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Unit 2:

Structure and Properties of

Chapter 3: Atoms
3.1 Early Atomic Theories and

the Origins of Quantum Theory

Early Greek Theories
• 400 B.C. - Democritus thought matter
consisted of minute, indivisble particles
with different characteristics.


earth air
• 350 B.C - Aristotle modified an earlier
theory that matter was made of four
“elements”: earth, fire, water, air.
• Aristotle was wrong. However, his theory
persisted for 2000 years.
John Dalton
• 1808 -Dalton proposed a modern atomic model
based on experimentation not on pure reason.
• All matter is made of atoms.
• Atoms of an element are identical.
• Each element has different atoms.
• Atoms of different elements combine
in constant ratios to form compounds.
• Atoms are rearranged in reactions.
• His ideas account for the law of conservation of
mass (atoms are neither created nor destroyed)
and the law of constant composition (elements
combine in fixed ratios).
J.J. Thomson
• Discovered the electron (1897) during his work
on cathode rays and Crookes tubes.
• Cathode rays travel more slowly than light so cannot be
part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
• Concluded that a cathode ray is actually a stream of
electrons the atom is indivisible; sub-atomic particles.
• “Plum pudding” model of the atom – cloud of +ve charge
punctuated throughout with electrons.
• In 1899, he measured the charge on an electron and
calculated its mass.
• Won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1906.
Ernest Rutherford
• Rutherford shot alpha () particles at gold foil.
Zinc sulfide screen Thin gold foil
Lead block
substance path of invisible -particles
• Most particles passed through but some
positive -particles deflected or bounced
• He concluded that atoms:
❖are mostly empty space.
❖contain a dense, positively charged
centre or nucleus.
• Received the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry in 1908.

• ‘The atoms of the • ‘It was quite the most incredible event
elements consist of that has ever happened to me in my
a number of life. It was almost as incredible as if
negatively you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of
electrified tissue paper and it came back and hit
corpuscles you. On consideration, I realized that
enclosed in a this scattering backward must be the
sphere of uniform result of a single collision . . . It was
positive then that I had the idea of an atom with
electrifications.’ a minute massive centre, carrying a
• J.J. Thomson, charge.’
1904 • Ernest Rutherford
James Chadwick
• Experimented with the
disintegration of Beryllium
atoms by -particles.
• He concluded there must be a
new type of subatomic particle
– one that had no charge,
which he called the neutron.
• Helped explain the existence
of isotopes.
• Won the Nobel Prize for
Physics in 1935.
Atoms and Isotopes
• Isotopes – atoms with the same number of
protons but different numbers of neutrons.
• Atomic Number (Z) - the number of protons
in the atom.
• Mass Number (A) - sum of the number of
protons and neutrons (A = Z + N)
Element Symbols

Charge ofparticle
Number +ve cations
-ve anions

Atomic The Element

Isotopes of Carbon
• In 1873, James Maxwell explained
how both electric and magnetic fields
arise from the same electromagnetic
• He also determined that the wave of
undulating electromagnetic fields
travel at the speed of light.
• Light is an electromagnetic wave
composed of continuous
wavelengths that form a spectrum.
• Electromagnetism is one of the 4
fundamental forces that keep the
universe in order (gravity, inter and James Maxwell
intramolecular forces).
Radio Waves
• Although Maxwell predicted the
existence of radio waves, it was
Heinrich Hertz who generated
electromagnetic waves in the
lab using an induction coil.
• Hertz also discovered that radio
waves could be transmitted
through some materials but
bounced off others – a quality Heinrich Hertz
that would later lead to the
development of radar.
Max Planck: Black-body radiation and energy quanta
➢ “Black-body” absorbs all of the radiation that
falls on to it.
➢ The colour of the radiated light depends
entirely on the temperature and not on the
material of the body.
➢ Planck stated that energy is released in
“bursts” or packets of wave that he called a
quantum (quanta plural).
➢ The energy released can be calculated:
E = hf
h = Planck’s constant
(given - 6.626 × 10-34 m2kg/s)
Max Planck – f = frequency
won the 1918 ➢ Light has both wave (frequency) and particle
Nobel Prize for (energy) properties.
Physics ➢ This release of energy produces emission
spectra with each element having a unique
line spectrum.
Photoelectric Effect
• Becquerel observed that blue and
UV light shone on certain metals
can produce and electric current.
• Einstein borrowed Planck’s idea of
quanta and used it to describe
little packets of light energy, later
called photons.
• The amount of energy a photon
represents depends on the
wavelength of the light.
• Photons of blue light have enough
energy to knock out and free an
electron; red light does not.
• Einstein won the Nobel Prize for
Physics in1921.
3.2 Bohr’s Model of the Atom
Problems with Rutherford’s Model:
1. Did not explain why like charges (positive protons
within nucleus) don’t repel each other (Chadwick’s
discovery of the neutron resolved this).
2. When a charged particle accelerates, it emits
photons, therefore, losing energy. If an electron
loses energy why doesn’t the atom collapse on
itself as the negatively charged electrons are
pulled into the positively charged nucleus?
Bohr’s model of the atom
• Neils Bohr used Rutherford’s
atomic model but suggested that
electrons are restricted to particular
• These orbits are circular and fixed
Won the Nobel Prize (planetary model) and could
for Physics in 1922 accommodate a fixed number of
• Bohr also suggested that electrons
are incapable of constantly emitting
• Finally, Bohr believed that
electrons could jump between
orbits, releasing or absorbing a
specific quantum of energy.
Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen
• According to Bohr’s model, the single electron of the hydrogen
atom can exist in a limited number of orbits or energy levels.
• When the hydrogen atom absorbs a photon of light the electron
jumps to a higher energy level (quantum jump); the level
depends on the energy contained in the photon.
• The amount of energy (wavelength) absorbed or released is
determined by the orbit.
Line Spectrum of Hydrogen
An electron emits a photon of light as it falls from a
higher energy level to a lower energy level.
For hydrogen:
➢ Sixth to second energy level emits violet light.
➢ Fifth to second emits indigo light.
➢ Fourth to second emits green light.
➢ Third to second emits red light.
Atomic Spectrum
• An emission spectrum is the spectrum of emr
emitted by an atom when the substance is passed
through a spectrometer.
• A continuous spectrum contains every wavelength
in a specific region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
• A line spectrum contains only those wavelengths
characteristic of a specific element; unique to each
Successes and Failures of the Bohr Model
• Bohr’s model of the atom was consistent with
observed chemical and physical properties.
• His electron energies for the hydrogen atom
were consistent with values obtained by
• Unfortunately electron energies for all the
remaining elements using Bohr’s model of the
atom were inconsistent with the observed data.
• Bohr’s model included the quantization of
energy in atoms and paved the way for the
theorists that followed.
• Read 3.1 Early Atomic Theories and the
Origins of Quantum Theory (p.134-141).
• Complete 3.1 Review (p.142) # 2, 3, 7
• Read 3.2 Bohr’s Model of the Atom
• Complete 3.2 Review (p.147) # 1-3, 6, 9,
3.3 The Quantum Mechanical Model
of the Atom

Bohr Model of the Atom vs. Quantum Model

Particles and waves: The central mystery
of quantum mechanics - Chad Orzel
Wave Mechanics
Wave mechanism:
➢ By the early 1920’s, it was standard
knowledge that light had dual properties;
it could behave as a continuous
electromagnetic wave or as a particle
➢ Louis de Broglie (1923), a French physics
PhD student, theorized that “if there is
particle-like aspect to light there must
also be a wavelike aspect to matter.”
➢ He suggested that electrons were pilot
waves moving around the orbits they
• Awarded Nobel ➢ He also developed an equation that
Prize for Physics
(1937) along with enabled him to calculate the wavelength
George Thomson, associated with any object.
son of JJ Thomson ➢ de Broglie’s work showed that wave-
particle duality applies to all matter.
Schrödinger’s Standing Wave
➢ In 1926, Austrian physicist, Erwin
Schrödinger used mathematics and
statistics to combine de Broglie’s idea
of matter waves and Einstein’s idea
of quantized energy particles
(photons); electron-as-wave model.
Awarded Nobel ➢ The electron is a circular standing
Prize for Physics wave around the nucleus that
consists of whole number ‘allowable’
➢ Schrödinger equation is a ‘wave
function’ that expresses the likelihood
of the wave/particle being in a
particular place; replaced Bohr’s
certainty with probability.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
➢ In 1927, a German physicist, Werner
Heisenberg used his own
mathematical model of the electron
but favoured its particle-like properties
as it made quantum leaps between
➢ Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
asserts that it is impossible to know
both the precise momentum and
position of a particle; the act of
observing a particle’s position makes
its speed less certain.
• Awarded Nobel ➢ Instead, we can only state the
Prize for Physics probability of an electron being found
in a certain location.
➢ “The path comes into existence only
when we observe it.”
Orbitals and Probability Distributions
• An orbital is a region of space around the nucleus
where there is a high probability of locating an
• An orbital is not a Bohr orbit – the electron does not
move around the nucleus in a circle.
• Relative probability is indicated by a series of dots,
the electron cloud.
• If an electron is in a particular orbital,
you know about its energy - but
there is no way of knowing how it is
moving around within that orbital.
Electron Probability Plot
• Electron probability
density/distribution is the
probability (90- 95%) of
finding an electron at a
given location.
• It is derived using wave
• Used to determine the
shapes of orbitals.
• Your plot will be for the 1s
orbital (spherical) of the
hydrogen atom.
Electron Probability Plot

• Working with a partner, complete the

Electron Probability Activity.
• Read the directions of the activity
• Complete the electron probability plot and
answer the questions (Friday’s
Competing Quantum Theories
Heisenberg Schrödinger

➢ Electron as a ➢ Electron as a wave.

particle. ➢ Partial differential
➢ Matrix mechanics. equations.
➢ Nucleus surrounded ➢ Nucleus surrounded
by an electron cloud. by an electron cloud.
Copenhagen Interpretation
• Atomic particles or photons can act as a wave and
a particle simultaneously but only appear as one or
the other when we take measurements.
• At the point when the measurement is made and
the wave-ness or particle-ness is determined, the
wave function collapses.
Schrödinger and the Copenhagen Interpretation
• Schrödinger’s
Cat: thought
experiment to
show the
absurdity of the
cat being both
dead and alive
until we look in
the box.
• Believed the
Interpretation of
the atom was
1927 Solvay Congress
Classical vs New Age Physics

• “At the moment,”

Pauli still remarked in
the spring of 1925,
“physics is again very
muddled; in any case,
it is far too difficult for
me, and I wish I were
a movie comedian or
something of the sort
and had never heard
of physics.”
Orbitals versus Orbits


2 electrons 2n2 electrons

three dimensional two dimensional

distance from nucleus distance from nucleus

varies is fixed
no set path path is elliptical or
The Importance of Quantum Theory
▪ Read 3.3 The Quantum Mechanical Model of the
Atom (p.148-151)
▪ Complete 3.3 Review (p.152) #1, 6
3.4 Quantum Numbers
Shells and Subshells
• Each orbital has a set of four quantum
numbers which describes the properties of
the orbital.
• Each element has a unique set of quantum
• Shells are energy levels within the atom.
• Subshells exist within each shell/orbital and
provide information about the shape and
energies of the orbital.
The Principal Quantum Number (n)
• Devised by Niels Bohr.
• n ranges from 1 to ∞ (current Periodic Table n
ranges from 1 to 7).
• Describes the size and energy of an atomic orbital.
• As n increases, the energy required increases and
the electron is farther from the nucleus.
The Secondary (Angular) Quantum Number (l)
• Arnold Sommerfeld (1914-1915) realized that two
more equations were needed to properly describe
how electrons behaved.
• l ranges from 0 to n - 1, in whole number increments.
• Describes of the shape and energy of an atomic
• Each value of l is associated with a letter:
• 0 = s, 1 = p, 2 = d, 3 = f
• Normally, we don’t talk about electrons beyond l = 3
(the f subshell – lanthanide and actinide series).
• We often identify electrons by shell and subshell: e.g.
1s, 3d, 2s, and 5d subshell.
Q - What are the possible values of l when n=6?
A - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
l : The secondary quantum number
• If n can be thought of as shells, l can be
thought of as “subshells” dividing each shell
into subsections … (l = 0 → n - 1)

l = 0 (s)
n=2 l = 0 (s)
l = 0 (s) l = 1 (p)
l = 1 (p) l = 2 (d)
Secondary Quantum Number (l)

Value of l 0 1 2 3
Type of s p d f
Name sharp principal diffuse fundamental
# orbitals 1 3 5 7

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The Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
• ml ranges from - l to + l, in whole number
• when l = 1, the values of ml are -1, 0, 1
• Describes of the orientation of an atomic orbital in
• The number of allowable values for ml equals the
number of possible orbitals.
• What are the possible values for ml when l = 3?
• ml = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
# of
Electrons in each
electrons in
energy level (2n2)
each orbital
Subshells overlap as the distance from the
nucleus increases (see Fig. 4 p.155)
The Spin Quantum Number (ms)
• ms can have one of two values: +½ or -½.
• Describes the spin of an electron.
• The spin quantum number, ms, can be
thought of as the clockwise vs.
counterclockwise spin of an electron.
Pauli Exclusion Principle
• No two electrons in the
same atom can have
exactly the same energy,
therefore, they must
have opposite spins.
• Therefore, no two
electrons in the same
atom can have identical
sets of quantum

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Which of the following sets of quantum numbers are not
allowed? Explain.
1) n = 3, l = 2, ml = 2
2) n = 4, l = 3, ml = 4
3) n = 5, l = 4, ml = 2
4) n = 2, l = -1, ml = 1
5) n = 1, l = 1, ml = 2
Electrons in n = 4 shell
Q - what is the maximum shell
population (# electrons) of n = 4? ms = 1/2
l = 0(s) ml = 0 ms = -1/2
ms = 1/2
ms = -1/2
ml = 1 ms = 1/2
l = 1(p) ml = 0 ms = -1/2
ml = -1 ms = 1/2
n=4 ms = -1/2
l = 2(d)
Ans - 32
l = 3(f) (2+6+10+14)
l = 3 has 7 orbitals:
or 2n2 = 2(4)2 = 32
s Orbitals

• The value of l for s

orbitals is 0.
• They are spherical in
• The radius of the
sphere increases with
the value of n.

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Atomic Orbitals
• S orbitals are • A 2s orbital is similar to a
spherically 1s orbital except that the
symmetrical around region where there is the
greatest chance of finding
the nucleus.
the electron is further
from the nucleus.
p Orbitals
• The value of l for p orbitals is 1.
• They have two lobes with a node between them.
• The p orbitals are three dimensional and are
labelled using the xyz coordinate system.
• The three possible orientations are px, py, pz
• Orbitals on the same energy level have the same
energy; that is, they are degenerate.

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d Orbitals
• The value of l for a
d orbital is 2.
• Four of the five d
orbitals have 4
lobes; the other
resembles a p
orbital with a
doughnut around
the center.
• Orbitals are also

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• Read 3.4 Quantum Numbers (p.153-158)
• Read Tutorial 1 (p.158) and complete
Practice #1, 2
• 3.4 Review (p.159) # 6,8,9
Quantum Mechanics overview
• Electrons have discrete energies because they can
only have certain wavelengths
• Line spectra are not due to electrons jumping from
shell to shell (as in Bohr’s model)…
• Instead they’re due to electrons transforming from
one wavelength (waveform) to another
• Each electron is a wave that can be described by a
series of “quantum numbers”
• There are four quantum numbers: n, l, ml, ms
• Every electron in an atom has a specific, unique set
of these four quantum numbers which governs the
electron’s behavior.
• The combination of the first 3 numbers defines an
3.5 Atomic Structure and the Periodic
Table (p.160-171)
Electron Orbitals
➢ Due to the attractive forces between the electrons
and nucleus, and the repulsive forces between
electrons, the energies of the s, p, d and f orbitals
within the same shell (same value for n) are
➢ Example: electrons in the 2s orbital are closer to
the nucleus  have a lower energy than electrons
in the 2p orbital.
➢ All of the orbitals within a subshell have the same
➢ Example: all three p orbitals within the 3p subshell
will have the same energy (3px, 3py, 3pz all have
the same energy - degenerate)
Periodic Table

• We fill orbitals in
increasing order of
• Different blocks on the
periodic table (shaded
in different colors in
this chart) correspond
to different types of

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Electron Orbital Filling Order
Creating Energy Level Diagrams
• When placing electrons into orbitals, there
are 3 rules to follow:
❖Aufbau Principle
❖Pauli Exclusion Principle
❖Hund’s Rule
• According to the Aufbau Principle
electrons are placed in the lowest energy
orbital that is available.
• To know which subshells/orbitals are lowest
in energy refer to fig. 6 p.162 (arrows going
up to left). You need to know the filing
The overlapping of subshells
To visualize what is
happening we are
equating energy of
a subshell to size

Note: not n=1

exactly to n=2
Orbital Diagrams

• Each box or circle in

the diagram represents
one orbital.
• Half-arrows represent
the electrons.
• The direction of the
arrow represents the
relative spin of the

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Hund’s Rule
“For degenerate orbitals,
the lowest energy is
attained when the number
of electrons with the same
spin is maximized.”

For the 2p orbitals, one electron

must be in each of the 3
orbitals before a second
electron is added to any
orbital. This minimizes the
repulsion between the
electrons. ©2009, Prentice-Hall,
Filling electrons in orbitals

E 4p
N 3d
E 3p
R 3s
G 2s
Y 1s
Orbital Diagrams
• Electrons fill the lowest energy levels first -

E 3p
R 3s
G 2s
Y 1s

See Tutorial 1 (p.166)

Guidelines for “Filling” Orbitals
1. Place electrons into the orbitals in order of
increasing energy level.
2. Completely fill orbitals of the same energy
level before proceeding to the next orbital or
series of orbitals.
3. When electrons are added to orbitals of the
same energy sublevel, each orbital receives
one electron before any pairing occurs.
4. When electrons are added individually to
different orbitals of the same energy, the
electrons must all have the same spin.
Creating Energy-Level Diagrams for
Anions & Cations

Anions - add the required number of

electrons based on the charge; distribute in
the lowest energy orbitals.

Cations – draw the energy level diagram for

the neutral atom, then remove the number of
electrons based on the charge from the
highest principal quantum number, n.
Orbital Diagrams for Anions
Sulfur ion, S2-

E 3p
R 3s
G 2s
Y 1s
Orbital Diagrams for Cations
Calcium ion Ca2+

E 3p
R 3s
G 2s
Y 1s

Ca2+ and S2- have the same electron configuration;

they are isoelectronic to Argon.
Orbital diagrams
• Draw orbital diagrams for the following
atoms and ion:
❖Arsenic, As
❖Niobium, Nb
❖Zinc ion
Electron Configuration for Cobalt Ions

Do NOT draw your orbital diagrams like this example!!!!

Orbital Diagrams for Cations
Zinc Ion, Zn2+

N 3d
E 3p
R 3s
G 2s
Y 1s

Electrons are always removed from the highest energy level.

Electron Configurations
➢Although energy-level or orbital diagrams
help us visualize how electrons fill orbitals,
they are bulky and awkward, especially for
larger elements.
➢Electron configuration is a shorthand
notation that shows the number and
arrangement of electrons in an atom’s
➢Provides information about the first two
quantum numbers, n and l.
Electron Configurations

• This shows the distribution

of all electrons in an atom.
• Each component consists
– A number denoting the
energy level (n),

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Electron Configurations

• This shows the distribution

of all electrons in an atom
• Each component consists
– A number denoting the
energy level,
– A letter denoting the
type of orbital (l) ,

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Electron Configurations
• This shows the distribution of
all electrons in an atom.
• Each component consists of
– A number denoting the
energy level,
– A letter denoting the type
of orbital,
– A superscript denoting the
number of electrons in
those orbitals.
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Electron Configurations
Write the electron configurations for the
following atoms and ions.
Cl - 1s22s22p63s23p5
Mg2+ -
As -
Ba –
Po –
Ni -
Sn4+ –
Provide the orbital diagram and electron
configuration for sulfur and vanadium
Drawing Orbital Diagrams
• ALWAYS draw them vertically NOT horizontally!
• Label the y-axis as Energy or E.
• For p, d orbitals include all of the subshell orbitals
even if they are empty (no electrons).
• The orbitals can be drawn as circles, boxes or
• The electrons must be represented as arrows.
• Label the orbitals (eg. 1s,2s,2p,3s,etc).
Additional Orbital Diagram Options

Shorthand/condensed electron configurations
• Because electrons fill orbitals in a regular
pattern, we can shorten the work of writing
electron configurations by using the
preceding noble gas as a template.
• Example: Selenium
• Se – [Ar] 4s23d104p4
• We can write the electron configuration
elements 2 ways:
• Example: Chlorine
• Cl = 1s22s22p63s23p5 = [Ne]3s23p5
• See Tutorial 2 (p.170)
Periodic table and quantum theory
• The 2, 6, 10, 14 columns of the periodic table
correspond to s (l=0, ml=0), p (l=1, ml= -1,0,1), d (l=2,
ml= -2,-1,0,1,2) and
f (l=3, ml = -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3)
• Note that electron configurations are true whether we
are speaking of an atom or ion: 1s22s22p6 describes
both Ne, Na+ and F- (isoelectronic atom, ions with
the same configuration
Q –What are the shorthand electron configurations for
Br1–, Sn, Sn2+, Pb?
[Ar]4s23d104p6 or [Kr] [Kr]5s24d105p2

[Kr]5s24d10 [Xe]6s24f145d106p2
Some Anomalies

occur when there
are enough
electrons to half-
fill s and d
orbitals on a
given row.

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Some Anomalies

For instance, the

configuration for
chromium is
[Ar] 4s1 3d5
rather than the
[Ar] 4s2 3d4.

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Some Anomalies
• This occurs
because the 4s
and 3d orbitals
are very close in
• These anomalies
occur in f-block
atoms, as well
(you don’t need
to know them).

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Unusual electron configurations
• Look at your value for Cu ([Ar]4s23d9).
• The actual value for Cu is [Ar]4s13d10… why?
• The explanation is that there is some sort of added
stability provided by a filled (or half-filled subshell).
• Read p.167-168.
• The only exceptions that you need to remember
are Cr, Cu, Ag, and Au.
• What is the shorthand configuration for Cu2+ and
Cu2+ = [Ar]3d9
Au = [Xe]6s14f145d10
Periodic table arrangement
s (n) d (n - 1) p (n)
f (n -2)

• the quantum theory helps to explain the

structure of the periodic table.
• n - 1 indicates that the d subshell in period 4
actually starts at 3 (4 - 1 = 3).
Quantum Numbers
• n = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (remember the rules for the d-
orbital block)
• l = 0(s), 1(p), 2(d), 3(f)
• ml = - l to +l (always move from –ve to +ve)
❖Example: -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 for d-orbital elements
• ms = +½, -½ (begin with +½)
Quantum numbers for Oxygen

Atomic Orbital
Element n l m s
Number Name

8 Oxygen 1 0 0 +1/2
1 0 0 -1/2
2 0 0 +1/2
2 0 0 -1/2
2 1 -1 +1/2
this one 2px
---> 2 1 -1 -1/2

2 1 0 +1/2 2py
2 1 +1 +1/2 2pz
Provide the Quantum numbers for the valence
electrons in iron, Fe
Fe: [Ar]4s23d6
Atomic Orbital
Element n l m s
Number Name

26 Iron 4 0 0 +1/2
4 0 0 -1/2
3 2 -2 +1/2
3 2 -1 +1/2
3 2 0 +1/2
3 2 +1 +1/2 3d
3 2 +2 +1/2
Last electron
→ 3 2 -2 -1/2
Provide the quantum numbers for the n = 5 energy
level for Iodine, I
I: [Kr]5s24d105p5
Atomic Orbital
Element n l m s
Number Name

53 Iodine 5 0 0 +1/2
5 0 0 -1/2
5 1 -1 +1/2 px
5 1 0 +1/2 py
5 1 +1 +1/2 pz 5p
5 1 -1 -1/2 px
→ 5 1 0 -1/2 py
• Read 3.5 Atomic Structure and the
Periodic Table (p.160-172)
• Read Tutorial 1 (p.166) and complete
Practice # 1-4
• Read Tutorial 2 (p.170) and complete
Practice #1,2
• 3.5 Review (p.172) # 4 (include orbital
diagrams), 6-9

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