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Week 1 Assignment

Week 1 assignment will be a purely qualitative assessment and review of your management experience
and style, while mapping this to the different models outlined in the week 1 lecture series.

1) You will discuss an organization for which you worked (or work). You do not need to
mention the name, but describe the context of the organization.
2) You will discuss the Organizational Structure
3) If you have been a manager, you will discuss
- your management style as discussed by Likert as well as Blake and Mounton
- The most relevant classification of the workforce, and which model discussed in the
lecture series is the most relevant.
4) If you have NOT been a manager, you will discuss your co-workers (in the general sense,
with no identification of any individual person)
- What is the managerial style that you most commonly are exposed?
- What is the most relevant classification of the workforce, and which model discussed
in the lecture series is the one that you are exposed too.
This is a purely qualitative assignment, and one that is as much as a method for you to think differently
about your current or past position, and how you might view it differently in the context of various
theories of motivation and managerial styles. The grading will be based on a rubric that will be posted
to Kodiak for all similar qualitative assignments:

9 or more: clear demonstration of effort to discuss and describe the workplace, managerial style and
motivational efforts as compared to the theories discussed in lecture series

8 or more: minimalist effort to discuss and describe the workplace, managerial style and motivational
efforts as compared to the theories discussed in lecture series

7 or more: insufficient effort demonstrated when discussing and describing the workplace, managerial
style and motivational efforts as compared to the theories discussed in lecture series, but still some
recognition of the lecture series discussion

7 or less: on real effort of note

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