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Rainbow Formation

 Dispersion of Light by Prisms

 Rainbow Formation
 Mirages
One of nature's most splendid masterpieces is the rainbow. A rainbow is an excellent
demonstration of the dispersion of light and one more piece of evidence that visible
light is composed of a spectrum of wavelengths, each associated with a distinct color.
To view a rainbow, your back must be to the sun as you look at an approximately 40
degree angle above the ground into a region of the atmosphere with suspended
droplets of water or even a light mist. Each individual droplet of water acts as a tiny
prism that both disperses the light and reflects it back to your eye. As you sight into
the sky, wavelengths of light associated with a specific color arrive at your eye from the
collection of droplets. The net effect of the vast array of droplets is that a circular arc
of ROYGBIV is seen across the sky. But just exactly how do the droplets of water
disperse and reflect the light? And why does the pattern always appear as ROYGBIV
from top to bottom? These are the questions that we will seek to understand on this
page of The Physics Classroom Tutorial. To understand these questions, we will need
to draw upon our understanding of refraction, internal reflection and dispersion.

The Path of Light Through a Droplet

A collection of suspended water droplets in the atmosphere serves as a refractor of
light. The water represents a medium with a different optical density than the
surrounding air. Light waves refract when they cross over the boundary from one
medium to another. The decrease in speed upon entry of light into a water droplet
causes a bending of the path of light towards the normal. And upon exiting the droplet,
light speeds up and bends away from the normal. The droplet causes a deviation in the
path of light as it enters and exits the drop.
There are countless paths by which light rays from
the sun can pass through a drop. Each path is
characterized by this bending towards and away
from the normal. One path of great significance in
the discussion of rainbows is the path in which light
refracts into the droplet, internally reflects, and then
refracts out of the droplet. The diagram at the right
depicts such a path. A light ray from the sun enters
the droplet with a slight downward trajectory. Upon
refracting twice and reflecting once, the light ray is
dispersed and bent downward towards an observer
on earth's surface. Other entry locations into the droplet may result in similar paths or
even in light continuing through the droplet and out the opposite side without
significant internal reflection. But for the entry location shown in the diagram at the
right, there is an optimal concentration of light exiting the airborne droplet at an angle
towards the ground. As in the case of the refraction of light through prisms with
nonparallel sides, the refraction of light at two boundaries of the droplet results in the
dispersion of light into a spectrum of colors. The shorter wavelength blue and violet
light refract a slightly greater amount than the longer wavelength red light. Since the
boundaries are not parallel to each other, the double refraction results in a distinct
separation of the sunlight into its component colors.
The angle of deviation between the incoming light
rays from the sun and the refracted rays directed to
the observer's eyes is approximately 42 degrees for
the red light. Because of the tendency of shorter
wavelength blue light to refract more than red light,
its angle of deviation from the original sun rays is
approximately 40 degrees. As shown in the
diagram, the red light refracts out of the droplet at
a steeper angle toward an observer on the ground.
There are a multitude of paths by which the original ray can pass through a droplet and
subsequently angle towards the ground. Some of the paths are dependent upon which
part of the droplet the incident rays contact. Other paths are dependent upon the
location of the sun in the sky and the subsequent trajectory of the incoming rays
towards the droplet. Yet the greatest concentration of outgoing rays is found at these
40-42 degree angles of deviation. At these angles, the dispersed light is bright enough
to result in a rainbow display in the sky. Now that we understand the path of light
through an individual droplet, we can approach the topic of how the rainbow forms.

The Formation of the Rainbow

A rainbow is most often viewed as a circular arc in the sky. An observer on the ground
observes a half-circle of color with red being the color perceived on the outside or top
of the bow. Those who are fortunate enough to have seen a rainbow from an airplane
in the sky may know that a rainbow can actually be a complete circle. Observers on the
ground only view the top half of the circle since the bottom half of the circular arc is
prevented by the presence of the ground (and the rather obvious fact that suspended
water droplets aren't present below ground). Yet observers in an airborne plane can
often look both upward and downward to view the complete circular bow.
The circle (or half-circle) results because there are a collection of suspended droplets in
the atmosphere that are capable concentrating the dispersed light at angles of
deviation of 40-42 degrees relative to the original path of light from the sun. These
droplets actually form a circular arc, with each droplet within the arc dispersing light
and reflecting it back towards the observer. Every droplet within the arc is refracting
and dispersing the entire visible light spectrum (ROYGBIV). As described above, the red
light is refracted out of a droplet at steeper angles towards the ground than the blue
light. Thus, when an observer sights at a steeper angle with respect to the ground,
droplets of water within this line of sight are refracting the red light to the observer's
eye. The blue light from these same droplets is directed at a less steep angle and is
directed along a trajectory that passes over the observer's head. Thus, it is the red
light that is seen when looking at the steeper angles relative to the ground. Similarly,
when sighting at less steep angles, droplets of water within this line of sight are
directing blue light to the observer's eye while the red light is directed downwards at a
more steep angle towards the observer's feet. This discussion explains why it is the red
light that is observed at the top and on the outer perimeter of a rainbow and the blue
light that is observed on the bottom and the inner perimeter of the rainbow.

Rainbows are not limited to the dispersion of light by raindrops. The splashing of water
at the base of a waterfall caused a mist of water in the air that often results in the
formation of rainbows. A backyard water sprinkler is another common source of a
rainbow. Bright sunlight, suspended droplets of water and the proper angle of sighting
are the three necessary components for viewing one of nature's most splendid

Rainbows: Refraction of the Seven Colors of the Spectrum

A rainbow has seven colors because water droplets in the atmosphere break sunlight into seven colors. A prism
similarly divides light into seven colors. When light leaves one medium and enters another, the light changes its
propagation direction and bends. This is called refraction. However, because of differences of refractive index, this
refraction angle varies for each color or according to the wavelength of the light. This change of the angle of
refraction, or refractive index, in accordance with the wavelength of light is called dispersion. In conventional media,
the shorter the wavelength (or the bluer the light), the larger the refractive index.
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Refraction Depends on Light's Color and the Medium

The angle of refraction depends on the speed at which light travels through a medium. People have noticed the
phenomenon of refraction throughout history. But the first to discover the law of refraction was Willebrord Snell
(1580-1626), a Dutch mathematician. The refractive index of water to the orange sodium-vapor light emitted by
streetlamps on highways is 1.33. The refractive index of water to violet, which has a short wavelength, is nearly 1.34.
To red light, which has a long wavelength, the refractive index of water is almost 1.32.
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Water Droplets Reflect Refracted Light

Sunlight hitting a water droplet (sphere) in the atmosphere will be refracted on the surface of the droplet, and enters
the droplet. When the refraction process occurs, the light breaks up into seven colors inside the water droplet, and is
next reflected at the other surface of the droplet after traveling inside it. Note that in reflection the angle of reflection
is the same as the angle of incidence, which means that reflected light travels in a predetermined path while
maintaining the difference of angle of refraction. The light is refracted again when it exits the droplet, further
emphasizing the dispersion. The primary reflection of a main rainbow and the secondary reflection from a slightly
darker auxiliary rainbow disperse the light into the seven colors our eyes see.
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The Visible Angles of Rainbows Are Predetermined

You can see rainbows when the sun is located right behind you. The main rainbow becomes visible at an angle of
around 40" from the horizon. You can see the auxiliary rainbow at about 53". The orders of the colors reflected from
the water droplets in the main rainbow and in the auxiliary rainbow are reversed, as shown in the illustration.

Article: How do rainbows form?Print

Rainbows happen when sunlight and rain combine

in a very specific way. The beams of sunlight separate into the colors we see in the rainbow as they
enter a raindrop. Sunlight is actually made up of different colors that we don’t usually see. When a
beam of sunlight comes down to Earth, the light is white. But, if the light beam happens to hit
raindrops on the way down at a certain angle, the different colors that make up the beam separate
so that we can see them — in the form of a rainbow.

The angle for each color of a rainbow is different, because the colors slow down at different speeds
when they enter the raindrop. The light exits the raindrop in one color, depending on the angle it
came in, so we see only one color coming from each raindrop. Light at different angles coming
through many raindrops form the rainbow that we see, in stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo and violet.
How Rainbows Form 
Steps Involved  

Figure 1:  
Basic diagram
formation of

Angles not to

The formation of
a rainbow
involves a series
of physical
phenomena -
dispersion and
total internal
The occurence of
Copyright 1999 Rebecca McDowell. each of these is
due to the
interaction of
light with air and
water and the
between them.   

Enlarged view of

The Steps Involed in the Process

Figure 2:  Ray digram - light through raindrop

1.  Light from Sun strikes raindrop   

2.  Some of the light is reflected   
3.  The rest of the light is refracted   
4.  Light splits into component colours   
5.  Reflected at rear of raindrop (TIR)   
6.  Refracted again as it leaves raindrop  
7.  Colours are further dispersed 

Click on the links above for more detail on

ech step.

Copyright 1999 Rebecca McDowell.


1. Light from sun strikes raindrop.

White light from the Sun has to hit the raindrops at a certain angle before a rainbow
is possible. It is best if the sun is fairly low in the sky such as dawn and late
afternoon. The angle is important as it effect the direct the light travels after it hits
the raindrops and that determines whether or not we will see a rainbow. 

2. Some of the light is reflected.

It is possible to see through a glass window but, at the same time, see your own
reflection. This is because the window both transmits and reflects light. Water can
do this too - that is why you can see a reflection in a pool of clean water and also
see the bottom.

When light from the sun hits a water droplet, some of the light is reflected. This light
will obey the Law of Reflection. 
3. The rest of the light is refracted.
The light that is not refracted crosses the air-water interface (boundary layer).
When this happens it slows down because the water is more dense than the air.
The reduction of speed cause the path of the light to bend - this is called refraction. In
this case the path of the light rays bends toward the normal line. 

4. White light splits into component colours.

White light is made up of a spectrum of colours, each with its own wavelength.
Different wavelengths travel at different speeds and when they encounter a change
to medium that is more dense or less dense, the speeds are efected by different
amounts. Hence, the colours separate. This phenomenon is know as Dispersion. 

5. Light is reflected at rear of raindrop (TIR).

At the rear of the raindrop, the light hits the water-to-air interface. If the angle of
incidence is greater than the critical angle, Total Internal Reflection will occur. A rainbow
will only be seen if this happens, otherwise the light will continue out the other side
of the raindrop and continue to move away from the would-be viewer. 

6. Light is refracted again as it leaves raindrop.

Just as the light changed speed as it entered the raindrop, its speed changes again
as it leaves. Here, the light is moving from a more dense medium (water) to a less
dense medium (air). As it does so, it speeds up and its path bends. In this case the
path of the light rays bends away from  the normal line. This is another example
of refraction.

7. Colours are further dispersed.

As the rays are refracted once again, the various wavelengths are effected to
different extents. The overall result of this is increased separation of the
component colours of white light. This is Dispersion.

Social > How do rainbows form?

How do rainbows form?

04 March 2016
Rainbows have appeared in art and legend throughout history and continue to
amaze when they appear in splendid arcs across the sky. But what’s the science
behind these dazzling displays? And is it possible to find the end of the rainbow?
Why do rainbows occur?
Rainbows are optical phenomena that occur when sunlight and rain combine in a specific
When white sunlight enters a raindrop, it changes direction (refracts) at the boundary of the
raindrop. As different wavelengths within the sunlight refract at slightly different angles, the
colours spread out and separate. Some of the light bounces off the back of the raindrop
(reflection) and as this light comes back out of the raindrop it refracts again, spreading the
colours out further.

Sunlight refracting and reflecting through a raindrop

When an observer looks away from the sun and towards rain, there is an arc of the sky in
which the angle between the sun, raindrops and the observer is 42°. The observer will see
just the red light reflected from raindrops in that arc. From raindrops a little lower in the sky,
where the angle is 41°, you see just green light reflected; and from drops lower again (40°)
you see violet light reflected.

What are the best conditions to see a rainbow?

Bright sunlight, suspended droplets of water (rain, spray or fog), and the right angle of the
sun are essential conditions to see a rainbow. For rainbows to be visible in the sky, the sun
must be behind the observer, at 42° elevation or lower. As such, rainbows are more likely
to be seen towards the end of the day when the sun is lower in the sky.
As well as traditional sightings in the sky, rainbows may also be seen in the mist of water
around a waterfall, backyard water sprinkler, or hose.

Can you get multiple rainbows?

Multiple rainbows are possible but they’re less common. Double, triple, or even quadruple
rainbows can occur when sunlight is reflected more than once inside a water droplet—
exiting the drops at steeper angles, so visible higher in the sky. However, the non-primary
rainbow(s) will be dimmer, as energy is lost as light bounces around inside water droplets.
These stunning displays of colour are widely shared in the news and on social media.
Double rainbow, Sydney, 17 June 2015. Photos courtesy of Bureau of Meteorology

So where’s the end of the rainbow?

Rainbows are optical phenomena—there’s nothing to find or catch at the end. As you
move, your view of the sky changes relative to the sun. A rainbow will either appear to
move with you, as you start to see colours reflected from rain in another part of the sky, or
disappear if there’s no rain there or not enough sunlight reaching it.

Rainbow is a natural phenomenon that is so impressive. This phenomenon often appears after rain.
Rainbow is an arc spectrum which is so large and occurs because the drops are refracted by
sunlight. When the sun is shining and the light passing through water droplets, then you will see a
refraction that causes a wide variety of colors. Light is refracted like light passing through a glass

Other names of the rainbow is a rainbow which is a symptom of optical and meteorological
phenomenon in which light with different colors refracted parallel to each other into water droplets.
You can also see this phenomenon under the very high and heavy waterfall.

How does rainbow happen in detail? All the happenings begin when the sunlight passing through
the raindrops. Then the light is deflected to the center of the droplet. The white light, now separated
from each other into a spectrum of colors. The process does not stop there. The colors that have
been separated, then separate again into the very small portions. There is more light separated
from each other in the droplets. Then there are more curved and finally those color form a light
curve called a rainbow.
Baca juga:  3 Contoh Diary Bahasa Inggris Tentang Cinta dan Kehidupan Sehari Hari

Can we make a rainbow? Of course. There are at least two ways that you can do to make a
rainbow. First, you can use a spray containing water. We know that rainbows occur when sunlight
passing through the raindrops. So, we make our own rain droplets from the water spray. In the
morning or afternoon, spray water under the sun, then see the water droplets flying. Spray lots of
water and you will see a small rainbow that you can touch easily.

Second, use pieces of video discs then reflected to the light of the sun, and navigate to the wall or
ceiling of your house. On the ceiling or the wall, you will see a colorful light that have the same color
with the rainbow.
Rainbow is one of the optical phenomenon that occurs naturally in the earth’s atmosphere.
Physically, the colors commonly identified from the wavelengths. For example, the red color has
a wavelength of about 625-740 nm, and blue around 435-500 nm. Set of colors that are
expressed in wavelengths (usually symbolized by λ) is called the color spectrum. These colors
are components of white light called visible light (visible light) or
waves appear. Other components are not visible light (invisible light),
such as infrared (on the right in red) and ultraviolet (on the left
orange). White light that we usually see (also called visible light or
visible light) consists of all components of the colors in the spectrum
above – of course there are other components that are not visible, so-
called invisible light.

The simplest tool that is often used to decipher the white color is a
glass prism. A glass prism decompose white light coming into components of light. The prism of
this nature not only can decipher light. Besides. Water droplets of rain is one example of the
items available in nature that could decompose white light. When a beam of white light on a
drop of water, these water droplets behave like a prism. He described the white light was so
created the colors of the rainbow. A drop of water
behave like prisms when receiving a beam of white
light. Light is partially reflected towards the observer,
some are forwarded. The colors in the rainbow-like
blocks wide because we only see one color to the water
droplets. Described sunlight by water droplets A only
up to our eyes in the red color wavelength. Meanwhile,
water droplets and provides a wavelength purple.
Droplets of which give each one wavelength on our
eyes. So in the end the viewer see a complete rainbow

Rainbow usually occurs when rain or drizzle after heavy rain

stopped. After the heavy rain stopped, the air filled with the
vapors of water. Moreover, the rainbow can be created in a
puddle of oil. Sometimes in certain circumstances, a beam of
white light enveloped by a rainbow. Rainbow can occur
anytime and anywhere in the home involves three well as the
nature of light, the reflection (reflection), refraction
(refraction), and diffraction.

We can only see a maximum of a half circle rainbow. To see the full rainbow of the circle, then
we must stand on higher ground.

The illustrations in the picture above shows that the circular rainbow. It is true that the rainbow
circle, instead of a parabola as some people. On the ground, we only see a maximum of a half
circle rainbow. If we stand on the rain, for example, on an airplane, then we could see a rainbow
circle intact. This is all caused by the optical geometry in the process of decomposition of color.
With this optical geometry also we can explain the straight line that passes through our eyes and
the sun also passes through the center point of the circle rainbow. Because rainbow created
involving distance observer with water droplets, then the rainbow always move to follow the
movement of the observer. It makes our distance with rainbow constant (same), in other words
we could never approach the rainbow.
Contoh Explanation Text About Rainbow Beserta Artinya Terlengkap

Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Pelangi adalah salah satu fenomena optik yang terjadi secara alamiah dalam atmosfir bumi. Dalam fisika,
warna-warna lazim diidentifikasikan dari panjang gelombang. Misalnya, warna merah memiliki panjang
gelombang sekitar 625 – 740 nm, dan biru sekitar 435 – 500 nm. Kumpulan warna-warna yang dinyatakan
dalam panjang gelombang (biasa disimbolkan dengan λ) ini disebut spektrum warna. Warna-warna ini adalah
komponen dari cahaya putih yang disebut cahaya tampak (visible light) atau gelombang tampak. Komponen
lainnya adalah cahaya yang tidak tampak (invisible light), seperti inframerah (di sebelah kanan warna merah)
dan ultraviolet (di sebelah kiri jingga). Sinar putih yang biasa kita lihat (disebut juga cahaya tampak atau
visible light) terdiri dari semua komponen warna dalam spektrum di atas – tentu saja ada komponen lain yang
tidak terlihat, disebut invisible light.

Alat paling sederhana yang sering dipakai untuk menguraikan warna putih adalah prisma kaca. Sebuah prisma
kaca menguraikan cahaya putih yang datang menjadi komponen-komponen cahayanya. Di alam ini tidak
hanya prisma yang bisa menguraikan cahaya. Selain itu. tetesan air dari air hujan adalah salah satu contoh
benda yang tersedia di alam yang bisa menguraikan cahaya putih. Ketika seberkas cahaya putih mengenai
setetes air, tetesan air ini berprilaku seperti prisma. Dia menguraikan sinar putih tadi sehingga terciptalah
warna-warna pelangi. Setetes air berprilaku seperti prisma ketika menerima seberkas cahaya putih. Cahaya
tersebut sebagian dipantulkan ke arah pengamat, sebagian lagi diteruskan. Warna dalam pelangi seperti blok-
blok yang lebar dikarenakan kita hanya melihat satu warna untuk satu tetesan air. Cahaya matahari yang
diuraikan oleh tetesan air A hanya sampai ke mata kita pada panjang gelombang warna merah. Sementara itu,
tetesan air B memberikan panjang gelombang warna ungu. Tetesan-tetesan air di antaranya memberikan
masing-masing satu panjang gelombang pada mata kita. Sehingga pada akhirnya si pengamat melihat pelangi
dengan warna yang lengkap.

Pelangi biasanya terjadi saat hujan gerimis atau setelah hujan lebat berhenti. Setelah hujan lebat berhenti,
udara dipenuhi oleh uap-uap air. Selain itu, pelangi bisa tercipta pada genangan minyak. Terkadang pada
kondisi tertentu, seberkas cahaya putih diselimuti oleh pelangi. Pelangi bisa terjadi kapan dan di mana saja
asal melibatkan tiga sekaligus sifat cahaya, yaitu refleksi (pemantulan), refraksi (pembiasan), dan difraksi.

Kita hanya bisa melihat pelangi maksimal setengah lingkaran. Untuk melihat pelangi utuh satu lingkaran,
maka kita harus berdiri di tempat yang lebih tinggi.

Ilustrasi pada gambar diatas memperlihatkan bahwa pelangi berbentuk lingkaran. Ini adalah benar bahwa
pelangi berbentuk lingkaran, bukan parabola seperti anggapan beberapa orang. Di tanah, kita hanya melihat
maksimal pelangi setengah lingkaran. Kalau kita berdiri di atas hujan, misalnya di pesawat terbang, maka kita
bisa melihat pelangi satu lingkaran utuh. Ini semua disebabkan oleh geometri optik dalam proses penguraian
warna. Dengan geometri optik ini juga kita bisa menjelaskan garis lurus yang melewati mata kita dan matahari
juga melewati titik pusat lingkaran pelangi. Karena pelangi tercipta melibatkan jarak pengamat dengan tetesan
air, maka pelangi selalu bergerak mengikuti pergerakan pengamat. Ini membuat jarak kita dengan pelangi
konstan (sama), dengan kata lain kita tidak pernah bisa mendekati pelangi.
One of life impressive phenomenon and often we meet is rainbow. The rainbow phenomenon often
occurs after the rain stops. Rainbow consists of a big bow spectrum and happens from   water droplets
which reflacted parallel cause of light of the sun. When the sun light shines and passes the water
droplets, we can see a lot of colors bercause of this reflacted parallel. The light passes and reflacts like a
light passes through a prism mirror.

Rainbow or often called as Bianglala  is an optical phenomenon in the world of meteorology . Rainbow is
a light with a lot of colors. These colors are reflacted parallel into the droplets. We can see the rainbow
on the heavy and high waterfall.

How does the rainbow work? all the occurings start when the sun light run through the water droplets.
Then, the sun light is deflected into the center of the water droplets. Before that, The light  has white
colors, now the are separated dan changed into spectrum colors. The process does not stopped until
here. The separatd colors then separated again one by one from on the water droplets. Then, the light
tunrs into curve and now we can see and called it as rainbow.

Can we make a rainbow? Of course we can. There are two steps at least that we can do to make a
rainbow. First, we can use water which spraying. We have been known that rainbow happens during the
sun light run through the droplets water of rain. When morning or evening, spray the water under the sun
light, then see  the droplets water which is flying. Spraying the waters and we can see a small rainbow
and can we touch.

Second, using the disc which has function to pointthe sun light to the wall or ceiling of our house. Then
see the wall or ceiling, we will see the colorful light which have colors like rainbow.

That's the explanation about the meaning of rainbow, how does it works, and how can we make a
rainbow by our hands.

Artinya explanation text about rainbow

Salah satu fenomena alam yang begitu mengesankan dan sering kita temui adalah pelangi. Fenomena
pelangi ini sering muncul pasca hujan berhenti. Pelangi terdiri dari sebuah busur spektrum yang sangat
besar dan terjadi karena butir-butir air yang dibiaskan oleh cahaya matahari. Pada saat cahaya matahari
tersebut bersinar dan melewati butiran air, maka kita dapat melihat berbagai macam warna yang
disebabkan oleh pembiasan cahaya tersebut. Cahaya tersebut masuk dan membias layaknya sebuah
cahaya yang bergerak melewati suatu kaca berbentuk prisma.

Pelangi atau yang sering disebut sebagai bianglala adalah suatu gejala optik serta fenomena di dunia
meteorologi. Pelangi ialah cahaya dengan aneka warna yang berbeda. Warna tersebut saling sejajar
membias ke butiran air. Kita juga dapat melihat pelangi pada suatu air terjun yang sangat deras dan

Bagaimana pelangi bisa terjadi? Semua kejadian dimulai ketika cahaya matahari melewati tetesan hujan.
Kemudian cahaya itu diarahkan ke bagian tengah dari tetesan air tersebut. Cahaya yang sebelumnya
memiliki warna putih, kini terpisah dan berubah menjadi sebuah warna spektrum. Prosesnya tidak
berhenti hanya sampai disini saja. Warna-warna yang telah terpisah, kemudian terpisah kembali hingga
menjadi partikel partikel yang sangat kecil. Ada lebih banyak cahaya yang terpisah antara satu dengan
lainnya di tetesan-tetesan tersebut. Lama kelamaan, cahaya tersebut semakin melengkung dan
membentuk suatu kurva yang sekarang dapat kita lihat dan kita sebut dengan pelangi.

Apakah kita bisa membuat pelangi sendiri? Tentu saja bisa. Setidaknya ada dua cara yang bisa Anda
lakukan untuk membuat sebuah pelangi. Pertama, Anda bisa memakai semprotan air. Kita sudah tahu
bahwa pelangi terjadi pada saat cahaya matahari melewati tetesan hujan. Jadi, kita dapat mengganti
tetesan hujan dengan semprotan air tersebut. Pada pagi atau sore, semprotkan air di bagian bawah sinar
matahari, lalu lihat tetesan air yang sedang terbang. Semprotkan banyak air dan kita akan melihat
sebuah pelangi kecil dan bisa kamu sentuh.

Kedua, pakai kepingan video disc yang berfungsi mengarahkan cahaya matahari ke dinding atau plafon
rumah kita. Lalu lihat di dinding atau plafon, Kita akan melihat warna-warni cahaya yang mempunyai
warna mirip dengan pelangi.
How the Rainbow is Formed ?

A rainbow is the one of example common natural phenomenon happened in the sky. A rainbow is a electromagnetic
waves that can we see. On the other hand natural phenomenon are wonderful events that happen on the earth.
Natural phenomenon caused by many factors. A rainbow caused by many factors like sunlight, drops of water,
refraction etc. A rainbow appeared as beautiful scene that is so impressive in the sky. It is usually appeared after
raining together with sun shining. The form of rainbow like arc which so large, consisting of many colors as painting
in the sky. A wonderful painting in the sky.

In addition, rainbow is formed because refraction of sunlight by drops of water in the atmosphere. However, related
with physics course a rainbow can be described as an even natural refraction. Refraction is a process it describes a
specific color (monochromatic) into become some other color (polichromatic) through a particular medium called
spectrum. The process of rainbow is formed begin when sunlight through a rain drops and then are refracted into the
middle of the rain drops. And  then separated colors are bounching behind drops of rain and more separated when
leaving. In a rainbow of color formation process occurs when white light become spectrum of color through rain
drops. As for the spectrum in rainbow that occurs consisting of 7 colors there are red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
blue dye, and violet  colors. The different colors caused by electromagnetic waves especially wavelength of colors.
The colors of red more than dominant from other colors because the red color  has the greatest wavelength 780-622
nm and has low frequency 384-482 Hz, as a contrast the violet color has smallest wavelength 455-390 nm and has
high frequency 659-769 Hz. So, with the different wavelength can affect a colors of rainbow.

In conclusion, rainbow happened because many factors and appeared in big arc with many colors. Rainbow is the
one of beautiful scene as we can see in the sky, it is likes a painting of God in the earth. It is a wonderful

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