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Individual Preliminary Test

1. Define Time Study and its function, and describe technic of doing Time Study!
Time Study is a process to measure the standard time of each workers in
completing a given amount of work. This process is used to increase the
efficiency of the working system in order to make it better.
The technic of doing time study are:
 Pathway chart. It is helping us to reduce unnecessary movement by
monitoring each of worker motion while doing a task.
 Process chart. This method illustrates a description of process in doing a
 Operation chart. It is used to describe the activity that happen in a work
 Micro motion film analysis. This method is done by taking a motion
picture during working.
 Cyclegraph. It is using a specific photographic device to record motions
in doing a task.
 Chronocylegraph. It is used to record the patterns of motion during the
task by attaching small lights on both of middle finger.
techniques-used-for-motion-and-time-studies/47807/ )

2. Define Work System! and what is the purpose of creating a work system?
Work system is a system to produce a product or service from the work that is
executed by human or machines using certain resource such as information and
technology. There are several types of work system, that is information system,
service system, project, supply chain, ecommerce.
The purpose of creating a work system are to reduce production cost and
resources and to improve the quality of a product or service.
3. Define the connection between assembly chart, bill of material, and two-handed
process chart!
Assembly chart illustrates steps of assembling a product from subassemblies
into a final product in a schematic form. Bill of material mentions a list of all
required components that is needed to create / assemble a product. Two handed
process chart shows each of worker’s hands activities by recording the
movement of each hands while doing a task, it can also be applied on an
assembly process.
The connection between assembly chart, bill of material, and two-handed
process chart is that the three of them play an important role in the assembly
process. (

4. Define process chart! And explain the types of process chart!

Process chart is one of a tools that help the process design, it is a chart that is
using symbol, time, and distance to analyze the activities of people and material
in a process. Types of process chart are:
 Operation process chart. This chart is giving chronological sequence off
all of the operations that happen in a process of manufacturing a product.
 Flow process chart. It is a chart that illustrating an ordered sequence of
the flow of a product.
 Two handed process chart. This chart shows us each of worker’s hands
activities by recording the movement of each hands while doing a task.
 Multiple activity chart. This chart shows us the working relationship
between workers and machines/equipment. (Operations management:
sustainability and Supply chain management, global edition, 12e Heizer
Pearson & )

5. Explains each types of bill material! And what type of bill material will be
suited for making the work system for this module!
Several types of bill of material are:
 Modular bills. It is a bill of material of product modules. Modules are
subassemblies or components to be produced.
 Planning bills and Phantom bills. Planning bills makes groupings of
material for setting an artificial parent to the bill of material. Phantom
bills is a bill of material of temporary components.
 Low-level coding. In this bill of material identical items are given a code
so that computing an item’s requirements become easier.

6. Define precedence diagram and its characteristics

Precedence diagram is a network diagram that portrays activities to be
performed in a project for arranging a project schedule. This diagram is using a
rectangular node for activities and arrows to connect them.

7. What is the relation in precedence diagram? And explain the elements used in
the precedence diagram!
There are 4 logical relationship in precedence diagram:
 Finish-to-start, it happens in multiple activities where an activity can not
start unless the other activity has already completed.
 Start-to-finish, it happens when an activity have to start before the other
activity can finish.
 Start-to-start, in this relationship, an activity have to start before the other
activity can start.
 Finish-to-finish,it occurs when an actvity have to finish before the other
one can finish.
Elements that are used in the precedence diagram are:

8. Mention and explain each types of the Therblig element!

There are 18 types of Therblig element:
 Search (Sh) : This motion appear when we are seeking an object needed
using eyes or hands.
 Find (F) : This motion explain about the mental reaction when we are
finding the object needed. It is appear at the end of the search cycle.
 Select (St) : Motion that is appear when we are picking an object in a
group of several similar objects.
 Grasp (G) : Motion of grasping an object using hand.
 Hold (H) : Keeping or holding an object after grasping motion.
 Transport Loaded (TL) : The motion of moving an object using a hand
 Transport Empty (TE) : Movement of an empty hand towards an object.
 Position (P) : Placing an object to the specific location.
 Assemble (A) : Joining two or more parts of an object together.
 Use (U) : This motion appear when we are operating or using a tool in a
 Disassemble (DA) : to split parts of joined components.
 Inspect (I) : to ensure the quality of an object proper with the
predetermined standard.
 Pre-Position (PP) : Placing an object to the proper location for the next
 Release Load (RL) : This motion occur when we are releasing our
control of some object.
 Unavoidable Delay (UD) : Delay that is occur out of the worker’s
 Avoidable Delay (AD) : Delay that is happen by the negligence of
 Plan (Pn) : To determine the next action to be performed.
 Rest to overcome Fatigue (R) : Taking a break in order to overcome
fatigue during the work cycle.
( &

9. Define the 3 principles of motion study and the relationship in this

The 3 principles of motion study are :
 Principles relating to movement of human body
 Principles of rules relating to work station
 Principles relating to tools and equipment

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