Chapter 1 Learning Guide

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BUS 2200: Chapter 1

Learning Guide

Think of this chapter as “Global Business 101”. If you plan to participate in a

meaningful way in the world of Global Business then you should start with knowing
the basic terms, ideas, concepts, debates and factors that are relevant. Use the
learning guide below to guide your reading of the chapter and understand that the
elements highlighted on this document will be on the quiz and exam. It is that simple.

Let us start with the basic terms: The words / organizations / ideas are all Global
Business 101. Start here and make sure you understand and can deal with these if I
ask you to recognize, recall, explain or apply them on a quiz or an exam.

International Business Imports Exports

Multi-National Corporation Born Global Firm GATT
WTO World Bank IMF

You are required to take this course called “Introduction to Global Business.” Why? The
simple answer is because we have returned to an age of intense globalization within the
world in general and the world of business in particular. Why? Because of Globalization.
So, what is this thing we call Globalization?

Key Concepts to Test Your Understanding of the Chapter:

1. Can you define globalization? How is this different than nationalism?
2. What are the underlying drivers of globalization? Can you discuss & explain
them in business terms? How do we measure globalization? What measures do
we use?
3. What does it mean to say that both Markets and Production are becoming
more globalized? What factors drive these two trends?
4. What impacts does globalization have, good and bad?

Are you Ready?

If you can define the terms, understand the sources, trends, and impacts of
Globalization in a way that is disciplined and deep enough to fully share your
knowledge and understanding with me via the on-line quiz and the exam, then consider
Chapter 1 covered. But remember, you will be taking the online quizzes and exams
with a defined timing, so don’t overly rely on a strategy of just shuffling through the text
book looking for an answer as you slog through the exam… I guarantee that you will
run out of time. You must have a solid understanding and foundation to do well on the
quizzes and exams, so if you have only a vague idea of the terms and concepts, get
back to work and upgrade your level of preparation. One reading of the chapter is NOT
enough. You need to memorize the ideas. From that developed knowledge set you can
then apply some of the concepts in the future.

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