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Grammar 3 Complete the sentences with the correct

comparative or superlative form of these

1 Complete the short dialogues with the correct adjectives.
future form of the verbs given.
bad • cheerful • cloudy • comfortable
1 A: I don’t know what I ………………………………………………
(wear) to Tom’s party on Saturday. Have you
decided yet? 1 It’s much ……………………………………………… today than it
B: Maybe the new skirt I bought last week. was yesterday, but I don’t think it’s going to rain.
2 A: Who do you think ……………………………………………… 2 Helen is the ……………………………………………… person I
(win) the dancing competition tomorrow? know. She’s always smiling even when everyone else
B: I don’t know, but Maddie has got a very good is angry or sad.
chance. 3 What’s the ……………………………………………… you’ve ever
3 A: Look at the weather forecast. It ……………………………… ridden your bicycle?
……………… (be) hot. Let’s go to the beach. 4 Pollution in our town has become much
B: That’s a good idea. ……………………………………………… since the new factory
4 A: Where ……………………………………………… (you/meet) opened.
Jane? 5 My mum has bought a new sofa. It’s much
B: Outside the shopping centre. ……………………… than the old one.
5 A: When is your friend from England arriving? /5
B: Tonight. He ……………………………………………… (come) by
plane. Total / 15


2 Complete the sentences with the correct present Vocabulary

perfect form of the verbs given and one of these
words. 4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
short dialogues.
already • ever • just • never • yet
1 A: I want to buy a really nice ring.
1 I …………………………………………………………………………………… B: Try the chemist’s/jeweller’s in the High Street.
2 A: We lost the match. I’m very sad/bored.
(not see) the new wildlife series on TV ………………… . Is it
B: Don’t worry. There’s always next time.
3 A: You look really tired.
2 I …………………………………………………………………………………… B: We swam to the field/island in the lake.
(put) some photos on the website. Have a look now! 4 A: Some people don’t have enough to eat.
3 …………………………………………………………………………………… B: Yes. Homelessness/Hunger is a really serious
(you/be) to the department store on Bridge Street? problem.
5 A: We need some more vegetables.
4 Paul ………………………………………………………………………
B: I’ll get some at the stationery shop/greengrocer’s.
(do) his homework so now he’s playing on his computer
games console. /5
5 I ……………………………………………………………………………………
(eat) Japanese food, but I’ve always wanted to try


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5 Complete the sentences with these words. There Use of English
are two extra options.
7 Complete the dialogue with the sentences A–F.
bakery • coat • crime • poverty • river There are two extra sentences.
valley • violence
Lucy: Where are you going for your holiday?
1 I’ve just been to the ……………………… to get some really David: (1) ………………………
fresh bread. Lucy: How long are you going for?
2 My parents don’t allow us to watch films with a lot of David: Three weeks. Have you ever been there?
……………………… in them. Lucy: No, I haven’t. What’s it like?
3 We went sailing on the ……………………… . David: (2) ………………………
4 People who have no money live in ……………………… . Lucy: What will you see?
5 I didn’t wear my ……………………… this morning and I got David: We’re going to Santiago and the Atacama Desert.
very cold. That’s the driest place on Earth.
Lucy: Is it very hot there?
David: (3) ………………………
Lucy: What clothes are you taking?
6 Complete the sentences with the correct answer,
David: (4) ………………………
A, B or C.
Lucy: Well, take lots of photos!
1 It was really ……………………… outdoors. We couldn’t see.
A sunny A It’s a long thin country. It’s above Antarctica.
B icy B I won’t be going there. There isn’t enough time.
C foggy C Jeans, shorts – not too much. I have to carry it all.
2 A ……………………… stung my mum at the picnic. D I’m going to buy a camera at the airport.
A snake E Chile, in South America.
B bee F Yes, but cold at night.
C lizard
3 The ……………………… in our little garden is very green. /8
A grass
B hill
C lake
4 The big ……………………… in the bath didn’t frighten me!
A shark
B spider
C jellyfish
5 We bought some walking boots at the new
……………………… .
A bookshop
B butcher’s
C sports shop


Total / 15

2 of 5
8 Read the article about a charity walk. Choose the best answers, A, B or C.

Next weekend, two teenagers are going to walk non-stop for 24 hours to try to raise money for a charity for the homeless
in their town. The charity offers a bed for the night and a hot meal for young homeless people. The teenagers, Dan
Thomas and Ollie Green, want to do something to help these people.

The two boys often go for long walks. Walking is their hobby, but they have never completed 36 miles all at once and
they don’t usually walk at night. They did a practice walk last month, but got a bit lost, so they have planned the walk
very carefully in the last two weeks. They will have to carry everything they need, including food and extra clothes. And,
because they are walking at night, they will have to wear special jackets that people can see in the dark. They hope that
the weather will be good because the walk is in summer but, as Ollie says, ‘You never know in England.’ They will prepare
for wet weather and very hot weather, too.

The boys’ parents and teachers say that they are very happy that the boys are being so responsible. The walk will take
them up hills and down into valleys, past a river and across fields, but the boys aren’t worried. ‘There are no wild animals
around here,’ they say.

You can give money to the boys by visiting the 'just giving' page on their website. And, if you want to cheer them on
when they reach the finishing line, come to the town centre on Sunday evening.

1 The teenagers are going to walk ……………………… to raise 4 The boys’ parents and teachers think the boys are
money for charity. ……………………… .
A all weekend A happy
B all day and all night B too young for the walk
C two nights C preparing well
2 The two boys have ……………………… walked the whole 5 The boys will see ……………………… during the walk.
distance before. A a river
A already B wild animals
B sometimes C mountains
C never 6 People can help the charity by ……………………… .
3 They have to wear special jackets because A going on the walk, too
……………………… . B giving cash
A they have to carry food C working as volunteers
B it will be dark some of the time
C the weather will be bad

9 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1 The homeless charity will get money/a bed as a result 5 The boys feel worried/relaxed about walking through
of Dan and Ollie’s walk. the countryside.
2 The two boys couldn’t see in the dark/find their way 6 The boys will end the walk outside the homeless
when they did their practice walk. charity/in the middle of the town.
3 The boys will eat at cafés/outdoors during the walk.
4 They can/can’t be certain that the weather on the walk
will be good.
Total / 12

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10 Listen to an interview with an actor. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?
1 The man decided to become an actor when he was a child. T/F
2 His parents often took him to the theatre. T/F
3 After drama school, he had to work as a journalist. T/F
4 His next project will be a Shakespeare play. T/F
5 The girl doing the interview wants to be an actor. T/F


11 Listen again and complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 The actor loved the stage and the ……………………… when he was in a school play.
2 Most actors go to ……………………… school first to learn how to act.
3 The actor was in a TV series about a ……………………… newspaper.
4 In film and TV, actors can do it again when they forget their ……………………… .
5 Acting in the theatre is more exciting because you are ……………………… to the audience.


Total / 10

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12 You are going on a trip to the mountains with your family and your mum has suggested that you bring a
friend. You have asked Paula and she has just sent you this email. Write your reply.

I’m so excited about the trip! I just want to ask some questions. What will the weather be like there and what clothes
should I bring? What are we going to see and do there and do I need any special equipment? Are there any shops? I want
to buy some souvenirs and presents to take home for my family.
Write back soon.

Write about:
• what the weather will be like.
• what clothes Paula should bring.
• what you will do.
• what to bring.
• the shops.

Write 50–75 words.








/ 10

13 You want to organise an event at your school to support a local charity. Call your friend and speak to
him/her about the event and how he/she can help. Use the notes below to help you.

• Say which charity you think your school should support.

• Make two suggestions for the event.
• Decide what to do next.
• Arrange a time and a place for the next meeting.

/ 10

Total / 80

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