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i] 1} STUDENT GUIDE INN Student Name: SKYJACK INTRODUCTION Imagine that you are a leader of a modern nation. You have fame, wealth, and power. ‘Suddenly, a crisis threatens your citizens and the safety of the world. Terrorists skyjack a plane. They crash the plane into the capitol building of Moya, a world economic, political, and military power. There are no survivors on board the doomed aircraft, and many other elon ae QaEws Citizens from six nations were aboard Flight 102. The six nations linked in this tragedy are Delora, Gomag, Haga, Moya, Solta, and Umbron. The nations are not equal. Some are rich and powerful; others are young and developing. All of these countries have a stake in the international response to the skyjacking. All are affected by the efforts of Moya to bring the terrorists to justice. ‘The President of Moya wants to prevent more terrorism. Moya is calling on other nations to help. Moya expects nations who also suffered skyjacking deaths to join these efforts. You are a leader of a nation whose citizens died on Flight 102. You have a great responsibility. You have two main goals: First To prevent future terrorist acts against your nation Second To keep your government stable and stay in power During SKYJACK you will learn: + The problems that terrorists present for even the most powerful countries + The reasons for terrorists” appeal * The importance of international cooperation in countering terrorist threats ‘You will team with other students. Each team member will be a government official. Each team represents a nation whose citizens died because of the skyjacking. Despit ‘your national differences, leaders of all nations have much in common. Every governmental leader: + Must faithfully represent the best interests of his or her nation *+ Must balance internal or domestic issues with international i + Must protect his or her own political support at home + Must provide leadership during times of crisis As you consider your options and decide the best course of action to take, the eyes of the world are on you SKYJACK concludes with a debriefing. You will discuss the goals and methods of terrorist groups and the problems nations face in dealing with them. sornensa ( nssaasains ecesccprgast ATLA. C ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES > Each member of your team will fill an important governmental role for your country. Consider carefully the roles and responsibil ies. Record role idemtities in the spaces provided. President Under Seeretary of Scores Name: Name: + Possesses strong leadership skills + Keeps a duplicate Score Sheet, updated at * Acts as chairperson of all team discussions all times *+ Allows differing points of view to be * Assumes the duties of the Secretary of expressed while guiding the team to reach Scores if this person is absent a conclusion *+ Performs all map-keeping responsibilities ‘+ Writes Classified Memorandums that will when the Vice President is absent Secretary of Scores Name: reflect well on your country Secretary of Records Name: *+ Keeps a signed Daily Log of all News + Records all map-related team decisions on Releases, Fates, and Consequences in the the Map country folder (must include date and event + Keeps the Map updated at all times esetiption or summary) * Chairs team discussions in the President's absence ‘+ Maintains team’s country folder, keeping it neat, and returning it to designated spot at the end of class + Keeps an updated Seore Sheet in the country folder + Keeps a duplicate signed Daily Log of all News Releases, Fates, and Consequences + Reports the team’s score to the teacher at in the country folder the beginning and end of every class and upon request + Assumes the role of the Secretary of Records in case the Secretary is absent | Each Team Member Reads all Country Backgrounds to understand your national situation, know who your allies/adversaries are, and know your political and economic options Locates all countries on the Map ‘Completes Research on real terrorist groups and tacties — Your team will pool your information and complete a “Profile of a Terrorist.” — You will write an explanatory or persuasive report of what you have learned. Analyzes Policy De — Your team will pool your recommendations. — Your president will write Classified Memorandums detailing your nation’s decisions. m situations, draws conclusions, and makes recommendations 2 SRYAGK Suaant Gane ‘@za0a iret | wwtochntwacicom | NTERAGT c TASKS AND SCORING > ‘Your team of country leaders will learn information, make decisions, and complete written tasks. News Releases and Fates give vital information + News Releases give background information about the skyjacking, the terrorist, the flight path, and the exact location of the crash. + News Releases and Fates enable you to complete Map work, ely and accurate map work will keep all team members informed and help you determine the best course of action as events unfold. = Failure to complete map work properly will result in a point loss. + Fates keep your team informed of unfolding international events — They often reflect circumstances beyond your control. Policy Decisions and Consequences ‘The president of Moya will make four requests of the nations that lost citizens in the terrorist attack. These five governments must decide how to respond to these requests Your team of leaders will consider the possible actions your nation might take, You will also consider the Consequences of those actions. You must make Poliey Decisions very Carefully. A mistake could encourage future terrorist acts, could damage your country, ‘or might hurt your political future. * Policy Decisions test how well your team copes with terrorists and other heads of state. — You apply your understanding of the issues of terrorism to specific situations. — You demonstrate your skill in negotiating, — You must turn in written responses to the Policy Decision requests. * Consequences tell how others respond to your actions and specify your resulting point gains or losses, Written Assignments You will complete both individual and team written tasks. The quality of your written work is crucial. + High-quality written work can help to protect you from the Consequences of a poor Policy Decision, + Written work must include — Facts based on background information — Research and analysis — Effective written expression + Written work will be graded on a scale of 25-10. ‘+ Any written work that does not earn a score of 7.5 must be redone. Scoring * You and your team eam points based on how well your team cooperates to achieve your national and political goals, — You gain points by taking actions to deter international terrorism without hurting your country. — You lose points by taking actions which harm your national interests and/or encourage terrorists to skyjack more planes. — You neither gain nor lose points by taking actions that leave a situation unchanged. + You and your team receive points equal to the grades you receive on written work, — Any team failing to achieve an average of 7.5 points on any written assignment is considered unable to deal effectively with terrorists — Nations that score less than an average of 7.5 points on any written assignment are vulnerable to Political pressure from other nations, resulting in a Joss of poi IWSTERACT | Oro Ovoct 9 EB-080T | G2002 Wren SKYIACK Stat Ge @ Cc COUNTRY BACKGROUNDS > Delora Delora won its independence from Haga. It is a small country with a dense population. Delora is mostly a hot, dry, desert. About 25% of its land can grow crops. The country has natural gas reserves. However, its industry is limited, Delora’s economic future is uncertain, The government owes a large debt. Its currency flow comes from foreigners. Delora’s loans come from Moya, Haga, and Umbron. The skyjacking has placed Delora in an ‘uncomfortable position. Delora shares with Haga and Moya @ common system of law, The law condemns terrorist acts. Becoming allies with Moya might help Delora to get rid of debt. But Delora’s population consists of several ethnic groups. These include people who share a political and religious background with General Abzar. Many people in Delora oppose Moya's global military presence. Also, many New Liberation Front members live in Delora. It borders the nation of Redona, where Moya believes that General Abzar is hiding. Politics are always changing in Delora. An unpopular move can cause the overthrow of the govemment, Delora trades (imports and exports) with Moya, Haga, and Gomag, Delora has a small army, It is in a good strategie position if Moya wants to invade its neighbor to find Abzar, Gomag Gomag is a desert country. It exports most of the world’s petroleum, Gomag receives 75% of its revenues from il. General Abzar has said that Moya controls Gomag, Moya has 5% of the world’s people and consumes 25% of the world’s oil. It keeps troops in Gomag to help the government stay in power. Unemployment is high in this country. Many young people feel they have fewer opportunities than their parents had. The people of Gomag have the same culture and religion as General Abzat. The skyjackers are believed to be from Gomag, Its leaders wouldn't mind creating a feeling that it has friction with Moya. Gomag trades (imports and exports) with Moya, Haga, and Delora, Gomag receives technical assistance from Moya and Haga, Haga Haga is a trading and financial power. I used to have a large empire. Haga once controlled land that is now Gomag, Moya, Solta, and Delora. Haga has knowledge of, and influence in, these areas, Haga knows that many people in its former lands do not trust Moya. Haga considers Moya an ally. Haga could help Moya build a coalition against terrorism. Haga has taken a strong stand against terrorism within its own borders. The country has many natural resources including coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Haga trades (imports and exports) with Moya, Gomag, Solta, Delora, and Umbron. About 25% of its land can be used to grow crops. Its economy is growing steadily. Haga produces 60% of the food it needs. Its army and navy are well respected. 1 SAWACK Sten Guile ‘Oro as | wawieactiteaetcon | WTERAGT Cc COUNTRY BACKGROUNDS Solta ‘Terrorists have bothered Solta for a long time. The United Nations established Solta from Haga’s former lands. Neighboring countries did not approve. Solta has been in conflict with them ever since, Solta’s religion and culture differ from her neighbors. Also, Solta contains the region of Benoa. The Benoese have a religion and culture like Solta’s neighbors. Many Benoese would like to break away from Solta to form 4 separate nation. Some Benoese have used violence toward that goal, Solta gets weapons and military aid from Moya. It owes half of its government debt to Moya, Moyan businesses have investments in Solta ‘The country exports to Moya and trades (imports and exports) with Haga, Solta has a strong military force and counter-commando group. Its natural resources are limited. A small portion of its land can be used to Brow crops, Solta uses advanced technology. Its technological assistance comes from Moya and Haga, Umbron Until recently, Umbron and Moya were two superpowers. Then Umbron's empire split into many separate republics. Umbron is still the largest country in the world. Much of its land is either too cold or too dry for growing crops. The country exports oil, natural gas, metals, and timber, It needs to modernize its old industries. Umbron would like to develop international trade. Currently it trades with (imports and exports) Moya and Haga. It receives technical L i assistance from them as well. Umbron provides S as isch AM a technical assistance to Delora. Umbron and Moya once opposed each other. Recently their relationship has softened. Still, Umbron is suspicious of its old enemy. Umbron hopes that Moya will not use the \war on terrorism as an excuse to extend its influence into new lands. Umbron is located close to Redona, where Abzar is believed to be hiding, Umbron has valuable knowledge of the area, It also has a large army. Still, Umbron hopes there will not be a lengthy military response to SKYJACK. Redona is a remote, mountainous area. Umbron’s last invasion there was costly and unwinnable. Umbron has many political parties in the country. A misstep could cost government leaders their jobs. INTERACT 1 Over Drack(00) 3600964 | A002 Meret SKTIACK Suto Gus § Cc PRESSURE ACTIONS > Pressure Actions The failure of any country to deal effectively with terrorists could undermine the security of all. Terrorists will respond to each nation’s chosen course of action in SKYJACK. Other countries will respond to each nation’s Actions as well. A mation team must earn an average score of 7.5 on each assignment. A lower average score ‘means that the nation is not working effectively against terrorism. Other nations might then use Pressure Actions against these governments. Pressure Actions are tools that nations use to influence other nations. Nations also use Pressure Actions to punish other nations. 1. Pressure Actions are divided into four levels of increasing intensity. Examples are: send a diplomatic note, organize a trade embargo, or cut foreign aid When a government team fails to achieve an average score of 7.5 for the first time, subject to a Level I Pressure Action. When a government team fails to achieve an average score of 7.5 for a second time, it is subject to both Level 1 and Level 2 Pressure Actions, and so on. that government is When to Apply Pressure Actions ‘The Pressure Actions available to a country depend on that country's power and resources, ‘Trade agreements also limit what each nation can do. Study the Pressure Actions and examples. Know nation can and cannot do to apply Pressure Actions. |. Nations do not have to use Pressure Actions when eligible to do so. Nations can simply decline to exercise this power. 2. When a nation does apply 3. and economic What your a Pressure Action, it causes the nation it is pressuring to lose points, ‘The number of points the pressured nation loses is indicated in parentheses beside each Pressure Action. 0 SRUACK Suaent Gude (22002 eat | retaatncicom | WTERAGT c PRESSURE ACTIONS > Level 1 Pressure Actions + Send a diplomatic note to the head of state criticizing the nation’s action or inaction. (1) + Publicly criticize the government on the floor of the United Nations. (2) Level 2 Pressure Actions + Threaten to place a tariff on the nation’s products which your country is importing, (2) + Threaten to limit the export of strategic products to the country. (3) *+ Threaten to cut off technical assistance to the country. (3) + Threaten to cut off arms sales to the country. (3) * Threaten to refuse loans to the country. (3) Level 3 Pressure Actions + Cancel purchase orders that your government has made in the country. (3) + Threaten to cut off all foreign aid to the country. (3) + Refuse a loan to the country. (3) + Cut off arms sales to the country. (3) * Place a tariff on the nation’s products, which are being imported into your country. (4) Level 4 Pressure Actions + Threaten the use of force against the country. (4) + Call your ambassador home and break off diplomatic relations with the country. (5) * Seize property and assets of the country within your borders. (6) + Cut off all foreign aid to the country. (6) + Organize a trade embargo against the country. (7) (This Action can be used only if the other nations join you.) Examples of nations applying Pressure Actions and the results for the offending nation: Example 1 Example 2 Delora’s leaders receive an average of less than 7.5 || Delora’s average score on a written assignment points on a written assignment. Itis the first time is 5. Its the third time this nation has failed to Delora has failed 10 achieve a satisfactory score. achieve a satisfactory mark, causing a highly + Haga and Umbron each send diplomatic notes to negative reaction abroad. the President of Delora, criticizing the government |] * Haga responds by refusing a loan to Delora. for failing to work to counter the terrorist threat (3 points) (C1 point against the team, from each country). * Gomag places a tariff on Delora’s products. + Solta criticizes Delora on the floor of the (A points) United Nations. + Since Solta has no trade relationship with Delora, (-2 points) it criticizes the government on the floor of the + Gomag chooses to ignore the issue for the time United Nations. being, (2 points) Delora loses a total of 4 points on this day. + Umbron decides to ignore Delora’s inaction. Delora loses a total of 9 points for this day, INTERACT 1 Over Drec- 00) 3660864 | a0 erat SKYAGK Stor Guise 7 WORLD MAP 8 Sy0nCK Staant Go

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