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Introduction to Environmental Science

Introduction to Environmental Science

Course: Env107
Section: 7
Final ASSIGNMENT: Spring2020

Submitted by,
Maria Iqbal Diya
ID: 1430598030

Submitted to,

Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman Khan. ( ARK)

Department of Environmental Science,

North South University, Dhaka

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Introduction to Environmental Science

Assignment 1
Renewable energy resources and prospects of renewable energy resources in Bangladesh

We live in the universe, ever thought that our universe is made of what? Our universe is made of
energy, which is fundamental to the existence of everything. Energy do exists freely in the
environment. It exists as light, heat, sound, mass, moving objects, gravity, fuel, chemicals, and
electricity. We use many of those different kinds of energy to reinforce our lives daily. The energy
which never runs out, exits infinitely in the nature are called as Renewable energy. The Renewable
Energies are:
• Solar energy
• Wind
• Hydropower
• Biomass
• Geothermal
Today's the requirement of energy increases with the increase in population, economic and
technological advancement. Also latest energy exploration condition and present energy
consumption rate, whereas discovered energy will deplete within some decades. Energy is a critical
component in our lives. Bangladesh's energy production asset situation is not really the least strong
compared to world resources.
Table 1: Power plant installation and dated capacity of Bangladesh:

Current Energy Situation:

The electricity production in Bangladesh largely depends on naturals and 80% of electricity
generates from gas. Bangladesh has its own proved reserved of the natural gas year until 201532.1
trillion cubic foot (TCF) and coal reserves 2797 MT(Million Ton) of coal which is equivalent to 37
TCF gas reserves. Bangladeshi gas field provided 2725 million cubic feet gas, 9263.7 million cubic

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feet condensate during the last operation on 21-22 September. 2015 with a demand of 3800 in the
fiscal year 2015-16. (MN Uddin, 2018-2019)
Table 2 indicates the standard electricity generation in Bangladesh from assorted resources: (MN
Uddin, 2018-2019)

Available Energy Resources in Bangladesh:

Bangladesh's proven reserves of oil , gas , coal and hydropower are restricted and a bigger proportion
of development needs to be designed and within country. Natural petroleum, liquefied gas , coal,
biomass and biofuels, hydro and renewable oil, wind and solar energy. However, natural gasses are
the most frequently used and available source in Bangladesh and in the fiscal year 2015-16,2725
million cubic feet of gas and 9,263.7 million cubic feet of condensate were provided.

Figure 1: Primary energy consumption pattern in Bangladesh

Solar Energy:
Solar energy works by catching the sun's energy and turning it into electricity for your home or
business. . Every hour, enough photons affect our planet to generate enough solar power to

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theoretically satisfy global strength needs for a whole year. Our sun is a natural nuclear reactor. It
releases tiny packets of energy called photons, which tour the ninety-three million miles from the
solar to Earth in approximately 8.five minutes Solar energy enters Earth from the Sun at a frequency
over 10,000 times higher than the cumulative use of human power from all sources. Immediate solar
energy is better suited for the flow of heat for implementations such as home and water heating; this
is called solar passive heating. In other applications, solar energy is absorbed, commonly by solar
panels mounted on the rooftop, and the heat is captured and circulated by fans or pumps; this is
active solar heating. Since peak energy demands do not always conform to these requirements, it is
necessary to preserve solar-generated power for later use or to add a backup power source.
Advantage and Disadvantage of Solar Cells:
Advantages: Work on cloudy weather
Quick installation process Low environmental impact
It can last from 20 to 40 years Low use of land
No Carbon dioxide emission Reduces dependency on fossil fuels
Can be easily moved and expanded

❖ Continues access to sun

❖ Need electricity storage system
❖ Low efficiency
❖ Dc current must be converted into Ac
❖ Cost is high
❖ High land use


We have been using running water as an energy source for thousands of years. Hydroelectric power
is created by the energy of the downstream stream of water; therefore, it is predominantly
gravitational energy. Hydroelectric power is the only source of water-derived power that presently
meets a large part of the world's energy needs. In order to convert the water flow into electricity, it is
necessary to have access to a waterfall or to construct a dam. The current flow is usually used to
power turbines that turn the energy into electrical energy and hydroelectric power is very common in
countries with large rivers and appropriate dam sites, such as Canada. However, the assessing the
needs energy from water flowing through all of the world's streams has been approximated to be
proportional to the amount generated by burning 15 billion barrels of oil per year and that’s why
even though all the potential hydroelectric power in the global economy had been developed, it could

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not fulfill today's energy needs (presently some 30 billion barrels of oil approximately equal per
year). Kinetic energy from streaming or perishable water is exploited in hydropower plants.
Hydropower plants are classified into two categories: Large (>10 MW) and Small (< 10 MW).
Recently, a 230 MW hydropower generation plant was set up in Karnaphuli, Rangamati. It is the
only hydro station in Bangladesh and is operated by BPBD. Micro and mini-hydropower plants have
limited potential in Bangladesh except for those in Chittagong and the Chittagong hill tracts region.
On average, 1.4 trillion cubic meters of water flow in Bangladesh per year, and the annual average
rainfall is 2,300 mm, which varies from 1,200 mm in the north-west to 5,800 mm in the northeast.
(MN Uddin, 2018-2019)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydropower: Advantages:

High efficiency
Moderate to high net energy
Low cost electricity
No carbon dioxide emission
Provides irrigation water
Long life span


❖ Construction cost is high

❖ Danger of collapse
❖ Uproots people
❖ Decreases fish harvest below dam
High ch4 emission
❖ Flow of natural fertilizer to the land below the dam goes down

As soon be cost-competitive with coal-burning power plants in some localities. Unfortunately, steady
surface winds can provide only about 10 percent of the amount of energy now used by humans. Therefore,
will not become globally significant, but wind power may be locally important. Tide energy is also another
source of energy associated with water and gravity. The energy in the waves is derived from the earth's
rotation and its gravitational association with the Moon. The efficiency of tidal energy in any particular
region depends on the severity of the coastline. The most important advantages are coastal areas with long,
narrow bays and a broad tidal range (the real distinction between low tide and high tide water levels). A dam
is built around the mouth of the narrow harbor. With the gates open, the water goes through the high tide.

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The gates are locked, and the water is blocked behind the wall. The water is then released at low tide,
driving the propeller as it rushes out. The importance of tidal power is not new; the British dam, dating from
1170, still has tidal power. Not like wind power, tidal energy is can satisfy more than a minuscule portion of
human energy needs and can therefore only be of limited importance. (A growing trend among
environmentalists is to find, 2014)

Wind power:

Wind energy is one of the solar energies because the energy from sun causes wind to blow. From
years to years wind has been used as one of the most essential source of energy. Now days huge
wind mills are created where there are acres of lands are empty and windy.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy:


Moderate capital cost

High efficiency
Low electricity cost
Very low environmental impact
Quick to construct
No Co2 emission
Easily Expanded
Can be located at sea


❖ Steady winds needed

❖ Backup system is needed when wind is low
❖ Use of land is very high for wind farm
❖ Visual pollution
❖ Noisy

Geothermal: The name "geothermal" comes from two Greek words: "geo" means "Earth"
and "thermal" means "heat". Geothermal energy has been used for thousands of years in some
countries for cooking and heating. The center of the Earth is around 6000 degrees Celsius - hot

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enough to melt rock. Even a few kilometers down, the temperature can be over 250 degrees Celsius.
In general, the temperature rises one degree Celsius for every 36 meters you go down. Hot rocks
underground heat water to produce steam. We drill holes down to the hot region; steam comes up, is
purified, and used to drive turbines, which drive electric generators.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Geothermal Power:


Very high efficiency

Low cost
Lower co2 emission
Low land use and disturbance
Moderate environmental impact


❖ Scarcity of suitable sites

❖ Co2 emissions
❖ local air pollution
❖ Noise and Odor

Hydrothermal reservoirs underground systems of circulating hot water and steam in fractured or
porous rocks near the surface is the most easily exploited geothermal deposits. Most of the
reservoirs of hydrothermal are near to the margins of tectonic plates where recent volcano
activities have occurred. And also where rocks and magma are close to the surface. And to use

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efficiently the geothermal power, hydrothermal reservoir needs to be 200oC or hotter. And this
temperature needs to be reached within 3km to the surface.

Nuclear Energy and the climate: Nuclear energy is derived from the thermal energy emitted
mostly during induced transformation of the chemical substance into other chemical components.
This can be produced in two ways: by inducing a heavy atom to be split into light elements, or by
causing two light molecules to combine to create a higher strength. Nuclear power is considered a
sustainable energy source in the world-even by some environmentalists-because it does not
release harmful atmospheric pollution. About 17 per cent of the world's energy comes from
nuclear power plants. In France, more than half of all-electric power comes from nuclear power
stations; the proportion is steadily rising in some other European countries and Japan. The
justification for the rise would be that Japan and most European countries do not have sufficient
fossil fuel supplies to be self-sufficient. In North America, however, the growth of the nuclear
power industry seems to have slowed, probably as a result of negative public sentiment resulting
from nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl and the significant problems associated with nuclear
waste disposal. Radioactivity alludes to energy and cosmic rays (alpha, beta and gamma
radiation) that are produced during the polymerization reaction of one element into another. The
cycle is also called radioactive decay. Radioactivity can kill species and even cause death if the
exposure is high enough. It also creates cell mutations, which can result in damage to the
descendants of the organism. Furthermore, all organisms, including humans, do not have this
kind of natural warning about both the presence of radioactivity at any level; we just could not
smell, see, taste, or feel it. Radioactive elements may very well be harmful in limited amounts
and can, in some cases, be extremely persistent and remaining radioactive over several millions
of years. Low-level radioactive waste, which generates little radiation and has short half-lives, is
encompassed and discharged in a controlled way once its radioactivity has drained away. High-
level radioactive contamination in spent nuclear fuel, which provides for just 1% of the waste
produced by nuclear facilities but produces 99 percent of the radioactivity, becomes even more
troublesome. Over the last two decades or more, there's been a rigorous search for appropriate
disposal facilities and design features for perpetual directories for high-level nuclear waste

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Figure 2: Nuclear power plant diagram

Advantages of Nuclear Energy:

Relatively low cost

Baseload energy
Low pollution
High energy Density

Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy:

❖ Radioactive waste
❖ Accidents

The Nuclear power plant in Bangladesh is situated in Rooppur. It is known as The Rooppur
Nuclear Power plant. The plans of this plant were made in 1961 and for those 254 lands were
acquired. The plant1 and plat 2 will start their operation in 2023 and 2024 respectively.

Why Saving Energy is important:

❖ It will save you money

❖ It will improve the economy
❖ Energy efficiency is good for the environment
❖ It will improve national security

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❖ The quality of life will be enhanced

How can we Reduce Energy Waste:

❖ Use smart electronics

❖ Using energy-efficient appliances
❖ Turn the light and fan when you leave the room
❖ Reduce your water heating expenses

Bangladesh is one of the world's fastest rising economies. They are investing in so many sectors.
And also Bangladesh is building a nuclear power plant to produce electricity. However if Bangladesh
needs to use its energy efficiently and promote some laws and regulations for saving the energy they
it can be useful for saving the environment. And using the energy ecologically will save the
environment of our country as well.

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Assignment 2
o Solid waste management and municipal solid waste management


Each human action produces squander. Indeed, even the basic demonstration of eating brings about
one of the most testing waste issues of present-day society: sewage. What's more, Squander removal is
difficult that undeniably requests the consideration of researchers, specialists, policymakers, and the general
pub-lic. The scope of squanders created by human action is so immense in terms of sources, synthetic
qualities, and physical properties that it is impos-sible to concoct a basic, widely inclusive order plot.

Squanders are any undesirable or disposed of material from private, business, modern, or farming
exercises that may cause natural issues. Squander the board is an issue in both urban and provincial zones in
our nation as somewhere else on the planet. Even though the contrast between a strong and a fluid appears to
be sufficiently clear, the qualification among strong and fluid waste isn't in every case so self-evident. At the
point when strong squanders aggregate, water may leave through and pick behind solu-ble parts;
accordingly, the differentiation among strong and fluid waste may get obscured.

Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City:

Dhaka City Corporation follows some steps for managing the solid waste: the steps are:

Collection: DCC collects waste from one site storage which is the secondary disposal sites
(SDS), Transfer station and transfer points, primary sources here transfer the waste for
processing / recycling and mostly for final disposal. SDS is the facility where large quantities
of waste are gathered by large vehicles such as open or closed trucks, and transported to the
appropriate sites. Demountable large steel bins, roadside areas and vacant green area on the
Transportation: SDS collects the waste and then the city authority starts the transferring them
to ultimate disposal sites. Motor vehicles are usually used for the collection of municipal solid
waste from SDS and non-motorized vehicles are used for the transfer from community beans.
Final Disposal: Solid wastes are carried by garbage trucks and carriers into the selected
dumping sites. For filling low lying lands city wastes are used. Bull, Tire Dodger, and Pay-
Loader Excavators are being used for dressing & compaction of the. The uncollected wastes
are dumped in open spaces, streets, and clogs drainage systems which are creating serious
environmental degradation & health risks for the people of the city.

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Recycling: Most of the poor people are depending on this activity which is the recycling of
paper, plastic, glass, metal, etc. plays a very important role in the economic sphere. A class of
mobile purchasers purchases newspapers, papers, broken glass, metals, plastics etc. from
households. Some poor people collects reusable and re-cycles able to waste materials from
dustbins, streets, or garbage containers.

Figure: Percentage of total solid waste generation by DCC

Purpose of the Waste Management

Store, collect, transport, treat and dispose safely
Prevent pollution
Avoid danger to public health
Minimize detriment to local environment
Improve the amenity value of disposal sites.

The Problem and Limitation of DCC of for Solid Waste Management

Less institutional management

Very less Financial Resource
No proper management of manpower, equipment and other resources
Unscientific and unhygienic collection Practice
No proper law
Rapidly increasing population which increases solid waste as well
Lack of separation of source
Lack of land for waste disposal
Lack of awareness among citizens
Polluting water and surface
Greenhouse gas emission

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Figure: Existing Municipal solid waste management system of Dhaka City

Waste Management Department of the DCC

Ward conservancy exercises

Provide dustbins for the waste
Permitting primary service provider to collect garbage from households
Development and management of sanitary landfill
Hospital waste management
Establishing secondary transfer points etc.

Solid waste distributed in residences, classrooms, workplace environment, and small business
facilities refers to, for even the most part, a minor extent of full-scale waste water era, and yet
poses a serious issue of evacuation. Despite being the fastest-growing classification of solid
Daily and human health issues that emerge if metropolitan waste must be disposed of wrongly,
whether and not in open dumps, inert industrial waste or dynamic landfills that have been
improperly created waste, the majority of municipal solid waste is generated in areas with high
volume density. Waste of officials is a problem for both urban and rural divisions. Particularly
in developing countries, there is a lack of waste administration in all areas; unregulated open
dumps and unauthorized roadside dumping become a cause of concern. This dumping is
destroying incredible land, muddy soil and water consumables, and is a significant threat to
sustainability for plants, animals and people. Unauthorized disposal can be eliminated by
uncovering, organizing and resolving issues. Daily issues of hazardous, unsanitary disposal are
clearly stated and facilities are required for cleaning up and minimal sorting and recycling
garbage for the use of source.

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Recycling refers to a recycling of useful raw resources, including such metal, glass, pulp and
waste products, such as consumer goods, paper and plastic, containers, bottles and containers. Recycling is
the rearrangement of waste material for the original purpose or for other reasons entirely; e.g. reusable soda
containers or recycled aluminum cans and glass bottles are generally melted and resurrect into new cans and

Benefits of Recycling:
• Prevents emission, water pollutants
• Saves energy, spaces, raw materials,
• Creates jobs,
• Conserves resources for future generation

Table: Products and the Potentially Hazardous Waste they generate

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Solid Waste Management

On-Site Disposal

A usual on-site disposal practice in urban locality is the mechanical grinding of galley food waste.
Garbage disposal tool can be established in the waste-water tube system at the kitchen sink, and the garbage
ground and flushed into the sewer system. This can successfully decrease the number of handling and
quickly pull out food waste. Final disposal is transferred to sewage treatment plants, where solids remaining
as sewage dirt still must be disposed of. (Anik Talukder, 2011)


Composting is a biochemical system in which natural particulars such as lawn clippings and galley
scraps decompose to a rich, soil-like material. It is a process of quick, partial decomposition of moist, solid,
organic waste by aerobic organisms. As a waste management method, comprehensive composting is usually
carried out in the managed mechanical digester system. Composting's principal drawback is the need to
discrete organic material from other waste. It is also likely to be economically beneficial even when organic
matter is obtained separately from other waste. Nevertheless, composting is an essential component of IWM
and can be used as organic soil pesticide, topsoil or landfill cover.


Cremation is another generally utilized strategy for strong waste removal. Cremation techniques
change from lawn consuming to present day, profoundly designed incinerators... The debris must be
discarded in a landfill and some cases require unique taking care of. A few incinerators exploit the warmth
they create to deliver power through cogeneration. Practically speaking, be that as it may, the real
diminishing in volume is nearer to half, as a result of support issues just as waste gracefully issues. Other
than lessening a huge volume of ignitable waste to a lot of littler volume of debris, cremation has another bit
of leeway is that the procedure of burning can be utilized to enhance different energizes and produce electric
force. Cremation of urban waste isn't a perfect procedure. It might deliver air contamination and harmful
debris. In present-day burning offices, smokestacks are fitted with extraordinary gadgets to trap
contaminations, yet the procedure of poison reduction is costly. Besides, plants themselves are costly.

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Open Dumps

Previously, strong waste was generally

aggregated in open dumps, where the reject was
accumulated without being secured or in any case
ensured. Dumps have been found any place land is
accessible, regardless of security, wellbeing risks, and
tasteful corruption. Basic locales are normal low
territories, for example, marshes or floodplains; and slope zones above or beneath towns. The waste is
regularly heaped as high as gear permits. In certain examples, the deny is touched off and permitted to
consume. In others, they deny it is occasionally leveled and compacted. Open dumps are offering a route to
the better arranged and oversaw clean landfills

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Sanitary Landfill

Landfill types go from the old¬ framed dump to significantly structured, purposely discovered
expulsion workplaces. Current landfills are expected to keep the waste and shield it from causing natural and
clinical issues in near to locales. The normal framework is to decrease the misfortune anyway much as could
sensibly be normal and periodically (ordinarily consistently) spread it with a compacted layer of soil just as
mud. This sort of evacuation site is known as a sterile landfill.

Hazardous chemical waste management

Hazardous chemical waste management is very common and important problem in the country.
Some technological advances have been made in noxious-waste management, and as land disposal becomes
more costly, the recent trend shift on-site usage is likely to continue. Hazardous substance waste may
contain materials that can be recouped for sometimes later. For instance, acids, and solvents gather

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contaminants when they are utilized in assembling forms. Hazardous concoction waste can be effectively
pulverized by high-temperature burning. Burning is viewed as a waste treatment as opposed to a removal
technique because the procedure produces debris that must be discarded in a landfill. Further developed
methods for the burning and warm decay of waste are being created. Chemical waste collected in barrels,
either surface or buried, subsequently corroded and discharged, environmentally damaging surface water ,
soil and groundwater; Liquid waste material deposited in an elasticated lake through which polluted water
flows through to the soil and rock to the groundwater level; Liquid waste material can be dumped into
landfills in abandoned areas or even on highways.

Dhaka City Corporation waste composition

Brick chips, Glass
Dust, Const. 0% Metal
13% 0%


Food/ organic

Solid Waste Management is an astounding system considering its thought of various accomplices from
waste age to the officials of particular issues that are connected with the waste organization structure. The
growing proportion of waste raises the surge of GHG. Although DCC is trying to level up the waste
management system but insufficient manpower, no proper law, lack of awareness of the people are
increasing difficulties.

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Assignment 3
o Sustainable agriculture and goals of sustainable agriculture in Bangladesh

Agriculture refers to the production of products (food, fiber, etc.) through the growth of plants,
animals, and other life forms. It is the art and science of farming. People obtain food from cultivated plants
and domesticated animals.

Historically, humans have depended on three systems for their food supply:

1. Croplands
2. Rangelands
3. Oceanic fisheries

Characteristics of Bangladeshi Agriculture:

• Cropping intensity 179% • Mainly subsistence farming

• Irrigated land 56% • Inadequate agro-processing
• Surface water:21% • Non-mechanized farming
groundwater:79% • Fragmented land/plots
• Land-man ratio: .06 ha • Dependence largely on nature

• Rapid shrinkage of agricultural land @1% per year
• Population growth @1.48% per year
• Climate change and variations
• Rapid urbanization growth @12% per year
• Agricultural research and education (manpower shortage, updating course curriculum)
• Technology generation (needs expertise, time and money)
• Technology dissemination (needs expertise, time, logistics support)
• Alternate livelihoods/rehabilitation program
• Inadequate value addition/food processing
• Rapid shrinkage of agricultural land @1% per year
• Population growth @1.48% per year
• Climate change and variations
• Rapid urbanization growth @12% per year
• Agricultural research and education (manpower shortage, updating course curriculum)
• Technology generation (needs expertise, time and money)
• Technology dissemination (needs expertise, time, logistics support)

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• Alternate livelihoods/rehabilitation program

• Inadequate value addition/food processing

Differences between the Contemporary and Sustainable Types of Agriculture

Positive Aspects of Sustainable Agriculture

• Any farmer has the affordability

• There is no need for sophisticated/imported and unique technologies
• Conservation and protecting the environment
• Safe food / healthy environment
• Preventing environmental degradation
• Rising Soil Fertility Stability and Status
• Protection is by higher disease and tolerance to pests
• Nutrient recycling,
• Soil fertility material, by sustainable recycling
• Diversity
• Interdependency
• Efficient use of natural resources
• Self-sustaining

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Elements of Sustainable Agriculture

• Soil conservation: technique of soil conservation, including contour cultivation, contour bundling,
graded bundling, vegetative barriers, cover cropping, reduced tillage, etc., which help to prevent
wind and water erosion from loss of soil.
• Crop diversity: Increased farm crop or biodiversity can help to minimize temperature, marketing
conditions, and incidences of plant disease from severe risks. Increased crop differentiation and other
plants such as trees, shrubs, and pastures may also contribute to the conservation of soil habitat and
increased populations of beneficial insects.
• Nutrient management: Integrated nutrient management will boost and preserve soil fertility, and
protect the ecosystem. Improved use of low-cost inputs such as organic manure, composts, green
manures and crop residues on the farm not only lowers production costs but also rejuvenates the
health of soils.
• Integrated Pest Management (IPM): This is a proactive approach to pest management by properly
combining available plant protection approaches such as cultural, physical, mechanical biological
and chemical processes, reducing the cost of production in addition to ensuring environmental
• Water quality & water conservation: Activities such as zero tillage, deep plowing, and mulching and
micro-irrigation techniques and mulching can help maximize water use or need in addition to long-
term soil moisture conservation and enhancement. This is also effective in preserving the drinking
water and surface water quality.
• Agroforestry: a combination of Silvi-pastoral, Agri-Silvi-Pastoral, Agri-Horticulture, Horti-Silvi
Pastoral, Alley Cultivation, Law Farming, etc. that can help preserve soil and water and make a
profit. It also leads to the supply of fuelwood, horticultural products, and rural people achieving
balanced nutrition.
• Marketing: Improved marketing facilities will provide farmers with remunerative and sustainable
returns. Direct product marketing will eliminate intermediaries and allow for higher returns and

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Soil Degradation

Physical Chemical Biological

Fertility Decline in
imbalance Organic matter
& crusting

Reduction in
Desertification Elemental Macro & Micro

Erosion & Acidificatio Toxicant

Depletion n Accumulatio

Salinization &
Water Wind Alkalization
Erosion Erosion

Figure: Land/Soil Degradation through different Processes

The basic concept underlying Integrated Nutrient Management system is the maintenance of soil
fertility, sustaining agricultural productivity and improving farmers’ profitability through judicious
and efficient use of fertilizers, organic manures and bio-fertilizers to the extent possible.

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a. Integrated Nutrient Management implies the minimum supply of nutrients from any source
which is, at the same time, sufficient to meet the requirement of the crop and maintain soil
b. Integrated Nutrient Management implies the efficient use of plant nutrients which is achieved
by following research based site specific recommendations and adopting ‘Best agricultural
practices’ and Integrated Nutrient Management recognizes the existence of natural soil
processes which make certain loses unavoidable”

Integrated Nutrient Management:

Soil fertility and soil productivity
Nutrient availability in soil
Physical, physicochemical and chemical constraints for crop production
Crop response to externally added nutrients through mineral fertilizers or organic manures or bio-
Nutrient-yield relations
Nutrient uptake ratios and their significance
Nutrient interactions in plant
Water availability and irrigation facility
Weather and environmental factors affecting productivity
Management practices

Sixteen chemical elements are too important to a plant's growth and survival and those sixteen
chemical elements are divided into two main groups: non-mineral and mineral.

Non-Mineral Nutrients are hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), & carbon (C)

Mineral nutrients: The macronutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca),
magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). Plants use these mineral nutrients in a huge amount for their growth and
survival. The micronutrients are boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), chloride (Cl), manganese (Mn),
molybdenum (Mo) and zinc (Zn). Plants use these mineral nutrients in less amounts.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a system that, in the context of prevailing environment and population
dynamics of the pest species, utilizes all appropriate techniques and methods in as compatible a manner as
possible and maintains pest populations at levels below Economic Threshold Level (ETL).

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Mechanical method of Pest Control:

Caterpillar collection by hand

Adult rhinoceros hook with iron cross
Sieving and winnowing for insect management of processed goods
Shaking plants- to kill rice caseworm and beetles from neem trees in June


• Adding water to the soil to supply the needed moisture for plant growth
• Providing crop protection against short-lived droughts
• Cooling the soil and the water, thereby making the climate more suitable for plant growth
• Clean salts or diluting them in the soil
• To-soil piping risks, and
• Tillage pans to relax

There are numerous agribusinesses in Bangladesh, and they form a large majority in the domestic
markets. Bangladesh's agro-business includes an extension from the small business to the
sophisticated agro-industrial market, using agricultural-derived raw materials. Urban middle-class
growth also represents a potentially big domestic market for processed foods. Agro-climate
conditions in Bangladesh, combined with some of the world's most fertile soils, make the growth of a
wide variety of agricultural products possible. While it is a source of pressure on the availability of
cultivable land, the large population provides an abundant source of low cost labor. A variety of
agricultural commodities grown in Bangladesh tend to have some comparative advantage, at least.
Especially encouraging is the number of entrepreneurs involved in expanding medium-scale
enterprises. Large pool of Bangladeshi agribusiness entrepreneurs appears to be missing the access to
knowledge, tools, and structures that would allow them to lead productive businesses.

Bangladesh has a long tradition of local and national business organizations but many of these
organizations were founded only in the second part of the 1990s. Many of the agriculture-related
organizations are members of the Bangladesh Association for Agribusiness Growth. Agri-business in
Bangladesh continues to be a largely untapped area for economic diversification. This has not grown
adequately, taking into consideration the opportunities in this specific region of the world. The
economy still depends largely on agriculture, while the share of the sector in the country’s GDP has
been gradually decreasing. Agri-business should work as a social enterprise, as it fulfills the three
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core elements of business, i.e. legality, social obligation and maximization of profit. Continuous
research and development should be given more emphasis so that the agri-business can be properly
managed for which supply chain management. (Rahman, 2017)

(2014). A growing trend among environmentalists is to find. Dhaka: course hero.

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