Sample Paper 4 - E2 Reading

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ESOL Skills for Life

Entry 2 — Reading
Sample paper 4

Time allowed: 60 minutes

 Please answer all questions.

 Circle your answers in pen, not pencil, on the separate answer sheet.
 You may not use dictionaries.
 You may not use correction fluid.

Entry 2 — Reading

Task 1

Hi Jill
How are you? Thanks for your email. You asked about my holiday to Barchester.
It was great!
My best friend Caroline came with me and we stayed with my cousin Jenny. We
arrived on Friday afternoon and went to the city centre. It was fantastic for
shopping. There were so many huge stores with a lot of floors and different
departments and things to buy. That evening we went out to eat dinner. I had
Japanese food for the first time and I enjoyed it.
Jenny’s friend had her birthday on Saturday. In the evening, we went to her party
and had a barbecue in the garden. On Sunday we went to the beach. It was so
hot and sunny. Caroline swam in the sea, but I didn’t. The water wasn’t warm.
We were exhausted on Sunday night. We stayed at home!
I didn’t want to come home! When are you going to visit me?

Questions 1–3
Choose the correct ending to complete the sentences. There is one answer you don’t need.
Circle the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.

A the seaside C a restaurant E a birthday party

B the city centre D Barchester

Example: On Friday, they went to D

1. First, they went to .

2. The next day, they went to .

3. Finally, they went to .

page 2 Answer all questions.

Entry 2 — Reading

Questions 4–6
Choose the letter of the best meaning for each word. Look at the text carefully to help you choose
the answer. Circle the letter on your answer sheet.

4. fantastic
A very old
B very good
C very boring

5. huge
A big
B small
C funny

6. exhausted
A tired
B happy
C hungry

Questions 7–9
Choose the letter of the best answer and circle it on your answer sheet.
7. What did Sandra think about Japanese food?
A she didn’t like it
B it was better last time
C she was happy about it

8. Why didn’t Sandra go in the sea?

A the weather was bad
B the sea was too cold
C she can’t swim

9. At the birthday party, Sandra

A saw Caroline’s cousin
B went to the beach
C ate outside

page 3
Turn over page
Entry 2 — Reading

Task 2

Text A Text B

Sunrise Supermarket Application Form

Jobs for delivery drivers, Sunrise Supermarket
cashiers and cleaners Name of job:
Full and part-time hours available
Personal details
Please send an application form to: Title:
Send applications by 5 July Full name:
Interviews are going to be on 23/24 July Address:

Telephone number:
Text C National Insurance number:
Full driving licence? (please circle) Yes No
Contract of Employment When are you available to work?
1. Between Sunrise Supermarket (employer)
and Marta Jones (employee)
2. Starting Date: 19.8.17 How did you hear about the job?

3. Job Title: Cashier

4. Full or Part-time: Full-time
5. Pay: £7.50 per hour Text D

6. Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9am–5pm Number of workers at Sunrise Supermarket

7. Holidays: 20 days per year 16
8. Sickness: After 7 days of sickness you must 14
show your manager a note from your doctor. 12

I agree to the information above. 10

Signature: (employer)
Signature: (employee)
Text E Cashiers Delivery Cleaners
Map of the supermarket
Front Door Cashiers

Health and
Groceries Frozen Food
Toilets Beauty

Manager’s Office Staff Room Delivery Area

Back Door

page 4 Answer all questions.

Entry 2 — Reading

Marta is applying for a job at Sunrise Supermarket. Use the texts on page 4 to answer the questions.

Questions 10–12
What is each text for? Circle the letter of the text on your answer sheet. There is one text you
don’t need and an example.

Example: to apply for a job B

10. to give information about how many people work at the company
11. to explain where places are in the supermarket
12. to tell people about some new jobs at a supermarket

Questions 13–15
Look at the texts. Choose the letter of the best answer and circle it on your answer sheet.

13. In text A, Marta needs to apply for the job by

A 5 July
B 23 July
C 24 July

14. In text B, Marta needs to write

A the name of her employer
B when she can work
C her email address

15. Text C says that after a week of illness, Marta must

A have a holiday
B write to her manager
C send a letter from a doctor

Questions 16–18
Look at texts D and E. Choose the letter of the best answer and circle it on your answer sheet.

16. At Sunrise Supermarket there are more

A delivery drivers
B cashiers
C cleaners

17. Where is the frozen food?

A between the bakery and the cashiers
B in the middle of the supermarket
C next to the manager’s office

18. What can you buy at Sunrise Supermarket?

A a loaf of bread
B a mobile phone
C a child’s toy

Turn over page

page 5
Entry 2 — Reading

Task 3

Did you know?

Fascinating fact file of the week
Wild cats are very interesting and unusual animals. They are similar to cats in a town, but there
are some differences.
Wild cats come from Africa, but you can find them in some European countries too. They are
bigger than town cats. They have longer legs and they are stronger. In many ways wild cats are
more advanced than humans. For example, they are very good at climbing and they can see
more detail than us in the dark. Cats are very good at catching small animals like mice. This is
because they have very good hearing. They can hear a mouse more easily than we can.
Wild cats make many different sounds. These interesting sounds mean different things.
They show their feelings with their body, for example angry cats put their ears back.
Wild cats are different to town cats, but both are beautiful.

Questions 19–21
Choose the letter of the best answer according to the text and circle it on your answer sheet.

19. Wild cats

A only live in Africa
B only live in Europe
C live in Africa and Europe

20. Wild cats are

A larger than town cats
B smaller than town cats
C the same size as town cats

21. Wild cats

A can hear very well
B cannot climb very well
C cannot see well at night

page 6 Answer all questions.

Entry 2 — Reading

Questions 22–24
Look at the list of words. They are in alphabetical order. Animals
Circle the letter of the best answer on your answer sheet.

22. Which word comes first in the list, before elephant? elephant

A turtle
B lion fish
C bird

23. Where does goat come in the list?

A between elephant and fish
B between fish and horse
C between horse and lizard lizard

24. Which word comes last in the list, after rabbit? monkey

A tortoise rabbit
B parrot
C deer

End of exam
Copyright © 2017 Trinity College London page 7
Skills for Life Entry 2 Reading — Sample paper 4
1. B
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. D
11. E
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. A
19. C
20. A
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. A

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