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Nama : Giselle Callista Siregar

Kelas : 8.8

A. Hal 125

No. Adjectives -er the -est

1 small smaller the smallest

2 stronger stronger the strongest

3 big bigger the biggest

4 weak weaker the weakest

5 tall taller the tallest

6 short shorter the shortest

7 thin thinner the thinnest

8 high higher the highest

9 low lowner the lowest

10 heavy heavier the heaviest

11 light lighter the lightest

12 young younger the youngest

13 old older the oldest

14 long longer the longest

15 fast faster the fastest

16 slow slower the slowest

B. Hal 129

1. For Marcus, English is more difficult than History.

2. Tasia is saying that the pencil case is more beautiful than the purse,
but the purse is more expensive than the pencil case.
3. According to Dwi, roses are more beautiful than other flowers.
4. Max wants to sit on the bench under the tree because it is more
comfortable there.
5. According to Erman, the book ‘Malin Kundang’ is more intresting
than the film.
6. Yuni is saying that Edo is more diligent than the other students.

C. Hal 134

1. Max is saying that his teacher has more books than him, and he
has fewer books than his teacher.
2. Yuni is saying that usually there are more students in the library in the
morning, and there are fewer in the afternoon.
3. Zulfikar is saying that his father has less money than his uncle, and his
uncle is richer than his father.
4. According to Ani, her bag has more pockets than Andri’s bag.
5. According to Agus, there is less sugar in bread, and there is more
sugar in banana cake.

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