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Is animal testing justified?

Is the death penalty appropriate? Or should it be banned?

Should laptops be allowed in classrooms?

Is there good reason for the American war on terror?

Does school detention do any good in high schools?

What impact does social networking and social networking sites

have on society?

Is euthanasia justified?

Are video games containing violence appropriate for children?

Are single sex schools more effective than co-ed schools?

Is television an effective tool in building the minds of children?

Should jobs be subcontracted into developing countries?

Is cloning animals ethical?

Is the grading system used in high school effective?

Do celebrities get away with more crime than non-celebrities?

Is it justified to develop nuclear energy for commercial use?

Is it effective to censor parts of the media?

Are humans to blame for certain animal extinctions?

Are alternative energy sources effective and justified?

Is drug testing athletes justified?

Is it appropriate for adolescents to be sentenced to life without


Should high schools provide daycare services for students who

have children?

Is torture justified when used for national security?

Should cell phones be banned in schools?

Is peer pressure harmful or beneficial to individuals?

Should the death penalty be taken away completely?

Are beauty pageants a way to exploit women?

Is it unethical to eat meat?

Should homework be banned?

Do celebrities make for bad role models?

Should the zoos be banned?

Should fried foods come with a warning?

Should sex education be banned in middle schools?

Should all schools make it a requirement to teach arts and

music to their students?

Should juveniles be tried and treated as adults?

Is human cloning justified, and should it be allowed?

Has nuclear energy destroyed our society?

Should parents not purchase war or destruction type toys for

their children?

Should animal dissections be banned in schools?

Should plastic bags be banned?

Are humans too dependent on computers?

Are security cameras an invasion of our privacy?

Should gay marriages be legalized?

Is co-education a good idea?

Does money motivates people more than any other factor in

the workplace?

Is it ethical for companies to market their products to children?

Is age an important factor in relationships?

Should school attendance be made voluntary in high school?

Is the boarding school system beneficial to children?

Are curfews effective in terms of keeping teens out of trouble?

Should libraries have a list of books that are banned?

Will posting students’ grades on bulletin boards publicly

motivate them to perform better or is it humiliating?

Do school uniforms help to improve the learning environment?

How far is competition necessary in regards to the learning


Can bullying in schools be stopped? How so?

Is it important for all schools to conduct mandatory drug testing

on their students?

Who is more complicated gender: men or women?

Should humans eat to live or live to eat?

Do video games cause bad behavior in children?

Should older women be allowed to marry younger men?

Is it better to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich?

Do nice girls finish last?

Do nursery rhymes have secret interior meanings?

What are the advantages of being a man over a woman?

Which of these two are more real – pirates or ninjas?

Do vampires get AIDS from sucking blood that is affected?

Which is better: daydreaming or night dreaming?

Do you think the United States will never have a woman


Did God create the universe or did it just occur naturally?

Do we have less face-to-face interaction because of Facebook?

Is there life after death?

Are we aliens of some sort?

What are the best dating techniques out there?

What are the advantages of bottled water vs. regular water?

Which is a better show: Vampire Diaries or FRIENDS?

What is the best pizza topping?

Are Batman and Superman misleading idols?

Which is better: Rock n Roll music or Hip Hop?

Which is better: Harry Potter or Twilight?

Which is the best season of the year?

Is it better to date someone attractive and popular or intelligent

and smart?

Which is better to have as a pet: a cat or a dog?

All students should have an after school job.

Partial birth abortion should be illegal.

Every student should be required to take a performing arts


Homework should be banned.

School uniforms should be required.

Year round education is not a good idea for student learning.

PE should be required of all students throughout high school.

All students should be required to perform one year of

community service.

Schools should block Youtube.

Students should be able to leave school for lunch.

All parents should be required to attend parenting classes

before having a child.

Single-sex schools are better for students.

Students should be held legally responsible for bullying in


Cyberbullying that occurs outside of school, should be punished

by the school.

Teachers should not be allowed to contact students through

social media.

Public prayer should not be allowed in schools.

High stakes state testing should be abolished.

All people should be vegetarians.

Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized by the


Should America provide foreign aid to countries that kill and sell

items from endangered animals.

It is never appropriate for the government to restrict freedom

of speech.

Human cloning should be banned.

Poetry should be removed from the curriculum.

Macs are better than PCs.

Androids are better than iPhones.

The US Government should fund a space mission to Mars.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) should be banned.

Democracy is the best form of government.

All citizens who do not vote should pay a fine.

The death penalty should be abolished.

Sports stars should be positive role models.

The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment.

Grades should be abolished.

Progressive tax rates are unfair.

The voting age should be lowered.

The driving age should be raised.

Sharing music online should be allowed.

Video games are too violent.

History is an important subject in school.

Schools should not be allowed to track students.

Students should be required to pass algebra to graduate.

Affirmative action should be abolished.

Students should not be graded on their handwriting.

Women should not get the right to vote. (Note: This provides

students with historical context for the 19th amendment.)

America should not give foreign aid to other countries.

The government should provide wireless service for everyone.

Smoking should be illegal.

People should be fined for not recycling.

Performance enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports.

Parents should be allowed to choose their baby's gender.

Animal testing should be banned.

Corporations should be allowed to donate money to political


Drone attacks against specific targets are a necessary part of

modern warfare.

US representatives and senators should have term limits.

All students should take an online course.

Social media comments should be protected by free speech.

A border fence should be constructed between US and Mexico.

Same sex marriage should be legal.

Intelligent design should be taught in science classes

1. The husband should bring most of the money in the family.

2. Love happens because of destiny.

3. Women are less intelligent than men.

4. Computers are very important in education.

5. Knowing English well is equivalent to a college degree.

6. Success in life means earning lots of money.

7. Talk shows on TV are useless and boring.

8. Husbands and wives should have the same educational level.

9. Husbands and wives should belong to the same religious group

10. Friendship is the most important relationship in life.

11. Doing a job that you like is more important than to earn more money.

12. Being a team worker is more important than being a brilliantly creative person.

13. Living alone can be an advantageous and good solution.

14. Globalization always brings progress and development.

15. A person becomes a criminal due to his genetic history.

16. Church is a positive factor in our society.

17. Homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt children.

18. Light drugs should be treated more tolerantly.

19. Democracy makes people discontented and not easy to manage.

20.Politicians are greedy and selfish.

21. Working in an advertising agency would be very interesting.

22. All adults should be allowed to carry guns to protect themselves

23.A child without siblings is selfish and unsociable

24.Role-Playing Games (RPG) makes children violent.

25.Tutorial classes are better than regular classes in school.

26.It’s not fair that film stars or football players earn millions.

27. It is okay for celebrities to have cosmetic surgery to look good.

28.Smoking should be allowed in universities.

29.Stricter traffic laws prevent serious accidents.

30. Parents are too permissive with their children nowadays.

31. Tourism doesn’t contribute at all to the understanding between nations.

32.Equality of opportunities in a society- only a dream.

33.Capital punishment (death penalty) is the only way to deter criminals.

34.Governments should not spend billions on exploring the space.

35.Giving money to beggars is not helpful.

36. Animals should not be kept in captivity.

37.Vegetarianism is the best way of life.

38. Teaching machines can replace teachers.

39. The customer is always right.

40. Filipinos should work abroad to have a better economic life

41. Music and Arts should be removed from the school curriculum.

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