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Xavier’s School, Purulia

Class – IV (Syllabus for Final Examination) Date – 18/11/2020

Subject – Moral Science

L – 5 Preserve Nature

I. Answer the following question:-( Write in copy)

1. Name Chintu and Pintu’s friends.

Answer – Chintu and Pintu had many friends like the rabbit and his brothers, a
group of monkeys, a family of birds, Bunty bear and the wise old wolf.

2. What did Chintu tell its animal friends when he saw the woodcutter?
Answer – When Chintu saw the woodcutter he told its animal friends to run.

3. What did animals tell Chintu and Pintu?

Answer – The animals told Chintu And Pintu that they get food, shelter and
fresh air to breathe so they won’t leave them in danger and go away.

4. What did the wise old wolf do?

Answer – The wise old wolf ran to the lion king and asked to save Chintu and
Pintu from the woodcutter.

5. What do we learn from this story?

Answer – We learn from this story that we should save trees and save forest
because we get food, shelter and fresh air to breathe. So we should conserve
nature and plant more trees as nature is our best friend.

II. Write True or False for the following:- (Write in copy)

1. Chintu and Pintu had no friends in the forest. ---- False
2. All the animals ran away when they saw the woodcutter. ---- False
3. The woodcutter decided to cut Chintu and Pintu. ---- True
4. Trees give food and shelter. ---- True
5. The Bunty bear roared and the woodcutter ran away. False
III. Fill in the blanks:-( Write in copy)
1. There were two trees named Chintu and Pintu.
2. Pintu saw a woodcutter coming towards the forest.
3. The woodcutter was very confused because there were many trees to cut.
4. The wise old wolf had already told his plans to the other animals.
5. The lion king roared and the woodcutter ran for his life.
6. Nature is our best friend.

IV. Find the missing letters (Write in copy)


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