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Chapter 1

Introduction and Basic Concepts

1.1 How much would a 190-lbm person
weigh inside a space station in which an 1.12 The value of g at the equator and sea
artificial gravity of 5.0 ft/s? is induced by level is 32.088 ft/s2, and this value decreases
rotation? about 0.001 ft/s2 for each 1000 ft of ascent.

1.2 The weight of an average apple is about 1.13 The universal gas constant Ff in SI units
1.0 N in California, where g is 9.807 m/s 2. What is 8314.3 J/kg mol - K.
is the mass of this apple after it is shipped to
New York? (a) Convert it to Btu/lb mol - °R.
(b) Convert it to cal/g mol - K.
1.3 If you are allowed to carry only 20 kg of
luggage on board an airplane, what is the weight 1.14 The density of water at room
limit on your luggage in newtons when you temperature and atmospheric pressure is quite
check in at the airport, where g is 9.81 m/s 2? often taken as 1.0 g/cm3.
What is the weight limit in lbf?
(a) Convert it to SI units.
1.4 If the speed limit on a highway is 100 (b) Convert it to lbm/ft3.
km/h, what is it in miles per hour?
1.15 The heat of vaporization of water at
1.5 What force in newtons will accelerate a atmospheric pressure is about 2300 kJ/kg.
mass of 250 kg at the rate of 15 m/s2? Express this quantity in Btu/lbm.

1.6 What is the weight in newtons of a 2.0- 1.16 The weight of 1 liter of a particular
kg mass at a location where g is 9.81 m/s2? gasoline is found to be 7.0 N at a location where
g is 9.81 m/s2. Determine the density of this
1.7 What is the weight in dynes of a 20-g gasoline in kg/m3.
mass at a location where g is 981 cm/s2?
1.17 The absolute entropy of oxygen gas at
1.8 What is the weight in lbf of a 2.0-slug 298 K and 1 atm is given in the literature as
mass at a location where g is 32.2 ft/s2? 49.004 cal/g mol – K

1.9 The weight of a body is 125 N in a (a) Express this quantity in SI units
location where g is 9.81 m/s2? What is the mass (b) Express this quantity in Btu/lbm mol -°R.
of the body in kilograms? What is it in slugs?
1.18 The energy consumption in the world is
1.10 What is the weight of a person of 200 about 65 GJ per person per year. For a world
lbm at 5000 ft above sea level? population of 7.75 billion, what is the total
annual energy consumption in barrels of crude
1.11 A person having a mass of 80 kg is oil equivalent? The energy content of one barrel
being subjected to a deceleration (such as in an of crude oil may be taken as 5,800,000 Btu.
automobile accident) of 20 g’s where 1 g is
9.807 m/s2. What is the force in newtons that
acts on the person? What is this force in lbf?
1.19 A cylindrical tank 30 m in length and kg/m3, what is the absolute pressure of the fluid
1.5 m in diameter contain 25 kg of air. at the bottom of the container? The atmospheric
Determine the specific volume and density of pressure is 101.325 kPa.
the air in the tank. 1.27 A pressure gauge reads 50 psia. The
atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psia What is the
1.20 The consumption of energy in the absolute pressure in the tank to which the
United States is about 75 × 1015 Btu per year. pressure gauge is connected? Express the results
What is this consumption in gigajoules? What is in psia and SI units.
it in barrels of crude oil equivalent?
1.28 The gauge pressure of the gas shown in
1.21 A rigid vessel having a volume of 1.5 the figure below is 30 psig. The atmospheric
m3 initially holds 5.0 kg of air. in a vacuum. pressure is 14.7 psia. The piston has an area of 1
Due to leakage, the mass of air inside the vessel ft2. What is the mass of the piston at a location
is increased by 10%. What are the final density where g = 32.174 ft/s2?
and specific volume of the air in the vessel?

1.22 One kilogram of a liquid having a

density of 1200 kg/m3 is mixed with 2 kg of
another liquid having a density of 2000 kg/m 3. If
the volume of the mixture is the sum of the
initial volumes, what is the density of the

1.23 Two liters of water at 25°C is mixed

with an unknown liquid to form a liquid
mixture. The volume and mass of the liquid
mixture are found to be 4000 cm3 and 4 kg,
respectively. If the mixture, volume is. the sum
of the initial volumes, determine the density of
1.29 The pressure of air in a tank is measured
the unknown liquid.
with a U-tube manometer as shown in the figure
below. If the manometer liquid is mercury
1.24 Air in a storage tank is cooled from an
calculate the absolute pressure of the air for h =
initial temperature of 200°C to a final
760 mm. The atmospheric pressure is 101.325
temperature of 25°C by exchanging heat with
kPa. The density of mercury is 13,600 kg/m 3.
the atmosphere, which is at a temperature of
Express your result in kPa and atm.
25°C. Does the air in the tank undergo a quasi-
static process?

1.25 The gauge pressure of a fluid measured

with a manometer is equivalent to 25-cm
column of mercury. What is the absolute
pressure in pascal if the atmospheric pressure is
101.3 kPa? The density of mercury is 13,600

1.26 A column of fluid in an open container

is 1.5 m high. If the density of the fluid is 1500
top of the mountain, determine the height of the
mountain if we assume the average air density to
be 1.21 kg/m3.

1.34 A mercury manometer attached to a tank

registers a pressure of 2 in. Hg. If a manometer
filled with oil having a density of 50 lb m/ft3 were
substituted for the mercury manometer, what
would it read in inches of oil?

1.35 A vacuum gauge reads 20 mm Hg when

the atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg.
1.30 The pressure of high-vacuum systems is Determine the absolute pressure in pascal. The
quite often given in torr. (One torr is defined as density of mercury is 13,600 kg/m3.
1.0 mm Hg.) If the pressure of such a system is
1.0 × 10-8 torr, what is the pressure in 1.36 A skin diver descends to a depth of 25 m
atmospheres, psi, and SI units? in the ocean. If the density of the seawater is
1020 kg/m3, what is the pressure exerted on the
1.31 A venturi tube, shown in the figure, diver’s body?
measures the pressure difference on the
upstream and downstream sides of a contraction
through which a fluid is flowing. The pressure
difference is often measured by means of a U-
tube with mercury in the bottom of the tube and
the fluid flowing on top of each column of
mercury. If h = 125 mm Hg and the fluid
flowing is low-pressure air at 25°C, what is the
pressure difference in pascal?

1.32 The height of a mercury column in a

manometer used to measure a vacuum is 500
mm. The atmospheric pressure is 101.325 kPa.
Calculate the absolute pressure of the vacuum
system. The density of mercury is 13,600 kg/m3.

1.33 A barometer reads 101.8 kPa at the base

of a mountain. If a barometer reads 80 kPa at the

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