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“How to buy Jay Abraham and Other Great Marketers" Seminars At Huge Discounts off Their

Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Bianco: I live in southern California, as well as you do, and you know
southern California is probably one of the best places to live in the
whole planet. It’s just incredible the lifestyle here. I’m two minutes
from the ocean.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And I’m forty minutes from the mountains. So I can go skiing and
surfing in the same day if I want to.

Michael: Yes.

Michael: For anyone who doesn’t know much about business and doesn’t
even know what a joint venture is, let’s talk in kindergarten terms.
What is a joint venture?

Bianco: People out there, stuck in a nine-to-five job. They hate it and it’s a
rat race. The money comes in and the money goes out just as fast,
and they can never get ahead. Joint venture marketing can allow
you to break that cycle - to step away and leave all that behind and
to start really living your dream. Basically here’s what a joint
venture is: it’s where you get some leverage off of the trust and the
credibility of either other people, or other businesses. A great
example of this is everyone has seen, and is right before their very
eyes, is Oprah Winfry.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: She met up with Dr. Phil before he was on Oprah Winfry. He was
nobody. He was struggling doing counseling for people and little
businesses and he was nobody. But, as soon as Oprah brought
him on the show, she transferred her credibility and trust on to him;
because when Oprah brings someone on her show and says this
guy is trustworthy – “This guy is great, I use this guy, I love this
guy’s stuff.” Her audience, which is comprised of millions and
millions and millions of unsold households, watch her religiously
and want to be like Oprah. So when Oprah says “Dr. Phil is a guru.
This guy can help anybody solve relationship problems. You need
to listen to this guy,” all of her audience immediately said, “Well if
he’s good enough for Oprah and she says he’s great, and I trust
her, then he must be great.” Her ability and the trust that she has
built with her audience was immediately transferred to Dr. Phil - and
look what has happened with Dr. Phil.

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Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Michael: That is exactly right.

Bianco: Now he has his own show and he is humongous. When Oprah
does that and she taps him and says, “This guy is amazing and
here’s his book, by the way,” what do people do? They run out, by
the tens of thousands, and buy his book at the bookstore. This guy
has become wealthy virtually overnight just because of his joint
venture with Oprah. Guess what? Dr. Phil’s Show, from what I
understand is, an Oprah Production.

Michael: That’s right, she produces it.

Bianco: So guess who gets paid on his show.

Michael: She does.

Bianco: She’s a smart business woman. She brought him on, realized that
got credibility from her, and his sales went through the roof. She
immediately set up the deal with him to produce his own TV Show -
which is humungous already because Oprah’s audience, millions of
people, were instantly leveraged to Dr. Phil’s benefit.

Michael: I totally see. She lent her credibility, with all her TV viewing
audience over ten years, to Dr. Phil. Without that credibility it
wouldn’t have worked would it?

Bianco: If Dr. Phil’s Show came on the air without Oprah, or if he was never
on Oprah, nobody would know who he was. Nobody would trust
him or care much about him. But because, like you said, Oprah has
built this loyal following because of what she does. She’s spent
hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds and thousands of
man-hours putting together stories and information for her
audience’s benefit. She’s spent years building that trust by giving
so much value from her show that people just love her, and just
everything she says is just like gold. When she taps you on the
shoulder and says, “This guy is like gold too,” all that trust gets
transferred immediately, without delay, right to you.

Michael: That’s amazing. Now that’s good for TV, let’s take the same
concept of joint venture and lets say someone wants to apply this in
a business type setting to generate money. Can you make money
doing something similar to that?

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Bianco: Yes. Any business - and that’s the best thing about joint ventures -
any business, new or old, whether you have no money or no
customers, or you’re just starting up, or your some huge forty
million dollar a year corporation, anyone can use joint venture
marketing to get amazing results. You can use it to drive tons of
sales. You can use it to get tons of new customers. Here’s how
they would do it: Let’s say for example you started a new company
and you’re selling your book on CD-ROM, for example. You
mentioned that you had a book you were creating.

Michael: So let’s say I’m selling my CD Rom, my sixty-one hours of audio

information from my I’ve got it all on a
CD Rom.

Bianco: That is amazing. Anyone who listens to this is going to know it has
amazing value. What you would do is this: you would think to
yourself “Who has my prospect before they need me?” In other
words, what is my prospect doing, what are they buying, what are
they thinking about before they would need my CD, or before they
would even want my CD? Then I have to figure out what companies
actually have those prospects. For example, when people are at
that level, or at the time that they want to get more information
about marketing, where are they in their lives? Are they just getting
into business? Are they in business? Some of them are just getting
into business and they are trying to learn everything they can about
marketing. Then you would say “Who has those prospects

Michael: Right, and I’m going to leverage off of this list because I don’t have
to mess with doing lead generating ,advertising, spending money
on ads, spending money entering the names into a database.
That’s already been done. I’m leveraging off of all the efforts of that
other business, right?

Bianco: Exactly. There are other companies out there right now who have
already spent maybe the last three or four years cultivating their
customer list - and their customer list is your prospect list.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: What you need to do is find it. For example, anyone else who sells,
lets say, computers, or anyone who sells office supplies. If
someone is just getting into business, what are they going to do?

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“How to buy Jay Abraham and Other Great Marketers" Seminars At Huge Discounts off Their
Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

They’re going to run out and buy offices supplies. They need a
desk, a computer, a multitude of things. Well, you can tap in to
those resources. Here’s a good example: People get an Internet
connection. Most people who get an Internet connection - they’re
not just out there looking for cartoons and jokes of the day. They
are likely a new business.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: So you can use leverage off of someone who sells Internet
connectivity and you could offer to do a joint venture with them -
where you will get their customer names and you will e-mail a
special offer to get your free CD.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: They would want to do that with you for a couple of reasons. One is
that they could throw that free CD in as a bonus for someone
signing up for their service. You don’t have to pay them to be your
joint venture partner - you can get them to give your CD away as a
free bonus to anyone who signs up for their Internet access

Michael: That’s right, what does it cost to make the CD? Fifty cents?

Bianco: Exactly. Now you’re tapping into a constant stream of leads that
don’t cost you anything. What you could do, what I would
recommend, is you would tell the company that is going to offer the
CD as a bonus, that they need to pick up the dollar fifty cost, or the
dollar cost, of producing the disk.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: That way you have zero marketing costs because you can have
them contact your disk duplicating company directly to order disks
so you never even have to talk to them.

Michael: Isn’t that a lot easier than me screwing around building an entire
customer list?

Bianco: Yes, what most businesses fall down on is lead generation. Without
having a constant flow of leads to your business, you’re out of
business. You can’t survive without a continual stream of leads

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“How to buy Jay Abraham and Other Great Marketers" Seminars At Huge Discounts off Their
Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

coming into your business and the only way most people think
about getting leads is to advertise – paid advertising. The problems
with paid advertising are that it’s very expensive and it’s very risky.
People also make mistakes when they do their advertising - and
then it costs them their whole business. They spend too much
money, don’t bring back in enough money, and then they’re out of

Michael: Let me ask you this, I mean tell me if you agree with me – most
businesses automatically go into that frame of mind: lead
generating through advertising. They don’t even consider joint
venturing do they?

Bianco: That’s because maybe one in a thousand businesses even knows

what joint venturing is. They only know the traditional stuff they
learn in business school. You see, joint venture marketing is
something you won’t learn at Harvard Business School. Y you won’t
learn it at Yale or any of the other Ivy League Schools. They don’t
teach it.

Michael: Yes, you’re right. Because when I think about it, I had no idea what
it was until I started studying this Jay Abraham stuff.

Bianco: Exactly. People who have MBNAs in marketing don’t even know
this stuff.

Michael: And it’s such a simple thing, it’s almost obvious. Why wouldn’t you
do it?

Bianco: Exactly. Here is another reason why it’s the best way to go to start.

Michael: Yes.

Bianco: I was playing golf with a friend of mine one day and he was talking
about this guy who was a world champion long driver record

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: He’s in the Guinness Book of World Records. He has the longest
drive at tee level, and I’ll tell you in a second why that’s important,
but he has the longest drive recorded at tee level… four hundred
and twenty-six yards or something like that.

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“How to buy Jay Abraham and Other Great Marketers" Seminars At Huge Discounts off Their
Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: That is over four football fields.

Michael: Was he doing it when you guys were playing golf?

Bianco: When we were playing golf he hit a four hundred yard drive.

Michael: Then what?

Bianco: This guy has two records, and we were talking about his
background and what he does. He mentioned that he developed a
club that was called the Peace Missile Driver, and that the Peace
Missile Driver was made from real decommissioned nuclear missile
metal. I thought, “Hey that’s pretty interesting, I’d like to see that
club.” So the next time we got together, he brought one and we
checked it out. We played with it and I was pretty impressed with
the club. Then he dropped the bombshell on me. He said, “You
know what, Bianco? We actually had this thing tested against the
top clubs - the biggest brand name.” I won’t mention the name, but
it’s one of the biggest brand names out there in golf.

Michael: Yes.

Bianco: “…And we tested it. We paid a company that does the testing. We
put it on a machine called Iron Byron. The Iron Byron is a
mechanical hitting device that is calibrated so you can set all of the
adjustments to the swing speed and angles and so you can get
exact scientific measurements on every performance. They tested it
against the top brand name clubs and it equaled them in distance,
accuracy, and everything.” This club was amazing. They raised
money, over three hundred thousand dollars to start this company
to sell this club. Right away what did they do? They had all this
money, too much money to spend, and they went out and starting
running ads and doing different campaigns and marketing and
blowing through their money faster then they even realized. They
basically realized they were not getting results and they went out of

Michael: Really?

Bianco: They had six thousand clubs produced in inventory that they had
paid for in cash.

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Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Michael: Here in America?

Bianco: Here in America - and they went out of business.

Michael: Did he end up telling you that he’s sitting on six thousand clubs?

Bianco: They were sitting on six thousand clubs and I saw an opportunity
there. I said, “You know, with the right kind of marketing - with joint
venture marketing - I could sell those clubs and I could help make
this thing fly.” Basically we tried to put a deal together right there
and it turned out that he never finished paying the manufacturer for
the clubs.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: So he didn’t really own them. Here’s what happened: I got him to
send a letter to the manufacturer saying “Dispose of the clubs
however you want because I can’t pay you for the clubs.” Then,
basically the manufacturer got a hold of me and said, “Hey, can you
help me unload these clubs because I’m a manufacturer. I don’t
know how to sell clubs at retail and I don’t know what to do to get
rid of these clubs. I have a huge expense with these clubs and they
are taking up space and I need to get rid of them.” So I cut a deal
with them. I took over that whole thing, then I set up a simple
website, and then I went out and set up joint venture deals.

Michael: Give us the URL for that website.

Bianco: The URL is and that is peace like peace

on earth missile m-i-s-s-i-l-e golf dot com

Michael: I’ve been there, it’s a nice website. I’ve seen it.

Bianco: What I did is this: I said “I want to sell this club, it’s a great club, but
I don’t want to take a lot of risk and I don’t want to spend a lot of
money out of pocket. I think I can set up some joint venture deals
with this because you can pretty much put joint venture deals
together for any kind of business no matter what.” I went out on the
Internet and I found about probably around two thousand other golf
websites and I said “Okay, some of these are going to be good joint
venture partners and some of them are not going to be worth my
time.” I went and I did my research and I found one that had about

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“How to buy Jay Abraham and Other Great Marketers" Seminars At Huge Discounts off Their
Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

three hundred thousand subscribers to their golf newsletter and I

said “Okay here’s my joint venture partner.”

Michael: All right.

Bianco: I spent the next three weeks phoning them, sending them letters, e-
mails, FedExing them letters, trying to get a meeting set up with
them where I could explain the joint venture marketing concept and
why it would be to their advantage - and the money that could be
made. It basically took me three, three and half weeks, before I
finally could get a phone meeting with them. Then we got on the
phone and I explained it all and the Vice-President,. I was talking to
him, and he said, “This sounds awesome, I love it, let me talk to the
owner. I think we can go with it.” Sure enough, he called me back
the next day and said that I was a go. We went ahead and sent out
the endorsement, an e-mail endorsement. They wrote some
information up in the endorsement about the club, a little bit about
the background, and there was a link in the e-mail to my website.
Well they sent it out to about fifty thousand people on their list.

Michael: On an e-mail list.

Bianco: On an e-mail list. That was our test campaign.

Michael: Was it buried in a newsletter or an individual mailing?

Bianco: It was an individual mailing - a “solo mailing,” it’s called.

Michael: Did you have them write it?

Bianco: I sent them a club. I gave them a little guidance, but I basically said,
“You go check out the product. You check it out. You write your
own comments and let me know what you think about it.”

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: Then they sent it out and within sixteen days, we generated - just
from that one e-mail - within sixteen days, when it was all said and
done, twenty-two thousand dollars plus in orders for that club.
Please remember that didn’t cost me a dime - I didn’t have any
upfront risks, no costs, nothing. I didn’t even have to do the work, I
just sat back and they did all the work.

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Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Michael: That’s flipping great Bianco. How much was the club retailing for?

Bianco: The club retailed for two - at that time we were actually price testing
it - so we were selling it, we had two different offers going and it
was going for two forty-nine and it was also going for two ninety-

Michael: All right now let’s talk. Give up the goods. What kind of deal did you
work out with the manufacturer? What were you paying for the

Bianco: Hang on, Michael. Here’s the key: I managed to talk the
manufacturer into drop shipping it.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: Drop shipping it means that I get the order, I send the names to
them, and they pack it and ship it to my customer. I never even
touch the product.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: I was paying a fraction of what they were selling it for. I don’t want
to tell you the exact number, but it was a fraction of that and we
both know in direct marketing to make a successful business you
need to make a two to three hundred percent mark up.

Michael: All right, okay, you don’t have to give the exact number.

Bianco: There was a three hundred percent markup on it.

Michael: You were making three hundred percent markup?

Bianco: More than three hundred percent.

Michael: Now all right what kind of deal did you have to cut with the guy who
sent the e-mail out?

Bianco: I told him I would pay him about twenty-five percent of the sales

Michael: So you made yourself at least a hundred and fifty bucks a club,
profit in your pocket.

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“How to buy Jay Abraham and Other Great Marketers" Seminars At Huge Discounts off Their
Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Bianco: In my pocket.

Michael: All right, let’s talk about setting these joint ventures up. It’s a lot of
technical stuff that I always have questions about. Let me ask you
this - you directed his subscribers to your website, they ordered
through your website, the money came into your account, he
probably had an accounting of what was going on and then did you
cut him a check every week? Month? How did that work out?

Bianco: What you can do on the Internet now is this tracking software that
you can use to track all the sales so that every time there is a sale
your partner, your joint venture partner gets a little e-mail saying
“Here’s another sale” so they can keep track themselves.

Michael: Give me the website that does the tracking software.

Bianco: There are hundreds of them. Some of them are good; some of
them have their problems. One of the good ones is called Ground


Bianco: and they actually sell; they sell the software
that you install on your own website. So that one is a little more
technical, but you can use a service like

Michael: And they can do that for you?

Bianco: The sales will actually go through their server and you can specify
how much comes to you and how much comes to your partner.

Michael: So specifically, that’s kind of like software for affiliates, right?

Bianco: Exactly.

Michael: Okay, so you can use it for joint ventures too?

Bianco: Exactly. That’s exactly what I use it for, because affiliate programs
are all good and fine, but what you really want is a “super affiliate.”
What is a super affiliate? It’s a joint venture partner.

Michael: Absolutely. Now let me ask you this, what does that software cost,
if someone wants it.

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“How to buy Jay Abraham and Other Great Marketers" Seminars At Huge Discounts off Their
Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Bianco: The Ground Break software, I think is like two hundred bucks a
year for a license.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: With Ibill, I think there is just some small set up charge like fifty to
one hundred bucks.

Michael: All right.

Bianco: To get set up.

Michael: Now let me ask you this, did you have to sign a contract with the

Bianco: There are no rules in marketing and there are no rules in JV, you
set them up yourself. Basically the outline structure you want to
use, is you want to negotiate between five to fifty percent of the
gross sales price and you want just a simple letter form agreement.
You don’t want a contract. You don’t want to have all this legalese
in it. You just want a simple letter stating that you’re going to do
this, this, and this, and in exchange for it, I’m going to pay you this,
this, and this.

Michael: All right let me ask you this. Why gross sales not net - and what’s
the difference.

Bianco: That’s a great question right there, because net profits - you can
manipulate what the net profit is.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And with gross sales you can do one calculation and there’s no
fooling around.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: What you want to do is just set it up. If you’re going to give fifty
percent, you’re not going to give fifty of gross - because obviously
that’s not your profit.

Michael: Right.

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Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Bianco: But you want to give fifty percent of profits. You would calculate
what fifty percent of profits would be and then you would calculate
what that would be as a percentage of gross.

Michael: So you would both get a uniform agreement on what the profit is
per unit and then you would structure a percentage of that profit.

Bianco: Exactly. There’s a simple template format and I’ll tell people in a
few minutes where they can go to get something like that from my
website. Basically, there’s a little simple format you use to create a
letter agreement and it’s not a contract, it’s not scary - because if
you send someone a scary looking legal contract, you’re never
going to get any deal.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: That’s the bottom line.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: You don’t want to get into a deal with someone that you don’t trust.
If you don’t trust them, if you don’t like them, if you can’t do a letter
agreement and move forward comfortable, then you shouldn’t even
deal with them.

Michael: Because no matter what, if you have an iron clad contract and
someone wants to screw you, they’re going to screw you.

Bianco: Yes, exactly. I know personally myself. I have had fifteen page legal
contracts and it still ended up costing me three hundred thousand
dollars and more in bad deals that have gone south.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And I’ve done deals where I have a simple hand shake and have
made hundreds of thousands off those deals.

Michael: And that is really important. I would say that anyone who does go
and approach joint ventures, its very important, you just have to go
with your gut. You know, listen to the pit of your stomach. If you like
the guy, if you trust him. You have a good sense of someone for
the most part after talking to them for a short time.

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Bianco: Exactly.

Michael: And you want to meet them eyeball to eyeball and you’ve just got to
go with your gut, you also have to understand that not every joint
venture deal is going to work and if you set up five of them and one
works well, that is all you need.

Bianco: Exactly, one success in direct marketing, we always say, “one

success makes up for seven or eight failures.”

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And you have to understand that nobody can predict the success of
anything because there are a lot of variables in marketing. Just like
there are a lot of variables in life. Your goal is to go out there and
do the best you can. Set up the deals the best you can and not get
bogged down with the analysis paralysis, where you’re analyzing
everything to the point where you’re never doing anything.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: The key to success is action.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Action is the key to success.

Michael: You’ve got to put everything in motion. Let me ask you this. Let’s
say I am dead broke, I don’t have ten bucks in my bank account… I
don’t even have a bank account. I’ve got ten bucks in quarters in
my little piggy bank and if I understand the power of joint venture
and I have a telephone, and not even a computer, but I’ve got a
telephone. Is it realistic that I can, with my education from what
you’re going to teach, or your information product, go out there and
set up a joint venture and make money from it?

Bianco: You can actually. That is a great question. You can actually not
only go out and make money but you can change your life and you
can get wealthy. One joint venture deal can literally make you
wealthy. That’s how amazing it is.

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Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

Michael: Give me another example. It could be your experience or another

experience, kind of like the Oprah thing, of people who have been
made wealthy through joint ventures.

Bianco: I could spend all day giving you all of the examples of all the stuff.
So let me give you a couple good ones. One example is a high end
hotel. There is this high end hotel down the street here and the
people who go there are couples and it’s a romantic getaway. It has
Jacuzzis and everything. It has great views in the rooms. Couples
getaway there to celebrate honeymoons and anniversaries,
weddings, birthdays, whatever. This is not some cheesy hotel - this
is expensive - three four hundred dollars a night for a room.

Michael: Where? Is it in LA?

Bianco: It’s right here in Newport Beach, California.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: You know we’re both in beautiful sunny southern California.

Michael: Okay, it’s kind of rainy today.

Bianco: Yes, unfortunately, but you know we’ve got to live with a couple of
rainy days.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: For all the good ones. The owner of this hotel - he has about fifty
rooms - but he does good business and he makes great money but
he’s not leveraging what he has. What he has is a customer - a
high ticket purchasing customer, who has a lot of other needs,
desires, and wants. So all you’ve got to do is figure out what else
his customers, his patrons, would they want? They’re spending
money to come and stay at this romantic getaway, what else do
they want? Well I could tell you what else they may want. The
husband or boyfriend, the fiancé, or whoever he is, may want to get
his significant other some nice jewelry.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: So what do you do? You set up a joint venture between a jewelry
store that sells high end jewelry and this hotel. The ingenious way

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Original Retail Cost. "FREE” marketing transcripts at Michael Senoff’s

that I developed to come up with this one would be this: you know
how you have the phone in the room and you have that little
blinking light when there’s a message? What we would get the
owner of the hotel would do is record a little message. It’s a
welcome message and it says “Hi, I’m Joe Schmoe, and I’m the
owner of this hotel. I just wanted to welcome you to the hotel and I
want to make sure your stay was as enjoyable as possible and I
want to point out a few things so you can have the best time here.
First of all, on the second floor is the gym, on the first floor is this
restaurant and it features this, that, and the other. Oh, and by the
way, if your thinking of doing any shopping for jewelry, my good
friend owns XYZ jewelry store two blocks down. If you go in there
and tell him I sent you he is going to give you a ten or fifteen” -or
whatever percentage you want – let’s say fifteen percent, whatever
deal you create. “Fifteen percent off any purchase you buy. So if
your thinking about getting any jewelry, head down there, check it
out, mention my name and you’ll get an immediate fifteen percent
discount on anything you buy.”

Michael: Great idea.

Bianco: Okay, now, so every time a visitor shows up at the hotel, he goes
ahead and he hits the voice-mail button to their phone. They
checked in they see this message light blinking and they hit the
message and hear the message. Now if they’re thinking about – if
that husband or boyfriend or whoever, is thinking about buying
jewelry or even if the wife or fiancé or significant other is – where
are they going to go first – to that jewelry store!

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Now not everyone is going to go to that jewelry store and buy.
That’s true, because not everyone is really interested in buying. But
if he’s able to send a hundred people a week to that jewelry store,
and even if ten percent of them, which would be ten people, buy a
two thousand dollar product…

Michael: Right.

Bianco: That’s twenty thousand dollars in sales a week that the hotel is now
able to drive to the jewelry store - and remember, those are
customers that jewelry store would never otherwise have gotten
without the help of that hotel owner.

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Michael: Right and you take a piece. You do a triangulation deal. You take a
piece, the hotel takes a piece, and the jewelry store obviously gets
their markup.

Bianco: Exactly.

Michael: All right, that’s exciting.

Bianco: So that is one way. Another is this: let’s say you make that jewelry
product. Let’s say you don’t even have a jewelry store. You make
this great jewelry, let’s say Australian Crystal bracelet that sell for
three hundred bucks or more. You want to sell those but you don’t
have any money, you only have five of them that you can afford to
make and you’ve got some great pictures of them and that’s all
you’ve got. So what you would do is either create a little brochure
that has a one page sheet with a picture of it and a brief description
of it and a way to order(a phone number a place to mail the money,
what have you, or you just have a phone number to call where you
go to them at the hotel and show it and sell it) and then you have
the hotel owner put those in the packet with the room key so they
can see it and make that special offer. You want to make a special

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Because then it makes it look like you’ve cut a special deal. You’re
a special deal hunter for those patrons and it makes them
appreciate the fact that they’re there. You’re adding more value.

Michael: Okay, let’s do this. Let’s get down to some serious stuff and talk a
little about mailing lists and let’s talk about specifically the resource
SRDS. You’ve taught me a lot about that. Also let’s talk about how
we can incorporate joint venture marketing by using the resources
of the SRDS.

Bianco: That’s a great one. I mean for people who don’t know anything
about the SRDS that is the Standard Data Rate Service or
Standard Rate Data Service which is basically a huge book, its four
or five inches thick, just the direct mail list one. There are actually
five versions: one for advertising, one for media… We’re going to
focus on the SRDS that is for direct mailing lists.

Michael: Right.

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Bianco: And there are over eighty thousand mailing lists in that book that
are for rent.

Michael: How does that book get these lists?

Bianco: What happens is that companies who want to rent there lists will
contact the SRDS and say, “I want to rent my list, and here is all the
information on it.” They’ll put it in there - like a directory.

Michael: I mean, a year ago I didn’t even know you could rent your lists. I
never even heard of that until – anyone who has a business and
who has a good amount of customers – renting your list is a whole
additional source of income for your business – by renting out your
name… but go on.

Bianco: Let me tell you – that’s true, but you really need a list of at least
thirty thousand or more names to be able to rent it.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: Fifty thousand is really the cut off. If you don’t have more than fifty
thousand names its not a good idea to put them on the rental
market because you’re not going to get much action from them.

Michael: Right if you’re a rental, but if I’m a guy who wants to do joint
ventures and I found a targeted list for my market that maybe only
had three thousand names, I could still do something with that.

Bianco: You could still make a ton of money. I mean, I don’t know how
many people out there who are listening know Dan Kennedy, know
who he is, but one of the things Dan Kennedy taught me is that you
don’t need a humongous list to become rich. Dan told me that he
use to have four hundred thousand names on his list and he use to
make a couple hundred grand a year from them. Then when his list
got down to - he shaved it down, he niched it out even more - down
to about four thousand names, and then he made about a million
bucks a year.

Michael: Did he really have four hundred thousand names on a list?

Bianco: Yes, and when his list got down to four hundred names, when he
shaved it down and niched it out to just four hundred names, he

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makes multi millions a year from that because he’s selling those
four hundred names high ticket items.

Michael: Wow.

Bianco: Four hundred names, it could make anyone of us wealthy, but you
would never get it from him.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: But getting back to the SRDS and the lists that are in there. You
can go through the SRDS in your niche category, find all the lists
that are available for rent, and match your target prospect
demographic. For example, your product sells for one hundred you
want to try and find a list of people who have bought things for a

Michael: Why don’t you use a specific example?

Bianco: Okay. Let’s say you have a program on how to play better golf, you
have a video and it sells for sixty-nine dollars and you say, “Well I
want to sell this, but I don’t know how to sell it.” You go to the
SRDS book - and you can buy these from you – I know you sell
them occasionally on your website, or you can order it from SRDS
for like six hundred bucks each. Sometimes you can get it at some
of the bigger public libraries that carry it.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Go in there and you check it out and you go through the lists and
you look for golf lists that sell non-competitive products. Okay,
obviously if another company sells golf videos, their product is
similar to yours and they’re not going to let you rent their list.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: So you might find a company that sells, let’s say they sell pitching
wedges. Obviously, you sell a golf video on how to play better golf
and they sell a pitching wedge, so you guys are harmonious. You
guys can work together and help each other. What you would do is
this: You would then look at their list. Let’s say their list says it has
eight-five thousand names of people who have bought a pitching
wedge in the past twenty-four months.

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Michael: Okay.

Bianco: You could simply rent those names. A better way to go is to contact
the owner of that list directly. You call the phone numbers that are
listed in there, for either the list broker, or the list agent, or the
company itself might have its direct number on there.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: You ask them for what is called the data card.

Michael: What is a data card?

Bianco: It’s like a sheet of information that has all the information on how
they generated those names, whether it’s from TV spots, print
media, direct mail sales letters, what have you. It says where the
names came from, how much the average ticket of purchase is,
what dollar amount they bought, and then it says what their specific
category is - like eighty percent male, thirty percent people have a
college education – whatever information they’ve gathered – its all
in there. Then you contact the owner of that list and propose a joint
venture deal.

Michael: Okay can I interrupt? There’s one more thing you can do which I
just learned about – you can also ask them for a usage list. You
can get a list of everyone they’ve rented that list out to over the last
year and sometimes the last two years and you can see how many,
and which companies, used the list and which companies repeated
the list.

Bianco: Exactly that would give you a good indication and here’s another
little trick. You can ask the company with the list to send you a copy
of the promotion they used to generate their sales.

Michael: Isn’t that incredible.

Bianco: And when you can analyze their promotion and figure out how they
got eight-five thousand sales. You can weave the same
psychology, the same emotional psychology that they used to
generate the sales, into whatever your selling piece is.

Michael: Right, why try to guess? If the company sold pitching wedges using
a certain psychology, or sold only to credit card buyers, or sold to

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only higher income people, you would want to use that same set of
demographics and psychology in your piece.

Bianco: Yes, you want to look at their sales proposition – what was their
unique sales proposition. Were they selling on the best price? Were
they selling on exclusivity? What was the main thrust of their selling
proposition? You want to make sure that yours is in the same area
as that.

Michael: And how did they order. Did they pay by credit card, was it a free
offer where they tried the pitching wedge for thirty days and then
pay, was it a three payment program, was it a one payment
program, you want to try and match it up identically.

Bianco: Yes there is no point in trying to reinvent the wheel. I mean, if

people want a challenge out there, go have some kids.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: But in business you want to make it as easy as shooting fish in a

barrel. You don’t need challenges in business and you shouldn’t try
and get into areas where you go, “Oh, this is a real challenge – I
want this.” What you want to do is go out there and find home runs
and then hit them.

Michael: So look at this. We’ve got the companies direct mail piece, its
generated them eighty thousand dollars in orders. We know how
much it retailed for. We know how many sales they’re producing
every month. The only thing we don’t know is how much their
spending on advertising. If we could determine their exact cost on
what they spend on mailing and promoting the direct mail piece, we
could have all the necessary numbers to figure out everything
about the business.

Bianco: Exactly. You can take the number of sales they make in a year and
multiply it by the product cost and you can figure out, almost to the
dollar, how much money that company is generating in sales every

Michael: Now let me ask you this. Do you have to beware with some of the
information in the SRDS; can you trust everything in there?

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Bianco: You can’t trust everything in there and, obviously in this short time
I’m on the phone here, we can’t share years and years of
experience in selecting the right list. There are some little tricks on
tactics to make sure that you don’t get burned because there are a
lot of unscrupulous people in life and in business too, so you’ve got
to watch out. There’re definitely lists out there that are not worth
renting - that you will get bogus information from - and so you need
to learn how to pick the right list and there’re a lot of ways. There
are a lot of people who teach that out there you. You can go to
seminars that will teach you how to do that. I have a product that
contains a two and half hour video that teaches you how to find the
right list but in a nut shell – yes you’ve got to be careful, you can’t
just trust everything that list brokers or companies trying to rent you
their list tell you.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: You have to know how to weed out the winners from the losers.

Michael: Hey, Bianco, you really know your stuff. I mean, I’ve talked to you
for many, many hours in the last couple years. How did you learn
all this stuff? Tell me about how you got educated and got excited
about direct marketing and entrepreneurship and all this stuff?

Bianco: Okay, well I started out in business probably about seventeen years
ago and I was in college and…

Michael: How old are you now?

Bianco: Wanted to make some extra money.

Michael: How old are you?

Bianco: I’m thirty-eight.

Michael: You’re thirty-eight, okay.

Bianco: And I needed to make money for school. My education was being
taken care of, but I needed some spending cash and I needed
some money to do things, and buy stuff, and go places, and travel.
So I started up a little company and my little company was a design
company and I designed logos and graphics and brochures for
corporations and small businesses.

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Michael: Okay.

Bianco: And right away I realized no matter how great I was at designing
and I was pretty good, not to toot my own horn, but I was pretty
good. You know, I wasn’t the best in the world, but I was pretty
good and I realized pretty quickly that it doesn’t matter how good
you are at what you do it matters how good you are at marketing
what you do.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And so I learned really quickly that I was pretty good at getting
sales and there was people I knew that were out there doing
exactly what I was doing that were better than me but I was making
a heck of a lot more money then them.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And then I realized that there was something to this selling and
marketing thing. So then after a few years of being in business I
realized, what I wanted was to become an expert at marketing,
because when I’m an expert at marketing I can help any business
including my own drive sales right through the roof.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: So I went out and I basically said “Okay” and I bought all the books
in the bookstore – which, by the way, ninety-nine point nine percent
of them are written by professional writers.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Who know absolutely nothing about what they’re talking about and
all they do is go buy all the other books on the shelves, read them
all, and then rehash it all out.

Michael: Just to sell a book.

Bianco: Just to sell a book. So what you get is every book out there is a
rehash from a different writer’s perspective of the same stuff that
doesn’t work.

Michael: Okay.

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Bianco: So what I realized right away is that stuff doesn’t work. I bought all
the books in the book store, I’ve tried everything they said and none
of it works, and so then I went out and I found somebody who had a
kick butt company making tons of money. I said “How did you learn
to market so great?” and they said this persons name and they
threw out some names: Claude Hopkins -and go read this if you
can find it - John E. Kennedy “Reason Why Advertising” and these
are some of the great books from the twenties and thirties about
how to write direct response copy, how to write direct response ads
and sales letters.

Michael: Do you remember how you first got exposed to it? The good stuff –
do you remember?

Bianco: That was how – someone told me they recommended that those
are the books I go buy.

Michael: Oh.

Bianco: And when I went and bought those books and read them I was
floored. This stuff was amazing. I tried it. I wrote some sales letters,
I wrote some ads and they worked like crazy. I was shocked and
surprised and I continued it and said “who else? – I want to learn
more…. there has got to be people alive today. These guys are all
deceased, but there has got to be people alive today that know this
stuff.” So I went to a Tony Robbins Seminar and he had a
gentleman by the name of Jay Abraham as a speaker..

Michael: You went to that Mastery Seminar?

Bianco: I went to a Mastery Seminar with Tony Robbins.

Michael: That’s funny.

Bianco: And Jay Abraham was one of his speakers. He came up there and
started talking about business and marketing and he just blew me
away. In the one hour that he spoke, I felt like this guy’s brain and
mine were separated at birth.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Everything he said to me, it just triggered in my own head that I

knew that, but I didn’t have the ability to articulate it until he

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explained it to me. Then, once he did, it was like “I knew it!” and I
used it and I made a ton of money and I went out and I said “This is
a guy who is going to be my mentor.” I contacted him by phone
because he lives right here in California and I told him that I wanted
to do barter with him. “I want to trade you one of the services that I
do for one of the services you do - which is one of your upcoming
protégé events. “

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And he said “well, put it in writing, let me know what you’re thinking,
I’m a real busy guy, and I’ll look forward to your letter.” So I sat
down, I spent about a week writing, and rewriting, and rewriting,
and rewriting this letter because I felt like this was my only one
shot, if I didn’t make it work here with this letter, it wasn’t going to

Michael: And you didn’t really have the money to pay twenty grand for this

Bianco: Yes. I didn’t have the money and I wanted to go. I knew this event
would be a spring board to massive success for me.

Michael: Is this the protégé training?

Bianco: The protégé training.

Michael: In 1989 1990?

Bianco: In 1998.

Michael: Oh, 1998?

Bianco: Yes, 1998.

Michael: Oh, he did another protégé training?

Bianco: It might have been 1997. No, it was 97.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: It was five years ago before my son was born.

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Michael: Okay.

Bianco: My son was in the oven getting cooked.

Michael: There you go - a bun in the oven.

Bianco: I wrote this letter and I basically explained that I wanted to trade
him one of the services that I performed that really range from
anywhere from the Fifteen thousand to thirty thousand dollar

Michael: And what were you doing then?

Bianco: I was doing these interactive marketing CD ROMs for corporations

like Texaco, Coldwell Banker, Disney and these things were really
complicated - interactive – this was before the Internet. This was
when the Internet was nothing but black and white text and
everyone thought the Internet was a joke and it’s a bunch of
computer geeks and it’s never going anywhere.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: So everyone was really hot and everyone had a computer or was
hot on CD ROM. We would get these companies who would
contact us and say “Hey, we saw what you did for Texaco we want
you to do that for us.” Now we’re talking huge projects fifty, sixty,
eighty, ninety thousand dollar projects.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And they would take three months to develop. We were doing that
and I said “You know what? Jay Abraham could have one of these
for his seminars to promote his seminars.”

Michael: Was this your business that you were doing?

Bianco: My business.

Michael: You were doing it all on your own?

Bianco: All on my own. Well, I had programmers.

Michael: That you’d outsource stuff.

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Bianco: That I outsourced stuff, exactly, subcontractors - to do certain

programming or production of the CD, producing the actual CD
stamping it out packaging, printing.

Michael: Was it a labor intensive job doing these things?

Bianco: Yes it was a real headache because the technology that we were
using it had to work on both platforms Apple and PC so everything
we did we had to do it twice.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: It’s really labor intensive when you had to change something, a
color or a graphic or a video, it was just super time consuming and I
was working twelve hours a day.

Michael: Did you have to travel?

Bianco: And I had to travel, as well. They’d have meetings to show it and all
this. It was very tedious, very labor intense, and pretty much after
about a year and a half of doing that, it was pretty unrewarding.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Sure, you got paid good money, but it was really unrewarding.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: You never got to put your name on the product because it was their
corporate product.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And they didn’t want to promote you, they weren’t going to pay you
all that money to have you promote yourself.

Michael: It was almost like a job.

Bianco: It was a job that was going nowhere because you never got any
self promotion out of it.

Michael: Okay. I know your skills on the computer in graphic design were

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Bianco: Well thank you.

Michael: You took that with you?

Bianco: Yes, I definitely took that with me on to my new ventures. So I

basically contacted Jay and said “I want to trade you this twenty-
five thousand dollar interactive CD and you let me come to your
one event.”

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: I sent that letter out and I waited and about five six days went by
and I thought, “Okay, I know he got the letter the day after I mailed
it and it’s probably a dud, he’s probably not going to call me.” The
event was only two weeks away. I said to myself, “Whatever - I’m
not going to be going.” Then the phone rang and it was his
assistant saying “Jay got your letter, he’s totally stoked, he wants to
meet you and he wants to do this…”

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: “And he has some other ideas, he wants to do some things.” and I
could not believe it! So we set up the meeting, and I was to go out
there to Jay’s office. On the day before the meeting actually his
assistant called me and said, “Do you mind going to Jay’s house,
he’s not working tomorrow but he wants to meet with you still - so
can you go to his house?” I thought, “Great no problem, go to his
home…” This guy is making twenty million bucks a year and this is
one of the top marketing guys in the world. That means that he
makes thirty grand a day.

Michael: Were you really nervous?

Bianco: No, I wasn’t really nervous because I know a lot of very wealthy
people and celebrities and stuff, so I wasn’t nervous. I was very

Michael: Yes.

Bianco: I was excited. I was going to his home. It was going to be a lot more
personal. I loved it. So I pull up to his beautiful home in Palisades –
Palo Verde, California. I knocked on the door and his nanny

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opened the door. “Come on in, ” she said. This place was a
palace… a mansion practically.

Michael: Yes.

Bianco: I go in there. Jay comes down - he’s in jeans and a t-shirt, he’s
barefoot - “Hey, how you doing Bianco? It’s nice to meet you.”

Michael: Yes.

Bianco: It was about 11:30. He asked if I had eaten yet and I told him that I
hadn’t. He said “Hey, you want some lunch?” The next thing you
know, we were sitting on his living room floor eating these salads –
Jay’s really health conscious and I’m health conscious, too - so
we’re eating salads and drinking this bottled water and we’re
rapping out. He was asking me about my past and what I’m in to.
Jay’s a real inquisitive guy.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Real personable, real friendly. It was amazing. I’m just sitting there
thinking, “Wow, this guy is nothing like I thought he would be.”

Michael: Right.

Bianco: I figured he would be all business – What do you want, here’s the
deal, okay great thank you, good bye see ya.” But he wasn’t like
that at all. We spent two hours talking about everything, going over
everything, and we basically put a deal together on a hand shake -
and the next thing you know, I’m going to his event. One of the
things that is great about Jay is that he said to me “Why do you
only want to go to one of my events? Don’t you want to go to all of
my events?”

Michael: Right.

Bianco: I was thought “Sure!” but I didn’t think it was going to happen. He
said, “Well you know what? Here’s what I’m going to do. If you do
the CD for me you can come to all of my events for the next two
years.” I thought “Wow!!” I could not believe it.

Michael: Okay.

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Bianco: “You pay,” he said, “I’m not going to fly you there, you’ve got to pay
for the flights - and I have my events all over the country - but I’ll let
you in for free… and none of my events are less than five thousand
dollar fees. I usually have three or four events per year and then I
have one major event where it’s fifteen, twenty, twenty-five grand.
You’re welcome to come to all of them.” I said “WOW! You’re the
best Jay, thanks.” So then basically I went to the protégé thing and
I got mind meld with Jay and I sucked up and absorbed everything
and then he gave me a whole bunch of home study materials - like
a lot of stuff he sells.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: I went through those tapes, listened to them day and night, pretty
much for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks. I read the books
over and over and over, until I could use and implement anything
without even having to reference the books again. I like do that

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And then I went out and started doing it. Using it for my clients and
using it on my own businesses and just making tons of money - and
to this day if I even use five or six of the strategies that I learned
from Jay. I can make more money than a man could even need in
his entire life, and that is what I do.

Michael: How do you like to learn best? Are you a reader, audio, video?
What do you find is the most effective way for you in studying this
marketing information?

Bianco: I like to read and listen to audio, that’s the two ways for me. Video,
most of the videos, unfortunately, that are out there are rather
boring. It’s someone standing on stage just standing there with no
props, no diagrams, nothing.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: So the audio is pretty much the same - and I can listen to the audio
while I am doing other things. I can be out cleaning my pool, or I
can be out jogging, or riding my bike, or driving somewhere, and I
can listen to it in my car.

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Michael: Hey by the way I found the pictures of you on your website, that’s
great, that’s excellent, sky diving. Why don’t you give everybody
your URL so someone can see what you look like?

Bianco: Yes, my web addresses is’s my new site

where I’m basically teaching people how to do joint venturing.

Michael: Was that your wife you were sky diving with?

Bianco: No, that’s skydiving with what is called a tandem jump.

Michael: Oh, okay.

Bianco: There are two kinds of jumps. You can jump static line, which
means you jump, out and as soon as you jump out, your ‘chute is
pulled for you.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: Right.

Bianco: Or you can do tandem. That is where you’re tied to the instructor,
and then you get to free fall for about a minute and a half.

Michael: Was that incredible?

Bianco: Just a total rush.

Michael: Was that the first time you did it?

Bianco: That was the first time I did it, yes.

Michael: The only time?

Bianco: Actually I did it a couple more times after that. It’s pretty incredible,
it’s a real rush, and now that, obviously I’ve got two kids and a

Michael: Yes

Bianco: You know my wife would not appreciate it if I did it.

Michael: You’ve become a little more conservative.

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Bianco: Yes. I mean the risk factor is really rather low but…

Michael: It’s there.

Bianco: But when you’re married with two kids that really depend on me for
income and to be there for them to raise them…

Michael: Right, tell anyone listening a little bit about your family, how long
have you been married?

Bianco: I’ve been married nine years, happily married for nine years. I’ve
got a beautiful wife and two beautiful children.

Michael: And how old are your kids?

Bianco: Two years old and four years old, and the four year old is almost
five and he’ll be starting kindergarten next September - so that’s a
big ordeal getting him trained and ready to head up to kindergarten,
which is a pretty exciting time.

Michael: Is he in a pre-school part-time?

Bianco: Yes, exactly, pre-school - part-time.

Michael: Well that’s good training for him.

Bianco: Yes, it’s a lot of fun and that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to
be a master at marketing - because the way I make money is a
bunch of different ways. I either consult or advise companies, and I
have clients that I advise, to corporations who are doing as much
as forty-five million dollars a year all the way down to companies
that do three or four hundred thousand a year in revenue.

Michael: Right.

Bianco: And the marketing strategies including joint venture marketing it

works like crazy in all of them.

Michael: Now, do you work out of a huge high rise office?

Bianco: No. I use to actually have a huge twelve hundred foot office that
was my personal office. You know - big overhead, big expense,
getting dressed up in a suit and tie everyday.

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Michael: You don’t need it do you?

Bianco: But I didn’t like it, and I didn’t need it, so basically I have a big
home. I have an office in my home and I do all my computer
consulting and advising now through phone, fax, Internet, and e-
mail. I rarely will go to the customer’s, or client’s, office.

Michael: Yes.

Bianco: If they’re local, I’ll drive over there once and a while.

Michael: There’s no doubt if anyone listening wants to become a joint

venture expert like yourself, and has visions of going to a job or a
regular office, like maybe your dad did, or what you think of when
you have a job - it is absolutely the total opposite. You wake up you
get out of bed, you don’t have to shower, you don’t even have to
brush your teeth. You go sit down in your office and you can start
doing business. You can do it on the phone, you can do it through
e-mail, through a fax, through the Internet. It’s absolutely incredible.
You can be home with your kids, even though you and I both know
they can be a royal pain. There’s a lot of interruptions there… but
the lifestyle. Talk about the lifestyle. If someone wanted to just get
in to joint ventures and quit their normal jobs or start some joint
ventures on the side. They could think about maybe quitting their
normal job once their income got to a point where they felt secure
enough. Let’s talk about the lifestyle.

Bianco: Yes I mean the key to true happiness really is lifestyle. If people go
to my website there are pictures there of my
lifestyle. It’s not maybe the best lifestyle in the world. I’m not rich
and famous like a lot of people out there. I’m not like a Michael
Jackson or Michael Jordan.

Michael: Who would want to be anyway?

Bianco: Exactly. But I live in southern California, as well as you do, and
southern California is probably one of the best places to live in the
whole planet. I mean it’s just incredible the lifestyle here. You’ve got
to have money to live in California; you’ve got to have money to live
in southern California. I mean… I’m two minutes from the ocean.

Michael: Right.

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Bianco: And I’m forty minutes from the mountains. I can go skiing and
surfing in the same day if I want to.

Michael: Yes.

Bianco: And the lifestyle… I have a beautiful home and I have a pool, like I
said, go to my website and I have some of those pictures you can
see the lifestyle that joint venture marketing has allowed me to live.
The lifestyle, my dream, I am living my dream.

Michael: Yes.

Bianco: And most people out there are stuck in a nine-to-five job. They hate
it and it’s a rat race. The money comes in and the money goes out -
just as fast - and they can never get ahead in life. Joint venture
marketing, learning how to do joint venture marketing can allow you
to break that cycle and to step away and leave all that behind and
start really living your dream.

Michael: Okay, but it is easier said then done. Now lets say a guys got two
kids like yourself, and like myself, and he’s been in a j-o-b a job
working for a boss he can’t stand, fighting traffic every day, up early
out the door at six home at seven the kids. Maybe just went to
sleep, so he’s a weekend dad and he’s scared to leave that job or
he doesn’t believe that this really can be done. How do you
convince him, or if you had a magic pill that you could put in this
guys coffee in the morning, what do you need to do and think
internally to get over that fear to just go for it. I mean do you have
an answer?

Bianco: The reason that they have that fear is basically just lack of
knowledge lack of know-how. They don’t know how to do it. So, the
first thing they need to do is they need to get educated on joint
venture marketing, if that’s the route they want to take.

Michael: Now, where can someone get some good marketing books and
tapes from?

Bianco: Well that’s a good question. In a lot of the book stores, there’s
nothing. Don’t go to the book stores. What you need to do is you
need to go to your website at

Michael: Okay.

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Bianco: Or they need to go to my website at and sign up

for my newsletter and they’ll get information on different joint
venture training programs, and I have a great program, that will
teach people the ins and outs and everything on joint venturing:
How to find joint venture deals, how to use it if you have a
company, how to use it to grow your company. If you don’t have a
company you can use it to become a joint venture consultant and
go out and put together joint venture deals between two
harmonious companies like we talked about earlier with the jewelry
store and hotel; lets say a car dealership that sells Mercedes and a
jewelry store or a bakery or a spa a country club. There are so
many joint venture deals that can be done out there that even if a
thousand people who listen to this right now all bought my program,
went out and became joint venture consultants like myself they
would never run out of deals for life.

Michael: All right, I want to stop right there because I want to go back to your
program, but first let’s talk about – this person who has a lack of
knowledge. So if that person took the time to educate themselves
on marketing, is that enough to set them over the edge to take the
risk and try and put some of these deals together.

Bianco: It is. Because once you learn how easy it is, and you have template
letters and things like that, to contact people, and information to
educate the prospect - the people you want to do the joint venture
with - you’ll have the ammunition and the confidence to do it. Think
about it. When you’re learning something new, you don’t know how
to do it. How much confidence does someone have? Do you play a
sport? Do you play tennis, golf, or anything like that?

Michael: No.

Bianco: Do you ride bikes? What do you do for a hobby?

Michael: I run – I do running for exercise .I run.

Bianco: Okay. So when you first started running, did you know how to run
like an expert runner?

Michael: No.

Bianco: Did you know where to run and how fast to run. No. You went out
and started running you took the first step.

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Michael: Right.

Bianco: And the next step and the next step. Well it’s the same as with
getting educated to change careers and to start living your dream.
You just take baby steps.

Michael: All right, okay. Let me ask you this – you mentioned letters- does
that mean if I’m a shy person and the thought of getting on the
phone and actually talking to someone scares the hell out of me -
can I still do joint ventures and still be able to sit in front of my
computer and still be able to use a letter to set these deals up?

Bianco: Yes, and you don’t even really need a computer to do this. All you
need is the will and the information - and like I said, in this program
that I sell, there are template letters to contact the joint venture
partners and that letter explains to them everything they need to
know to make a decision that they want to do a joint venture, and
so you can use letters so that you don’t have to talk to anybody
until they’re ready to go ready to do the deal. So, yes, you don’t
have to pick up the phone and do all kinds of cold calling to
companies and stumbling over yourself to make sure you don’t say
the wrong thing. There’s templates you can use – letters that do all
the selling for you and you want to use the letters anyways,
because how many phone calls can one guy make in a day - or one
girl make in a day? Twenty, thirty, fifty a hundred if you hustle? How
many letters can one person send out in a day? Hundreds!

Michael: Absolutely. You use the post man to do all your work.

Bianco: It’s leveraging your time. So here’s a snap shot of what can
happen. You get the program, you learn how to do it, your ready to
go, you see ten companies - ten businesses that are in your
neighborhood you think would be good joint venture partners, you
put their name and address on the letter and you drop those in the
mail today and you go play golf all day. The next day your phone
rings – five of them call you and say “This is very interesting
concept, I want to do this. Yes, your letter told me everything and I
want to move forward.” You’d say “Great.” You’d put the two
companies together, you have them do a hand shake agreement or
a little agreement that says this company is going to recommend
this other companies stuff they’re going to split the profits this way.
Then my client company, the company that is receiving the money,
is going to pay me ten, fifteen, twenty percent. It doesn’t matter

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what the percentage is. The key is just to get some joint ventures
under your belt. Get the experience, and then going for the higher
percentage amount of money.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: Don’t let that stop you from getting a deal. Even if you have to
make no money on the first deal you do, get it done so you can
have that success story to share with everyone else.

Michael: Right and start building your confidence and because it takes the
same exact amount of time to do a joint venture for ten cents as it
does for ten million dollars.

Bianco: Exactly. And right now I am working on a humungous joint venture

deal where my joint venture partner will introduce one of my
products. The product sells for four ninety-seven and I will share
half the profits. And they have to have a customer list that is a rapid
buyer list. I mean these people buy stuff in the five hundred to five
thousand dollar range – constantly - and we’re going to do a
mailing to a hundred and twenty-five thousand name list in the next
thirty days and we expect to net five figures each.

Michael: Is this better then investing in the stock market?

Bianco: Yes, That’s the thing a lot of people will say what about real estate.
What about the stock market? What about buying and selling notes
and all these other like really complicated things? Well, the problem
with all that stuff is you have no control over what happens once
you put your money into that investment. Whereas with direct
marketing, and joint venture marketing, you can test on a very small
scale. You can test something for a couple hundred dollars and see
the results. You can see what is going to happen and if it doesn’t
work you can tweak it and twist it and test it again. And once you
find that program that works, then you can roll it out to tens of
hundreds of thousands of people that you can predict with very,
very accurate predictions, what your results are going to be
because you can just multiple them out.

Michael: Bianco, hey this has been an incredible, educational, informative

conversation on joint ventures. It really has.

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Bianco: I really enjoyed being here. It was a pleasure. Mike, you’re always a
great interviewer. I love listening to your interviews myself. I always
learn a lot, I’m a constant and continually eternal student myself. I
call myself an expert because other people do, because I have had
some fantastic results in my consulting and in my advisory, but also
I look at myself as an eternal student myself I am always learning, I
never stop learning, I never want to stop learning.

Michael: That’s great. Hey, listen, for my listeners only …can you give them -
and only for my listeners - your personal phone line, if they wanted
to call you and just rap?

Bianco: Yes, I could give you that.

Michael: Okay.

Bianco: My personal phone line number is area code 949-690-6302. 949-


Michael: And, as you said earlier, and we were discussing, if any of my

listeners call Bianco, he graciously extended a thirty minute
consultation absolutely free.

Bianco: Yes. I’ll talk to them and see what they are doing and where they
want to go - and I’ll give them some help and point them in the right

Michael: All right, I really appreciate that.

Bianco: Okay, Mike.

Michael: All right.

Bianco: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be interviewed here and I

hope everything is going great for you in the future and I wish you
the best.

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