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A letter on what would i advice to my younger self

Hi jessa, i bet you are on the street playing with your neighbours right now, I can still
remember those days so clearly. From what I recall, you used to have your secret clap signal
with your friends when they want to call you, you play traditional filipino games like patentero,
tumbang preso, tagu-taguan, "pulis dungab", chinese garter, or you just hang outside your house
with your neighbours and just talk about random stuff til evening, and not to care much about
how you look or act. Its so nice to reminisce those days. I know you are having the best time
right now, how I wish to go back to that time. What im trying to say is, time will come where
children like your age right now won't find those games or moments fun anymore. Maybe you
won't realize or understand it now but trust me when I say to enjoy your chance to get to play
and have the best time with your friends because you would not know how things will change
and be gone real quickly.
In my generation today not so plenty of children are playing on the streets anymore, with
the world becoming more industrialized due to globalization, or simply saying that in my time
now there are a lot of advance technologies, that children prefer rather than actually playing
outside in the real world. People are so into social media that open their minds to a lot of things,
from how to dress, to talk, also their perceptions are sometimes influenced as well from what
they see in the internet. When communicating you can just message or video chat each other on
the phone, and not physically. Im not saying that things are bad here in the future, there are still
good things that globalization has brought to us, like making the world smaller and closer to
each other.
Just remember that no matter how overwhelming the products of globalization, always stick
to your roots and discipline yourself. Have fun their, don't grow up so fast. See you

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