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What do you most value in your friends? 

Ella Stone Understanding me and being able to match my energy.

What is your favorite journey? 

Travelling, it doesn’t matter where. Just the journey from my house to
the airport and getting on to the plane is the best feeling.

What is your most treasured possession? 

my childhood bear. It was gifted to me by my parents on the day I was
born. Me and my brothers all have our own but im the only one that still
has theirs till this day.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue? 

Natural childbirth.

On what occasion do you lie? 

When I’m trying not to hurt others feelings

Which living person do you most despise? 

Donald Trump, that’s self-explanatory

What or who is the greatest love of your life? 

Every single one of my cats: Moony, Sunny (they match) and Winnie

When and where were you happiest? 

truly happy? Not sure but generally happy maybe this past weekend
with my friends

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 
To look like a supermodel, its my dream job. Or just to find love in
What is your current state of mind?  myself with the way I am right now.
Exhausted but looking for a brighter future ahead. Attempting
to be optimistic. What do you consider your greatest achievement? 
Making the competitive dance team after only 2 years dancing.
What is your idea of perfect happiness? 
Dancing in the rain with someone I am truly in love with. If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be? 
That me and my brothers were closer but still knew how to give each
What is your greatest fear?  other personal space.
Dying a painful death, losing my mother, being unsuccessful.
What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? 
Which historical figure do you most identify with?  April 14, 2013
I’m not sure, I feel historical figures always put up a good front and
were secretly horrible behind, I’m not like that What is your favorite occupation? 
Spending all hours of the day frying away in the sun, at my most
Which living person do you most admire?  favorite beach ever, Sunset beach in Pupukea, North Shore
Michelle Obama, I wish to have a relationship like hers, be
A loving mother like her and be just as successful. What is your most marked characteristic? 
My ever-frizzy subtle curls, lashes that are always neatly done and my
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?  pair of balloon looking lips.
Who is your favorite hero of fiction? 
What is the trait you most deplore in others?  Rey from Star Wars, Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, and
ignorance Princess Mia from the Princess Diaries

What is it that you most dislike?  How would you like to die? 
when I tell someone about something, I am interested in Peacefully in my sleeping the night before my 100 th birthday, preferably
then they go out of their way to be better at it than me. next to the love of my life, The Notebook style.

What is your greatest extravagance?  What is your motto? 

living an upper middle-class lifestyle. Having parents that life’s short, and you only get one shot, why not go for it now
Will provide me with what I need or want.

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