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Consecrating the Athame

Things need for the Ritual:

The intended blade wrapped in a black cloth (symbolically still unmined metal)
A basin of water large enough to wash the blade with salt
Solomon's Seal incense
A feather `````weeeeeeeeee
A needle and candle to sterilize, to take a drop of own blood (optional)
Lodestone or magnet

Beginning in the center of the consecrated alter in the center of a sacred space (In the center of the Universe) three days before the New Moon;

1. Take the intended blade out of the black cloth as if mining the metal. Wash the blade as if washing new metal from the Earth (optional brushing as
well). Thank the Earth for the metal.

2. Carry the blade to the East and smudge with smoke of incense and the feather. Meditate upon the blade's purpose-extension of self with fine tuned
intellectual process behind its use, consciously driven. Anoint the blade with oils from the skin rubbing it from haft to point, visualizing it being formed
into the shape it should be in idea or design.

3. Carry the blade to the South. Pass quickly through the flame of the candle three times. Be careful not to scorch or color the metal. Meditating on the
forging of the metal as per the design, thinking it made as "mine" (A drop of blood from one's own finger intensifies this concept at this time) then chant:

Blade of steel I conjure thee, To ban all things as named by me, And as my words, SO MOTE IT BE.

4. Carry the blade to the West. Bathe the blade lovingly in the basin of water. Meditate upon the emotional bond one chooses to build with the blade.
Make sure to wipe the blade carefully, so no water remains.

5. Carry to the North. Rub the blade gently from the point to haft with the magnet or lodestone chanting:

Blade of steel I conjure thee, To attract all things as named by me, And as my words, SO MOTE IT BE.

6. Carry the Athame to each quarter. Introduce it to the Guardians by the name that has been chosen.

7. The name of the blade, one's own name, and/or words of power in secret symbols of one's own choice can now be embedded, painted, or engraved
upon blade and handle as one chooses.

 An Athame Blessing

Cast circle about yourself and call the four watchtowers. Sit in front of your altar with the athame in the center of your working space. Calm and center
yourself, reach out your mind to the Lord and Lady. When you are ready, focus on your athame and say:

"I cleanse and purify this tool of my Craft from all past energies and negativity." Visualise all the past associations of your knife and all negative energies
shooting forth, leaving the knife and your circle.

"Spirits of Earth, bless this athame by the steel of it's blade, to lend strength and stability to my magick and work."

Sprinkle some salt onto the blade and handle of your athame.

"Spirits of Air, bless this knife with the power to direct my magick on the journey I send it, as it alone may penetrate through space and time."

Cense your athame in incense smoke.

"Spirits of Fire, who forged this blade, bless my athame to be the instrument of my Will, free of negative influences and pure in it's direction of my

Run the blade through a candle flame.

"Spirits of Water, bless this magickal knife to be a tool used with love, and in respect for the mysteries. May all spells it casts be within the natural rules
of using the Power."

Sprinkle water over the athame.

Now, to the Goddess and God, say:

"I bless this athame in the names of my Goddess and God that it may be true to the Will of my spirit, to be a powerful tool of the Lord tempered with the
intuition of the Lady.
In love and in trust,
In peace and in wisdom,
I bless this tool of my faith,
So mote it be."

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