constraint on the formation of gold
deposits. Gold concentrations in unmineralised igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
range from 0?05 to 20 ppb with average concentrations commonly between 0?5 and 5 ppb.
Analytical methods with ultra-low detection limits are required to observe the full range of
concentrations. Gold concentrations in igneous rocks are strongly controlled by the behaviour of
sulphur. Higher gold concentrations occur in sulphur-undersaturated rocks compared to sulphur
saturated igneous rocks. Mid ocean ridge basalt has lower gold concentration than ocean-island
and volcanic-arc basalt, due mainly to lower oxygen fugacity at MOR settings that causes sulphur
saturation. Gold concentrations in sedimentary rocks increase with increasing abundance of
diagenetic sulphide minerals and organic matter. Gold concentrations in metamorphic rocks
decrease systematically with increasing metamorphic grade. Amphibolite facies rocks commonly
contain between 50 and 80% less gold than their unmetamorphosed protolith rocks.
Keywords: Gold concentrations, Gold analysis, Background gold

Introduction shown that the metals enriched in the gold deposits in the
Otago Schists of New Zealand were sourced from the
The abundance of gold in various crustal rocks is an metamorphic rocks in the region whose gold concentra-
important constraint on gold deposit forming processes, tions decrease systematically with increasing metamorphic
especially as enrichments above background of X1000– grade (Pitcairn et al., 2006a; 2010). The identification of the
10 000 are usually assumed. Investigation of variations sources of metals in this region has led to a much greater
between potential source rocks can provide significant understanding of their formation mechanisms and this
insight into the genesis of gold deposits such as through approach is now being applied to other orogenic belts such
identification of the source regions of metals, or the as the Victoria Gold Province in Australia and the Dalra-
behaviour of gold in the alteration halo surrounding an dian metasedimentary belt of Scotland (Pitcairn, 2010).
ore deposit. The average gold concentration in the bulk This paper reviews the gold concentrations of unmi-
continental crust is estimated to be 1?3 parts-per-billion neralised igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
(ppb; Taylor and McLennan, 1995; Wedepohl, 1995; with specific focus on data produced by low detection
Rudnick and Gao, 2003). Gold commonly shows ex- limit (,0?1 ppb) methods. The paper highlights the subtle
tremely heterogenous distribution in geological samples variations in gold concentration that occur in unminer-
and concentrations in unmineralised samples can range alised rocks that are not commonly observed by investi-
over four orders of magnitude. gations using routine analytical methods. The paper
Quantification of gold in unmineralised samples with discusses the main controls on the distribution of gold in
concentrations in the parts-per-trillion (ppt) to ppb range is igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic systems and
considerably more complex than in ore-grade samples highlights where recent advances in understanding have
where fire-assay and cupellation methods have been suc- been made. Previous reviews of gold concentration in
cessfully used for centuries (Chow and Beamish, 1967). A different rocks and minerals tend to review all the
large number of analytical methods have been employed to available data without critical evaluation of the analytical
quantify gold in unmineralised samples with extremely methodology used (e.g. Crocket, 1991).
variable precision and accuracy, and detection limits that
range over two orders of magnitude from 0?01 to 2 ppb. Analytical methods and interpreting
Methods with low detection limits are critical if the full gold data
range of background values is to be observed (e.g. Pitcairn
et al., 2006b; Webber et al., 2010). A recent study has Analytical methods
Trace-level gold analysis in unmineralised rocks gen-
erally involves three main steps:
Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, SE-10691 (i) dissolution of gold from the geological material
Stockholm, Sweden (ii) pre-concentration of gold
*Corresponding author, email (iii) quantification.

ß 2012 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and The AusIMM

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute and The AusIMM
Received 27 September 2011; accepted 15 December 2011
DOI 10.1179/1743275811Y.0000000021 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2011 VOL 120 NO 1 31
Pitcairn Background concentrations of gold in different rock types

Dissolution methods include fire-assay, alkaline fusion,

multi-acid total digestion, Aqua-Regia (3 : 1 HCl/HNO3)
partial digestion and bromine digestion. Of critical im-
portance with the digestion stage is the release of all of the
gold from the geological material. Aqua Regia digestion
for example has been shown to produce low recoveries
of Au in comparison to fire assay and complete acid
digestion methods (Hall et al., 1989). Pre-concentration
methods involve separation of the gold from the sam-
ple matrix either through partitioning into organic
solvents such as di-isobutyl ketone through direct mixing
(Terashima, 1988) or using chromatographic columns
(Pitcairn et al., 2006b), or co-precipitation of the gold
onto a favourable chemical entity such as Te (Jackson
et al., 1990). Three methods are commonly used for the
quantification step: neutron activation analysis (Tilling
et al., 1973; Keays and Scott, 1976; Nesbitt et al., 1987),
atomic adsorption spectroscopy (Terashima et al., 1994;
Zentilli et al., 1985), and inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ICP-MS; Ely et al., 1999; Pitcairn et al.,
2006b). All of these methods have the potential for
accurate quantification with low detection limits, although
ICP-MS methods most commonly produce the lowest
detection limits (Hall and Bonham-Carter, 1988). A
significant problem in accurate quantification of gold in
unmineralised rocks is the heterogeneous distribution of
gold in rocks, i.e. the nugget effect. Analysis of large
sample aliquots (e.g. .10 g) or multiple smaller aliquots
of the same sample provide more representative concen-
trations (e.g. Pitcairn et al., 2006b). The possibility that
anomalously high gold concentrations may come from
secondary enrichment processes can be evaluated by
checking for correlations with other hydrothermally
mobile elements such as As (e.g. Arne et al., 2008), and
by checking the mineral texture for evidence of precipita-
tion of secondary mineral phases.
1 Gold concentrations in different rock types. Black dots
The multiple techniques used for each stage of gold
show the average value and the black line shows ¡1
analysis means that the complete method used is rarely
standard deviation. Refer to Table 1 for the values and
consistent between different investigations, and there-
references used
fore multiple analyses of different international refer-
ence materials that cover the relevant concentration major element of igneous differentiation index but cor-
range are required to evaluate precision and accuracy. related positively with pyrite abundance. A similar study
Gold concentrations in igneous, sedimentary and meta- in the Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada carried out using
morphic rock samples are commonly ,0?1 ppb (Keays an ICP-MS-based method with a detection limit of
and Scott, 1976; Nesbitt et al., 1987; Cameron, 1989; 0?05 ppb analysed gold contents in six different plutonic
1994; Terashima et al., 1994; Pitcairn et al., 2006b;
rock series that formed during the tectonic evolution of
Webber et al., 2010). Methods with detection limits
the Abitibi belt from 2?73 to 2?63 Ga (Fig. 1; Feng et al.,
higher than 0?1 ppb do not allow the full range of
1993). The lithologies, including trondjhemite, tona-
background gold concentrations to be observed.
lite, granodiorite, granite, syenite and monzonite, yield
gold concentrations ranging from 0?05 to 10 ppb. The
Gold concentrations in igneous and plutonic series were grouped by the stage at which they
volcanic rocks were formed during orogenesis from early syn-volcanic
to syn-tectonic, late tectonic and post-tectonic (Feng
Plutonic rocks et al., 1993). Average concentrations from the different
Early reviews of the gold content of igneous rocks magmatic series range from 0?12¡0?11 to 1?8¡1?2 ppb
suggest concentrations are generally less than 5 ppb, (Fig. 1, Table 1; Feng et al., 1993). No systematic varia-
rarely exceed 10 ppb and that mafic lithologies have tion in gold concentration was observed between the
higher concentrations than felsic (Tilling et al., 1973; different plutonic series. Gold concentrations show weak
Crocket, 1991). Recent investigations are generally con- positive correlations in some of the magmatic series with
sistent with these observations (Fig. 1, Table 1). Mul- Fe, Mg, Mn and Ca and strong correlation with Th and U
tiple analyses of different Archaean granites in South (Feng et al., 1993). A large suite of gold analyses from
Africa ranging in age from 3?5 to 2?6 Ga yield gold Palaeozoic granite complexes from Transbaikalia in Russia
concentrations of between 0?3 to 7?8 ppb with a mean of also shows no co-variation with bulk rock composition
1?2 ppb (Saager and Meyer, 1984). In their investiga- (Spiridonov et al., 2010). Average gold concentrations
tion, Au content was not found to correlate with any from nine different complexes each containing a range of

32 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2011 VOL 120 NO 1
Pitcairn Background concentrations of gold in different rock types

lithologies dominated by granite but commonly including (Fig. 1; Keays and Campbell, 1985; Barnes et al., 1985;
granodiorite, diorite, and gabbro ranged from 1?2 to Crocket, 1991). Cumulate layers have highly variable
4?5 ppb, with no systematic variation with Si, Fe or Mg gold contents ranging from ,1 ppb up to ore grade
content (Fig. 1; Spiridonov et al., 2010). Gabbro from depending on whether sulphide minerals have been incor-
layered mafic intrusions contains higher gold contents porated in the cumulate (Keays and Campbell, 1981).
than those rocks that occur as minor components of
granite complexes (Fig. 1, Table 1). Gold concentrations Volcanic rocks
in layered series gabbros from the Bushveld Complex, Gold concentrations in fresh, unaltered Mid Ocean Ridge
South Africa, Skaergaard Intrusion in Greenland and Basalt (MORB) range from 0?1 to 2?7 ppb and yield
Jimberlana Intrusion in Australia contains between 0?5 to average concentrations of 0?75¡0?7 ppb (Figs. 1 and 2;
9 ppb Au with average concentrations of around 5 ppb Keays and Scott, 1976; Hertogen et al., 1980; Tatsumi

Table 1 Gold concentration in different rock types*

Reservoir Mean Au/ppb St. dev. Max. Min. N References

Primitive Mantle 0.88 Palme and O’Neill (2003)

Magmatic Rocks
MORB 0.75 0.7 2.67 0.08 34 Keays and Scott (1976);
Tatsumi et al. (1999);
Webber et al. (2010)
OIB 2.4 2 13 0.3 40 Fryer and Greendough (1992);
Tatsumi et al. (1999, 2000);
Webber et al. (2010)
BAB 4.7 3.6 11.4 0.04 59 Allan and Gorton (1992);
Cawood and Fryer (1994)
Forearc basalt 2.0 1.37 6.1 0.1 38 Terashima et al. (1994)
Forearc andesite 1.0 0.77 3.2 0.2 30 Terashima et al. (1994)
Forearc dacite 0.48 0.45 1.3 0.1 9 Terashima et al. (1994)
Boninite 1.95 0.84 3.3 0.68 12 Hamlyn et al. (1985)
Komatiite – Barberton 1.25 0.5 2.4 0.9 19 Anhaeusser et al. (1975);
Pitcairn (unpublished date)
Komatiite – Ontario 2.1 0.6 3.5 1.2 12 Brugmann et al. (1987)
Komatiite – Gorgona 4.7 1.6 7.7 2.1 12 Brugmann et al. (1987)
CFB – Deccan 4.6 4.5 27 1.1 31 Keays and Lightfoot (2010)
CFB – Siberian Traps (S-unsat) 2.5 0.78 4.3 0.9 41 Lightfoot and Keays (2005)
CFB – Siberian Traps (S-sat) 0.67 0.54 2.29 0.01 33 Lightfoot and Keays (2005)
CFB – Victoria (S-sat) 0.32 0.14 7 0.6 23 Vogel and Keays (1997)
Rhyolite (non-peralkaline) 0.2 0.14 0.6 0.05 30 Connors et al. (1993)
Rhyolite (peralkaline) 0.76 0.58 3.2 0.2 31 Connors et al. (1993)
Granitoids – Abitibi – syn volcanic 1.8 1.16 4.89 1.3 10 Feng et al. (1993)
Granitoids – Abitibi – syn tectonic 0.7 0.7 4.88 0.05 21 Feng et al. (1993)
Granitoids – Abitibi – late tectonic 0.45 0.4 1.57 0.05 15 Feng et al. (1993)
Granitoids – Abitibi – post-tectonic 0.7 0.6 2 0.13 8 Feng et al. (1993)
Gabbros – granitoid related 1.47 0.6 2.8 1 10 Feng et al. (1993);
Spiridonov et al. (2010)
Gabbros – layered intrusions 5.1 3.9 9 0.5 Keays and Campbell (1981);
Barnes et al. (1985);
Crocket (1991)
Sedimentary rocks
Otago greywacke 0.82 0.41 1.7 0.38 10 Pitcairn et al. (2006a);
Pitcairn (unpublished data)
Otago siltstone 1.86 0.82 2.67 0.59 8 Pitcairn et al. (2006a);
Pitcairn (unpublished data)
Black shale 7 1 20 3 148 Ketris and Yudovich (2009)
Carbonate 1.5 1 5.5 0.2 24 Crocket (1991)
Metamorphic rocks
Otago QFS subgreenschist 0.91 0.49 6.98 0.20 17 Pitcairn et al. (2006a);
Pitcairn (unpublished data)
Otago QFS greenschist 0.29 0.25 1.31 0.01 35 Pitcairn et al. (2006a);
Pitcairn (unpublished data)
Otago QFS amphibolite 0.20 0.14 0.60 0.07 15 Pitcairn et al. (2006a);
Pitcairn (unpublished data)
Otago MB subgreenschist 0.90 0.52 1.85 0.18 11 Pitcairn et al. (2006a);
Pitcairn (unpublished data)
Otago MB greenschist 0.87 0.59 2.07 0.25 11 Pitcairn et al. (2006a);
Pitcairn (unpublished data)
Otago MB amphibolite 0.21 0.07 0.31 0.11 7 Pitcairn et al. (2006a);
Pitcairn (unpublished data)
Upper amphibolite/granulite 0.22 0.10 96 Cameron (1989, 1994)
*Mean values, standard deviation, maximum, minimum values and the number of samples are shown. Where the variation in
concentrations is so high that the standard deviation exceeds the mean value, the median value is given instead of the standard
deviation and this is highlighted in bold type. References from which the data were taken are also listed.

Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2011 VOL 120 NO 1 33
Pitcairn Background concentrations of gold in different rock types

Komatiite from the Barberton greenstone belt, South

Africa ranges in concentration from 0?3 to 2?4 ppb Au
with an average concentration of 1?25¡0?55 ppb (Figs. 1
and 2; Anhaeusser et al., 1975; Pitcairn, unpublished
data). Canadian Abitibi Belt komatiites have marginally
higher concentrations that range between 1?2 and 2?6 ppb
Au with an average of 2?1¡0?6 ppb (Figs. 1 and 2;
Brugmann et al., 1987). Mesozoic aged komatiite from
Gorgona Island, Colombia have considerably higher gold
concentrations that range from 2?1 to 7?7 ppb with
average concentrations of 4?7¡1?6 ppb (Figs. 1 and 2;
Brugmann et al., 1987).
The gold content of the mantle
2 Gold concentration versus MgO content for mafic and The gold concentration in the primitive mantle esti-
ultramafic volcanic rocks. Abbreviations are discussed mated from chondrite values is 0?88 ppb (Fig. 1; Palme
in text. Average values are also shown in Table 1 and O’Neill, 2003; Lyubetskaya and Korenaga, 2007).
Gold concentrations in mantle xenoliths range in con-
et al., 1999; Webber et al., 2010). Concentrations of gold centration from 0?1 to 6?9 ppb (Fig. 1; Mitchell and
in plume-related Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) such as from Keays, 1981; Barnes et al., 1985; Schmidt et al., 2003).
Iceland, Hawaii, or the Ontong Java Plateau range from An even greater range of values is observed in peridotite
0?3 to 13 ppb with average values of 2?4¡2 ppb, more from Alpine complexes and ophiolitic tectonites (0?1 to
than three times higher than MORB (Figs. 1 and 2; 23?5 ppb Au; Fig. 1; Barnes et al., 1985; Lorand et al.,
Zentilli et al., 1985; Fryer and Greenough, 1992; Ely 1989; Luguet et al., 2003). Average concentrations of
et al., 1999; Tatsumi et al., 1999; 2000; Webber et al., Au in mantle rocks are close to those estimated from
2010). Volcanic rocks from volcanic arc settings are chondrite values but the range in values indicates
reported to have higher average gold concentrations than heterogeneous distribution of Au in the mantle. This
MORB. Back-arc basalt (BAB) has gold concentrations heterogeneity has been interpreted to indicate mantle
ranging from 1 to 15 ppb with an average concentration metasomatism (Lorand et al., 1989; Schmidt et al.,
of 4?7¡3?6 ppb (Figs. 1 and 2; Allan and Gorton, 1992; 2003).
Cawood and Fryer, 1994; Moss et al., 2001). Volcanic
rocks from the Izu-Bonin fore-arc setting also have higher Controls on the gold content of igneous
gold concentrations than MORB lavas with concentra- rocks
tions ranging 0?1 to 6?1 ppb (Terashima et al., 1994). In
The gold concentration in plutonic and volcanic rocks is
these samples the gold concentrations appear to decrease
controlled by: (i) the behaviour of sulphur in the magmatic
with increasing silica content with basalt, andesite and
system, (ii) the oxygen fugacity of the magmatic system,
dacite containing average Au concentrations of 2?0¡1?3,
(iii) the degree of partial melting and (iv) fractional
1?0¡0?77 and 0?48¡0?45 ppb respectively (Terashima
crystallisation. Gold has a sulphide/silicate partition co-
et al., 1994). Mg-rich, low Ti lavas such as Boninites that
efficient of around 10 000 (Peach et al., 1990) and
also occur in fore-arc settings have gold concentrations therefore the behaviour of sulphur in the magmatic
ranging between 0?7 and 3 ppb (Fig. 1; Hamlyn et al., system is critical. Gold will strongly transition into a
1985). sulphide melt phase in sulphur-saturated melts (Stone
Volcanic rocks generated in the continental crust et al., 1990; Cygan and Candela, 1995; Simon et al., 2000).
show a similar range in concentrations to those from the Rocks that are produced from sulphur-saturated melts
oceanic crust. An investigation of the gold concentration will either contain very high gold concentrations if the
of a large set of glassy silicic volcanic rocks reports sulphide phase has been incorporated into the volcanic or
concentrations ranging from 0?05 to 4 ppb but dom- plutonic rock, or as is more commonly observed, have
inantly below 1 ppb (Fig. 1; Connors et al., 1993). The low gold concentrations due to the dense sulphide melt
gold content was higher in peralkalic rhyolite than sub- phase remaining in the source region of the melting.
alkali and peraluminous rhyolites, and correlated posi- MOR basalt is considered to be sulphur-saturated (e.g.
tively with FeO/CaO (Connors et al., 1993). Continental Mathez, 1976) and their relatively low gold concentra-
flood basalts show a large range in gold concentrations tions are suggested to be due to the separation of a
(Figs. 1 and 2, Table 1). Gold concentration in the Newer distinct sulphide melt phase that sequestered gold and
Volcanic Province of Victoria, a Tertiary to Quaternary remained in the depleted mantle source region (Fig. 1;
anorogenic flood basalt, range from 0?16 to 0?7 ppb with Hertogen et al., 1980; Hamlyn et al., 1985; Hamlyn and
average concentrations of 0?32¡0?14 ppb (Fig. 1; Vogel Keays, 1986). In sulphur-saturated melts gold behaves as
and Keays, 1997). Gold concentrations in the Karoo a compatible elements and partitions into the sulphide
flood basalts from South Africa range 0?5 to 10 ppb phase. This can be observed in some plutonic systems
(Fig. 1; Maier et al., 2003). These values are similar to where gold concentration correlates with sulphide con-
those reported from the Siberian Trap (Au ranges 0?01 to tent (e.g. Saager and Meyer, 1984). An example of rocks
4?4 ppb; Brugmann et al., 1993; Lightfoot and Keays, produced from a sulphur-undersaturated melt is the
2005). Higher gold concentrations are reported in basaltic continental flood basalt from the Deccan Traps, India
rocks from the Deccan Traps in India, and from East (Keays and Lightfoot, 2010). In this case the sulphur and
Greenland with values ranging from 1?1 to 27 ppb siderophile elements including gold were incorporated
(Momme et al., 2002; Keays and Lightfoot, 2010). into the silicic melt that produced the basaltic rocks, thus

34 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2011 VOL 120 NO 1
Pitcairn Background concentrations of gold in different rock types

explaining their higher gold concentrations (Fig. 1; Keays Gold concentrations in sedimentary
and Lightfoot, 2010). The Siberian Trap continental
flood basalts contain some sulphide-undersaturated
basaltic units with higher gold concentrations and others Due to the variable nature of source rocks, it would be
that were sulphide-saturated and contain much lower expected that sedimentary rocks contain a large range of
gold concentrations (Lightfoot and Keays, 2005). The gold concentrations. Sedimentary rocks include those
Ni–Cu–PGE sulphide deposits in the Siberian Trap are whose source area contained gold deposits, and those
considered to be the product of the periods of sulphide with a strong hydrothermal input of metals such as
saturation during the evolution of the magmatic system banded iron formations and sulphide-rich metalliferous
(Keays and Lightfoot, 2010). In sulphur-undersaturated sediments. These rocks contain anomalously high gold
magmatic systems, gold behaves as an incompatible concentrations compared to ‘normal’ sedimentary rocks.
element and should correlate positively with Y, Zr, and The gold concentrations in banded iron formations and
Rb (e.g. Zentilli et al., 1985). sulphide-rich sediments occurring within basaltic lavas
Whether a magmatic system is saturated or under- range between 0?1 and 1000 ppb (Crocket, 1991). The
saturated in sulphur depends on: most common sedimentary rocks; shales, siltstones,
(i) the oxygen fugacity of the system sandstone and conglomerates are commonly reported
(ii) the initial sulphur content to contain gold concentrations that range from 0?1 to
(iii) the major element composition (particularly Fe) 30 ppb (Crocket, 1991) which is a larger range than is
(iv) the temperature and pressure. generally observed in plutonic and volcanic rocks. In
The oxygen fugacity of a magmatic system controls the general, sandstone and siltstone tend to have lower
maximum amount of sulphur that can be dissolved in a concentrations than shale (Fig. 1, Table 1). Siltstone
melt (Jugo et al., 2005; Mungall et al., 2006; Jugo, 2009). and greywacke samples from the Torlesse Terrane, New
Oxidised magmas where sulphate is the dominant sulphur Zealand have Au concentrations ranging from 0?4 to
species can contain 10 times more dissolved sulphur than 2?5 ppb with marginally higher concentrations occurring
in siltstone (Fig. 1; Pitcairn et al., 2006a). Sandstone and
reduced magma, and therefore have much higher potential
mudstone from the Shimanto Belt in Japan yielded
to remain sulphur-undersaturated leading to higher gold
Au concentrations ranging from 1 to 2?5 ppb (Fig. 1;
contents (Jugo, 2009). Island arc, back-arc and ocean island
Yokohama et al., 1996). Black shales from the same area
settings have higher oxygen fugacities than MOR settings contain between 2?3 and 6?3 ppb Au (Yokohama et al.,
(Ballhaus, 1993) and therefore magmas produced in these 1996). Ketris and Yudovich (2009) suggest a global
settings will have higher sulphur saturation thresholds and average gold concentration in black shales of 7¡1 ppb
are more likely to be sulphur-undersaturated leading to (Fig. 1, Table 1). The average is based on over 9000
higher gold concentrations (Fig. 1). Basaltic melts have a analyses from 148 samples whose gold concentrations
higher sulphur capacity than intermediate and felsic melts range from 3 to 20 ppb (Fig. 1; Ketris and Yudovich,
due to higher melting temperature and higher Fe-content 2009). Carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks have similar
(Jugo et al., 2005). This partially explains the trend of gold concentrations to organic matter-poor siliceous sedi-
higher gold contents in mafic versus felsic rocks in some mentary rocks with average concentrations of 1?5¡1 ppb
systems (e.g. Terashima et al., 1994). Oxidised magmatic (Fig. 1, Table 1; Crocket, 1991).
systems are more likely to produce gold (and Cu) rich Gold concentrations in sedimentary rocks are con-
hydrothermal fluids as these elements will remain in trolled by two trends; the incorporation of discrete gold-
the melt phase rather than being trapped in a sulphide rich mineral grains and the precipitation of gold in
phase, and therefore be available for partition into an diagenetic sulphide minerals from pore water during
exsolving hydrothermal fluid (Goff et al., 1994; Mungall diagenesis. Gold placer deposits and their lithified
et al., 2006). equivalents represent the end-member of sedimentary
The degree of partial melting exerts control on the rocks that contain discrete gold rich mineral grains.
gold content of a magmatic system because melts Sedimentary rocks that contain higher proportions of
produced from low proportion partial melts will be diagenetic sulphide minerals also have higher gold con-
centrations (Pitcairn et al., 2006a; Ketris and Yudovich,
sulphur saturated due to the incompatible behaviour of
2009). Gold in greywacke and siltstone occurs in
sulphur and its transition into the melt phase (Keays,
framboidal-textured pyrite that grew during diagenesis
1995). Magmas produced from higher proportions of
(Pitcairn et al., 2010). The higher concentration of Au in
partial melting (e.g. above 25%) are much more likely to black shales is considered to be due to organic
be sulphur-undersaturated and therefore should contain complexation of Au from seawater in anoxic organic-
more gold (Keays, 1995). Komatiites and boninites are rich mud which is eventually incorporated into diage-
an example of this behaviour as they formed from high netic sulphide minerals (Helz et al., 1996). Diagenetic
degrees of partial melting. In these systems gold shows a processes are at least as important as source area
negative correlation with MgO because gold acts as an variation for controlling the concentration of gold in
incompatible element in sulphur-undersaturated systems sedimentary rocks.
and therefore has been diluted by higher proportions of
partial melt (Fig. 2). Boninites formed in forarc settings
through melting of previously depleted mantle and
Gold concentrations in metamorphic
could potentially incorporate the segregated sulphide rocks
phase that formed during the first phase of melting Gold concentrations have been shown to decrease
leading to higher gold concentrations (Hamlyn et al., systematically during metamorphism (Fig. 1, Table 1).
1985). In a study of the Otago and Alpine Schists, New

Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2011 VOL 120 NO 1 35
Pitcairn Background concentrations of gold in different rock types

depletion of As and Sb and with dehydration of the

samples implying that the elements were leached and
removed during prograde metamorphic devolatilisation
(Cameron, 1989; 1994; Pitcairn et al., 2006a; Pitcairn,

More accurate definition of the background concentra-
tions of gold leads to a better understanding of ore
formation; enrichment factors can be more accurately
constrained, and the source areas for metals such as
fertile lithologies can be identified. The variation in the
gold concentrations in igneous rocks is a function of the
behaviour of sulphur in the magmatic system. Sulphur
saturated rocks such as MORB have low gold concen-
trations (Fig. 1) as gold partitions into the sulphide melt
phase that remains in the mantle source region. Sulphur-
undersaturated magmatic rocks such as some continen-
tal flood basalts have higher gold concentrations as the
gold remains in the melt rather than being extracted into
a separate sulphide phase. Whether or not magmatic
rocks are sulphur-saturated depends strongly on their
oxygen fugacity with more oxidised systems being able
to contain significantly more sulphur (as sulphate)
before saturation. This explains why ocean island and
volcanic arc basalts have generally higher gold concen-
3 Gold concentration versus metamorphic temperature trations than MORB (Fig. 1) as these rocks were formed
for quartzofeldspathic rocks from (A) the Otago and in more oxidised settings than MORB. The gold con-
Alpine Schists of New Zealand, and (B) the Dalradian centration in magmatic rocks can be of great use in
metasedimentary belt of Scotland. The black line repre- exploration geochemistry as they give an indication of
sents the mean and the dashed lines ¡1 standard the sulphur saturation state of the magmatic system.
deviation. Metamorphic temperatures are estimated Sulphur-saturated magmas may have produced a gold-
from mineral assemblages and regional mapping of rich sulphide phase that could either be directly
metamorphic isograds exploitable as an ore, or be a fertile source of elements
for later hydrothermal processes. Gold concentrations in
sedimentary rocks show a very large range due to
Zealand average gold concentrations in quartzofelds-
inclusion of discrete gold-rich mineral grains and the
pathic rocks decreased systematically from 1?2 ppb in
incorporation of gold from pore fluid during diagenesis.
unmetamorphosed greywacke and siltstone to 0?29 ppb
High abundances of diagenetic sulphide minerals and
in greenschist facies and 0?20 ppb in amphibolite facies
organic matter in sedimentary rocks such as in black
(Figs. 1 and 3, Table 1; Pitcairn et al., 2006b). Metabasaltic
shales leads to higher gold concentrations and a poten-
rocks from the Otago and Alpine Schists also show a tially fertile source of gold during later hydrothermal
decrease in gold concentration from around 1 ppb in processes. Gold concentrations in metamorphic rocks
unmetamorphosed samples down to 0?2 ppb in amphi- decrease systematically with increasing metamorphic
bolite facies rocks (Figs. 1 and 3; Pitcairn et al., 2006a). grade. Amphibolite facies metasedimentary and meta-
A similar trend has also been observed in psammite to basaltic samples commonly contain between 50 and 80%
pelite metasedimentary rocks of the Dalradian terrane, less gold than their unmetamorphosed protolith rocks,
Scotland (Pitcairn et al., 2010). Here average concentra- and these depletions represent the source area from
tions decrease from 1?1 ppb in lower greenschist facies to where gold has been mobilised in the formation of
0?42 ppb in sillimanite zone amphibolite facies (Figs. 1 orogenic gold deposits.
and 3, Table 1). In both of these metasedimentary belts
the depletion in Au occurs independent of protolith Acknowledgements
composition and is controlled by a change in the sta-
ble sulphide mineral assemblage from pyrite-dominated The author acknowledges research funding from
to pyrrhotite-dominated (Pitcairn et al., 2006a; 2010; Stockholm University and from the Swedish Research
Pitcairn, 2010). Low gold concentrations also occur in Council (Personal Research Grant 621-2007-4539). The
high-grade amphibolite and granulite facies metamorphic author would also like to thank Dr Simon Jowitt and an
rocks in the Bamble Belt of south Norway and in the anonymous reviewer for insightful reviews that improved
Lewisian Complex of Scotland (Fig. 1; Cameron, 1989; the quality of the manuscript, and to Professor Neil
1994). In these localities, quartzofeldspathic and metaba- Phillips for his editorial comments.
saltic upper amphibolite and granulite facies samples
range in concentration between 0?05 and 0?37 ppb with References
average values commonly less than 0?2 ppb (Fig. 1; Allan, J. F. and Gorton, M. P. 1992. Geochemistry of igneous rocks
Cameron, 1989; 1994). All of these studies show that from legs 127 and 128, Sea of Japan, Proc. Ocean Drill. Prog., Sci.
gold depletion with increased metamorphism occurs with Res., 127–128, 905–929.

36 Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) 2011 VOL 120 NO 1
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