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Para preguntar cómo se dice una palabra en Inglés,

utilizamos la expresión:

How do you say…………in English?

¿Cómo se dice …………. En Inglés?

 You say ………….

Para preguntar acerca del significado de una palabra

desconocida en Inglés, utilizamos:

What does “mouse”mean?

¿qué significa …………. ?
 It means ratón.

To speak = hablar
0 = zero , oh
103 = one hundred three
103 = one oh three
103 = one zero three

Para leer los números telefónicos los dígitos se

lees de dos en dos. Example:

2011 = twenty eleven

945 33 24 08 = nine forty five, thirty three,
twenty four, eight.

14 = fourteen
19 = nineteen

30 = thirty
40 = forty
90 = ninety
100 = a hundred
101 = one hundred one
102 = one hundred two
199 = one hundred ninety nine
999 = nine hundred ninety nine
1000 = a thousand
1001 = one thousand one
1999 = one thousand ninety nine
2000 = two thousand
9999 = nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine
10000 = ten thousand

34 = thirty four
35 = thirty five
36 = thirty six
37 = thirty seven
38 = thirty eight
39 = thirty nine
40 = forty
41 = forty one
42 = forty two
43 = forty three
44 = forty four
45 = forty five
46 = forty six
47 = forty seven
48 = forty eight
49 = forty nine
50 = fifty
Which numbers do you hear?
¿Cuáles números oyes?

Wh- Words

Who = quién
Where = dónde
Why = por qué
When = cuándo
How = Cómo o Cuánto
Which = cuál(es)

2 - 30

How old are you? = ¿Cuántos años tienes?

I’m twenty one years old. = tengo veintiun años

How much is this shirt? = ¿Cuánto cuesta este

It’s $30. = It’s thirty dollars.
It’s thirty pounds.

How many students are there in your class? =

¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en tu/su clase?
In my class there are thirty students.

Singular Plural
This These
That Those

This is my room = esta es mi habitación

That is my room = esa es mi habitación
These are my rooms = estas son mis habitaciones
Those are my rooms = esas son mis habitaciones



1.There is a cat in my house.

Hay un gato en mi casa.

2. There is one big dog in Paul’s house.

Hay un perro grande en la casa de Paul.

3.There are four dogs in my house.

Hay cuatro perros en mi casa.

4.There are thirty students in my English class.

Hay treinta estudiantes en mi clase de Inglés.
5.There is not a cat in my house.
There isn’t a cat in my house.
No hay un gato en mi casa.

6.There is not a car in my garage.

There isn’t a car in my garage.
No hay un auto en mi garage.

7.There are not four dog in my house.

There aren’t four dogs in my house.
No hay cuatro perros en mi casa.

8.There are not thirty students in my English

There aren’t thirty students in my English
No hay treinta estudiantes en mi clase de

Afirmative Negative
There is There isn’t
There are There aren’t
So = entonces
Key = llave

Ordinal Numbers
Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
one First
two Second
three Third
four fourth
five Fifth
six Sixth
seven seventh
eight eighth
nine ninth
ten tenth
eleven eleventh
twelve twelfth
thirteen thirteenth
fourteen fourteenth
fifteen fifteenth
sixteen sixteenth
seventeen seventeenth
eighteen Eighteenth
nineteen Nineteenth
twenty Twentieth
twenty one Twenty first
Twenty two Twenty second
Twenty three Twenty third
Twenty four Twenty fourth
thirty Thirtieth
forty fortieth
fifty fiftieth
sixty sixtieth
seventy seventieth
eighty eightieth
ninety ninetieth
One hundred One hundredth

Floor = piso

Example: I live in the sixth floor. = yo vivo en el

sexto piso.
To live = vivir
Meeting = encuentro, reunión
Room = habitación, salón
Class = clase
Beginner = principiante

20 - second
59 – fifth
11 – first

Partner = compañero(a) (de clase, de vida, de

Classmate = compañero(a)

To make = hacer, crear (transformar algo)

To do = hacer

Word stress = acentuación de palabras

Stress = estrés, fuerza de voz
Right = derecha
Left = izquierda

English for everyday life = Inglés para la vida cotidiana

What is Sarah’s surname/lastname?

It’s Chen.



Sunday = Domingo
Monday = Lunes
Tuesday = Martes
Wednesday = Miércoles
Thursday = Jueves
Friday = Viernes
Saturday = Sábado
My name is Ryan Gaskell
I’m from Ireland
From = de (procedencia, orígen)
Ireland = Irlanda
But = pero
Wife = esposa

This is our internet café = este es nuestro café

internet ( cibercafé.

Hello Olive. Yes, I’m on my way now = Hola Olive.

Sí, estoy en camino ahora.
Now = ahora

Her name is Lucy Patterson. She is a secretary.

Olive is her boss.
Su nombre es Lucy Patterson. Ella es una
secretaria. Olive es su jefe.

His name is Jordan Morris. = Su nombre es

Jordan Morris.
He is a computer engineer = Él es un ingeniero en
He is from Australia = Él es de Australia.
He is Lucy’s new boyfriend = Él es el nuevo
enamorado de Lucy.
Here you are = aquí tiene(s)
Thank you = gracias
Thanks = gracias
Thank you very much = Muchas gracias
Thanks very much = Muchas gracias

Their names are Peter Columbo and Sarah Chen.

Peter is from the USA. He works for a magazine
company. Sarah is a student. She is from
Sus nombres son Peter Columbo y Sarah Chen.
Peter es de los Estados Unidos de América. Él
trabaja para una compañía de revistas. Sarah es
estudiante. Ella es de Singapur.

USA = United States of America

Magazine = Revista
Journal = Revista científica
You are welcome = de nada

How are you? = ¿Cómo estas?

I’m fine, thanks. And you? = Estoy bien, gracias.
¿Y tú?
See you later = nos vemos luego, nos vemos más
Good bye = adiós.
Bye = chau.
Good morning = Buenos días (00:01 – 11:59)
Good afternoon = buenas tardes (12:00 – 17:59 o
hasta la puesta del sol)
Good evening = buenas noches (18:00 – 00:00)
Good night = buenas noches sólo cuando vamos
a acostarnos.
Hello = hola (formal)
Hi = hola (informal)

Live = vivir
Life = vida
Here = aquí
Ireland = Irlanda
Tea = té
Name = nombre
Australia = Australia
Wife = esposa
But = pero
Now = ahora


Where are you from?

¿De dónde eres / es usted?

Country Nationality
Colombia Colombian
Chile Chilean
Panamá Panamanian
Perú Peruvian
Bolivia Bolivian
Venezuela Venezuelan
Argentina Argentinian
Uruguay Uruguayan
Ecuador Ecuatorian
Paraguay Paraguayan
Chile Chilean
Honduras Honduran
Puerto Rico Puerto Rican
Cuba Cuban
México Mexican
Italy Italian
Norway Norwegian
United Kingdom British
China Chinese
Southern Korea South Korean
Northern Korea North Korean
India Indian
Egypt Egyptian
El Salvador Salvadorian
Denmark Danish

Where are you from?

I’m from Perú. I’m Peruvian.
I’m from Colombia. I’m Colombian.
Cuando un sustantivo termina en “Y” para
formar el plural quitamos la “Y” y añadimos
“IES”. Example:

Country  countries
Fly = volar (verbo), volantes, volantines
Fly  flies
Nationality  nationalities
Capital letter = mayúscula

The Netherlands = Los países bajos

1.Hiroko is Japanese. Pedro is Spanish.

2.Ivana is American. José is Brazilian.
3.Sam is British. Olga is Russian.
4.María is Italian. Bill is Australian.

Full stop = punto final (UK)

Period = punto final (USA)
Good apetite = Buen provecho
Bon apetit = buen provecho

Think of some famous people (alive or dead)

Say their nationalities

Famous = famoso(a)
Alive = con vida( que aún está vivo(a))
Dead = fallecido(a)

Michael Jackson is American.

Juan Gabriel is Mexican.
Mario Vargas Llosa is Peruvian and Spanish.
Vladimir Putin is Russian.
Adele is British.
What else? = ¿Qué más?
Cristiano Ronaldo is Portuguese.
Aristóteles is Greek.
Angela Merkel is German.
Hugo Chávez is Venezuelan.
Bob Marley is Jamaican.
Michael Phelps is American.
Diego Lugano is Uruguayan.
Christopher Lambert is American.
Antonio Banderas is Spanish.
Thalia is Mexican.
Evo Morales is Bolivian.
Jair Bolsonaro is Brazilian.
Danay is Cuban.
Martín Vizcarra is Peruvian.
Lionel Messi is Argentinian.
Esther Duflo is French – American.
Jackie Chan is Chinese.
Johnnie Deep is North American.
Bill Gates is North American.
Kim Jong-Un is North Korean.
Nelson Mandela is South African.
Rónai Nora is Brazilian.
Vincent Van Gogh is Dutch.
Abraham Valderomar is Peruvian.

What languages do you speak?

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish,

English, French, Italian, Portuguese and German.

I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak

Juan José
I’m from Chiclayo, I’m Peruvian and I speak

I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak
Spanish, a little English and Aimara.

I’m from Lampa, I’m Peruvian and I speak
Spanish and Quechua. Kishwa. Qichua.

Qosqo, Kosko

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish
and a little English.
I’m from Arequipa, I’m Peruvian and I speak

I’m from Ayaviri, I’m Peruvian and I speak
Spanish, Quechua an a little English.

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish.

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish.

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish.
I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish.

I’m from Lampa, I’m Peruvian and I speak

I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak
Spanish and Aimara.

I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak
Luis Gustavo
I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak

I’m from Tacna, I’m Peruvian and I speak

I’m from Ayaviri, I’m Peruvian and I speak
Spanish and Portuguese.

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish.

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish.

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish.

I’m from Azángaro, I’m Peruvian and I speak
Spanish and Quechua.

I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak

I’m from Puno, I’m Peruvian and I speak Spanish.

I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak

I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak

I’m from Juliaca, I’m Peruvian and I speak
Spanish and a little bit of Portuguese.

We have to underline the first syllable.

What does Poland mean?

It means Polonia.

What does Polish mean?

It mean Polaco.

Too = también (se usa al final de la oración)

Also = también (se usa indistintamente al
principio, medio o final de la oración)
In the Word America the second syllable is
stressed and in the word American, too.

Verb TO BE = ser, estar.

Personal Pronoun Verb “To be” Contracción

I Am I’m
You Are You’re
He Is He’s
She Is She’s
It Is It’s
We Are We’re
You Are You’re
They are They’re

(+) He is Paul Smith.

(-) He isn’t Paul Smith.
(?) Is he Paul Smith?
(+) Yes, he is.  Yes, he’s.
(-) No, he isn’t.

Brussels = Bruselas
What about……? = ¿Y qué de……?
What about his assistant? = ¿Y qué de su
In = en
At = en
On = en, sobre
By the way = a propósito, por cierto

By the way, we have more money in the bank.

Guy = tipo
Unfortunately = desafortunadamente
Fortunately = afortunadamente
See you = nos vemos

Here = aquí
Her = de ella (pertenencia)

To = hacia, a
Too = también
Two = dos
Drill = practicar, ejercitar

(¿)Are you new here?

(+)You are new here.
(-)You are not new here.

Is it clear? = ¿Está claro?

Is she on holiday?
Holiday = feriado, vacación

They’re in a meeting.
Are they in a meeting?
Meeting = reunion

He’s her boyfriend.

Is he her boyfriend?

It’s on the first floor.

Is it on the first floor?

They’re from Poland.

Are they from Poland?

1. No, I’m not. She is over there.

2. Is this your mobile?
No, it isn’t. It’s Tim’s.
3. Are Oliver and Mike here today?
No, they aren’t. They are at a conference.
4.Are you Egyptian?
Yes, we are. I am from Cairo and Abdul is from
5.Excuse me, is this seat free?
Yes, it is. Help yourself.
Seat = asiento
Free = libre
Help yourself = sírvase usted (adelante).

Cue = pista, indicio

Still = todavía
Alive = aún vivo
Married = casado(a)
Single = soltero(a)
Young = joven
Old = viejo(a)
A film star / a movie star = Estrella de películas
Sportsperson = Persona ligada al deporte
Player = jugador(a)
Gamer = jugador de juegos de video
Football player = jugador de fútbol
Soccer player = jugador de fútbol
American football player = jugador de fútbol
Politician = político
Singer = cantante
Fireman = bombero
Architect = arquitecto
Engineer = ingeniero
Accountant = Contador
Doctor = medico(a)
M.D. = Medical doctor
Dentist = Odontólogo
Nurse = enfermera(o)
Veterinarian = veterinario
Vet = veterinario
Policeman = policía varón
Policewoman = policía mujer
Police = policía
Teacher = docente
Lawyer = abogado
Carpenter = carpintero
Biologist = biólogo
Economist = economist
Nutritionist = nutricionista
Chef = cocinero
Topographer = topógrafo
Environmental engineer = ingeniero
Journalist = periodista
Anthropologist = antropólogo
Sanitary engineer = ingeniero sanitario
Plumber = plomero, gasfitero
Nursery technician = sanitario, técnico de
Obstetrician = obstetriz
Writer = escritor
Social assistant = asistenta ( e) social
Social worker = trabajador(a) social
Psychologist = psicólogo
Priest = sacerdote
Pastor = pastor
Christian priest = pastor de iglesia
Church = iglesia

A customer wants to open a bank account.
Un cliente quiere abrir una cuenta bancaria.

To want

Personal Pronoun Verb “to want”

I want
You want
He/she/it wants
We want
You want
They want

To watch = mirar

Personal Pronoun Verb “to watch”

I Watch
You Watch
He/she/it watches
We Watch
You Watch
They Watch

To wash = lavar
Personal Pronoun Verb “to wash”
I Wash
You Wash
He/she/it Washes
We Wash
You Wash
They Wash

Form = ficha, formato

Shape = forma de algo / alguien
Personal details = información personal
Title = título
Mr  Míster = señor
Ms = cualquier dama, independiemente de su
estado civil
Mrs = señora
Miss = señorita
First name = nombre
Surname / lastname = apellido
Age = edad
Sex = sexo
Gender = género
Male = masculino
Female = femenino
Marital status = Estado civil
Single = soltero(a)
Married = casado (a)
Separated = separado (a)
Divorced = divorciado (a)
Nationality = nacionalidad
Occupation = ocupación (UK)
Job = ocupación (USA)
Address = dirección
Postcode = código postal
To find = encontrar
Mistake = error
@ = at
.com = dot com
.net = dot net
.pe = dot pe

Clerk = recepcionista
1.What is your title?
2.What is your fist name?
3.What is your surname?
4. How do you spell that, please?
5. How old are you?
6.Are you married?
7. What do you do?
8. What’s your address?
To interview = entrevistar
Interview = entrevista

What does heading mean?

It means encabezado , título de un texto

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