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Name_______________________________________ Class______________________________

12 Language Test
1 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
plastic / jars / glass / can / cardboard / packets

0 Always recycle plastic bags.

1 Wine bottles are usually made of __________.

2 I bought myself a __________ of soup for lunch.

3 We put the fruit in __________ boxes.

4 I ate two __________ of chocolate biscuits yesterday!

5 We bought a few __________ of olives when we were in Spain.

Marks /5
2 Label the animals.

Marks /5
3 Complete the descriptions with the missing words and the names

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of the animals or insects.
fur / scared / white / legs / run / intelligent

0 Leopards belong to the cat family and have spots on their fur.

1 __________ are insects which have eight legs. Some people are very __________ of them.

2 __________ look similar to horses. They have black and __________ stripes.

3 __________ don’t have any __________ and can be poisonous.

4 __________ have spots on their fur and can __________ very, very fast.

5 __________ are much bigger than chimpanzees and are also very __________.

Marks / 10


4 Match the first part of each phrase (1–5) with the second part (a–f).
0 She used her mobile phone d

1 They went into town 

2 I’m going to Scotland 

3 Jane Goodall went to the jungle 

4 We use different bins 

5 He left the party early 

a to visit my grandparents.

b to recycle our rubbish.

c to catch the last bus home.

d to text all her friends.

e to meet some friends.

f to study chimpanzees.

Marks /5

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5 Order the words to make sentences.
0 so the weather couldn’t we have was wet barbecue a that

The weather was so wet that we couldn’t have__

a barbecue.______________________________

1 good film I that was so watched the twice it



2 throat sore I so couldn’t speak was my that



3 weather couldn’t wet that we so play the was football



4 party so that stayed we good was the midnight until



5 finish book so can’t this is boring I it that



Marks /5

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6 Use the prompts to write the questions. Then answer them, making them correct for you.
0 play football / go swimming? [prefer]

Would you prefer to play football or go swimming?

I’d prefer to go swimming.____________________

1 live in the country / in the city? [prefer]



2 go to New York / to Los Angeles ? [prefer]



3 have an ice cream / a cake? [rather]



4 play computer games / meet friends

in town? [prefer]



5 go to the shops / shop online? [rather]



Marks / 10

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7 Circle the correct response.
0 Have a good trip!

a) No, thanks. b) Thank you! c) Yes, please.

1 Say hello to your parents for me.

a) Yes, I hope so. b) Yes, they will.

c) Yes, I will.

2 Would you rather have tea or coffee?

a) I’d rather to have tea.

b) I’d prefer have coffee. c) I’d rather have tea.

3 Don’t forget to call me from the hotel.

a) No, I won’t. b) No, I didn’t. c) Thanks.

4 Only 20% of __________ are poisonous.

a) snakes b) the snake c) a snake

5 I’m too scared to see that film.

a) Don’t be sad! b) Don’t be so clever!

c) Don’t be such a wimp!

Marks / 10

8 Complete the dialogue with the words below.

safe / call / OK / won’t / you / care / I’ll / Say / emails / will / Don’t

Dad: Have a 0 safe trip!

Julia: Thank 1 __________.

Dad: 2 __________ hello to your cousins for me.

Julia: Yes, I 3 __________.

Dad: And don’t forget to 4 __________ me when you get there.

Julia: No, I 5 __________.

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Dad: Take 6 __________ of yourself while you’re there.

Julia: 7 __________ worry, Dad. I’ll be 8 __________.

Dad: Send us some 9 __________ if you can.

Julia: 10 __________ send you lots!

Marks / 10


Vocabulary / 20

Grammar / 20

Communication / 20

Total / 60

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