SLO 6 Worksheet

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SLO 6 Worksheet

SLO 6: Write an informal but well-developed text supported by summarized and synthesized sources

Step 1-take notes


Harold Moises Martinez Caballero

1) Source 1:

Main idea diversity and inclusion and the changes that this can bring to

Some notable details As 2018 research from McKinsey shows, greater diversity in the
workforce results in greater profit and value creation.

Companies ranking highest in ethnic diversity at the executive level

are 33 percent more likely to have above-average profit than
companies that rank very low.

Any other important points finally, companies today are aiming to be diverse and inclusive, it is
very important for their growth and that of their employers as they
provide the opportunity to other people as well.

2) Source 2:

Main idea Errors in diversity and inclusion concepts taken by companies.

Some notable details Inclusion is not just about being friendly and hiring all types of
companies, it is about knowing beyond concept to truly have an
inclusive company culture.

Any other important points Hiring employees who represent older generations, when the rest
of your workforce primarily consists of millennials, means that your
team will benefit from diverse life experiences.

3) Are there any similarities in what the two sources are saying? If so, what are they?

Both sources are talking about diversity and inclusion in companies and how they should be employed.

4) Are there any differences in what the two sources are saying? If so, what are they?

The first source talks about the topic of diversity and inclusion in general and mentions some research
that has been done on this topic in companies, and the second source talks from personal experience
about inclusion and diversity in companies and the mistakes they usually make.

Step 2-Organize

Now that you know what the articles are saying, and how they compare to each other, what would you
like to say? How can you summarize and synthesize this information? Further, how can you use it to
write something new?


Summary of Source 1 The paper talks about inclusivity and how the companies develop pan
open work environment for their employees and how they work to make
it more likeable. Therefore this is the key to success in the business world.

Summary of Source 2
The text talks about how business use the term inclusivity as something
wrong and how they believe that’s there is only one type of people,
which cost a low production and social problems towards the companies.

Hiring a much diverse group of people develops a more sustainable

environment that makes it easier to work on.


Synthesis of
In both parts, they write about inclusivity and how tis help the companies
Sources 1 & 2 to success in the financial and social work, even though nowadays almost
every company wants to hire single moms, veterans, etc. they need to do
it right and not just for the social pressure.

Having diversity in the work space helps to create a healthier

environment, also they learn from each other.


What do you want to say

in your text? I’d like to write about the importance of inclusivity, and how this helps
the companies to generate a better and healthier work environment.

Those sources are very important; therefore, it would help me to prove

How do you want to
that inclusivity actually helps in a very big way, and using clues and News
relate these two sources
about the topic would be great.
I would like to bring topics like the importance of single moms in big
companies, or why old people should be working with the gen Z. These
What points do you want ideas would help not only the people working there, but also the
to bring up? company itself
Step 3-Write!

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